Trump campaign DID collude with Russia

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It's going on 2 years and the Trump Russia hoax continues wasting tax payer money.
Take heart, it won't be much longer before the truth is revealed and lots of Trumpers go to jail. Have patience.


Secretarys of States do that..your point is?

Yeah, that's back in the good old days when we actually had a State Dept. We've got big issues around the world and no diplomatic corps to work on them. And, yeah, I guess this pic is supposed to be a gotcha thing? Sec of state meet with foreign leaders all the time.

That's the definition of the job but when they are part of a conspiracy against our democracy, that's a whole nuther ball game. These righties on here just don't get it. And when they're too ignorant to figure things out they break out their Junior Master Deflector kits and this nonsense is the result. Reality will snap them back to earth. Well, some of them.
It's going on 2 years and the Trump Russia hoax continues wasting tax payer money.
Take heart, it won't be much longer before the truth is revealed and lots of Trumpers go to jail. Have patience.


Secretarys of States do that..your point is?

Yeah, that's back in the good old days when we actually had a State Dept. We've got big issues around the world and no diplomatic corps to work on them. And, yeah, I guess this pic is supposed to be a gotcha thing? Sec of state meet with foreign leaders all the time.

That's the definition of the job but when they are part of a conspiracy against our democracy, that's a whole nuther ball game. These righties on here just don't get it. And when they're tolevelorant to figure things out they break out their Junior Master Deflector kits and this nonsense is the result. Reality will snap them back to earth. Well, some of them.

Yeah but Kushner can handle all those issues around the world....well...the ones that don't involve top secret information.

In the case of top secret information....little stick pictures will replace any information above his reduced security clearance level...:badgrin:
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We know no such thing. The dossier is a collection of memos by British intel and what has come to light so far has been accurate. BTW getting dirt is not illegal unless you get the dirt from an enemy and promise payment in the form of lifting sanctions upon being elected with stolen info illegally obtained by that enemy. Knock knock anyone home?
The dossier was paid for by the DNC and Hillary Clinton and is from one spy (Mr. Steele) and the dossier has not been proven to be true. "British intel" was actually the biased Mr. Steele who was PAID by the DNC and the corrupt FBI to get dirt on Trump.
Oh that's not true. The indictments of Papadopolus and the Page warrant are certainly tied to Russia. Also, Manafort and Gates have ties to Russia and specifically Russia's annexing of the Ukraine. Many undeclared foreign agents were and are part of the Trump team. The real answer to whether Mueller has uncovered such ties and has enough for further indictments is anyone's guess. I'd be very surprised if there aren't multiple indictments to come from the Special Counsel's office. And I expect those indictments will tighten the noose around the yellow cheese himself.

The love of loot will provide a stream of bread crumbs to follow on Trump, Manafort, Gates and Kushner. "A back channel to Putin in the Russian embassy?" That kind of action will bring him down and the money laundering by others will shine a light on the reasons for all the surreptitious contacts by Trump surrogates. There's a good reason for the lack of leaks and the passage of time by Mueller's team. He wants zero escape hatches for these traitorous bastards.

He knows ten times what folks might think he knows. He's just being thorough and deliberate.
”He knows ten times what folks might think he knows. He's just being thorough and deliberate.”

Exactly. Mueller knows he’s got just one bullet in the chamber and it that’s it. If he has anything with which to go after Trump, his indictment has to be 100% perfect. Even the slightest mistake in it will get exploited and Trump will slither away and Mueller will not get a second shot.

Yeah, and with the team of pros he's assembled, if anyone can do it it's Mueller. I think the hope for justice relies on the top shelf forensic accountants on the team. They're the ones who must dig deep to connect all the dots and unveil the truth.

Hundreds or more of shill LLC's and multiple deposits and withdrawals etc. It will be a Herculean task and I hope to heck they're up to it. We can't allow this shit to go on in our govt at the highest level. This is so much more important and devious than Watergate that it pales in comparison.

I think you're right that they won't get a second bite at the apple. So, every time I think to myself, "c'mon Mueller, let's get this done!" I remember just how important it is to get it right.

So, c'mon Mueller, you served your country many times before, let's make this time the most vital and your best effort.

I think I just out metaphored ya! LOL
so you're rooting for russia eh?

