Trump campaign DID collude with Russia

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If you are relying on the Clintons, the dems, or the media for the truth, you're some kind of stupid.

We have become a nation of partisan propaganda, the truth is becoming harder and harder to find, political wins are all that matters, and that is a sad state of affairs for this great country.

When word of the meeting with Veselnitskaya broke, the Trump's first reaction was to lie to the public, and claim it was about adoptions. When evidence surfaced that Russia was offering dirt on Hillary, and Russian government support for Trump's election, you choose to believe the meeting was all above-board. That has nothing to do with Clinton's or Democrats.

the Russian lawyer said that she wanted to talk about a bill related to adoptions of Russian orphans. She lied. Then she said that she could get dirt on Hillary. There is nothing illegal about getting dirt on your political opponent from a foreign source.

However, the Clinton campaign paid a Russian source to create a dossier full of lies about Trump. Then those lies were used to lie to the FISA court to allow spying on members of the Trump campaign. Those are crimes. The Hillary campaign is guilty.

Why cant you open your eyes to reality for just a little while?
No members of the Trump campaign were spied on. Can you post without lying?

wiretaps at Trump tower were not spying? In what world?
Post a link to prove there was a wiretap on Trump Tower or you prove once again that you’re a liar...

from CNN
Yes. The Russians knew that electing Trump would tear the country apart. They felt so sure that they celebrated in Moscow the night the Orange Clown was illegitamately elected. Now they are "laughing".

the country was torn apart before the 2016 campaigns, Obama divided this nation like never before. Trump is trying to heal it. Ask MLK's niece.

The Birther-in-Chief is trying to heal the nation?

Jesus H.

No, I get it. It's the black guy's fault. Always.

It has nothing to do with race. Obama is half white, exactly half. He is NOT black.

It has to do with the way socialists and progressives take over a country, first by dividing it, then by taking away its guns, then by controlling the media. If Hillary Clinton had been elected, the USA as a free democratic republic would be over.

You are not credible. You make false claims.

which ones? that Obama is half white? that he was influenced by socialists? that the Hillary campaign paid for the dossier? that the Clinton foundation stole money that was given for Haiti relief? that Hillary violated national classified data protection laws?

Sorry, dude but you are deluded and indoctrinated with left wing lies. The MSM is lying to you.

This one, for a start:

"the Russian lawyer said that she wanted to talk about a bill related to adoptions of Russian orphans. She lied. Then she said that she could get dirt on Hillary. There is nothing illegal about getting dirt on your political opponent from a foreign source."

That's a false representation of facts.
When word of the meeting with Veselnitskaya broke, the Trump's first reaction was to lie to the public, and claim it was about adoptions. When evidence surfaced that Russia was offering dirt on Hillary, and Russian government support for Trump's election, you choose to believe the meeting was all above-board. That has nothing to do with Clinton's or Democrats.

the Russian lawyer said that she wanted to talk about a bill related to adoptions of Russian orphans. She lied. Then she said that she could get dirt on Hillary. There is nothing illegal about getting dirt on your political opponent from a foreign source.

However, the Clinton campaign paid a Russian source to create a dossier full of lies about Trump. Then those lies were used to lie to the FISA court to allow spying on members of the Trump campaign. Those are crimes. The Hillary campaign is guilty.

Why cant you open your eyes to reality for just a little while?

The email setting up the meeting promised dirt on Hillary. Your narrative that the lawyer lied is not accurate. The Trumps lied when they first said the meeting was about adoptions. And their false statement came months after the meeting took place.

so even if the lawyer offered dirt on Hillary, that is not a crime. that is not collusion, WTF is wrong with you?

You misrepresent the meeting, its genesis and its aftermath, and then tell me to open my eyes to reality. Take a look at yourself.

my version and the NY times version are exactly the same. Are they lying? The left wing NY times?

You're lying.
When word of the meeting with Veselnitskaya broke, the Trump's first reaction was to lie to the public, and claim it was about adoptions. When evidence surfaced that Russia was offering dirt on Hillary, and Russian government support for Trump's election, you choose to believe the meeting was all above-board. That has nothing to do with Clinton's or Democrats.

the Russian lawyer said that she wanted to talk about a bill related to adoptions of Russian orphans. She lied. Then she said that she could get dirt on Hillary. There is nothing illegal about getting dirt on your political opponent from a foreign source.

