Trump campaign DID collude with Russia

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So, even though Putin (and the Kremlin) HATED Clinton, they tried to help her over the orange buffoon???...............Is THAT your moronic contention?
(or is that what Rush told you to believe?)
They hated her so much that they gave her millions and millions of dollars.

FBI uncovered Russian bribery plot before Obama administration approved controversial nuclear deal with Moscow

Again, it is Steele himself, that told everyone where the info came from.

I don't care what Obama did or didn't do. I didn't vote for him.

What I do care about is the future of our country when we are being led by. Putin Puppet...He is attacking every US institution that protects our Democracy. He is fulfilling Putin's game plan

And you idiots drool over his treason....Flippin Amazing!
To summarize: Clinton took millions from Kremlin controlled entities, paid for info from Russian intelligence, and still had to rig the primaries, but Trump is the problem. Are all liberals this stupid?

Ps. Let's not forget the Podesta group that worked as an unregistered agent for the Kremlin.

Deflect much?

Here is a point for point comparison of known reality and the Steele Dossier. Mueller is filling in the blanks as I type.

Mueller reportedly interviewed the author of the Trump-Russia dossier — here's what it alleges, and how it aligned with reality

Amazing that u idiots support a Russian Agent...

Best and most organized timetable of events I've seen. I strongly suggest that EVERYONE reads it. And, as you read it compare what was said by each campaign official when asked by the select committee of the Senate.

See what Sessions said about meetings with Russian officials and what seemingly every other person working on or with the campaign and those who had Russian contacts after the election.

Denial after denial and the striking thing is that in most cases there was absolutely NO REASON to lie if those meetings were about adoptions or just diplomatic business as usual. These are hard and fast FACTS, not conjecture.

But I'm sure of one thing; it won't matter to the righties on this forum. They will do some denying of their own. Anything but admit that the road leads in one direction only.
Lock him up!
So, even though Putin (and the Kremlin) HATED Clinton, they tried to help her over the orange buffoon???...............Is THAT your moronic contention?
(or is that what Rush told you to believe?)
They hated her so much that they gave her millions and millions of dollars.

FBI uncovered Russian bribery plot before Obama administration approved controversial nuclear deal with Moscow

Again, it is Steele himself, that told everyone where the info came from.

I don't care what Obama did or didn't do. I didn't vote for him.

What I do care about is the future of our country when we are being led by. Putin Puppet...He is attacking every US institution that protects our Democracy. He is fulfilling Putin's game plan

And you idiots drool over his treason....Flippin Amazing!
To summarize: Clinton took millions from Kremlin controlled entities, paid for info from Russian intelligence, and still had to rig the primaries, but Trump is the problem. Are all liberals this stupid?

Ps. Let's not forget the Podesta group that worked as an unregistered agent for the Kremlin.

Deflect much?

Here is a point for point comparison of known reality and the Steele Dossier. Mueller is filling in the blanks as I type.

Mueller reportedly interviewed the author of the Trump-Russia dossier — here's what it alleges, and how it aligned with reality

Amazing that u idiots support a Russian Agent...

Best and most organized timetable of events I've seen. I strongly suggest that EVERYONE reads it. And, as you read it compare what was said by each campaign official when asked by the select committee of the Senate.

See what Sessions said about meetings with Russian officials and what seemingly every other person working on or with the campaign and those who had Russian contacts after the election.

Denial after denial and the striking thing is that in most cases there was absolutely NO REASON to lie if those meetings were about adoptions or just diplomatic business as usual. These are hard and fast FACTS, not conjecture.

But I'm sure of one thing; it won't matter to the righties on this forum. They will do some denying of their own. Anything but admit that the road leads in one direction only.

It s amazing how the dossier lines up with reality. Mueller is busy putting the puzzle pieces together right now.

This is going to be an incredible spy novel and movie...

Junior Goes to Jail
The Illegitimate President

Not sure which I like most.
What the F do you think the Junior meeting was about? They were seeking dirt on Hillary. That IS collusion.

Was there information passed during that meeting? Did this begin a system of criminal collaboration?

Mueller will find out. Please don't say there was NO COLLUSION. There clearly was....

There was no collusion.

So...if the meeting with Junior and the Russians wasn't collusion...what was it...a tea party? Junior illustrated in his email how interested he was in Hillary dirt.

If you honestly think Junior walked away from that meeting with nothing and without a continued desire for dirt on are kidding yourself.

The Orange Clown can say all day that he didn't know about that meeting when it happened, but we all know that he did. When he interviews with Mueller, either he admits the truth or he commits perjury. Clinton lied about sex and was impeached. Will the GOP congress impeach Trump for lying about the treason he committed?

Look up the definition of collusion, idiot.

That the effort to gain help from a foreign adversary....was COLLUSION.

