Trump campaign DID collude with Russia

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the Russian lawyer said that she wanted to talk about a bill related to adoptions of Russian orphans. She lied.
The female Russian agent didn't lie. She was representing Putin's government in seeking to lift sanctions imposed under the Magnitsky Act imposed by Congress in 2012. Her leverage was wrapped in Putin's angry threat to halt the adoptions of Russian babies by Americans.

Then she said that she could get dirt on Hillary. There is nothing illegal about getting dirt on your political opponent from a foreign source.
The crime unfolds when an enemy state seeks to unravel a sanction imposed by the US Congress with the assistance of American citizens. The Russians helped to affect the outcome of a presidential election by releasing Hillary's hacked e_mails after the meeting with Trump .Jr. With their man in the White House, now the Russians could focus on getting his cooperation by any means necessary to lift the Magnitsky sanctions as well as the nationalizion imposed by Obama on those Russian spy properties in Maryland.

However, the Clinton campaign paid a Russian source to create a dossier full of lies about Trump. Then those lies were used to lie to the FISA court to allow spying on members of the Trump campaign. Those are crimes. The Hillary campaign is guilty.
No they did not. The Clintons paid GPS Fusion
to continue an investigation on Trump first initiated and paid for by Republicans during the campaign. After Trump won, Hllary supporters hired GPS Function who, apparently on their own volition, hired Steele
to scrutinize Trump's Russian connections.
The Steele dossier came out of that and has been controversial ever since it was made public. However, the Nunes memo seems to refute the popular myth that the Steele dossier was instrumental in the issuance of a FISA warrant to monitor Trump/Russian connections. .
the Russian lawyer said that she wanted to talk about a bill related to adoptions of Russian orphans. She lied.
The female Russian agent didn't lie. She was representing Putin's government in seeking to lift sanctions imposed under the Magnitsky Act imposed by Congress in 2012. Her leverage was wrapped in Putin's angry threat to halt the adoptions of Russian babies by Americans.

Then she said that she could get dirt on Hillary. There is nothing illegal about getting dirt on your political opponent from a foreign source.
The crime unfolds when an enemy state seeks to unravel a sanction imposed by the US Congress with the assistance of American citizens. The Russians helped to affect the outcome of a presidential election by releasing Hillary's hacked e_mails after the meeting with Trump .Jr. With their man in the White House, now the Russians could focus on getting his cooperation by any means necessary to lift the Magnitsky sanctions as well as the nationalizion imposed by Obama on those Russian spy properties in Maryland.

However, the Clinton campaign paid a Russian source to create a dossier full of lies about Trump. Then those lies were used to lie to the FISA court to allow spying on members of the Trump campaign. Those are crimes. The Hillary campaign is guilty.
No they did not. The Clintons paid GPS Fusion
to continue an investigation on Trump first initiated and paid for by Republicans during the campaign. After Trump won, Hllary supporters hired GPS Function who, apparently on their own volition, hired Steele
to scrutinize Trump's Russian connections.
The Steele dossier came out of that and has been controversial ever since it was made public. However, the Nunes memo seems to refute the popular myth that the Steele dossier was instrumental in the issuance of a FISA warrant to monitor Trump/Russian connections. .
Succinct. But, I wasn't aware the Nunes memo refuted the Steele dossier as instrumental in getting a FISA warrant.

I don't buy the Trump claims that without Steele the FBI couldn't get a warrant. If the FBI wants a Fisa warrant, they'll get it one way or another.
What the F do you think the Junior meeting was about? They were seeking dirt on Hillary. That IS collusion.

Was there information passed during that meeting? Did this begin a system of criminal collaboration?

Mueller will find out. Please don't say there was NO COLLUSION. There clearly was....

There was no collusion.

So...if the meeting with Junior and the Russians wasn't collusion...what was it...a tea party? Junior illustrated in his email how interested he was in Hillary dirt.

If you honestly think Junior walked away from that meeting with nothing and without a continued desire for dirt on are kidding yourself.

