Trump campaign DID collude with Russia

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What the F do you think the Junior meeting was about? They were seeking dirt on Hillary. That IS collusion.
Well no, that is SEEKING to colude.

It proves intent is there from Trump compaign - they had ZERO reservations about co-operating with Kremlin.

We know Russians were interested too, so it is LIKELY that they found a way to it, but we don't KNOW that.

Was there information passed during that meeting? Did this begin a system of criminal collaboration?

Mueller will find out. Please don't say there was NO COLLUSION. There clearly was....

There MAYBE was, that why we need the investigation to conclude.

So, either they wanted to collude, and did = bad
or they wanted to collude and didn't have the capacity to do so = worse
Benghazi! Benghazi! Benghazi!
As I recall, when Junior met with the Russian lady lawyer, she had nothing special to tell him, he deemed it a waste of his time and left. The whole thing was a set up by the democrats in order to try to frame Trump I think.

.....and the underlined part of the above summarizes your major

If my thinking is my major problem, your not thinking is yours. Your problem is that you can't tell the difference and confuse movement of your mouth and fingers with real cognitive action. You should try and learn the difference.

he is a gnat, they have tiny brains.
There is a difference between talking to Russians about legal issues, and doing something illegal. We'll see what Mueller ends up with regarding Trump "collusion", the general consensus is zero.

The dems/Hillary "colluded" with a foreign national (Mr. Steele) to collude with the Russians to publish the bogus Trump dossier. The dems also colluded with the Russians to do the UraniumOne deal, as well as other crimes such as her illegal server. I can't wait for the next special prosecutor to get some real indictments regarding election cheating.

If that is the case

Why won't Trump just reveal what the meetings were about? If they were just innocent meetings, it should be easy to provide the agenda and meeting notes
What the F do you think the Junior meeting was about? They were seeking dirt on Hillary. That IS collusion.
Well no, that is SEEKING to colude.

It proves intent is there from Trump compaign - they had ZERO reservations about co-operating with Kremlin.

We know Russians were interested too, so it is LIKELY that they found a way to it, but we don't KNOW that.

Was there information passed during that meeting? Did this begin a system of criminal collaboration?

Mueller will find out. Please don't say there was NO COLLUSION. There clearly was....

There MAYBE was, that why we need the investigation to conclude.

So, either they wanted to collude, and did = bad
or they wanted to collude and didn't have the capacity to do so = worse

Are you talking about the Hillary campaign? Because paying Russia for a dossier full of lies is collusion. Funny how the Mueller investigation is backfiring on the crooked dems.
Benghazi! Benghazi! Benghazi!

Grainy videos caused that.....yeah.
What the F do you think the Junior meeting was about? They were seeking dirt on Hillary. That IS collusion.

Was there information passed during that meeting? Did this begin a system of criminal collaboration?

Mueller will find out. Please don't say there was NO COLLUSION. There clearly was....

There was no collusion.
There is a difference between talking to Russians about legal issues, and doing something illegal. We'll see what Mueller ends up with regarding Trump "collusion", the general consensus is zero.

The dems/Hillary "colluded" with a foreign national (Mr. Steele) to collude with the Russians to publish the bogus Trump dossier. The dems also colluded with the Russians to do the UraniumOne deal, as well as other crimes such as her illegal server. I can't wait for the next special prosecutor to get some real indictments regarding election cheating.

If that is the case

Why won't Trump just reveal what the meetings were about? If they were just innocent meetings, it should be easy to provide the agenda and meeting notes

He has, under oath.
A bit off topic, but why wasn't Hillary put under oath when questioned about her illegal server and her failure to follow US law on the protection and transmission of classified data?
To review: Flynn plead guilty for "lying" to biased, corrupt, Jihadist FBI Agent Strzok, while the guy who ran the FBI at the time lied to Trump and told him that the Steele dossier was "Salacious and unverified" but forgot to tell the President that it used it to get an illegally obtained FISA warrant to wiretap his campaign
What the F do you think the Junior meeting was about? They were seeking dirt on Hillary. That IS collusion.

Was there information passed during that meeting? Did this begin a system of criminal collaboration?

Mueller will find out. Please don't say there was NO COLLUSION. There clearly was....

There was no collusion.

So...if the meeting with Junior and the Russians wasn't collusion...what was it...a tea party? Junior illustrated in his email how interested he was in Hillary dirt.

If you honestly think Junior walked away from that meeting with nothing and without a continued desire for dirt on are kidding yourself.