However, the Clinton campaign paid a Russian source to create a dossier full of lies about Trump. Then those lies were used to lie to the FISA court to allow spying on members of the Trump campaign. Those are crimes. The Hillary campaign is guilty.

Why cant you open your eyes to reality for just a little while?
No members of the Trump campaign were spied on. Can you post without lying?

wiretaps at Trump tower were not spying? In what world?
Post a link to prove there was a wiretap on Trump Tower or you prove once again that you’re a liar...

from CNN
And no mention of any wiretap in Trump Tower. Thanks for admitting you’re a liar.
What the F do you think the Junior meeting was about? They were seeking dirt on Hillary. That IS collusion.

Was there information passed during that meeting? Did this begin a system of criminal collaboration?

Mueller will find out. Please don't say there was NO COLLUSION. There clearly was....

There was no collusion.

So...if the meeting with Junior and the Russians wasn't collusion...what was it...a tea party? Junior illustrated in his email how interested he was in Hillary dirt.

If you honestly think Junior walked away from that meeting with nothing and without a continued desire for dirt on are kidding yourself.

The Orange Clown can say all day that he didn't know about that meeting when it happened, but we all know that he did. When he interviews with Mueller, either he admits the truth or he commits perjury. Clinton lied about sex and was impeached. Will the GOP congress impeach Trump for lying about the treason he committed?

getting dirt on a political opponent from a foreign source is neither illegal or collusion. Paying a foreign government for a dossier of lies about a political opponent is illegal and collusion.

You left wing fools started this shit and now its bringing your guys down, I find that very amusing.

When Hillary does it's "oppo" research, if Trump did it it's a crime. ;)

When Hillary does it's "oppo" research, if Trump did it it's a crime. ;)

Why do you dopes continue to use such a dopey argument like this?

You all act as if there were no russian opertation to assist Trump in getting elected and that meetings were for simple OPPO research rather than coordinating their efforts.

OK, lets think about this. The Russians had tons of crap on Hillary that they could use to blackmail her into doing exactly what they wanted. They could control her.

They had nothing on Trump, but you say they wanted Trump to win.

How does that make any sense?
the Russian lawyer said that she wanted to talk about a bill related to adoptions of Russian orphans. She lied. Then she said that she could get dirt on Hillary. There is nothing illegal about getting dirt on your political opponent from a foreign source.

However, the Clinton campaign paid a Russian source to create a dossier full of lies about Trump. Then those lies were used to lie to the FISA court to allow spying on members of the Trump campaign. Those are crimes. The Hillary campaign is guilty.

Why cant you open your eyes to reality for just a little while?

The email setting up the meeting promised dirt on Hillary. Your narrative that the lawyer lied is not accurate. The Trumps lied when they first said the meeting was about adoptions. And their false statement came months after the meeting took place.

so even if the lawyer offered dirt on Hillary, that is not a crime. that is not collusion, WTF is wrong with you?

You misrepresent the meeting, its genesis and its aftermath, and then tell me to open my eyes to reality. Take a look at yourself.

my version and the NY times version are exactly the same. Are they lying? The left wing NY times?

You're lying.

nope, and neither was the Times. Sorry if the truth bursts your bubble.
the Russian lawyer said that she wanted to talk about a bill related to adoptions of Russian orphans. She lied. Then she said that she could get dirt on Hillary. There is nothing illegal about getting dirt on your political opponent from a foreign source.

However, the Clinton campaign paid a Russian source to create a dossier full of lies about Trump. Then those lies were used to lie to the FISA court to allow spying on members of the Trump campaign. Those are crimes. The Hillary campaign is guilty.

Why cant you open your eyes to reality for just a little while?
No members of the Trump campaign were spied on. Can you post without lying?

wiretaps at Trump tower were not spying? In what world?
Post a link to prove there was a wiretap on Trump Tower or you prove once again that you’re a liar...

from CNN
And no mention of any wiretap in Trump Tower. Thanks for admitting you’re a liar.

Manafort was working in Trump tower, Geez, are you that dumb?
There is a difference between talking to Russians about legal issues, and doing something illegal. We'll see what Mueller ends up with regarding Trump "collusion", the general consensus is zero.

The dems/Hillary "colluded" with a foreign national (Mr. Steele) to collude with the Russians to publish the bogus Trump dossier. The dems also colluded with the Russians to do the UraniumOne deal, as well as other crimes such as her illegal server. I can't wait for the next special prosecutor to get some real indictments regarding election cheating.