The Orange Clown can say all day that he didn't know about that meeting when it happened, but we all know that he did. When he interviews with Mueller, either he admits the truth or he commits perjury. Clinton lied about sex and was impeached. Will the GOP congress impeach Trump for lying about the treason he committed?

Look up the definition of collusion, idiot.
If you're relying on Trump and kin for the truth, you're some kind of stupid. Bigly.

If you are relying on the Clintons, the dems, or the media for the truth, you're some kind of stupid.

We have become a nation of partisan propaganda, the truth is becoming harder and harder to find, political wins are all that matters, and that is a sad state of affairs for this great country.

Yes. The Russians knew that electing Trump would tear the country apart. They felt so sure that they celebrated in Moscow the night the Orange Clown was illegitamately elected. Now they are "laughing".

the country was torn apart before the 2016 campaigns, Obama divided this nation like never before. Trump is trying to heal it. Ask MLK's niece.

He is trying to heal the country with insults...offensive tweets....defense of racists...and collusion with a foreign adversary.....RIGHT!
What the F do you think the Junior meeting was about? They were seeking dirt on Hillary. That IS collusion.

Was there information passed during that meeting? Did this begin a system of criminal collaboration?

Mueller will find out. Please don't say there was NO COLLUSION. There clearly was....

There was no collusion.

So...if the meeting with Junior and the Russians wasn't collusion...what was it...a tea party? Junior illustrated in his email how interested he was in Hillary dirt.

If you honestly think Junior walked away from that meeting with nothing and without a continued desire for dirt on are kidding yourself.

The Orange Clown can say all day that he didn't know about that meeting when it happened, but we all know that he did. When he interviews with Mueller, either he admits the truth or he commits perjury. Clinton lied about sex and was impeached. Will the GOP congress impeach Trump for lying about the treason he committed?

Look up the definition of collusion, idiot.

That the effort to gain help from a foreign adversary....was COLLUSION.
There was no collusion.

So...if the meeting with Junior and the Russians wasn't collusion...what was it...a tea party? Junior illustrated in his email how interested he was in Hillary dirt.

If you honestly think Junior walked away from that meeting with nothing and without a continued desire for dirt on are kidding yourself.

The Orange Clown can say all day that he didn't know about that meeting when it happened, but we all know that he did. When he interviews with Mueller, either he admits the truth or he commits perjury. Clinton lied about sex and was impeached. Will the GOP congress impeach Trump for lying about the treason he committed?

getting dirt on a political opponent from a foreign source is neither illegal or collusion. Paying a foreign government for a dossier of lies about a political opponent is illegal and collusion.

You left wing fools started this shit and now its bringing your guys down, I find that very amusing.

When Hillary does it's "oppo" research, if Trump did it it's a crime. ;)

When Hillary does it's "oppo" research, if Trump did it it's a crime. ;)

Why do you dopes continue to use such a dopey argument like this?

You all act as if there were no russian opertation to assist Trump in getting elected and that meetings were for simple OPPO research rather than coordinating their efforts.

OK, lets think about this. The Russians had tons of crap on Hillary that they could use to blackmail her into doing exactly what they wanted. They could control her.

They had nothing on Trump, but you say they wanted Trump to win.

How does that make any sense?

The Russians, like everyone else, thought HIllary would win, they were gathering evidence against her not to help Trump but to undermine her administration. They don’t care who wins, and they have been trying to undermine the Trump Administration since he won.
If you're relying on Trump and kin for the truth, you're some kind of stupid. Bigly.

If you are relying on the Clintons, the dems, or the media for the truth, you're some kind of stupid.

We have become a nation of partisan propaganda, the truth is becoming harder and harder to find, political wins are all that matters, and that is a sad state of affairs for this great country.

When word of the meeting with Veselnitskaya broke, the Trump's first reaction was to lie to the public, and claim it was about adoptions. When evidence surfaced that Russia was offering dirt on Hillary, and Russian government support for Trump's election, you choose to believe the meeting was all above-board. That has nothing to do with Clinton's or Democrats.

the Russian lawyer said that she wanted to talk about a bill related to adoptions of Russian orphans. She lied. Then she said that she could get dirt on Hillary. There is nothing illegal about getting dirt on your political opponent from a foreign source.