Whatever that means. The only folks rooting for Russia are the defenders of the domestic enemy, Trump.

And there are a lot of those traitors out there....A LOT OF THEM HERE!

The DNC doesn’t deny they used Fusion GPS to pay to try and dig up dirt on Trump, the Washington Post and New York Times confirm they paid for the dossier,the Post (not Fox News) confirmes they paid Steele,, evidence of FBI officials Peter Strzok and Lisa Page show "manifest bias" for Hillary, Weissman has an ethics problem to include being chastised by a judge, and I can go on and on.

If questioning your research produces this kind of response, and that’s the best you can come up with? Try harder.
We know no such thing. The dossier is a collection of memos by British intel and what has come to light so far has been accurate. BTW getting dirt is not illegal unless you get the dirt from an enemy and promise payment in the form of lifting sanctions upon being elected with stolen info illegally obtained by that enemy. Knock knock anyone home?
The dossier was paid for by the DNC and Hillary Clinton and is from one spy (Mr. Steele) and the dossier has not been proven to be true. "British intel" was actually the biased Mr. Steele who was PAID by the DNC and the corrupt FBI to get dirt on Trump.

Not all of it was paid for by the DNC, it started life as a Republican thing.

Oh wait, it's not convenient, let's forget it.
”He knows ten times what folks might think he knows. He's just being thorough and deliberate.”

Exactly. Mueller knows he’s got just one bullet in the chamber and it that’s it. If he has anything with which to go after Trump, his indictment has to be 100% perfect. Even the slightest mistake in it will get exploited and Trump will slither away and Mueller will not get a second shot.

Yeah, and with the team of pros he's assembled, if anyone can do it it's Mueller. I think the hope for justice relies on the top shelf forensic accountants on the team. They're the ones who must dig deep to connect all the dots and unveil the truth.

Hundreds or more of shill LLC's and multiple deposits and withdrawals etc. It will be a Herculean task and I hope to heck they're up to it. We can't allow this shit to go on in our govt at the highest level. This is so much more important and devious than Watergate that it pales in comparison.

I think you're right that they won't get a second bite at the apple. So, every time I think to myself, "c'mon Mueller, let's get this done!" I remember just how important it is to get it right.

So, c'mon Mueller, you served your country many times before, let's make this time the most vital and your best effort.

I think I just out metaphored ya! LOL
so you're rooting for russia eh?

Whatever that means. The only folks rooting for Russia are the defenders of the domestic enemy, Trump.

And there are a lot of those traitors out there....A LOT OF THEM HERE!

The DNC doesn’t deny they used Fusion GPS to pay to try and dig up dirt on Trump, the Washington Post and New York Times confirm they paid for the dossier,the Post (not Fox News) confirmes they paid Steele,, evidence of FBI officials Peter Strzok and Lisa Page show "manifest bias" for Hillary, Weissman has an ethics problem to include being chastised by a judge, and I can go on and on.

If questioning your research produces this kind of response, and that’s the best you can come up with? Try harder.

oh ... and let’s not forget.

“Let me tell you: You take on the intelligence community — they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you," Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer

Get back at you how exactly. What a threat from liberal Democrats.
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Getting dirt on Hillary. What's the crime? It's hard NOT to get dirt on Hillary.
Getting dirt on Hillary. What's the crime? It's hard NOT to get dirt on Hillary.

But it's okay to get dirt on Hillary and not okay to get dirt on Trump! That's the thing here.

If there is dirt to get on President Trump knock yourself out.Thus far the vast majority of "dirt" has been lies so outrageous they are obvious. Besides, what do you care? All the lefties agree that Trump can't possibly win the election..
You lefties keep forgetting something important; in order to impeach, you need a two-thirds majority to do so and many republicans and even independents are still behind him. Add to this, millions still support the guy because of what he's been doing for the economy, et cetera.
Great, yet another low information rightie ^^^

Low information rightie, it takes only a simple majority in the House to impeach a president.
For a "federal impeachment" to be successful, the House must submit the articles of impeachment to the Senate, the senate reviews the charges and conducts a trial. Per the U.S. Constitution, it MUST be a two-thirds majority to successfully impeach a sitting president. Read your Constitution.