You didn't look it up like I told you, did you?
So...if the meeting with Junior and the Russians wasn't collusion...what was it...a tea party? Junior illustrated in his email how interested he was in Hillary dirt.

If you honestly think Junior walked away from that meeting with nothing and without a continued desire for dirt on are kidding yourself.

The Orange Clown can say all day that he didn't know about that meeting when it happened, but we all know that he did. When he interviews with Mueller, either he admits the truth or he commits perjury. Clinton lied about sex and was impeached. Will the GOP congress impeach Trump for lying about the treason he committed?

Look up the definition of collusion, idiot.

That the effort to gain help from a foreign adversary....was COLLUSION.
But collusion is not a crime. There must be a bribe, with Trump at least promising to ease sanctions for some help in the election, Or Trump being somehow an accessory to illegal hacking.
Trump publicly invited the Russisn Hackers to continue their surreptitious intrusions into Hillary's e-mails. Millions of people watched Trump mouth those traitorous words and nothing was done about it. Instead of .protesting the deed, Trump rode a crest of dissention created in the wake of the torrent of damning emails released by Russian hackers; suspiciously after the meeting between Trump Jr. and Putin's Trump Tower. The bribe would be to use psych ops to increase chances of a Trump victory in exchange for lifting sanctions against Russia. Apparently the Russian initiative worked...but Trump can't lift the sanctions now...too much heat.

Show us on the doll where the Russian pysch op touched you to make you vote for Trump
It's not about touching its about drinking kool-aid made in Moscow and sweetened by Trumpbots before being served to that faithful 30%. I didn't drink the kool- aid. Did YOU?
So...if the meeting with Junior and the Russians wasn't collusion...what was it...a tea party? Junior illustrated in his email how interested he was in Hillary dirt.

If you honestly think Junior walked away from that meeting with nothing and without a continued desire for dirt on are kidding yourself.

The Orange Clown can say all day that he didn't know about that meeting when it happened, but we all know that he did. When he interviews with Mueller, either he admits the truth or he commits perjury. Clinton lied about sex and was impeached. Will the GOP congress impeach Trump for lying about the treason he committed?

Look up the definition of collusion, idiot.

That the effort to gain help from a foreign adversary....was COLLUSION.
But collusion is not a crime. There must be a bribe, with Trump at least promising to ease sanctions for some help in the election, Or Trump being somehow an accessory to illegal hacking.
Trump publicly invited the Russisn Hackers to continue their surreptitious intrusions into Hillary's e-mails. Millions of people watched Trump mouth those traitorous words and nothing was done about it. Instead of .protesting the deed, Trump rode a crest of dissention created in the wake of the torrent of damning emails released by Russian hackers; suspiciously after the meeting between Trump Jr. and Putin's Trump Tower. The bribe would be to use psych ops to increase chances of a Trump victory in exchange for lifting sanctions against Russia. Apparently the Russian initiative worked...but Trump can't lift the sanctions now...too much heat.
Yet you murdered Seth Rich anyway. So sad.
Can you prove that? If not STFU.
In case you can't read my posts... The Trump Tower meeting was about the Magnitsky Act.

Now WHO could ever argue with such a well-documented, irrefutable post???

(what an
What the F do you think the Junior meeting was about? They were seeking dirt on Hillary. That IS collusion.

Was there information passed during that meeting? Did this begin a system of criminal collaboration?

Mueller will find out. Please don't say there was NO COLLUSION. There clearly was....

Obtaining “dirt” on someone isn’t illegal in the slightest.

It is when the party benefiting from that info knows beforehand that the info was procured by hacking into the DNC computers and that the aim of the procurers is to tilt the election to the candidate that would promise to lift sanctions imposed because of that very act of corrupting our democratic system. Add to that the FACT that proposed aid of weapons to Ukraine that was a party plank of the GOP platform was softened to an ambiguous term and a defined pattern emerges. Got it? Probably not.
Carter Page wasn't part of the Trump campaign when they got the FISA warrant against him, based largely on his behavior since 2013, including unexplained travels to Russia.

That had nothing whatsoever to do with President Trump's campaign other than an excuse to illegally listen in to people in the Trump campaign.

If they had so much on Carter Page, why did they need to use the phony dossier bought and paid for by Hillary Clinton and the DNC?

Who was colluding?

OK, but I don't see that refuting a claim that Steele was a source used to obtain at least on extension of the Page warrant. But Nunes' memo laughingly dispelled the claim that the Fisa court was not appraised that the Steele information had a political motive. More basically, the Trumbot defense is that "without Steele they'd never have gotten X." Which is bs because everytime they trot this out, it turns out the FBI obtained further warrants. So, they are no longer arguing "there's nothing here" but instead arguing "the FBI should never have learned this." If that's the best they've got, they should just leave it be for the lawyers.

They used the phony dossier numerous times backed up by the Yahoo "News" story which came from...the dossier. The FBI never told the FISA court that the dossier was uncorroborated and was bought and paid for as opposition research for Hillary and the DNC.
And of course you lie.