However, the Clinton campaign paid a Russian source to create a dossier full of lies about Trump. Then those lies were used to lie to the FISA court to allow spying on members of the Trump campaign. Those are crimes. The Hillary campaign is guilty.

Why cant you open your eyes to reality for just a little while?
No members of the Trump campaign were spied on. Can you post without lying?

wiretaps at Trump tower were not spying? In what world?

That has already been pile of stinking excrement
So...if the meeting with Junior and the Russians wasn't collusion...what was it...a tea party? Junior illustrated in his email how interested he was in Hillary dirt.

If you honestly think Junior walked away from that meeting with nothing and without a continued desire for dirt on are kidding yourself.

The Orange Clown can say all day that he didn't know about that meeting when it happened, but we all know that he did. When he interviews with Mueller, either he admits the truth or he commits perjury. Clinton lied about sex and was impeached. Will the GOP congress impeach Trump for lying about the treason he committed?

getting dirt on a political opponent from a foreign source is neither illegal or collusion. Paying a foreign government for a dossier of lies about a political opponent is illegal and collusion.

You left wing fools started this shit and now its bringing your guys down, I find that very amusing.

When Hillary does it's "oppo" research, if Trump did it it's a crime. ;)

When Hillary does it's "oppo" research, if Trump did it it's a crime. ;)

Why do you dopes continue to use such a dopey argument like this?

You all act as if there were no russian opertation to assist Trump in getting elected and that meetings were for simple OPPO research rather than coordinating their efforts.

OK, lets think about this. The Russians had tons of crap on Hillary that they could use to blackmail her into doing exactly what they wanted. They could control her.

They had nothing on Trump, but you say they wanted Trump to win.

How does that make any sense?

The Russians, like everyone else, thought HIllary would win, they were gathering evidence against her not to help Trump but to undermine her administration. They don’t care who wins, and they have been trying to undermine the Trump Administration since he won.
wow, there's a new tack. Let's see if it'll work for Trump. LOL
So...if the meeting with Junior and the Russians wasn't collusion...what was it...a tea party? Junior illustrated in his email how interested he was in Hillary dirt.

If you honestly think Junior walked away from that meeting with nothing and without a continued desire for dirt on are kidding yourself.

The Orange Clown can say all day that he didn't know about that meeting when it happened, but we all know that he did. When he interviews with Mueller, either he admits the truth or he commits perjury. Clinton lied about sex and was impeached. Will the GOP congress impeach Trump for lying about the treason he committed?

getting dirt on a political opponent from a foreign source is neither illegal or collusion. Paying a foreign government for a dossier of lies about a political opponent is illegal and collusion.

You left wing fools started this shit and now its bringing your guys down, I find that very amusing.

When Hillary does it's "oppo" research, if Trump did it it's a crime. ;)

When Hillary does it's "oppo" research, if Trump did it it's a crime. ;)

Why do you dopes continue to use such a dopey argument like this?

You all act as if there were no russian opertation to assist Trump in getting elected and that meetings were for simple OPPO research rather than coordinating their efforts.

OK, lets think about this. The Russians had tons of crap on Hillary that they could use to blackmail her into doing exactly what they wanted. They could control her.

They had nothing on Trump, but you say they wanted Trump to win.

How does that make any sense?

The Russians, like everyone else, thought HIllary would win, they were gathering evidence against her not to help Trump but to undermine her administration. They don’t care who wins, and they have been trying to undermine the Trump Administration since he won.

Another Lie....all the US intelligence agencies...even the trump appointed ones...admit the Russians wanted Trump in the WH.
What the F do you think the Junior meeting was about? They were seeking dirt on Hillary. That IS collusion.

Was there information passed during that meeting? Did this begin a system of criminal collaboration?

Mueller will find out. Please don't say there was NO COLLUSION. There clearly was....

uh why do you have that traiter to americans and mass murderer of women and children DICK Nixon in the same pic of Trump who is the first decent president we have had since carter?:rolleyes:
So...if the meeting with Junior and the Russians wasn't collusion...what was it...a tea party? Junior illustrated in his email how interested he was in Hillary dirt.