Let me remind you what you said.... ”in order to impeach, you need a two-thirds majority to do so...”

Only the House has the power to impeach a president and that requires a simple majority, not 2/3rds.

I hope you’re taking notes. :badgrin:

If the Dems win the House...which it appears it will...the Stump will be re-election and possibly resignation.
Impeach him for what?
Articles of Impeachment can be initiated for just about anything viewed as improper.
Getting dirt on Hillary. What's the crime? It's hard NOT to get dirt on Hillary.

But it's okay to get dirt on Hillary and not okay to get dirt on Trump! That's the thing here.

If there is dirt to get on President Trump knock yourself out.Thus far the vast majority of "dirt" has been lies so outrageous they are obvious. Besides, what do you care? All the lefties agree that Trump can't possibly win the election..

The dirt's there as much as it's on Hillary.

The difference is when someone says "Hillary did this" you go "Yeah, must be true" and when someone say "Trump did this" you go "Nah, can't be true."

The partisan bullshit is so childish.
We know no such thing. The dossier is a collection of memos by British intel and what has come to light so far has been accurate. BTW getting dirt is not illegal unless you get the dirt from an enemy and promise payment in the form of lifting sanctions upon being elected with stolen info illegally obtained by that enemy. Knock knock anyone home?
The dossier was paid for by the DNC and Hillary Clinton and is from one spy (Mr. Steele) and the dossier has not been proven to be true. "British intel" was actually the biased Mr. Steele who was PAID by the DNC and the corrupt FBI to get dirt on Trump.

I would call out all the lies in that statement...but there are just too many to easily enumerate. Suffice it to say I question whether u are either a Russian Bot or Troll.

You are spreading division and discourse just as your master Putin wants.
”He knows ten times what folks might think he knows. He's just being thorough and deliberate.”

Exactly. Mueller knows he’s got just one bullet in the chamber and it that’s it. If he has anything with which to go after Trump, his indictment has to be 100% perfect. Even the slightest mistake in it will get exploited and Trump will slither away and Mueller will not get a second shot.

Yeah, and with the team of pros he's assembled, if anyone can do it it's Mueller. I think the hope for justice relies on the top shelf forensic accountants on the team. They're the ones who must dig deep to connect all the dots and unveil the truth.

Hundreds or more of shill LLC's and multiple deposits and withdrawals etc. It will be a Herculean task and I hope to heck they're up to it. We can't allow this shit to go on in our govt at the highest level. This is so much more important and devious than Watergate that it pales in comparison.

I think you're right that they won't get a second bite at the apple. So, every time I think to myself, "c'mon Mueller, let's get this done!" I remember just how important it is to get it right.

So, c'mon Mueller, you served your country many times before, let's make this time the most vital and your best effort.

I think I just out metaphored ya! LOL
so you're rooting for russia eh?

Whatever that means. The only folks rooting for Russia are the defenders of the domestic enemy, Trump.

And there are a lot of those traitors out there....A LOT OF THEM HERE!

The DNC doesn’t deny they used Fusion GPS to pay to try and dig up dirt on Trump, the Washington Post and New York Times confirm they paid for the dossier,the Post (not Fox News) confirmes they paid Steele,, evidence of FBI officials Peter Strzok and Lisa Page show "manifest bias" for Hillary, Weissman has an ethics problem to include being chastised by a judge, and I can go on and on.

If questioning your research produces this kind of response, and that’s the best you can come up with? Try harder.

oh ... and let’s not forget.

“Let me tell you: You take on the intelligence community — they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you," Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer

Get back at you how exactly. What a threat from liberal Democrats.

Sounds like reality to me. The Orange One needs to watch his back.
”He knows ten times what folks might think he knows. He's just being thorough and deliberate.”

Exactly. Mueller knows he’s got just one bullet in the chamber and it that’s it. If he has anything with which to go after Trump, his indictment has to be 100% perfect. Even the slightest mistake in it will get exploited and Trump will slither away and Mueller will not get a second shot.

Yeah, and with the team of pros he's assembled, if anyone can do it it's Mueller. I think the hope for justice relies on the top shelf forensic accountants on the team. They're the ones who must dig deep to connect all the dots and unveil the truth.

