Trump campaign DID collude with Russia

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There was no collusion.

So...if the meeting with Junior and the Russians wasn't collusion...what was it...a tea party? Junior illustrated in his email how interested he was in Hillary dirt.

If you honestly think Junior walked away from that meeting with nothing and without a continued desire for dirt on are kidding yourself.

The Orange Clown can say all day that he didn't know about that meeting when it happened, but we all know that he did. When he interviews with Mueller, either he admits the truth or he commits perjury. Clinton lied about sex and was impeached. Will the GOP congress impeach Trump for lying about the treason he committed?

Look up the definition of collusion, idiot.

That the effort to gain help from a foreign adversary....was COLLUSION.
But collusion is not a crime. There must be a bribe, with Trump at least promising to ease sanctions for some help in the election, Or Trump being somehow an accessory to illegal hacking.

Mueller is a "never bend" kind of guy. He is going to skewer the crime family.

If Trump is so crooked, why didn't they go after him long ago? Why now? Youre dumber that a sack of broken doorknobs.
the Russian lawyer said that she wanted to talk about a bill related to adoptions of Russian orphans. She lied.
The female Russian agent didn't lie. She was representing Putin's government in seeking to lift sanctions imposed under the Magnitsky Act imposed by Congress in 2012. Her leverage was wrapped in Putin's angry threat to halt the adoptions of Russian babies by Americans.

Then she said that she could get dirt on Hillary. There is nothing illegal about getting dirt on your political opponent from a foreign source.
The crime unfolds when an enemy state seeks to unravel a sanction imposed by the US Congress with the assistance of American citizens. The Russians helped to affect the outcome of a presidential election by releasing Hillary's hacked e_mails after the meeting with Trump .Jr. With their man in the White House, now the Russians could focus on getting his cooperation by any means necessary to lift the Magnitsky sanctions as well as the nationalizion imposed by Obama on those Russian spy properties in Maryland.

However, the Clinton campaign paid a Russian source to create a dossier full of lies about Trump. Then those lies were used to lie to the FISA court to allow spying on members of the Trump campaign. Those are crimes. The Hillary campaign is guilty.
No they did not. The Clintons paid GPS Fusion
to continue an investigation on Trump first initiated and paid for by Republicans during the campaign. After Trump won, Hllary supporters hired GPS Function who, apparently on their own volition, hired Steele
to scrutinize Trump's Russian connections.
The Steele dossier came out of that and has been controversial ever since it was made public. However, the Nunes memo seems to refute the popular myth that the Steele dossier was instrumental in the issuance of a FISA warrant to monitor Trump/Russian connections. .
Succinct. But, I wasn't aware the Nunes memo refuted the Steele dossier as instrumental in getting a FISA warrant.

I don't buy the Trump claims that without Steele the FBI couldn't get a warrant. If the FBI wants a Fisa warrant, they'll get it one way or another.
This might help:
OK, but I don't see that refuting a claim that Steele was a source used to obtain at least on extension of the Page warrant. But Nunes' memo laughingly dispelled the claim that the Fisa court was not appraised that the Steele information had a political motive. More basically, the Trumbot defense is that "without Steele they'd never have gotten X." Which is bs because everytime they trot this out, it turns out the FBI obtained further warrants. So, they are no longer arguing "there's nothing here" but instead arguing "the FBI should never have learned this." If that's the best they've got, they should just leave it be for the lawyers.
So...if the meeting with Junior and the Russians wasn't collusion...what was it...a tea party? Junior illustrated in his email how interested he was in Hillary dirt.

If you honestly think Junior walked away from that meeting with nothing and without a continued desire for dirt on are kidding yourself.

The Orange Clown can say all day that he didn't know about that meeting when it happened, but we all know that he did. When he interviews with Mueller, either he admits the truth or he commits perjury. Clinton lied about sex and was impeached. Will the GOP congress impeach Trump for lying about the treason he committed?

Look up the definition of collusion, idiot.

That the effort to gain help from a foreign adversary....was COLLUSION.
But collusion is not a crime. There must be a bribe, with Trump at least promising to ease sanctions for some help in the election, Or Trump being somehow an accessory to illegal hacking.

Mueller is a "never bend" kind of guy. He is going to skewer the crime family.

If Trump is so crooked, why didn't they go after him long ago? Why now? Youre dumber that a sack of broken doorknobs.
ummmmmm, maybe because as Casino hack in chief he couldn't trade US policy for Hillary's emails?
Look up the definition of collusion, idiot.

That the effort to gain help from a foreign adversary....was COLLUSION.
But collusion is not a crime. There must be a bribe, with Trump at least promising to ease sanctions for some help in the election, Or Trump being somehow an accessory to illegal hacking.

Mueller is a "never bend" kind of guy. He is going to skewer the crime family.

If Trump is so crooked, why didn't they go after him long ago? Why now? Youre dumber that a sack of broken doorknobs.
ummmmmm, maybe because as Casino hack in chief he couldn't trade US policy for Hillary's emails?

Good grief...
What the F do you think the Junior meeting was about? They were seeking dirt on Hillary. That IS collusion.

