Trump campaign DID collude with Russia

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Parts of the dossier were verified. You have no evidence that unverified parts were presented to the FISC.

Show me in a link, evidence used for the dossier, where a private citizen’s actions of communications and meetings of suspicious illegal activity connected to a foreign government power has been collaberated and verified by the CIA. Evidence that is not supported solely by a paid retired British operative as the only foreign intelligence source. A government agency who’s business is in uncovering government threats, the sharing of information, and knowledgeable in known foreign operatives that can be specifically linked to the Kremlin. Any information that can be collaberated by Secret Intelligence Service (MI-6), CIA, someone involved in the gathering of foreign intelligence for personal or national gain. Again a independent foreign source that is “credible”, with integrity that is not left to question, that can not be in any way traced to a certain political party's Wallet.
How true is the Trump-Russia dossier? One year later, what we know about its claims

Verified: Former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page met with representatives of Russian state-owned oil giant Rosneft.

Verified: The Kremlin targeted educated youth and swing state voters during its cyber attacks in the 2016 campaign.

Verified: Trump maintains ties to rich businessmen from Azerbaijan.

Name for me specifically which foreign intelligence agencies collaberated with each of the claims that Trump did something illegal to undermine the election. The FBI is not an agency that deals in foreign espionage and foreign intelligence.

The FBI doesn't investigate foreign threats? Really? I'll bet that's news to them.

I think that may get the award for the stupidest statement that I ever read on this board...and I have been here a long time.

These people not only vote, they walk around in supermarkets buying food...often standing right beside sane people. SCARY!

If you honestly believe the FBI has the knowledge and resources alone to accurately determine and conclude those individuals involved under a foreign government without it being collaborated by a foreign intelligence agency ... you’re rather gullible and incapable of doing your own research beyond what someone else tells you.
Whatever that means. The only folks rooting for Russia are the defenders of the domestic enemy, Trump.
why do you think that? why do you believe my support of trump is for putin when you have absolutely nothing to make that accusation with?

Hey, just because you choose to ignore all the evidence that Trump and Putin are soul brothers doesn't mean that everybody ignores it. What other President would not be fighting mad about Russia (our most noted enemy and our most long held adversary) interfering in our Democracy? What President beside Trump would refuse to even speak out on the subject even as the evidence mounts over 14 months? What innocent President would not push hard to not only increase but to even impose sanctions approved overwhelmingly in a bipartisan way?
What other President would publicly state that he tends to believe Putin's denial of responsibility for meddling in our Democracy despite every investigating body charged with looking into the matter of Russian hacking finding that they did and have stated that there remains zero doubt?

You can choose to turn a blind eye and deaf ear to all that but I believe that old saying about a duck. You just won't ever admit that our duck, Donald Duck, is neck deep in this stuff because then you would have to admit you were wrong to support him but even more distasteful is the prospect of those on the left being right. No pun intended.
dude post up any evidence and I'll review it. right now, today, I have seen absolutely nothing and neither has the congress to include Schiff and Schumer as well. so what is your evidence that shows that relationship of the two. When I have a video of obummer telling him all was good, good buddy.

You see and hear the news and read the papers and I guess you derive the conclusions from all that differently, which is your right. I just hope in the end all Americans can agree on the findings and move to undivide. (If that's a word) I've never seen a more radical and divisive character in my life and the fact that he is the leader of the free world scares the bejesus out of me.

He's not divisive, folks are just pissed because they were told "Hillary in a landslide".

Again with the Obama and Hillary? Why do I bother? Good luck, we're gonna need it.
why do you think that? why do you believe my support of trump is for putin when you have absolutely nothing to make that accusation with?

Hey, just because you choose to ignore all the evidence that Trump and Putin are soul brothers doesn't mean that everybody ignores it. What other President would not be fighting mad about Russia (our most noted enemy and our most long held adversary) interfering in our Democracy? What President beside Trump would refuse to even speak out on the subject even as the evidence mounts over 14 months? What innocent President would not push hard to not only increase but to even impose sanctions approved overwhelmingly in a bipartisan way?
What other President would publicly state that he tends to believe Putin's denial of responsibility for meddling in our Democracy despite every investigating body charged with looking into the matter of Russian hacking finding that they did and have stated that there remains zero doubt?

