Trump campaign DID collude with Russia

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And a year and a half later, there's still no evidence. So apparently Comey realized without evidence maybe it shouldn't be mentioned

You are either confused or lying - there is no publicly known proof, there is much evidence.

Starting from compaign members knowing about hacked emails, to members meeting with Russian government rep. to specifically to discuss dirt, to blatant cover-up at every turn.

Watergate took two years to play out and that with people getting caught during break-in itself. If Mueller needs 3 years to untangle this, so be it.

You are a liar. It was a GOP also ran who started the Fusion document. You think Trump started a document digging up dirt on himself? How stupid are you? What am I lying about?

What do your staments about Fusion GPS have to do with existing evidence that Trump campaign did collude with Russians?

Nothing. There is no evidence Trump colluded with the Russians.

Fucking moron I JUST EXPLAINED to you the evidence. How the fuck do you comeback with this? Anyone home at all?

You said Trump met with the Russians. No shit. He was just elected President.

Obama did the same. Do you want him prosecuted for what you said Trump should be prosecuted for?

Or is this just another double standard for you?

LOL, just kidding. We both know it is another double standard for you ...
And a year and a half later, there's still no evidence. So apparently Comey realized without evidence maybe it shouldn't be mentioned

You are either confused or lying - there is no publicly known proof, there is much evidence.

Starting from compaign members knowing about hacked emails, to members meeting with Russian government rep. to specifically to discuss dirt, to blatant cover-up at every turn.

Watergate took two years to play out and that with people getting caught during break-in itself. If Mueller needs 3 years to untangle this, so be it.

You are a liar. It was a GOP also ran who started the Fusion document. You think Trump started a document digging up dirt on himself? How stupid are you? What am I lying about?

What do your staments about Fusion GPS have to do with existing evidence that Trump campaign did collude with Russians?

Nothing. There is no evidence Trump colluded with the Russians. There is lots of evidence that Hillary did. Like funding the Fusion Trump dossier. You'd be foaming at the mouth if you had that on Trump.

All you have on Trump is that he started contact with the Russians after the election, like every President does.

So you want to prosecute Obama? He did the same thing.

We flip parties, you switch sides

Hillary...Hillary....Hilary....Will u people please let the old woman rest. You elected a Putin Lover who...with his tariffs will be sending the US into another major recession before the end of the year.

Worry about the Orange Idiot in the WH....PLEASE.

I'd love to let her say in the cemetery, but she wont STFU.

It's hilarious how you people brought up W for eight years. Then when Trump takes over you scream and roll around in circles saying the past is the past.

You're such partisan hacks, it's hilarious
We know no such thing. The dossier is a collection of memos by British intel and what has come to light so far has been accurate. BTW getting dirt is not illegal unless you get the dirt from an enemy and promise payment in the form of lifting sanctions upon being elected with stolen info illegally obtained by that enemy. Knock knock anyone home?
The dossier was paid for by the DNC and Hillary Clinton and is from one spy (Mr. Steele) and the dossier has not been proven to be true. "British intel" was actually the biased Mr. Steele who was PAID by the DNC and the corrupt FBI to get dirt on Trump.

Not all of it was paid for by the DNC, it started life as a Republican thing.

Oh wait, it's not convenient, let's forget it.

So, the first bit of research was paid for by a Republican. Does that absolve the DNC (which has admitted it was controlled by the Hillary campaign) of their actions?
Getting dirt on Hillary. What's the crime? It's hard NOT to get dirt on Hillary.

But it's okay to get dirt on Hillary and not okay to get dirt on Trump! That's the thing here.

Were they paying someone in a foreign land to create that dirt on Hillary or were they just listening to something that was supposedly going to be volunteered but ended up being about adoptions instead? Unclutch those pearls, mary.
We know no such thing. The dossier is a collection of memos by British intel and what has come to light so far has been accurate. BTW getting dirt is not illegal unless you get the dirt from an enemy and promise payment in the form of lifting sanctions upon being elected with stolen info illegally obtained by that enemy. Knock knock anyone home?
The dossier was paid for by the DNC and Hillary Clinton and is from one spy (Mr. Steele) and the dossier has not been proven to be true. "British intel" was actually the biased Mr. Steele who was PAID by the DNC and the corrupt FBI to get dirt on Trump.

