Trump campaign DID collude with Russia

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The Dossier isn’t “phoney”. If you quote Dumb Donald’s tweets, you prove yourself to be a fool because that’s where he lies the most. There’s no one to call him out when he lies. If they do, he blocks them.

The parts of the Dossier that were used were corroborated and verified. The court was told it was opposition research.

Gullible, stupid and conservative is no way to go through life, son. Smarten up!

Yes, smarten up!

Embattled FBI admits it can’t verify dossier claims of Russia, Trump campaign collusion
By Rowan Scarborough - The Washington Times - Monday, December 25, 2017

The FBI is declining to repudiate the Russia dossier on which it partially relied to start an investigation into the Trump campaign, but it concedes the document’s major core charges of election collusion remain unsubstantiated.


FBI says Russia dossier’s collusion charges unsubstantiated

The Moonie Times! You may as well quote Breitbart, or Info Wars.

Try this one:

How true is the Trump-Russia dossier? One year later, what we know about its claims
Wtf are you talking about? Who in Britain's government interfered in our elections and how?
In your left wing world, what substitute wording does one need to us to describe "mayor of london"? [does the left ever get tired of never knowing what is actually being discussed on any and every matter?] and no one said he interfered, [though it may be obvious to most that he did and that is why you chose "interfered"] I said he meddled in it, so if you can figure out on your own why that is important you will see I am correct, admitting that may not be easy but you will see that it is correct.
Steel was a retired British operative. Now why is the DNC willing to use a foreign British operative

The DNC did not pick him GPS DID

Steele was a credible source that the FBI and CIA have used previously to bring Criminals down.

Steele was an EXPERT in Russia, and his whole career with British intelligence was on Russia.

The DNC knowingly used a retired British operative, on matter not collaborated with the CIA which handles foreign intelligence. This does not include the unmasking of public officials by a UN official, an Obamacare administrative office like Susan Rice, to include leaked lassoed information o the press. Then the democrats complain when republicans house senate committee votes though a legal procedure to release information surrounding the FISA warrant.
Carter Page wasn't part of the Trump campaign when they got the FISA warrant against him, based largely on his behavior since 2013, including unexplained travels to Russia.

That had nothing whatsoever to do with President Trump's campaign other than an excuse to illegally listen in to people in the Trump campaign.

If they had so much on Carter Page, why did they need to use the phony dossier bought and paid for by Hillary Clinton and the DNC?

Who was colluding?

Parts of the dossier were verified. You have no evidence that unverified parts were presented to the FISC.
Carter Page wasn't part of the Trump campaign when they got the FISA warrant against him, based largely on his behavior since 2013, including unexplained travels to Russia.

That had nothing whatsoever to do with President Trump's campaign other than an excuse to illegally listen in to people in the Trump campaign.

If they had so much on Carter Page, why did they need to use the phony dossier bought and paid for by Hillary Clinton and the DNC?

Who was colluding?
Parts of the dossier were verified. You have no evidence that unverified parts were presented to the FISC.
The Assault on Intelligence
February 27, 2018
Coming in May: The Assault on Intelligence: American National Security in an Age of Lies by Gen. Michael Hayden.

From the introduction: “There is no effort here to build a case for or against collusion. But whatever emerges from Robert Mueller’s investigation, it should not obscure the bigger story, which is still not adequately understood, and which is in a way this book’s climactic case study, namely that Russia has been actively seeking to damage the fabric of American democracy and that the Trump Administration’s glandular aversion to even looking at this squarely, much less mounting a concerted response to it, is an appalling national security lapse.”
“Indeed, there is clear evidence of what I would call convergence, the convergence of a mutually reinforcing swirl of Presidential tweets and statements, Russian influenced social media, alt right websites and talk radio, Russian ‘white’ press like RT and even mainstream U.S. media like Fox News—all of whom do things for their own purposes, but all of which fits nicely with Russian purposes to sharpen and sustain divisions here.
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In case you can't read my posts... The Trump Tower meeting was about the Magnitsky Act.

We all read the Junior email. He wasn't excited about the Magnitsky Act. He was excited about dirt in Hillary. You can lie to me, but not to Mueller.

Nice Middle School try though....
Carter Page wasn't part of the Trump campaign when they got the FISA warrant against him, based largely on his behavior since 2013, including unexplained travels to Russia.

That had nothing whatsoever to do with President Trump's campaign other than an excuse to illegally listen in to people in the Trump campaign.

If they had so much on Carter Page, why did they need to use the phony dossier bought and paid for by Hillary Clinton and the DNC?

Who was colluding?
Parts of the dossier were verified. You have no evidence that unverified parts were presented to the FISC.
The Assault on Intelligence
February 27, 2018
Coming in May: The Assault on Intelligence: American National Security in an Age of Lies by Gen. Michael Hayden.