The Orange Clown can say all day that he didn't know about that meeting when it happened, but we all know that he did. When he interviews with Mueller, either he admits the truth or he commits perjury. Clinton lied about sex and was impeached. Will the GOP congress impeach Trump for lying about the treason he committed?
What the F do you think the Junior meeting was about? They were seeking dirt on Hillary. That IS collusion.

Was there information passed during that meeting? Did this begin a system of criminal collaboration?

Mueller will find out. Please don't say there was NO COLLUSION. There clearly was....

There was no collusion.

So...if the meeting with Junior and the Russians wasn't collusion...what was it...a tea party? Junior illustrated in his email how interested he was in Hillary dirt.

If you honestly think Junior walked away from that meeting with nothing and without a continued desire for dirt on are kidding yourself.

The Orange Clown can say all day that he didn't know about that meeting when it happened, but we all know that he did. When he interviews with Mueller, either he admits the truth or he commits perjury. Clinton lied about sex and was impeached. Will the GOP congress impeach Trump for lying about the treason he committed?

getting dirt on a political opponent from a foreign source is neither illegal or collusion. Paying a foreign government for a dossier of lies about a political opponent is illegal and collusion.

You left wing fools started this shit and now its bringing your guys down, I find that very amusing.
If you're relying on Trump and kin for the truth, you're some kind of stupid. Bigly.

If you are relying on the Clintons, the dems, or the media for the truth, you're some kind of stupid.

We have become a nation of partisan propaganda, the truth is becoming harder and harder to find, political wins are all that matters, and that is a sad state of affairs for this great country.
If you're relying on Trump and kin for the truth, you're some kind of stupid. Bigly.

The treason if the Trump crime family will make Watergate look like a fairytale...We have never had a more corrupt, perverted, racist bigot in the White House as we do now.

He not only approved racism and bigotry...he celebrates it with his stupidity.
If you're relying on Trump and kin for the truth, you're some kind of stupid. Bigly.

If you are relying on the Clintons, the dems, or the media for the truth, you're some kind of stupid.

We have become a nation of partisan propaganda, the truth is becoming harder and harder to find, political wins are all that matters, and that is a sad state of affairs for this great country.

When word of the meeting with Veselnitskaya broke, the Trump's first reaction was to lie to the public, and claim it was about adoptions. When evidence surfaced that Russia was offering dirt on Hillary, and Russian government support for Trump's election, you choose to believe the meeting was all above-board. That has nothing to do with Clinton's or Democrats.
If you're relying on Trump and kin for the truth, you're some kind of stupid. Bigly.

If you are relying on the Clintons, the dems, or the media for the truth, you're some kind of stupid.

We have become a nation of partisan propaganda, the truth is becoming harder and harder to find, political wins are all that matters, and that is a sad state of affairs for this great country.

Yes. The Russians knew that electing Trump would tear the country apart. They felt so sure that they celebrated in Moscow the night the Orange Clown was illegitamately elected. Now they are "laughing".
If you're relying on Trump and kin for the truth, you're some kind of stupid. Bigly.

If you are relying on the Clintons, the dems, or the media for the truth, you're some kind of stupid.

We have become a nation of partisan propaganda, the truth is becoming harder and harder to find, political wins are all that matters, and that is a sad state of affairs for this great country.

When word of the meeting with Veselnitskaya broke, the Trump's first reaction was to lie to the public, and claim it was about adoptions. When evidence surfaced that Russia was offering dirt on Hillary, and Russian government support for Trump's election, you choose to believe the meeting was all above-board. That has nothing to do with Clinton's or Democrats.

Please use small words. You are talking to Trumpettes...
If you're relying on Trump and kin for the truth, you're some kind of stupid. Bigly.

The treason if the Trump crime family will make Watergate look like a fairytale...We have never had a more corrupt, perverted, racist bigot in the White House as we do now.

He not only approved racism and bigotry...he celebrates it with his stupidity.

Jessie Jackson and Sharpton gave Trump an award for building up black businesses in NYC.
Trump was never accused of racism by anyone until he decided to run against crooked Hillary and the Clinton crime family.

Ask the people of Haiti where the money that the Clinton foundation collected for them ended up. Ask why Chelsea (Webb Hubbell's daughter) was paid 900K/yr right out of college to run the Clinton crime foundation.

I get it that you hate Trump, but try dealing with some facts once in a while.
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