I would call out all the lies in that statement...but there are just too many to easily enumerate. Suffice it to say I question whether u are either a Russian Bot or Troll.

You are spreading division and discourse just as your master Putin wants.

Actually, it's you that is spreading division and discourse. I suggest that if you are a Russian bot, it's time for a new ID. If you're not, it's time to get off this topic and wait until the investigation is over.
She did not pay for the initial report...a GOP rival did....evidently it isn't since the FBI is finding more of it true every day.

You're calling the Washington Post liars?

"Fusion GPS’s research into Trump was funded by an unknown Republican client during the GOP primary. The Clinton campaign and the DNC, through the law firm, continued to fund Fusion GPS’s research through the end of October 2016, days before Election Day."

So Hillary did collude with the Russians. Where's your outrage, Speed Racer?

Where does that say any Russian was paid, dope?
They are just that dumb....

Hillary paid for the Russian dossier, an unknown GOP also paid for the Russian dossier.

Your conclusion, Trump is guilty! I'll make you a deal though, throw the GOP also ran and Hillary both in jail.

What you're doing there is called defelection
Hillary didn't pay for the Steele Dossier. The private investigation unit she hired, Fusion GPS initiated the contact and paid for the dossier on its own. There is no evidence Hilary had any knowledge of that transaction beforehand.

LOL! Weak, trollboy. Weak!
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We know no such thing. The dossier is a collection of memos by British intel and what has come to light so far has been accurate. BTW getting dirt is not illegal unless you get the dirt from an enemy and promise payment in the form of lifting sanctions upon being elected with stolen info illegally obtained by that enemy. Knock knock anyone home?
The dossier was paid for by the DNC and Hillary Clinton and is from one spy (Mr. Steele) and the dossier has not been proven to be true. "British intel" was actually the biased Mr. Steele who was PAID by the DNC and the corrupt FBI to get dirt on Trump.
Dirt they didn’t use.

What was in the dossier Hillary used against Trump?

What was in the dossier the DNC used against Trump?

What was in the dossier the FBI used against Trump?

Seriously - while Comey was T-boning Hillary right before voting day on emails, no one had any idea Trump campaign was under investigation.

And a year and a half later, there's still no evidence. So apparently Comey realized without evidence maybe it shouldn't be mentioned

You idiot. There IS proof if collusion. There are multiple examples of Russian-Trump team contacts. Did that obvious collusion rise to the level of a criminal act? We don't know yet. Mueller will tell us shortly.

The chess pieces are falling one by one as Mueller inches his way to Trump.

So, talking is automatic evidence of collusion? Do you even know what the word collusion means?
You are either confused or lying - there is no publicly known proof, there is much evidence.

Starting from compaign members knowing about hacked emails, to members meeting with Russian government rep. to specifically to discuss dirt, to blatant cover-up at every turn.

Watergate took two years to play out and that with people getting caught during break-in itself. If Mueller needs 3 years to untangle this, so be it.

You are a liar. It was a GOP also ran who started the Fusion document. You think Trump started a document digging up dirt on himself? How stupid are you? What am I lying about?

What do your staments about Fusion GPS have to do with existing evidence that Trump campaign did collude with Russians?

Nothing. There is no evidence Trump colluded with the Russians.

Fucking moron I JUST EXPLAINED to you the evidence. How the fuck do you comeback with this? Anyone home at all?

You said Trump met with the Russians. ..

Where did I say that??

I said campaign members (Jr, Kushner and Manafort) met with Russians looking for dirt - thats a fact.
The dossier was paid for by the DNC and Hillary Clinton and is from one spy (Mr. Steele) and the dossier has not been proven to be true. "British intel" was actually the biased Mr. Steele who was PAID by the DNC and the corrupt FBI to get dirt on Trump.
Dirt they didn’t use.

What was in the dossier Hillary used against Trump?

What was in the dossier the DNC used against Trump?