If you honestly think Junior walked away from that meeting with nothing and without a continued desire for dirt on are kidding yourself.

The Orange Clown can say all day that he didn't know about that meeting when it happened, but we all know that he did. When he interviews with Mueller, either he admits the truth or he commits perjury. Clinton lied about sex and was impeached. Will the GOP congress impeach Trump for lying about the treason he committed?

getting dirt on a political opponent from a foreign source is neither illegal or collusion. Paying a foreign government for a dossier of lies about a political opponent is illegal and collusion.

You left wing fools started this shit and now its bringing your guys down, I find that very amusing.

When Hillary does it's "oppo" research, if Trump did it it's a crime. ;)

When Hillary does it's "oppo" research, if Trump did it it's a crime. ;)

Why do you dopes continue to use such a dopey argument like this?

You all act as if there were no russian opertation to assist Trump in getting elected and that meetings were for simple OPPO research rather than coordinating their efforts.

OK, lets think about this. The Russians had tons of crap on Hillary that they could use to blackmail her into doing exactly what they wanted. They could control her.

They had nothing on Trump, but you say they wanted Trump to win.

How does that make any sense?
OK, lets think about this. The Russians had tons of crap on Hillary that they could use to blackmail her into doing exactly what they wanted. They could control her.

They had nothing on Trump, but you say they wanted Trump to win.

^Does anyone else understand what this means?'s Trumpese for "I am as dumb as a rock."
What the F do you think the Junior meeting was about? They were seeking dirt on Hillary. That IS collusion.

Was there information passed during that meeting? Did this begin a system of criminal collaboration?

Mueller will find out. Please don't say there was NO COLLUSION. There clearly was....

uh why do you have that traiter to americans and mass murderer of women and children DICK Nixon in the same pic of Trump who is the first decent president we have had since carter?:rolleyes:

Their fate will be shared....
getting dirt on a political opponent from a foreign source is neither illegal or collusion. Paying a foreign government for a dossier of lies about a political opponent is illegal and collusion.

You left wing fools started this shit and now its bringing your guys down, I find that very amusing.

When Hillary does it's "oppo" research, if Trump did it it's a crime. ;)

When Hillary does it's "oppo" research, if Trump did it it's a crime. ;)

Why do you dopes continue to use such a dopey argument like this?

You all act as if there were no russian opertation to assist Trump in getting elected and that meetings were for simple OPPO research rather than coordinating their efforts.

OK, lets think about this. The Russians had tons of crap on Hillary that they could use to blackmail her into doing exactly what they wanted. They could control her.

They had nothing on Trump, but you say they wanted Trump to win.

How does that make any sense?

The Russians, like everyone else, thought HIllary would win, they were gathering evidence against her not to help Trump but to undermine her administration. They don’t care who wins, and they have been trying to undermine the Trump Administration since he won.

Another Lie....all the US intelligence agencies...even the trump appointed ones...admit the Russians wanted Trump in the WH.
getting dirt on a political opponent from a foreign source is neither illegal or collusion. Paying a foreign government for a dossier of lies about a political opponent is illegal and collusion.

You left wing fools started this shit and now its bringing your guys down, I find that very amusing.

When Hillary does it's "oppo" research, if Trump did it it's a crime. ;)

When Hillary does it's "oppo" research, if Trump did it it's a crime. ;)

Why do you dopes continue to use such a dopey argument like this?

You all act as if there were no russian opertation to assist Trump in getting elected and that meetings were for simple OPPO research rather than coordinating their efforts.

OK, lets think about this. The Russians had tons of crap on Hillary that they could use to blackmail her into doing exactly what they wanted. They could control her.

They had nothing on Trump, but you say they wanted Trump to win.

How does that make any sense?

The Russians, like everyone else, thought HIllary would win, they were gathering evidence against her not to help Trump but to undermine her administration. They don’t care who wins, and they have been trying to undermine the Trump Administration since he won.

Another Lie....all the US intelligence agencies...even the trump appointed ones...admit the Russians wanted Trump in the WH.