You can choose to turn a blind eye and deaf ear to all that but I believe that old saying about a duck. You just won't ever admit that our duck, Donald Duck, is neck deep in this stuff because then you would have to admit you were wrong to support him but even more distasteful is the prospect of those on the left being right. No pun intended.
dude post up any evidence and I'll review it. right now, today, I have seen absolutely nothing and neither has the congress to include Schiff and Schumer as well. so what is your evidence that shows that relationship of the two. When I have a video of obummer telling him all was good, good buddy.

You see and hear the news and read the papers and I guess you derive the conclusions from all that differently, which is your right. I just hope in the end all Americans can agree on the findings and move to undivide. (If that's a word) I've never seen a more radical and divisive character in my life and the fact that he is the leader of the free world scares the bejesus out of me.
so you have no evidence, just as I figured. MSM isn't proof of anything. they are biased 97% of their news is anti-trump. useless drivel.

Congress and the FBI said trump did nothing with russia. again, feel free to post it up anytime.

Oh for fuck's sake. Okay, have it your way. He's a normal, wildly brilliant leader whose intellect is so far above our own that all the Russia stuff can be explained away by his master plan for America that only he and those smart enough to see his brilliance can even hope to comprehend. Better?

surely Trump will be impeached any day now

hopefully he can start rounding up dissidents for the concentration camps before they go through wih removing him from office...
You lefties keep forgetting something important; in order to impeach, you need a two-thirds majority to do so and many republicans and even independents are still behind him. Add to this, millions still support the guy because of what he's been doing for the economy, et cetera.
why do you think that? why do you believe my support of trump is for putin when you have absolutely nothing to make that accusation with?

Hey, just because you choose to ignore all the evidence that Trump and Putin are soul brothers doesn't mean that everybody ignores it. What other President would not be fighting mad about Russia (our most noted enemy and our most long held adversary) interfering in our Democracy? What President beside Trump would refuse to even speak out on the subject even as the evidence mounts over 14 months? What innocent President would not push hard to not only increase but to even impose sanctions approved overwhelmingly in a bipartisan way?
What other President would publicly state that he tends to believe Putin's denial of responsibility for meddling in our Democracy despite every investigating body charged with looking into the matter of Russian hacking finding that they did and have stated that there remains zero doubt?

You can choose to turn a blind eye and deaf ear to all that but I believe that old saying about a duck. You just won't ever admit that our duck, Donald Duck, is neck deep in this stuff because then you would have to admit you were wrong to support him but even more distasteful is the prospect of those on the left being right. No pun intended.
dude post up any evidence and I'll review it. right now, today, I have seen absolutely nothing and neither has the congress to include Schiff and Schumer as well. so what is your evidence that shows that relationship of the two. When I have a video of obummer telling him all was good, good buddy.

You see and hear the news and read the papers and I guess you derive the conclusions from all that differently, which is your right. I just hope in the end all Americans can agree on the findings and move to undivide. (If that's a word) I've never seen a more radical and divisive character in my life and the fact that he is the leader of the free world scares the bejesus out of me.

He's not divisive, folks are just pissed because they were told "Hillary in a landslide".

Again with the Obama and Hillary? Why do I bother? Good luck, we're gonna need it.

I never mentioned Obama and I am convinced had Hillary won, we wouldn't even know about the Russia stuff... it never came up until after the election yet they knew well before the election.
Parts of the dossier were verified. You have no evidence that unverified parts were presented to the FISC.

Show me in a link, evidence used for the dossier, where a private citizen’s actions of communications and meetings of suspicious illegal activity connected to a foreign government power has been collaberated and verified by the CIA. Evidence that is not supported solely by a paid retired British operative as the only foreign intelligence source. A government agency who’s business is in uncovering government threats, the sharing of information, and knowledgeable in known foreign operatives that can be specifically linked to the Kremlin. Any information that can be collaberated by Secret Intelligence Service (MI-6), CIA, someone involved in the gathering of foreign intelligence for personal or national gain. Again a independent foreign source that is “credible”, with integrity that is not left to question, that can not be in any way traced to a certain political party's Wallet.
How true is the Trump-Russia dossier? One year later, what we know about its claims

Verified: Former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page met with representatives of Russian state-owned oil giant Rosneft.