Was there information passed during that meeting? Did this begin a system of criminal collaboration?

Mueller will find out. Please don't say there was NO COLLUSION. There clearly was....

There was no collusion.

So...if the meeting with Junior and the Russians wasn't collusion...what was it...a tea party? Junior illustrated in his email how interested he was in Hillary dirt.

If you honestly think Junior walked away from that meeting with nothing and without a continued desire for dirt on are kidding yourself.

The Orange Clown can say all day that he didn't know about that meeting when it happened, but we all know that he did. When he interviews with Mueller, either he admits the truth or he commits perjury. Clinton lied about sex and was impeached. Will the GOP congress impeach Trump for lying about the treason he committed?

Look up the definition of collusion, idiot.

That the effort to gain help from a foreign adversary....was COLLUSION.
But collusion is not a crime. There must be a bribe, with Trump at least promising to ease sanctions for some help in the election, Or Trump being somehow an accessory to illegal hacking.
Trump publicly invited the Russisn Hackers to continue their surreptitious intrusions into Hillary's e-mails. Millions of people watched Trump mouth those traitorous words and nothing was done about it. Instead of .protesting the deed, Trump rode a crest of dissention created in the wake of the torrent of damning emails released by Russian hackers; suspiciously after the meeting between Trump Jr. and Putin's Trump Tower. The bribe would be to use psych ops to increase chances of a Trump victory in exchange for lifting sanctions against Russia. Apparently the Russian initiative worked...but Trump can't lift the sanctions now...too much heat.
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But Donny Jr. had no way of knowing any of that when he went to meet with her. The Russians tricked him

Good Morning.
Emin just asked me to contact you with something very interesting. The Crown prosecutor of Russia met with his father Aras this morning, and in their meeting offered to provide the Trump campaign with some official documents and information that would incriminate Hillary and her dealings with Russia and could be very useful to your father.

This is obviously very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and it’s government’s support for Mr. Trump — helped along by Aras and Emin.

What do you think is the best way to handle this information and would you be able to speak to Emin about it directly?

I can also send this information to your father via Rhona, but it is ultra sensitive so I wanted to send to you first.

Best, Rob Goldstone.

Donald Trump Jr. replies 15 minutes later …

Thanks Rob, I appreciate that. I am on the road at the moment but perhaps I just speak to Emin first. Seems we have some time and if it’s what you say I love it especially later in the summer. Can we do a call first thing next week when I am back?

The crown prosecutor of Russia (General, Yuri Y. Chaika) is a position directly appointed by Vladimir Putin.

So what? It is normal for a new administration to talk to heads of state all over the world. Hillary and the DNC were doing worse except as of yet, no one has a special counsel looking into it. Hmmm. And the FBI have shown they cannot be trusted and were in Hillary's back pocket as well. Those damned Russians are smarter than us and had the entire country fooled!

Deflection alert!
This is really old news, like over a year already, why hasn't JR been indicted for attempted conspiracy to collude?

You're so "impatient,"

The steps of the ladder to climb?.....

First, Manafort, then
Kushner, then
Jr., then

keep the dream alive, gnat. Because that's all it is, a dream. Hillary Clinton should see jail time, but she never will. Trump has done nothing illegal, Mueller has been looking for over a year and found NOTHING.

Found nothing? LOL
What the F do you think the Junior meeting was about? They were seeking dirt on Hillary. That IS collusion.

Was there information passed during that meeting? Did this begin a system of criminal collaboration?

Mueller will find out. Please don't say there was NO COLLUSION. There clearly was....

There was no collusion.

So...if the meeting with Junior and the Russians wasn't collusion...what was it...a tea party? Junior illustrated in his email how interested he was in Hillary dirt.

If you honestly think Junior walked away from that meeting with nothing and without a continued desire for dirt on are kidding yourself.

The Orange Clown can say all day that he didn't know about that meeting when it happened, but we all know that he did. When he interviews with Mueller, either he admits the truth or he commits perjury. Clinton lied about sex and was impeached. Will the GOP congress impeach Trump for lying about the treason he committed?

getting dirt on a political opponent from a foreign source is neither illegal or collusion. Paying a foreign government for a dossier of lies about a political opponent is illegal and collusion.

You left wing fools started this shit and now its bringing your guys down, I find that very amusing.

Oh but it is when that foreign source is in the act of corrupting our electoral system. You on the right are talking as if it was game over. Hell, Mueller's far from done and he already has some of the sniveling rats under indictment. Did that not occur to you? You won't be amused for much longer. I guess the right is too stupid to be afraid. Now that's amusing.
This is really old news, like over a year already, why hasn't JR been indicted for attempted conspiracy to collude?

You're so "impatient,"

The steps of the ladder to climb?.....

First, Manafort, then
Kushner, then
Jr., then

keep the dream alive, gnat. Because that's all it is, a dream. Hillary Clinton should see jail time, but she never will. Trump has done nothing illegal, Mueller has been looking for over a year and found NOTHING.

Found nothing? LOL

Except the indictments and guilty pleas that are all pointing to Trump.
There was no collusion.

So...if the meeting with Junior and the Russians wasn't collusion...what was it...a tea party? Junior illustrated in his email how interested he was in Hillary dirt.