Every single U.S. intelligence agency has admitted this? At what time do you start hitting the meth?
What the F do you think the Junior meeting was about? They were seeking dirt on Hillary. That IS collusion.

Was there information passed during that meeting? Did this begin a system of criminal collaboration?

Mueller will find out. Please don't say there was NO COLLUSION. There clearly was....

There was no collusion.

So...if the meeting with Junior and the Russians wasn't collusion...what was it...a tea party? Junior illustrated in his email how interested he was in Hillary dirt.

If you honestly think Junior walked away from that meeting with nothing and without a continued desire for dirt on are kidding yourself.

The Orange Clown can say all day that he didn't know about that meeting when it happened, but we all know that he did. When he interviews with Mueller, either he admits the truth or he commits perjury. Clinton lied about sex and was impeached. Will the GOP congress impeach Trump for lying about the treason he committed?

Look up the definition of collusion, idiot.

That the effort to gain help from a foreign adversary....was COLLUSION.
But collusion is not a crime. There must be a bribe, with Trump at least promising to ease sanctions for some help in the election, Or Trump being somehow an accessory to illegal hacking.
What the F do you think the Junior meeting was about? They were seeking dirt on Hillary. That IS collusion.

Was there information passed during that meeting? Did this begin a system of criminal collaboration?

Mueller will find out. Please don't say there was NO COLLUSION. There clearly was....

uh why do you have that traiter to americans and mass murderer of women and children DICK Nixon in the same pic of Trump who is the first decent president we have had since carter?:rolleyes:

Their fate will be shared....

I know, I know.... any day now, any day.
If you're relying on Trump and kin for the truth, you're some kind of stupid. Bigly.

If you are relying on the Clintons, the dems, or the media for the truth, you're some kind of stupid.

We have become a nation of partisan propaganda, the truth is becoming harder and harder to find, political wins are all that matters, and that is a sad state of affairs for this great country.

Yes. The Russians knew that electing Trump would tear the country apart. They felt so sure that they celebrated in Moscow the night the Orange Clown was illegitamately elected. Now they are "laughing".

the country was torn apart before the 2016 campaigns, Obama divided this nation like never before. Trump is trying to heal it. Ask MLK's niece.

He is trying to heal the country with insults...offensive tweets....defense of racists...and collusion with a foreign adversary.....RIGHT!

And I left out making fun of people with disabilities. Yeah...this guy is a classy piece of work....
What the F do you think the Junior meeting was about? They were seeking dirt on Hillary. That IS collusion.

Was there information passed during that meeting? Did this begin a system of criminal collaboration?

Mueller will find out. Please don't say there was NO COLLUSION. There clearly was....

There was no collusion.

So...if the meeting with Junior and the Russians wasn't collusion...what was it...a tea party? Junior illustrated in his email how interested he was in Hillary dirt.

If you honestly think Junior walked away from that meeting with nothing and without a continued desire for dirt on are kidding yourself.

The Orange Clown can say all day that he didn't know about that meeting when it happened, but we all know that he did. When he interviews with Mueller, either he admits the truth or he commits perjury. Clinton lied about sex and was impeached. Will the GOP congress impeach Trump for lying about the treason he committed?

Look up the definition of collusion, idiot.

That the effort to gain help from a foreign adversary....was COLLUSION.
But collusion is not a crime. There must be a bribe, with Trump at least promising to ease sanctions for some help in the election, Or Trump being somehow an accessory to illegal hacking.

Mueller is a "never bend" kind of guy. He is going to skewer the crime family.
When Hillary does it's "oppo" research, if Trump did it it's a crime. ;)

When Hillary does it's "oppo" research, if Trump did it it's a crime. ;)

Why do you dopes continue to use such a dopey argument like this?

You all act as if there were no russian opertation to assist Trump in getting elected and that meetings were for simple OPPO research rather than coordinating their efforts.

OK, lets think about this. The Russians had tons of crap on Hillary that they could use to blackmail her into doing exactly what they wanted. They could control her.

They had nothing on Trump, but you say they wanted Trump to win.

How does that make any sense?