If that is the case

Why won't Trump just reveal what the meetings were about? If they were just innocent meetings, it should be easy to provide the agenda and meeting notes

He has, under oath.


Don Jr was questioned under oath about the meeting with the Russian female lawyer.

YOU are the liar here

He was not, liar. Post it up.
The email setting up the meeting promised dirt on Hillary. Your narrative that the lawyer lied is not accurate. The Trumps lied when they first said the meeting was about adoptions. And their false statement came months after the meeting took place.

so even if the lawyer offered dirt on Hillary, that is not a crime. that is not collusion, WTF is wrong with you?

You misrepresent the meeting, its genesis and its aftermath, and then tell me to open my eyes to reality. Take a look at yourself.

my version and the NY times version are exactly the same. Are they lying? The left wing NY times?

You're lying.

nope, and neither was the Times. Sorry if the truth bursts your bubble.

Read the Emails on Donald Trump Jr.’s Russia Meeting

If you want to persist in saying you and the NYT tell the same story, knock yourself out. Then use our handy Concussion Protocol.

You haven't told the truth yet.
Trump’s Conspicuous Silence Leaves a Struggle Against Russia Without a Leader
Trump’s Conspicuous Silence Leaves a Struggle Against Russia Without a Leader

Donald Trump is helping to undermine US democracy. That's just what Russia wants

Russia is attacking American democracy, and Trump stays silent

It’s Clear: Donald Trump Welcomes Russia’s Subversion of Our Democracy

America Is Under Attack and the President Doesn't Care


The next day, Trump bragged to Russian officials in the Oval Office, “I just fired the head of the FBI. He was crazy, a real nut job,” adding, “I faced great pressure because of Russia. That's taken off.”
There was no collusion.

So...if the meeting with Junior and the Russians wasn't collusion...what was it...a tea party? Junior illustrated in his email how interested he was in Hillary dirt.

If you honestly think Junior walked away from that meeting with nothing and without a continued desire for dirt on are kidding yourself.

The Orange Clown can say all day that he didn't know about that meeting when it happened, but we all know that he did. When he interviews with Mueller, either he admits the truth or he commits perjury. Clinton lied about sex and was impeached. Will the GOP congress impeach Trump for lying about the treason he committed?

getting dirt on a political opponent from a foreign source is neither illegal or collusion. Paying a foreign government for a dossier of lies about a political opponent is illegal and collusion.

You left wing fools started this shit and now its bringing your guys down, I find that very amusing.

When Hillary does it's "oppo" research, if Trump did it it's a crime. ;)

When Hillary does it's "oppo" research, if Trump did it it's a crime. ;)

Why do you dopes continue to use such a dopey argument like this?

You all act as if there were no russian opertation to assist Trump in getting elected and that meetings were for simple OPPO research rather than coordinating their efforts.

OK, lets think about this. The Russians had tons of crap on Hillary that they could use to blackmail her into doing exactly what they wanted. They could control her.

They had nothing on Trump, but you say they wanted Trump to win.

How does that make any sense?
OK, lets think about this. The Russians had tons of crap on Hillary that they could use to blackmail her into doing exactly what they wanted. They could control her.

They had nothing on Trump, but you say they wanted Trump to win.

^Does anyone else understand what this means?
So...if the meeting with Junior and the Russians wasn't collusion...what was it...a tea party? Junior illustrated in his email how interested he was in Hillary dirt.

If you honestly think Junior walked away from that meeting with nothing and without a continued desire for dirt on are kidding yourself.

The Orange Clown can say all day that he didn't know about that meeting when it happened, but we all know that he did. When he interviews with Mueller, either he admits the truth or he commits perjury. Clinton lied about sex and was impeached. Will the GOP congress impeach Trump for lying about the treason he committed?

getting dirt on a political opponent from a foreign source is neither illegal or collusion. Paying a foreign government for a dossier of lies about a political opponent is illegal and collusion.

You left wing fools started this shit and now its bringing your guys down, I find that very amusing.

When Hillary does it's "oppo" research, if Trump did it it's a crime. ;)

When Hillary does it's "oppo" research, if Trump did it it's a crime. ;)

Why do you dopes continue to use such a dopey argument like this?

You all act as if there were no russian opertation to assist Trump in getting elected and that meetings were for simple OPPO research rather than coordinating their efforts.