From the introduction: “There is no effort here to build a case for or against collusion. But whatever emerges from Robert Mueller’s investigation, it should not obscure the bigger story, which is still not adequately understood, and which is in a way this book’s climactic case study, namely that Russia has been actively seeking to damage the fabric of American democracy and that the Trump Administration’s glandular aversion to even looking at this squarely, much less mounting a concerted response to it, is an appalling national security lapse.”
“Indeed, there is clear evidence of what I would call convergence, the convergence of a mutually reinforcing swirl of Presidential tweets and statements, Russian influenced social media, alt right websites and talk radio, Russian ‘white’ press like RT and even mainstream U.S. media like Fox News—all of whom do things for their own purposes, but all of which fits nicely with Russian purposes to sharpen and sustain divisions here.

Exactly to the point. To make matters worse he has his children in charge sensitive diplomatic issues WITHOUT NECESSAY SECURITY CLEARANCE.

If he isn't a Putin plant, he is one dumb SOB...or both.
Exactly to the point. To make matters worse he has his children in charge sensitive diplomatic issues WITHOUT NECESSAY SECURITY CLEARANCE.

If he isn't a Putin plant, he is one dumb SOB...or both.
Our Nation's Destiny Has become just another Plaything for the Effete Trump Crime Family
Ivanka Trump's South Korea trip fuels White House tension
Source: CNN

Updated 6:35 AM ET, Tue February 27, 2018

Washington (CNN)She's a policy adviser bearing sensitive new details on sanctions to the South Koreans. She's a loyal family member who won't entertain questions about her father's purported infidelities. And she's a US figurehead bearing goodwill at an international sporting event. But inside the White House, Ivanka Trump's unique stature -- along with that of her husband, Jared Kushner -- is causing tension. Some of their colleagues chafe at the pair's favorable standing, and the boss, chief of staff John Kelly, has worked to instill a military-style hierarchy to the West Wing.
Ivanka Trump's South Korea trip fuels WH tension - CNNPolitics
Exactly to the point. To make matters worse he has his children in charge sensitive diplomatic issues WITHOUT NECESSAY SECURITY CLEARANCE.

If he isn't a Putin plant, he is one dumb SOB...or both.
Our Nation's Destiny Has become just another Plaything for the Effete Trump Crime Family
Ivanka Trump's South Korea trip fuels White House tension

Source: CNN

Updated 6:35 AM ET, Tue February 27, 2018

Washington (CNN)She's a policy adviser bearing sensitive new details on sanctions to the South Koreans. She's a loyal family member who won't entertain questions about her father's purported infidelities. And she's a US figurehead bearing goodwill at an international sporting event. But inside the White House, Ivanka Trump's unique stature -- along with that of her husband, Jared Kushner -- is causing tension. Some of their colleagues chafe at the pair's favorable standing, and the boss, chief of staff John Kelly, has worked to instill a military-style hierarchy to the West Wing.
Ivanka Trump's South Korea trip fuels WH tension - CNNPolitics

The Royal Family children....who can't get a permanent security clearance...are now circling the globe conducting sensitive diplomatic negotiations.

If the Orange One was not president....he also could not get a permanent security clearance.

Exactly to the point. To make matters worse he has his children in charge sensitive diplomatic issues WITHOUT NECESSAY SECURITY CLEARANCE.

If he isn't a Putin plant, he is one dumb SOB...or both.
Our Nation's Destiny Has become just another Plaything for the Effete Trump Crime Family
Ivanka Trump's South Korea trip fuels White House tension

Source: CNN

Updated 6:35 AM ET, Tue February 27, 2018

Washington (CNN)She's a policy adviser bearing sensitive new details on sanctions to the South Koreans. She's a loyal family member who won't entertain questions about her father's purported infidelities. And she's a US figurehead bearing goodwill at an international sporting event. But inside the White House, Ivanka Trump's unique stature -- along with that of her husband, Jared Kushner -- is causing tension. Some of their colleagues chafe at the pair's favorable standing, and the boss, chief of staff John Kelly, has worked to instill a military-style hierarchy to the West Wing.
Ivanka Trump's South Korea trip fuels WH tension - CNNPolitics
My God they are taking Leaks on one another in the West Wing ...they learned that from Burnt Orange Urinator...pee pee

‘Trying to lose his job’: CNN panel says John Kelly is leaking on Ivanka to escape ‘West Wing Hunger Games’
Exactly to the point. To make matters worse he has his children in charge sensitive diplomatic issues WITHOUT NECESSAY SECURITY CLEARANCE.

