Trump campaign DID collude with Russia

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I Googled the request of some if you Trumpettes....

  1. secret or illegal cooperation or conspiracy, especially in order to cheat or deceive others.
    "the armed forces were working in collusion with drug traffickers"
Yup....this sounds like the Junior Russian meeting to me!
how was it secret?
Nothing you post changes the facts. The DNC purchased info created by Russian intelligence. It was allegedly confirmed by Clinton's pet rock, little sid.
Nothing you post changes the facts. The DNC purchased info created by Russian intelligence. It was allegedly confirmed by Clinton's pet rock, little sid.
collusion, again, it isn't illegal to do. Not saying that at all, just recognizing where it actually happened.
Your boy, Steele, told everyone where his info came from. He yelled it loud and clear in multiple interviews. Only the die hard leftist pigs, that do the Kremlin's bidding, are in pretend denial about the facts.

So, even though Putin (and the Kremlin) HATED Clinton, they tried to help her over the orange buffoon???...............Is THAT your moronic contention?
(or is that what Rush told you to believe?)
Your boy, Steele, told everyone where his info came from. He yelled it loud and clear in multiple interviews. Only the die hard leftist pigs, that do the Kremlin's bidding, are in pretend denial about the facts.

So, even though Putin (and the Kremlin) HATED Clinton, they tried to help her over the orange buffoon???...............Is THAT your moronic contention?
(or is that what Rush told you to believe?)
They hated her so much that they gave her millions and millions of dollars.

FBI uncovered Russian bribery plot before Obama administration approved controversial nuclear deal with Moscow

Again, it is Steele himself, that told everyone where the info came from.
Your boy, Steele, told everyone where his info came from. He yelled it loud and clear in multiple interviews. Only the die hard leftist pigs, that do the Kremlin's bidding, are in pretend denial about the facts.

So, even though Putin (and the Kremlin) HATED Clinton, they tried to help her over the orange buffoon???...............Is THAT your moronic contention?
(or is that what Rush told you to believe?)

He will stick with that...although all the facts and the truth say otherwise.

I just hope the Trump interview is televised....EPIC!
Your boy, Steele, told everyone where his info came from. He yelled it loud and clear in multiple interviews. Only the die hard leftist pigs, that do the Kremlin's bidding, are in pretend denial about the facts.

So, even though Putin (and the Kremlin) HATED Clinton, they tried to help her over the orange buffoon???...............Is THAT your moronic contention?
(or is that what Rush told you to believe?)
They hated her so much that they gave her millions and millions of dollars.

FBI uncovered Russian bribery plot before Obama administration approved controversial nuclear deal with Moscow

Again, it is Steele himself, that told everyone where the info came from.

I don't care what Obama did or didn't do. I didn't vote for him.

What I do care about is the future of our country when we are being led by. Putin Puppet...He is attacking every US institution that protects our Democracy. He is fulfilling Putin's game plan

And you idiots drool over his treason....Flippin Amazing!
Your boy, Steele, told everyone where his info came from. He yelled it loud and clear in multiple interviews. Only the die hard leftist pigs, that do the Kremlin's bidding, are in pretend denial about the facts.

So, even though Putin (and the Kremlin) HATED Clinton, they tried to help her over the orange buffoon???...............Is THAT your moronic contention?
(or is that what Rush told you to believe?)

He will stick with that...although all the facts and the truth say otherwise.

I just hope the Trump interview is televised....EPIC!
What facts? Go read the Steele interviews.
Your boy, Steele, told everyone where his info came from. He yelled it loud and clear in multiple interviews. Only the die hard leftist pigs, that do the Kremlin's bidding, are in pretend denial about the facts.

So, even though Putin (and the Kremlin) HATED Clinton, they tried to help her over the orange buffoon???...............Is THAT your moronic contention?
(or is that what Rush told you to believe?)
They hated her so much that they gave her millions and millions of dollars.

FBI uncovered Russian bribery plot before Obama administration approved controversial nuclear deal with Moscow

Again, it is Steele himself, that told everyone where the info came from.

I don't care what Obama did or didn't do. I didn't vote for him.

What I do care about is the future of our country when we are being led by. Putin Puppet...He is attacking every US institution that protects our Democracy. He is fulfilling Putin's game plan

And you idiots drool over his treason....Flippin Amazing!
To summarize: Clinton took millions from Kremlin controlled entities, paid for info from Russian intelligence, and still had to rig the primaries, but Trump is the problem. Are all liberals this stupid?