Verified: The Kremlin targeted educated youth and swing state voters during its cyber attacks in the 2016 campaign.

Verified: Trump maintains ties to rich businessmen from Azerbaijan.

Russian interests spent 46 thousand dollars putting crap on facebook. The dem machine spent hundreds of millions doing the same thing, and you are saying that 46K swung the election? Do you understand how stupid that sounds?
You know you’re brain-dead? Where did I say that 46K swung the election?? I didn’t. You’re obviously listening to your hallucinations and not what I’m saying because what I said is that Comey swung the election.

you said that Russia hacked it. all Comey did was tell a very biased version of the truth about Hillary and her illegal server and her failure to follow national classified data protection laws. If you are saying that the truth swung the election, I agree.
I said Comey swayed the election for Trump. I didn’t say Russian hacking swayed the election. Is that still too complicated for you to wrap your tiny feeble brain around?
Trump’s won because of Comey.

Are we talking the same Comey that the Democrats defended for doing his job when they cried Trump obstruction? You progressives really need to get your story straight.
My story is straight. Hillary had a comfortable lead in the polls when Americans began voting. That lead was gone when early voting ended and there was no other major event other than Comey announcements g he was reopening the investigation into Hillary’s email server. An investigation he then closed down saying there was no reason for it to begin with.

That “lead”, much like those CNN polls, were weighed heavily democrat to get the projection they needed over Trump. I already proved that through the “fine print” following the poll numbers up and to the election. Like trusting a car report that later turns out to be a lemon, don’t believe everything you see without spreading the fine print.
Whatever weighting was applied prior to mid-October is the same as what was applied after. So even if weighting were an issue, and there is no indication it was since the average polling was off by only 1 percentage point, the evaporation of Hillary’s lead following the announcement of the investigation into her email server cannot be explained by weighting.

OK, let me go slow so that maybe you will get it.

1. the pollsters wanted Hillary to win
2. the MSM wanted Hillary to win
3. the polls were structured to make it look like she was ahead
4. the pollsters lied when they said she had a 97% chance of winnint
5. the pollsters and the media lied when they said that Trump had no path to 270 EC votes
6. polls are designed to influence public opinion, not to report on it
7. you have been duped, and you don't even realize it.
Moron, if pollsters lied to help Hillary, why on Earth would they say she’s got a 97% chance of winning, when that would only cause her to lose votes by folks on the left who don’t bother to vote because they figure she’s got it wrapped up?

Had they actually been lying for Hillary, they would have said she’s behind Trump as that would inspire folks on the left to come out to vote to try to put her ahead.

Common sense eludes you.
surely Trump will be impeached any day now

hopefully he can start rounding up dissidents for the concentration camps before they go through wih removing him from office...
You lefties keep forgetting something important; in order to impeach, you need a two-thirds majority to do so and many republicans and even independents are still behind him. Add to this, millions still support the guy because of what he's been doing for the economy, et cetera.
Great, yet another low information rightie ^^^

Low information rightie, it takes only a simple majority in the House to impeach a president.
surely Trump will be impeached any day now

hopefully he can start rounding up dissidents for the concentration camps before they go through wih removing him from office...
You lefties keep forgetting something important; in order to impeach, you need a two-thirds majority to do so and many republicans and even independents are still behind him. Add to this, millions still support the guy because of what he's been doing for the economy, et cetera.
Great, yet another low information rightie ^^^

Low information rightie, it takes only a simple majority in the House to impeach a president.
For a "federal impeachment" to be successful, the House must submit the articles of impeachment to the Senate, the senate reviews the charges and conducts a trial. Per the U.S. Constitution, it MUST be a two-thirds majority to successfully impeach a sitting president. Read your Constitution.
Not the way Mueller

Several opinions have been offered on Mueller's finds. He may indict POTUS which would end up in Supreme Court. But most legal dudes think he will issue a report to Congress. Of there are charges of illegal activity in the report...the GOP congress will have to decide to do something or lose in the November election

If members of the crime family are charges or indicted...the orange one will need to decide if pardoning them is worth a HUGE political got.
nothing gets him out of office. run all the scenarios you want. the fact is it has never happened. and it won't it takes 2/3 majority of the senate.