The Russians, like everyone else, thought HIllary would win, they were gathering evidence against her not to help Trump but to undermine her administration. They don’t care who wins, and they have been trying to undermine the Trump Administration since he won.

Another Lie....all the US intelligence agencies...even the trump appointed ones...admit the Russians wanted Trump in the WH.
When Hillary does it's "oppo" research, if Trump did it it's a crime. ;)

When Hillary does it's "oppo" research, if Trump did it it's a crime. ;)

Why do you dopes continue to use such a dopey argument like this?

You all act as if there were no russian opertation to assist Trump in getting elected and that meetings were for simple OPPO research rather than coordinating their efforts.

OK, lets think about this. The Russians had tons of crap on Hillary that they could use to blackmail her into doing exactly what they wanted. They could control her.

They had nothing on Trump, but you say they wanted Trump to win.

How does that make any sense?

The Russians, like everyone else, thought HIllary would win, they were gathering evidence against her not to help Trump but to undermine her administration. They don’t care who wins, and they have been trying to undermine the Trump Administration since he won.

Another Lie....all the US intelligence agencies...even the trump appointed ones...admit the Russians wanted Trump in the WH.

Every single U.S. intelligence agency has admitted this? At what time do you start hitting the meth?
the Russian lawyer said that she wanted to talk about a bill related to adoptions of Russian orphans. She lied.
The female Russian agent didn't lie. She was representing Putin's government in seeking to lift sanctions imposed under the Magnitsky Act imposed by Congress in 2012. Her leverage was wrapped in Putin's angry threat to halt the adoptions of Russian babies by Americans.

Then she said that she could get dirt on Hillary. There is nothing illegal about getting dirt on your political opponent from a foreign source.
The crime unfolds when an enemy state seeks to unravel a sanction imposed by the US Congress with the assistance of American citizens. The Russians helped to affect the outcome of a presidential election by releasing Hillary's hacked e_mails after the meeting with Trump .Jr. With their man in the White House, now the Russians could focus on getting his cooperation by any means necessary to lift the Magnitsky sanctions as well as the nationalizion imposed by Obama on those Russian spy properties in Maryland.

However, the Clinton campaign paid a Russian source to create a dossier full of lies about Trump. Then those lies were used to lie to the FISA court to allow spying on members of the Trump campaign. Those are crimes. The Hillary campaign is guilty.
No they did not. The Clintons paid GPS Fusion
to continue an investigation on Trump first initiated and paid for by Republicans during the campaign. After Trump won, Hllary supporters hired GPS Function who, apparently on their own volition, hired Steele
to scrutinize Trump's Russian connections.
The Steele dossier came out of that and has been controversial ever since it was made public. However, the Nunes memo seems to refute the popular myth that the Steele dossier was instrumental in the issuance of a FISA warrant to monitor Trump/Russian connections. .
Succinct. But, I wasn't aware the Nunes memo refuted the Steele dossier as instrumental in getting a FISA warrant.

I don't buy the Trump claims that without Steele the FBI couldn't get a warrant. If the FBI wants a Fisa warrant, they'll get it one way or another.
This might help:
There was no collusion.

So...if the meeting with Junior and the Russians wasn't collusion...what was it...a tea party? Junior illustrated in his email how interested he was in Hillary dirt.

If you honestly think Junior walked away from that meeting with nothing and without a continued desire for dirt on are kidding yourself.

The Orange Clown can say all day that he didn't know about that meeting when it happened, but we all know that he did. When he interviews with Mueller, either he admits the truth or he commits perjury. Clinton lied about sex and was impeached. Will the GOP congress impeach Trump for lying about the treason he committed?

Look up the definition of collusion, idiot.

That the effort to gain help from a foreign adversary....was COLLUSION.
But collusion is not a crime. There must be a bribe, with Trump at least promising to ease sanctions for some help in the election, Or Trump being somehow an accessory to illegal hacking.

Mueller is a "never bend" kind of guy. He is going to skewer the crime family.
I don't really think he will. I think he will just issue a report saying X evidence would support jury (congress) finding Y facts would support a Y crime conviction. The Trumbots will be left trying to discredit the evidence.
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