Ps. Let's not forget the Podesta group that worked as an unregistered agent for the Kremlin.
Your boy, Steele, told everyone where his info came from. He yelled it loud and clear in multiple interviews. Only the die hard leftist pigs, that do the Kremlin's bidding, are in pretend denial about the facts.

So, even though Putin (and the Kremlin) HATED Clinton, they tried to help her over the orange buffoon???...............Is THAT your moronic contention?
(or is that what Rush told you to believe?)
They hated her so much that they gave her millions and millions of dollars.

FBI uncovered Russian bribery plot before Obama administration approved controversial nuclear deal with Moscow

Again, it is Steele himself, that told everyone where the info came from.

I don't care what Obama did or didn't do. I didn't vote for him.

What I do care about is the future of our country when we are being led by. Putin Puppet...He is attacking every US institution that protects our Democracy. He is fulfilling Putin's game plan

And you idiots drool over his treason....Flippin Amazing!
To summarize: Clinton took millions from Kremlin controlled entities, paid for info from Russian intelligence, and still had to rig the primaries, but Trump is the problem. Are all liberals this stupid?

Ps. Let's not forget the Podesta group that worked as an unregistered agent for the Kremlin.

Deflect much?

Here is a point for point comparison of known reality and the Steele Dossier. Mueller is filling in the blanks as I type.

Mueller reportedly interviewed the author of the Trump-Russia dossier — here's what it alleges, and how it aligned with reality

Amazing that u idiots support a Russian Agent...
Your boy, Steele, told everyone where his info came from. He yelled it loud and clear in multiple interviews. Only the die hard leftist pigs, that do the Kremlin's bidding, are in pretend denial about the facts.

So, even though Putin (and the Kremlin) HATED Clinton, they tried to help her over the orange buffoon???...............Is THAT your moronic contention?
(or is that what Rush told you to believe?)
They hated her so much that they gave her millions and millions of dollars.

FBI uncovered Russian bribery plot before Obama administration approved controversial nuclear deal with Moscow

Again, it is Steele himself, that told everyone where the info came from.

I don't care what Obama did or didn't do. I didn't vote for him.

What I do care about is the future of our country when we are being led by. Putin Puppet...He is attacking every US institution that protects our Democracy. He is fulfilling Putin's game plan

And you idiots drool over his treason....Flippin Amazing!
To summarize: Clinton took millions from Kremlin controlled entities, paid for info from Russian intelligence, and still had to rig the primaries, but Trump is the problem. Are all liberals this stupid?

Ps. Let's not forget the Podesta group that worked as an unregistered agent for the Kremlin.

Deflect much?

Here is a point for point comparison of known reality and the Steele Dossier. Mueller is filling in the blanks as I type.

Mueller reportedly interviewed the author of the Trump-Russia dossier — here's what it alleges, and how it aligned with reality

Amazing that u idiots support a Russian Agent...

Best and most organized timetable of events I've seen. I strongly suggest that EVERYONE reads it. And, as you read it compare what was said by each campaign official when asked by the select committee of the Senate.

See what Sessions said about meetings with Russian officials and what seemingly every other person working on or with the campaign and those who had Russian contacts after the election.

Denial after denial and the striking thing is that in most cases there was absolutely NO REASON to lie if those meetings were about adoptions or just diplomatic business as usual. These are hard and fast FACTS, not conjecture.

But I'm sure of one thing; it won't matter to the righties on this forum. They will do some denying of their own. Anything but admit that the road leads in one direction only.
What the F do you think the Junior meeting was about? They were seeking dirt on Hillary. That IS collusion.

Was there information passed during that meeting? Did this begin a system of criminal collaboration?

Mueller will find out. Please don't say there was NO COLLUSION. There clearly was....

LOL! No, that is NOT the kind of "collusion" that has been alleged. If so, then Hillary and the DNC colluded with the Russians to get the dirt contained in the Steele dossier on Trump.
From:Brandon Robinson
@MAGAPodcast website:

"It took three FISA court hearings before Judge Contreras agreed to the surveillance due to a lack of evidence in the Steele Dossier. Obama’s Attorney General Loretta Lynch gave special permission for Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya to come to the United States and meet with Donald Trump Jr. at Trump Tower. DTJ’s friends Rob Goldstone, who has connections to Fusion GPS, helped him set up the meeting with the lawyer. It was a bust, she didn’t have anything to offer on Hillary other than hearsay, and she only wanted to discuss the repeal of the Magnitsky Act. She was actually there on behalf of Fusion-GPS, on pro-Kremlin business. You read that right, Russia had hired Fusion GPS to lobby for them to the US government. The Obama administration used that meeting that they allowed to happened between Trump Jr and Veselnitskaya as the final piece of evidence needed to get their FISA surveillance warrant on the Trump campaign just 3 weeks before the election."
What the F do you think the Junior meeting was about? They were seeking dirt on Hillary. That IS collusion.