If it was presented to congress right now, I'd agree with you but once collusion is proved and it's shown that the Trump team took part in corrupting the election process maybe the GOP House and Senate will feel they have no choice but to do the right thing.

Not because it is the right thing but because as usual they are worried about losing their own jobs. I think the Mueller investigation will leave no doubt as to the guilt of Trump and most of his inner circle in the pay for play. Office for sanctions.

It didn't work out that way but the crime was committed as soon as the offer was accepted. And the cover-up will rake in the rest of the rats via obstruction charges. Just watch.

The walls are closing in and it may not become necessary to oust Trump because being the coward that he is, he'll probably resign like the last crook who thought he was too smart to get caught.
dude, it takes two thirds of the senate to remove him. It ain't ever going to happen. it's why our FF's wrote the language that way. you can jerk off all day on your thought, but it ain't ever gonna happen. what a waste of money.

He's toast. Just a matter of time.

Dood, all of us are toast as a matter of time, unless we decay into worm food.
surely Trump will be impeached any day now

hopefully he can start rounding up dissidents for the concentration camps before they go through wih removing him from office...
You lefties keep forgetting something important; in order to impeach, you need a two-thirds majority to do so and many republicans and even independents are still behind him. Add to this, millions still support the guy because of what he's been doing for the economy, et cetera.
Great, yet another low information rightie ^^^

Low information rightie, it takes only a simple majority in the House to impeach a president.
For a "federal impeachment" to be successful, the House must submit the articles of impeachment to the Senate, the senate reviews the charges and conducts a trial. Per the U.S. Constitution, it MUST be a two-thirds majority to successfully impeach a sitting president. Read your Constitution.

Let me remind you what you said.... ”in order to impeach, you need a two-thirds majority to do so...”

Only the House has the power to impeach a president and that requires a simple majority, not 2/3rds.

I hope you’re taking notes. :badgrin:
As if you would know what a good writer does.


She did not pay for the initial report...a GOP rival did....evidently it isn't since the FBI is finding more of it true every day.

Please show your source and link stating "the FBI is finding more of it true every day".

I guess your signature is null and void since Kushner has been privy to classified info since he became the right hand man of the Potus, and without a security clearance and who in the heck knows what damage he has done and how he has enriched himself.

Thank you, bottom line, you've got nothing. We know.
surely Trump will be impeached any day now

hopefully he can start rounding up dissidents for the concentration camps before they go through wih removing him from office...
You lefties keep forgetting something important; in order to impeach, you need a two-thirds majority to do so and many republicans and even independents are still behind him. Add to this, millions still support the guy because of what he's been doing for the economy, et cetera.
Great, yet another low information rightie ^^^

Low information rightie, it takes only a simple majority in the House to impeach a president.
For a "federal impeachment" to be successful, the House must submit the articles of impeachment to the Senate, the senate reviews the charges and conducts a trial. Per the U.S. Constitution, it MUST be a two-thirds majority to successfully impeach a sitting president. Read your Constitution.

Let me remind you what you said.... ”in order to impeach, you need a two-thirds majority to do so...”

Only the House has the power to impeach a president and that requires a simple majority, not 2/3rds.

I hope you’re taking notes. :badgrin:
Congress has to submit it to the Senate, dipshit.
surely Trump will be impeached any day now

hopefully he can start rounding up dissidents for the concentration camps before they go through wih removing him from office...
You lefties keep forgetting something important; in order to impeach, you need a two-thirds majority to do so and many republicans and even independents are still behind him. Add to this, millions still support the guy because of what he's been doing for the economy, et cetera.
Great, yet another low information rightie ^^^

Low information rightie, it takes only a simple majority in the House to impeach a president.
For a "federal impeachment" to be successful, the House must submit the articles of impeachment to the Senate, the senate reviews the charges and conducts a trial. Per the U.S. Constitution, it MUST be a two-thirds majority to successfully impeach a sitting president. Read your Constitution.

Let me remind you what you said.... ”in order to impeach, you need a two-thirds majority to do so...”

Only the House has the power to impeach a president and that requires a simple majority, not 2/3rds.