Hundreds or more of shill LLC's and multiple deposits and withdrawals etc. It will be a Herculean task and I hope to heck they're up to it. We can't allow this shit to go on in our govt at the highest level. This is so much more important and devious than Watergate that it pales in comparison.

I think you're right that they won't get a second bite at the apple. So, every time I think to myself, "c'mon Mueller, let's get this done!" I remember just how important it is to get it right.

So, c'mon Mueller, you served your country many times before, let's make this time the most vital and your best effort.

I think I just out metaphored ya! LOL
so you're rooting for russia eh?

Whatever that means. The only folks rooting for Russia are the defenders of the domestic enemy, Trump.

And there are a lot of those traitors out there....A LOT OF THEM HERE!

The DNC doesn’t deny they used Fusion GPS to pay to try and dig up dirt on Trump, the Washington Post and New York Times confirm they paid for the dossier,the Post (not Fox News) confirmes they paid Steele,, evidence of FBI officials Peter Strzok and Lisa Page show "manifest bias" for Hillary, Weissman has an ethics problem to include being chastised by a judge, and I can go on and on.

If questioning your research produces this kind of response, and that’s the best you can come up with? Try harder.

DNC legally used Fusion GPS services, just as Republicans used them legally before that - wtf is your point? That hiring them was somehow comparable to quid-pro-quo with Kremlin? :rolleyes:

And what exactly was the manifest of the “manifest bias”? What was done professionally that reflected this bias? I haven’t heard that one yet.
We know no such thing. The dossier is a collection of memos by British intel and what has come to light so far has been accurate. BTW getting dirt is not illegal unless you get the dirt from an enemy and promise payment in the form of lifting sanctions upon being elected with stolen info illegally obtained by that enemy. Knock knock anyone home?
The dossier was paid for by the DNC and Hillary Clinton and is from one spy (Mr. Steele) and the dossier has not been proven to be true. "British intel" was actually the biased Mr. Steele who was PAID by the DNC and the corrupt FBI to get dirt on Trump.
Dirt they didn’t use.

What was in the dossier Hillary used against Trump?

What was in the dossier the DNC used against Trump?

What was in the dossier the FBI used against Trump?
Great, yet another low information rightie ^^^

Low information rightie, it takes only a simple majority in the House to impeach a president.
For a "federal impeachment" to be successful, the House must submit the articles of impeachment to the Senate, the senate reviews the charges and conducts a trial. Per the U.S. Constitution, it MUST be a two-thirds majority to successfully impeach a sitting president. Read your Constitution.

Let me remind you what you said.... ”in order to impeach, you need a two-thirds majority to do so...”

Only the House has the power to impeach a president and that requires a simple majority, not 2/3rds.

I hope you’re taking notes. :badgrin:

If the Dems win the House...which it appears it will...the Stump will be re-election and possibly resignation.
Impeach him for what?
Articles of Impeachment can be initiated for just about anything viewed as improper.
Sooo, nothing specifically...
For a "federal impeachment" to be successful, the House must submit the articles of impeachment to the Senate, the senate reviews the charges and conducts a trial. Per the U.S. Constitution, it MUST be a two-thirds majority to successfully impeach a sitting president. Read your Constitution.

Let me remind you what you said.... ”in order to impeach, you need a two-thirds majority to do so...”

Only the House has the power to impeach a president and that requires a simple majority, not 2/3rds.

I hope you’re taking notes. :badgrin:

If the Dems win the House...which it appears it will...the Stump will be re-election and possibly resignation.
Impeach him for what?
Articles of Impeachment can be initiated for just about anything viewed as improper.
Sooo, nothing specifically...

And the Dems will have a smorgasbord to choose from...but by that time Mueller will probably have him nailed.
Your boy Schiff just called you a liar.....admitted there is no proof
Schiff Admits There Is Still No Proof Of Trump-Russia Collusion [VIDEO]

So I actually watched the video. This man is a former prosecutor and he said he sees evidence of collusion. But he still leans on Bob Mueller and what he is going to bring out. The House and even the Senate committees that are investigating the Russian collusion are a sideshow. Mueller will find the truth and it will be left up to congress to do something about it concerning the, so called, president.

But there will be additional indictments. Mueller has already said that. Just wait and see what he finds.
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