Was there information passed during that meeting? Did this begin a system of criminal collaboration?

Mueller will find out. Please don't say there was NO COLLUSION. There clearly was....

Obtaining “dirt” on someone isn’t illegal in the slightest.
What the F do you think the Junior meeting was about? They were seeking dirt on Hillary. That IS collusion.

Was there information passed during that meeting? Did this begin a system of criminal collaboration?

Mueller will find out. Please don't say there was NO COLLUSION. There clearly was....

Obtaining “dirt” on someone isn’t illegal in the slightest.

Maybe Hollywood can make a move of it....."JUNIOR GOES TO JAIL!"

Legal experts say Donald Trump Jr has just confessed to a federal crime

Probably break some box office records too.....:woohoo:
Meet the Russia specialist who worked on 2 of Fusion GPS' most controversial projects
Natasha Bertrand
Jan. 14, 2018, 11:15 AM
  • Baumgartner worked with Fusion on two projects that have garnered high-profile attention in recent months.

Sen. Dianne Feinstein's unilateral release of the Senate Judiciary Committee's August interview with Fusion GPS cofounder Glenn Simpson was applauded by those who called it a win for transparency — and a nail in the coffin of GOP lawmakers' attempts to distract from the probe into potential collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.

Others, however, viewed the content of Simpson's testimony as validation of a talking point often repeated by President Donald Trump and his allies in the media and Congress: Fusion GPS was working both for the Russians and against Trump — albeit on separate projects — during the 2016 election.

The accusation lacks the necessary nuance — Fusion was working for an American law firm, Baker Hostetler, that had been hired by a Russian holding company, Prevezon, as part of a money laundering case in New York's Southern District court.

Baker Hostetler hired Fusion to look into the wealthy investor Bill Browder, who had told the Justice Department that Prevezon was implicated in a $230 million tax fraud scheme that was uncovered by Browder's tax attorney, Sergei Magnitsky, in 2008. The research Fusion did on Browder made it back to Baker and, inevitably, to Prevezon's Russian attorney Natalia Veselnitskaya.

In late 2015, Fusion was hired by the Republican megadonor Paul Singer to work on an entirely separate project: opposition research on Trump. That research, according to Simpson's testimony, was done using open-source information and covered a wide range of subjects, including the Trump family's reported use of sweat shops in Asia and South America to produce Trump-branded merchandise.

Christopher Steele, the former British spy who had spent decades on the Moscow desk at the UK's foreign intelligence service MI6, was not the only subcontractor Fusion hired to research Trump, Simpson said. But his research on Trump's Russia ties, conducted between June through December 2016, was arguably the most explosive.

Once the timeline of Fusion's projects had been established, Senate investigators asked Simpson whether any of Fusion's employees or subcontractors worked on both the
the Prevezon and Steele projects.
Enter: Edward Baumgartner

Dianne Feinstein Associated Press/J. Scott Applewhite

Simpson told investigators that Edward Baumgartner, who has a degree in Russian language and runs his own consulting firm similar to Fusion (but with a focus on Russia and Ukraine) worked on both projects.

Simpson said he had been impressed by Baumgartner's "knowledge of the region and his general abilities," which, for Fusion and Baker Hostetler, mostly involved discovery — gathering Russian language documents, reading media reports, and interviewing witnesses who speak Russian.

"I don't speak Russian, I've never been to Russia," Simpson said. "So it would be ordinary course of business for me to identify a specialist who could supply me with that kind of specialized expertise."

Baumgartner, who cofounded the UK-based intelligence consultancy Edward Austin in 2010, agreed with that characterization in an interview on Wednesday.

"What I do is not a particularly radical or novel skill in London," Baumgartner said, referring to the large number of Russians that live and work in the city. "In the US, though, we're actually quite rare."

Baumgartner, a fluent Russian speaker, said he was hired by Fusion to serve as "an interface" with Veselnitskaya, who does not speak much English. They worked "very closely" together in Washington and Moscow, Baumgartner said, reviewing documents and finding witnesses who could bolster Prevezon's case.
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