If he isn't a Putin plant, he is one dumb SOB...or both.
Our Nation's Destiny Has become just another Plaything for the Effete Trump Crime Family
Ivanka Trump's South Korea trip fuels White House tension

Source: CNN

Updated 6:35 AM ET, Tue February 27, 2018

Washington (CNN)She's a policy adviser bearing sensitive new details on sanctions to the South Koreans. She's a loyal family member who won't entertain questions about her father's purported infidelities. And she's a US figurehead bearing goodwill at an international sporting event. But inside the White House, Ivanka Trump's unique stature -- along with that of her husband, Jared Kushner -- is causing tension. Some of their colleagues chafe at the pair's favorable standing, and the boss, chief of staff John Kelly, has worked to instill a military-style hierarchy to the West Wing.
Ivanka Trump's South Korea trip fuels WH tension - CNNPolitics
not only that but his daughter believes him and not those 19 or so women that he was accused of molesting This from the lady that backed women Wonder if she believed her mother who said she was raped by trump Thought those in our WH were supposed to protect the people ,,,not their daddy
Exactly to the point. To make matters worse he has his children in charge sensitive diplomatic issues WITHOUT NECESSAY SECURITY CLEARANCE.

If he isn't a Putin plant, he is one dumb SOB...or both.
Our Nation's Destiny Has become just another Plaything for the Effete Trump Crime Family
Ivanka Trump's South Korea trip fuels White House tension

Source: CNN

Updated 6:35 AM ET, Tue February 27, 2018

Washington (CNN)She's a policy adviser bearing sensitive new details on sanctions to the South Koreans. She's a loyal family member who won't entertain questions about her father's purported infidelities. And she's a US figurehead bearing goodwill at an international sporting event. But inside the White House, Ivanka Trump's unique stature -- along with that of her husband, Jared Kushner -- is causing tension. Some of their colleagues chafe at the pair's favorable standing, and the boss, chief of staff John Kelly, has worked to instill a military-style hierarchy to the West Wing.
Ivanka Trump's South Korea trip fuels WH tension - CNNPolitics
not only that but his daughter believes him and not those 19 or so women that he was accused of molesting This from the lady that backed women Wonder if she believed her mother who said she was raped by trump Thought those in our WH were supposed to protect the people ,,,not their daddy

Haven't you heard? The Royal family is above reproach...
Exactly to the point. To make matters worse he has his children in charge sensitive diplomatic issues WITHOUT NECESSAY SECURITY CLEARANCE.

If he isn't a Putin plant, he is one dumb SOB...or both.
Our Nation's Destiny Has become just another Plaything for the Effete Trump Crime Family
Ivanka Trump's South Korea trip fuels White House tension

Source: CNN

Updated 6:35 AM ET, Tue February 27, 2018

Washington (CNN)She's a policy adviser bearing sensitive new details on sanctions to the South Koreans. She's a loyal family member who won't entertain questions about her father's purported infidelities. And she's a US figurehead bearing goodwill at an international sporting event. But inside the White House, Ivanka Trump's unique stature -- along with that of her husband, Jared Kushner -- is causing tension. Some of their colleagues chafe at the pair's favorable standing, and the boss, chief of staff John Kelly, has worked to instill a military-style hierarchy to the West Wing.
Ivanka Trump's South Korea trip fuels WH tension - CNNPolitics

The Royal Family children....who can't get a permanent security clearance...are now circling the globe conducting sensitive diplomatic negotiations.

If the Orange One was not president....he also could not get a permanent security clearance.

I wonder if Hillary has a security clearance. and when she did, were the security services familiar with her private server which had the same safeguards as the one we're on now.

Yet, I'll bet you were with her! :)
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Exactly to the point. To make matters worse he has his children in charge sensitive diplomatic issues WITHOUT NECESSAY SECURITY CLEARANCE.

If he isn't a Putin plant, he is one dumb SOB...or both.
Our Nation's Destiny Has become just another Plaything for the Effete Trump Crime Family
Ivanka Trump's South Korea trip fuels White House tension

Source: CNN

Updated 6:35 AM ET, Tue February 27, 2018

Washington (CNN)She's a policy adviser bearing sensitive new details on sanctions to the South Koreans. She's a loyal family member who won't entertain questions about her father's purported infidelities. And she's a US figurehead bearing goodwill at an international sporting event. But inside the White House, Ivanka Trump's unique stature -- along with that of her husband, Jared Kushner -- is causing tension. Some of their colleagues chafe at the pair's favorable standing, and the boss, chief of staff John Kelly, has worked to instill a military-style hierarchy to the West Wing.
Ivanka Trump's South Korea trip fuels WH tension - CNNPolitics

The Royal Family children....who can't get a permanent security clearance...are now circling the globe conducting sensitive diplomatic negotiations.

If the Orange One was not president....he also could not get a permanent security clearance.