I hope you’re taking notes. :badgrin:

"On February 12, the Senate emerged from its closed deliberations and voted on the articles of impeachment. A two-thirds vote, 67 votes, would have been necessary to convict and remove the President from office."

I hope you're taking notes.
surely Trump will be impeached any day now

hopefully he can start rounding up dissidents for the concentration camps before they go through wih removing him from office...
You lefties keep forgetting something important; in order to impeach, you need a two-thirds majority to do so and many republicans and even independents are still behind him. Add to this, millions still support the guy because of what he's been doing for the economy, et cetera.
Great, yet another low information rightie ^^^

Low information rightie, it takes only a simple majority in the House to impeach a president.
For a "federal impeachment" to be successful, the House must submit the articles of impeachment to the Senate, the senate reviews the charges and conducts a trial. Per the U.S. Constitution, it MUST be a two-thirds majority to successfully impeach a sitting president. Read your Constitution.

Let me remind you what you said.... ”in order to impeach, you need a two-thirds majority to do so...”

Only the House has the power to impeach a president and that requires a simple majority, not 2/3rds.

I hope you’re taking notes. :badgrin:
Congress has to submit it to the Senate, dipshit.

Low information rightie... by that time, the president’s already been impeached.
It’s a fact the dossier is not collaborated by foreign intelligence, the only foreign source is a retired agent paid through Fusion GPS. This is also why there is no special council indictment that links to Russia, just some questionable financial statements prior to 2016. Also any individual that the council wants to charge with “lying” is not the best deemed “credible” source to use to give testimony in an investigation on Trump.

Oh that's not true. The indictments of Papadopolus and the Page warrant are certainly tied to Russia. Also, Manafort and Gates have ties to Russia and specifically Russia's annexing of the Ukraine. Many undeclared foreign agents were and are part of the Trump team. The real answer to whether Mueller has uncovered such ties and has enough for further indictments is anyone's guess. I'd be very surprised if there aren't multiple indictments to come from the Special Counsel's office. And I expect those indictments will tighten the noose around the yellow cheese himself.

The love of loot will provide a stream of bread crumbs to follow on Trump, Manafort, Gates and Kushner. "A back channel to Putin in the Russian embassy?" That kind of action will bring him down and the money laundering by others will shine a light on the reasons for all the surreptitious contacts by Trump surrogates. There's a good reason for the lack of leaks and the passage of time by Mueller's team. He wants zero escape hatches for these traitorous bastards.

He knows ten times what folks might think he knows. He's just being thorough and deliberate.
”He knows ten times what folks might think he knows. He's just being thorough and deliberate.”

Exactly. Mueller knows he’s got just one bullet in the chamber and it that’s it. If he has anything with which to go after Trump, his indictment has to be 100% perfect. Even the slightest mistake in it will get exploited and Trump will slither away and Mueller will not get a second shot.

Yeah, and with the team of pros he's assembled, if anyone can do it it's Mueller. I think the hope for justice relies on the top shelf forensic accountants on the team. They're the ones who must dig deep to connect all the dots and unveil the truth.

Hundreds or more of shill LLC's and multiple deposits and withdrawals etc. It will be a Herculean task and I hope to heck they're up to it. We can't allow this shit to go on in our govt at the highest level. This is so much more important and devious than Watergate that it pales in comparison.

I think you're right that they won't get a second bite at the apple. So, every time I think to myself, "c'mon Mueller, let's get this done!" I remember just how important it is to get it right.

So, c'mon Mueller, you served your country many times before, let's make this time the most vital and your best effort.

I think I just out metaphored ya! LOL
so you're rooting for russia eh?

Whatever that means. The only folks rooting for Russia are the defenders of the domestic enemy, Trump.

And there are a lot of those traitors out there....A LOT OF THEM HERE!
What the F do you think the Junior meeting was about? They were seeking dirt on Hillary. That IS collusion.

Was there information passed during that meeting? Did this begin a system of criminal collaboration?

Mueller will find out. Please don't say there was NO COLLUSION. There clearly was....