What was in the dossier the FBI used against Trump?

Seriously - while Comey was T-boning Hillary right before voting day on emails, no one had any idea Trump campaign was under investigation.

And a year and a half later, there's still no evidence. So apparently Comey realized without evidence maybe it shouldn't be mentioned

You idiot. There IS proof if collusion. There are multiple examples of Russian-Trump team contacts. Did that obvious collusion rise to the level of a criminal act? We don't know yet. Mueller will tell us shortly.

The chess pieces are falling one by one as Mueller inches his way to Trump.

So, talking is automatic evidence of collusion? Do you even know what the word collusion means?

The Russian Junior meeting was just a small part of the treason that Mueller will find. It will be Epic!
Dirt they didn’t use.

What was in the dossier Hillary used against Trump?

What was in the dossier the DNC used against Trump?

What was in the dossier the FBI used against Trump?

Seriously - while Comey was T-boning Hillary right before voting day on emails, no one had any idea Trump campaign was under investigation.

And a year and a half later, there's still no evidence. So apparently Comey realized without evidence maybe it shouldn't be mentioned

You idiot. There IS proof if collusion. There are multiple examples of Russian-Trump team contacts. Did that obvious collusion rise to the level of a criminal act? We don't know yet. Mueller will tell us shortly.

The chess pieces are falling one by one as Mueller inches his way to Trump.

So, talking is automatic evidence of collusion? Do you even know what the word collusion means?

The Russian Junior meeting was just a small part of the treason that Mueller will find. It will be Epic!

LMAO! I'm sure you hope so. But, after a year of investigation by Congress and Mueller, not much has been found.
What the F do you think the Junior meeting was about? They were seeking dirt on Hillary. That IS collusion.

Was there information passed during that meeting? Did this begin a system of criminal collaboration?

Mueller will find out. Please don't say there was NO COLLUSION. There clearly was....
Great story, brau.....too bad you still have zero evidence to support your fairy tale. :p
You are a liar. It was a GOP also ran who started the Fusion document. You think Trump started a document digging up dirt on himself? How stupid are you? What am I lying about?

What do your staments about Fusion GPS have to do with existing evidence that Trump campaign did collude with Russians?

Nothing. There is no evidence Trump colluded with the Russians.

Fucking moron I JUST EXPLAINED to you the evidence. How the fuck do you comeback with this? Anyone home at all?

You said Trump met with the Russians. ..

Where did I say that??

I said campaign members (Jr, Kushner and Manafort) met with Russians looking for dirt - thats a fact.

Wasn't it OFFERED to them? It's not like the "campaign members" put an ad in the paper asking the lady to come around and share. It was offered, they invited her and found out she had nothing. Not the same as how you portrayed it. What am I lying about?

What do your staments about Fusion GPS have to do with existing evidence that Trump campaign did collude with Russians?

Nothing. There is no evidence Trump colluded with the Russians.

Fucking moron I JUST EXPLAINED to you the evidence. How the fuck do you comeback with this? Anyone home at all?

You said Trump met with the Russians. ..

Where did I say that??

I said campaign members (Jr, Kushner and Manafort) met with Russians looking for dirt - thats a fact.

Wasn't it OFFERED to them? It's not like the "campaign members" put an ad in the paper asking the lady to come around and share. It was offered, they invited her and found out she had nothing. Not the same as how you portrayed it.

It SOLIDLY establishes Trump compaign interest in collusion (LOVE IT! as Junior puts it), which makes actual collusion a likely possiblity.

That is not conclusive PROOF, but it IS evidence, especially considering the coverup by Trump himself around this meeting.
Nothing. There is no evidence Trump colluded with the Russians.

Fucking moron I JUST EXPLAINED to you the evidence. How the fuck do you comeback with this? Anyone home at all?

You said Trump met with the Russians. ..

Where did I say that??

I said campaign members (Jr, Kushner and Manafort) met with Russians looking for dirt - thats a fact.

Wasn't it OFFERED to them? It's not like the "campaign members" put an ad in the paper asking the lady to come around and share. It was offered, they invited her and found out she had nothing. Not the same as how you portrayed it.