I wonder if Hillary has a security clearance. and when she did, were the security services familiar with her private server which had the same safeguards as the one we're on now.

Yet, I'll be you were with her! :)
meat,,,you still living in the past with all the rnc hillary bs? we have assholes in the WH now and you still complain about Hill ?? Shame on you
Exactly to the point. To make matters worse he has his children in charge sensitive diplomatic issues WITHOUT NECESSAY SECURITY CLEARANCE.

If he isn't a Putin plant, he is one dumb SOB...or both.
Our Nation's Destiny Has become just another Plaything for the Effete Trump Crime Family
Ivanka Trump's South Korea trip fuels White House tension

Source: CNN

Updated 6:35 AM ET, Tue February 27, 2018

Washington (CNN)She's a policy adviser bearing sensitive new details on sanctions to the South Koreans. She's a loyal family member who won't entertain questions about her father's purported infidelities. And she's a US figurehead bearing goodwill at an international sporting event. But inside the White House, Ivanka Trump's unique stature -- along with that of her husband, Jared Kushner -- is causing tension. Some of their colleagues chafe at the pair's favorable standing, and the boss, chief of staff John Kelly, has worked to instill a military-style hierarchy to the West Wing.
Ivanka Trump's South Korea trip fuels WH tension - CNNPolitics

The Royal Family children....who can't get a permanent security clearance...are now circling the globe conducting sensitive diplomatic negotiations.

If the Orange One was not president....he also could not get a permanent security clearance.

I wonder if Hillary has a security clearance. and when she did, were the security services familiar with her private server which had the same safeguards as the one we're on now.

Yet, I'll be you were with her! :)
meat,,,you still living in the past with all the rnc hillary bs? we have assholes in the WH now and you still complain about Hill ?? Shame on you
You were with her! Am I right? :)

And suddenly state secrets are sooo important!
the Russian lawyer said that she wanted to talk about a bill related to adoptions of Russian orphans. She lied.
The female Russian agent didn't lie. She was representing Putin's government in seeking to lift sanctions imposed under the Magnitsky Act imposed by Congress in 2012. Her leverage was wrapped in Putin's angry threat to halt the adoptions of Russian babies by Americans.

Then she said that she could get dirt on Hillary. There is nothing illegal about getting dirt on your political opponent from a foreign source.
The crime unfolds when an enemy state seeks to unravel a sanction imposed by the US Congress with the assistance of American citizens. The Russians helped to affect the outcome of a presidential election by releasing Hillary's hacked e_mails after the meeting with Trump .Jr. With their man in the White House, now the Russians could focus on getting his cooperation by any means necessary to lift the Magnitsky sanctions as well as the nationalizion imposed by Obama on those Russian spy properties in Maryland.

However, the Clinton campaign paid a Russian source to create a dossier full of lies about Trump. Then those lies were used to lie to the FISA court to allow spying on members of the Trump campaign. Those are crimes. The Hillary campaign is guilty.
No they did not. The Clintons paid GPS Fusion
to continue an investigation on Trump first initiated and paid for by Republicans during the campaign. After Trump won, Hllary supporters hired GPS Function who, apparently on their own volition, hired Steele
to scrutinize Trump's Russian connections.
The Steele dossier came out of that and has been controversial ever since it was made public. However, the Nunes memo seems to refute the popular myth that the Steele dossier was instrumental in the issuance of a FISA warrant to monitor Trump/Russian connections. .

LOL, you have the left wing talking points down perfectly, congratulations. Not a lick of truth in your post, but you are a good little brain dead dem/lib troll. Pelosi is proud of you.
If you are relying on the Clintons, the dems, or the media for the truth, you're some kind of stupid.

We have become a nation of partisan propaganda, the truth is becoming harder and harder to find, political wins are all that matters, and that is a sad state of affairs for this great country.

When word of the meeting with Veselnitskaya broke, the Trump's first reaction was to lie to the public, and claim it was about adoptions. When evidence surfaced that Russia was offering dirt on Hillary, and Russian government support for Trump's election, you choose to believe the meeting was all above-board. That has nothing to do with Clinton's or Democrats.

the Russian lawyer said that she wanted to talk about a bill related to adoptions of Russian orphans. She lied. Then she said that she could get dirt on Hillary. There is nothing illegal about getting dirt on your political opponent from a foreign source.

However, the Clinton campaign paid a Russian source to create a dossier full of lies about Trump. Then those lies were used to lie to the FISA court to allow spying on members of the Trump campaign. Those are crimes. The Hillary campaign is guilty.

Why cant you open your eyes to reality for just a little while?
No members of the Trump campaign were spied on. Can you post without lying?

wiretaps at Trump tower were not spying? In what world?

That has already been pile of stinking excrement

Mueller disagrees with you, you steaming pile of fresh bullshit.
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