The Trumpies don't want to hear it.
surely Trump will be impeached any day now

hopefully he can start rounding up dissidents for the concentration camps before they go through wih removing him from office...
You lefties keep forgetting something important; in order to impeach, you need a two-thirds majority to do so and many republicans and even independents are still behind him. Add to this, millions still support the guy because of what he's been doing for the economy, et cetera.
Great, yet another low information rightie ^^^

Low information rightie, it takes only a simple majority in the House to impeach a president.
For a "federal impeachment" to be successful, the House must submit the articles of impeachment to the Senate, the senate reviews the charges and conducts a trial. Per the U.S. Constitution, it MUST be a two-thirds majority to successfully impeach a sitting president. Read your Constitution.

Let me remind you what you said.... ”in order to impeach, you need a two-thirds majority to do so...”

Only the House has the power to impeach a president and that requires a simple majority, not 2/3rds.

I hope you’re taking notes. :badgrin:

"On February 12, the Senate emerged from its closed deliberations and voted on the articles of impeachment. A two-thirds vote, 67 votes, would have been necessary to convict and remove the President from office."

I hope you're taking notes.

Oh look, another low information rightie steps in to help out the first low information rightie. Even combined, they still can’t reach the level of a Liberal.

Low information rightie #2, watch as I highlight the key word in that text which demonstrates why you’re a low information rightie..... convict

Now about those notes, jot this one down ....

impeach ≠ convict

An impeached president may be acquitted by the Senate or they may be convicted by the Senate — but either way, they’re still impeached.

Don’t they learn you nothing at your trailer park?? :badgrin:
Last edited:
Whatever that means. The only folks rooting for Russia are the defenders of the domestic enemy, Trump.
why do you think that? why do you believe my support of trump is for putin when you have absolutely nothing to make that accusation with?

Hey, just because you choose to ignore all the evidence that Trump and Putin are soul brothers doesn't mean that everybody ignores it. What other President would not be fighting mad about Russia (our most noted enemy and our most long held adversary) interfering in our Democracy? What President beside Trump would refuse to even speak out on the subject even as the evidence mounts over 14 months? What innocent President would not push hard to not only increase but to even impose sanctions approved overwhelmingly in a bipartisan way?
What other President would publicly state that he tends to believe Putin's denial of responsibility for meddling in our Democracy despite every investigating body charged with looking into the matter of Russian hacking finding that they did and have stated that there remains zero doubt?

You can choose to turn a blind eye and deaf ear to all that but I believe that old saying about a duck. You just won't ever admit that our duck, Donald Duck, is neck deep in this stuff because then you would have to admit you were wrong to support him but even more distasteful is the prospect of those on the left being right. No pun intended.
dude post up any evidence and I'll review it. right now, today, I have seen absolutely nothing and neither has the congress to include Schiff and Schumer as well. so what is your evidence that shows that relationship of the two. When I have a video of obummer telling him all was good, good buddy.

You see and hear the news and read the papers and I guess you derive the conclusions from all that differently, which is your right. I just hope in the end all Americans can agree on the findings and move to undivide. (If that's a word) I've never seen a more radical and divisive character in my life and the fact that he is the leader of the free world scares the bejesus out of me.

He's not divisive, folks are just pissed because they were told "Hillary in a landslide".

For the first time in years we have Nazis walking in the streets being defended by a so called president....naw...not divisive at all.
surely Trump will be impeached any day now

hopefully he can start rounding up dissidents for the concentration camps before they go through wih removing him from office...
You lefties keep forgetting something important; in order to impeach, you need a two-thirds majority to do so and many republicans and even independents are still behind him. Add to this, millions still support the guy because of what he's been doing for the economy, et cetera.
Great, yet another low information rightie ^^^

Low information rightie, it takes only a simple majority in the House to impeach a president.
For a "federal impeachment" to be successful, the House must submit the articles of impeachment to the Senate, the senate reviews the charges and conducts a trial. Per the U.S. Constitution, it MUST be a two-thirds majority to successfully impeach a sitting president. Read your Constitution.

Let me remind you what you said.... ”in order to impeach, you need a two-thirds majority to do so...”

Only the House has the power to impeach a president and that requires a simple majority, not 2/3rds.

I hope you’re taking notes. :badgrin:

If the Dems win the House...which it appears it will...the Stump will be re-election and possibly resignation.
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