Putin got his man in the WH. Is he an agent? Perhaps...

I do know that he is basically carrying the Putin Banner.

And the clueless GOP and very slow Trumpettes follow a long like drunken whites...

Who was carrying the Putin Banner?

What did Mitt Romney say that President Barak Hussein Obama ridiculed about Russia?
So, even though Putin (and the Kremlin) HATED Clinton, they tried to help her over the orange buffoon???...............Is THAT your moronic contention?
(or is that what Rush told you to believe?)

Please show us a reliable source and link stating that Putin and the Kremlin "HATED CLINTON".

They didn't give a rats behind, they simply wanted to create turmoil and divisiveness. Proof of this is the FACT that they supported both a pro and anti-Trump rally, in New York, on THE SAME DAY.
From:Brandon Robinson
@MAGAPodcast website:

"It took three FISA court hearings before Judge Contreras agreed to the surveillance due to a lack of evidence in the Steele Dossier. Obama’s Attorney General Loretta Lynch gave special permission for Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya to come to the United States and meet with Donald Trump Jr. at Trump Tower. DTJ’s friends Rob Goldstone, who has connections to Fusion GPS, helped him set up the meeting with the lawyer. It was a bust, she didn’t have anything to offer on Hillary other than hearsay, and she only wanted to discuss the repeal of the Magnitsky Act. She was actually there on behalf of Fusion-GPS, on pro-Kremlin business. You read that right, Russia had hired Fusion GPS to lobby for them to the US government. The Obama administration used that meeting that they allowed to happened between Trump Jr and Veselnitskaya as the final piece of evidence needed to get their FISA surveillance warrant on the Trump campaign just 3 weeks before the election."

Veselnitskaya was in the US on a special visa to defend her Russian client in a $270 million money laundering case. The oligarch was laundering money by purchasing expensive New York real estate.

After the election, Donald Trump fired the federal prosecutor in the case, after personally calling him to tell him what a good job he was doing and asking him to stay on.

After the Prosecutor was fired, Sessions settled the case for 3 cents on the dollar and no admission of guilt.

So much dirty shit being done by Trump and his minions.
Trump publicly invited the Russisn Hackers to continue their surreptitious intrusions into Hillary's e-mails.

Please show the specific source and link for that quote.

Donald Trump said if they have them, they should go ahead and release them.

New York Times, by Ashley Parker and David E. Sanger July 27, 2016

Doral, Fla,--Donald J. Trump said on Wednesday that he hoped Russian Intelligence services had successfully hacked Hillary Clinton’s email and encouraged them to publish whatever they may have stolen, essentially urging a foreign adversary to conduct cyberespionage against a former secretary of state.

“Russia, if you’re listening I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” Mr. Trump said during a news conference here in an apparent reference to Mrs. Clinton’s deleted emails. “I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press.”

Donald Trump Calls on Russia to Find Hillary Clinton’s Missing Emails
OK, but I don't see that refuting a claim that Steele was a source used to obtain at least on extension of the Page warrant. But Nunes' memo laughingly dispelled the claim that the Fisa court was not appraised that the Steele information had a political motive. More basically, the Trumbot defense is that "without Steele they'd never have gotten X." Which is bs because everytime they trot this out, it turns out the FBI obtained further warrants. So, they are no longer arguing "there's nothing here" but instead arguing "the FBI should never have learned this." If that's the best they've got, they should just leave it be for the lawyers.

They used the phony dossier numerous times backed up by the Yahoo "News" story which came from...the dossier. The FBI never told the FISA court that the dossier was uncorroborated and was bought and paid for as opposition research for Hillary and the DNC.

The Dossier isn’t “phoney”. If you quote Dumb Donald’s tweets, you prove yourself to be a fool because that’s where he lies the most. There’s no one to call him out when he lies. If they do, he blocks them.

The parts of the Dossier that were used were corroborated and verified. The court was told it was opposition research.

Gullible, stupid and conservative is no way to go through life, son. Smarten up!
The Dossier isn’t “phoney”. If you quote Dumb Donald’s tweets, you prove yourself to be a fool because that’s where he lies the most. There’s no one to call him out when he lies. If they do, he blocks them.

The parts of the Dossier that were used were corroborated and verified. The court was told it was opposition research.

Gullible, stupid and conservative is no way to go through life, son. Smarten up!

Yes, smarten up!

Embattled FBI admits it can’t verify dossier claims of Russia, Trump campaign collusion
By Rowan Scarborough - The Washington Times - Monday, December 25, 2017

The FBI is declining to repudiate the Russia dossier on which it partially relied to start an investigation into the Trump campaign, but it concedes the document’s major core charges of election collusion remain unsubstantiated.


FBI says Russia dossier’s collusion charges unsubstantiated

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