OK, lets think about this. The Russians had tons of crap on Hillary that they could use to blackmail her into doing exactly what they wanted. They could control her.

They had nothing on Trump, but you say they wanted Trump to win.

How does that make any sense?
OK, lets think about this. The Russians had tons of crap on Hillary that they could use to blackmail her into doing exactly what they wanted. They could control her.

They had nothing on Trump, but you say they wanted Trump to win.

^Does anyone else understand what this means?

It means he's in complete denial.
No members of the Trump campaign were spied on. Can you post without lying?

wiretaps at Trump tower were not spying? In what world?
Post a link to prove there was a wiretap on Trump Tower or you prove once again that you’re a liar...

from CNN
And no mention of any wiretap in Trump Tower. Thanks for admitting you’re a liar.

Manafort was working in Trump tower, Geez, are you that dumb?
Manafort also had other offices and a residence outside of Trump Tower. So you lied when you claimed Trump Tower was wiretapped. Lying is what you do. Almost exclusively.
What the F do you think the Junior meeting was about? They were seeking dirt on Hillary. That IS collusion.

Was there information passed during that meeting? Did this begin a system of criminal collaboration?

Mueller will find out. Please don't say there was NO COLLUSION. There clearly was....
True, but "collusion" is not a crime, in and of itself. And even assuming the meeting with the Russians was about ending Russian sanctions under the Magnitsky Act in exchange for some dirt on Hillary, the sanctions were not removed, so there'd be no completed crime under
This Is the Law That Could Take Down Trump

And I don't think there's any law making even an attempt to accept a bribe.

So, I don't see the crime
wiretaps at Trump tower were not spying? In what world?
Post a link to prove there was a wiretap on Trump Tower or you prove once again that you’re a liar...

from CNN
And no mention of any wiretap in Trump Tower. Thanks for admitting you’re a liar.

Manafort was working in Trump tower, Geez, are you that dumb?
Manafort also had other offices and a residence outside of Trump Tower. So you lied when you claimed Trump Tower was wiretapped. Lying is what you do. Almost exclusively.
Is "lie" synomounous with "total disregard for facts that he finds inconvenient"? (-:
Trump has done nothing illegal, Mueller has been looking for over a year and found NOTHING.

Tell that to the "canaries" Flynn, Manafort, Gates and Papadopolous ......and a few others to follow......and IF Trump has done "nothing wrong" he should RELISH being interviewed by the Mueller's team.................LOL
OK, lets think about this. The Russians had tons of crap on Hillary that they could use to blackmail her into doing exactly what they wanted. They could control her.

They had nothing on Trump, but you say they wanted Trump to win.

^Does anyone else understand what this means?

means redfish is a traitor or a trumptard... take your pick!

they had nothing on hillary but parroted conjecture for their trolls to spread.

that's why after being thoroughly investigated for decades she was never charged with any crime whatsoever.

russia baited dumbo donny and team traitor took the bait and got caught hook, line, and sinker.

their conversations were caught on surveillance because the FBI was doing their job monitoring russian spies.

fact is, it is our president who is compromised BIGLY!!!

How Ex-Spy Christopher Steele Compiled His Explosive Trump-Russia Dossier
Last edited:
Don Jr was questioned under oath about the meeting with the Russian female lawyer.

....and, moron, what did Don-baby state during that questioning ???

(something about lawyer-client privileges?????????????..............LOL)
Attempted conspiracy to
I'm told INTENTis 9 tenths of the law.

Not when it involved Hillary
Hillary nor her surrogates met with agents from an adversarial nation to conspire to affect the outcome of a national US election.
Besides, Hillary was investigated and cleared
by a thorough FBI investigation. Now, considering the allegations against them, it's the Trump gang's time to face justice . And the chief antagonist is a Republican, not a Democrat...The name of Trump's pain is Mueller.

LOL @ "thorough FBI investigation"
Post a link to prove there was a wiretap on Trump Tower or you prove once again that you’re a liar...

from CNN
And no mention of any wiretap in Trump Tower. Thanks for admitting you’re a liar.

Manafort was working in Trump tower, Geez, are you that dumb?
Manafort also had other offices and a residence outside of Trump Tower. So you lied when you claimed Trump Tower was wiretapped. Lying is what you do. Almost exclusively.
Is "lie" synomounous with "total disregard for facts that he finds inconvenient"? (-:
Lie is synonymous with redfish.
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