If you honestly think Junior walked away from that meeting with nothing and without a continued desire for dirt on are kidding yourself.

The Orange Clown can say all day that he didn't know about that meeting when it happened, but we all know that he did. When he interviews with Mueller, either he admits the truth or he commits perjury. Clinton lied about sex and was impeached. Will the GOP congress impeach Trump for lying about the treason he committed?

Look up the definition of collusion, idiot.

That the effort to gain help from a foreign adversary....was COLLUSION.
But collusion is not a crime. There must be a bribe, with Trump at least promising to ease sanctions for some help in the election, Or Trump being somehow an accessory to illegal hacking.
Trump publicly invited the Russisn Hackers to continue their surreptitious intrusions into Hillary's e-mails. Millions of people watched Trump mouth those traitorous words and nothing was done about it. Instead of .protesting the deed, Trump rode a crest of dissention created in the wake of the torrent of damning emails released by Russian hackers; suspiciously after the meeting between Trump Jr. and Putin's Trump Tower. The bribe would be to use psych ops to increase chances of a Trump victory in exchange for lifting sanctions against Russia. Apparently the Russian initiative worked...but Trump can't lift the sanctions now...too much heat.

Show us on the doll where the Russian pysch op touched you to make you vote for Trump
What the F do you think the Junior meeting was about? They were seeking dirt on Hillary. That IS collusion.

Was there information passed during that meeting? Did this begin a system of criminal collaboration?

Mueller will find out. Please don't say there was NO COLLUSION. There clearly was....
The DNC paid for intelligence from Kremlin agents. Now go back to your hole.
What the F do you think the Junior meeting was about? They were seeking dirt on Hillary. That IS collusion.

Was there information passed during that meeting? Did this begin a system of criminal collaboration?

Mueller will find out. Please don't say there was NO COLLUSION. There clearly was....
The DNC paid for intelligence from Kremlin agents. Now go back to your hole.

And of course you lie.

Putin got his man in the WH. Is he an agent? Perhaps...

I do know that he is basically carrying the Putin Banner.

And the clueless GOP and very slow Trumpettes follow a long like drunken whites...
What the F do you think the Junior meeting was about? They were seeking dirt on Hillary. That IS collusion.

Was there information passed during that meeting? Did this begin a system of criminal collaboration?

Mueller will find out. Please don't say there was NO COLLUSION. There clearly was....
The DNC paid for intelligence from Kremlin agents. Now go back to your hole.

And of course you lie.

Putin got his man in the WH. Is he an agent? Perhaps...

I do know that he is basically carrying the Putin Banner.

And the clueless GOP and very slow Trumpettes follow a long like drunken whites...
that's what you think. it isn't what is factual. so you keep having that dream and still isn't factual.
What the F do you think the Junior meeting was about? They were seeking dirt on Hillary. That IS collusion.

Was there information passed during that meeting? Did this begin a system of criminal collaboration?

Mueller will find out. Please don't say there was NO COLLUSION. There clearly was....
The DNC paid for intelligence from Kremlin agents. Now go back to your hole.

And of course you lie.

Putin got his man in the WH. Is he an agent? Perhaps...

I do know that he is basically carrying the Putin Banner.

And the clueless GOP and very slow Trumpettes follow a long like drunken whites...
Your boy, Steele, told everyone where his info came from. He yelled it loud and clear in multiple interviews. Only the die hard leftist pigs, that do the Kremlin's bidding, are in pretend denial about the facts.
I Googled the request of some if you Trumpettes....

  1. secret or illegal cooperation or conspiracy, especially in order to cheat or deceive others.
    "the armed forces were working in collusion with drug traffickers"
Yup....this sounds like the Junior Russian meeting to me!
There was no collusion.

So...if the meeting with Junior and the Russians wasn't collusion...what was it...a tea party? Junior illustrated in his email how interested he was in Hillary dirt.

If you honestly think Junior walked away from that meeting with nothing and without a continued desire for dirt on are kidding yourself.

The Orange Clown can say all day that he didn't know about that meeting when it happened, but we all know that he did. When he interviews with Mueller, either he admits the truth or he commits perjury. Clinton lied about sex and was impeached. Will the GOP congress impeach Trump for lying about the treason he committed?

Look up the definition of collusion, idiot.

That the effort to gain help from a foreign adversary....was COLLUSION.
But collusion is not a crime. There must be a bribe, with Trump at least promising to ease sanctions for some help in the election, Or Trump being somehow an accessory to illegal hacking.
Trump publicly invited the Russisn Hackers to continue their surreptitious intrusions into Hillary's e-mails. Millions of people watched Trump mouth those traitorous words and nothing was done about it. Instead of .protesting the deed, Trump rode a crest of dissention created in the wake of the torrent of damning emails released by Russian hackers; suspiciously after the meeting between Trump Jr. and Putin's Trump Tower. The bribe would be to use psych ops to increase chances of a Trump victory in exchange for lifting sanctions against Russia. Apparently the Russian initiative worked...but Trump can't lift the sanctions now...too much heat.
Yet you murdered Seth Rich anyway. So sad.
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