It SOLIDLY establishes Trump compaign interest in collusion (LOVE IT! as Junior puts it), which makes actual collusion a likely possiblity.

That is not conclusive PROOF, but it IS evidence, especially considering the coverup by Trump himself around this meeting.

What is Donald trying to hide?
Nothing. There is no evidence Trump colluded with the Russians.

Fucking moron I JUST EXPLAINED to you the evidence. How the fuck do you comeback with this? Anyone home at all?

You said Trump met with the Russians. ..

Where did I say that??

I said campaign members (Jr, Kushner and Manafort) met with Russians looking for dirt - thats a fact.

Wasn't it OFFERED to them? It's not like the "campaign members" put an ad in the paper asking the lady to come around and share. It was offered, they invited her and found out she had nothing. Not the same as how you portrayed it.

It SOLIDLY establishes Trump compaign interest in collusion (LOVE IT! as Junior puts it), which makes actual collusion a likely possiblity.

That is not conclusive PROOF, but it IS evidence.

LOL! No, it says they'd listen to what people brought them, but not that they'd work with them and coordinate their efforts. Now, the voters may not punish the Democrats this cycle for all this, but there will be a reckoning...just as there was when the Republicans impeached Clinton; which led to Bob Dole going down in flames.
You're calling the Washington Post liars?

"Fusion GPS’s research into Trump was funded by an unknown Republican client during the GOP primary. The Clinton campaign and the DNC, through the law firm, continued to fund Fusion GPS’s research through the end of October 2016, days before Election Day."

So Hillary did collude with the Russians. Where's your outrage, Speed Racer?

Where does that say any Russian was paid, dope?
They are just that dumb....

Hillary paid for the Russian dossier, an unknown GOP also paid for the Russian dossier.

Your conclusion, Trump is guilty! I'll make you a deal though, throw the GOP also ran and Hillary both in jail.

What you're doing there is called defelection
Hillary didn't pay for the Steele Dossier. The private investigation unit she hired, Fusion GPS initiated the contact and paid for the dossier on its own. There is no evidence Hilary had any knowledge of that transaction beforehand.

So Hillary paid Fusion and Fusion paid for the dossier. There was no link between Hillary and the dossier. Got it.

That's what you'd say if it was Trump, right?

OMG, that's funny. I crack myself up ...

My favorite part though is how you believe the typical American is a Stalinist

Yes, that is what I'd think if it was Trump or anyone else. But since I am not privy to the investigative data like Mueller and crew, my thoughts on the matter are as speculative as yours.

Not so speculative though is the notion that Trump and Putin have a thing going on and Trump is changing his bases' world view of Russia. In a bizarre twist of ideological factors Trump and surrogates are painting a picture of Putin and his gang of oligarchs as allies against Trump's political enemies in the USA.
The world has never seen anything like this and hopefully after trump is deposed, we will never see the likes of it again.
Fucking moron I JUST EXPLAINED to you the evidence. How the fuck do you comeback with this? Anyone home at all?

You said Trump met with the Russians. ..

Where did I say that??

I said campaign members (Jr, Kushner and Manafort) met with Russians looking for dirt - thats a fact.

Wasn't it OFFERED to them? It's not like the "campaign members" put an ad in the paper asking the lady to come around and share. It was offered, they invited her and found out she had nothing. Not the same as how you portrayed it.

It SOLIDLY establishes Trump compaign interest in collusion (LOVE IT! as Junior puts it), which makes actual collusion a likely possiblity.

That is not conclusive PROOF, but it IS evidence.

LOL! No, it says they'd listen to what people brought them, but not that they'd work with them and coordinate their efforts. Now, the voters may not punish the Democrats this cycle for all this, but there will be a reckoning...just as there was when the Republicans impeached Clinton; which led to Bob Dole going down in flames.

You better pray the GOP holds the House. If the Dems get control....Trump will be impeached. And they have multiple charges that they can bring.

Of course Mueller's report mat come out before then and the Orange One may resign first. Then he will declare...

"I WON!"

cause Sociopaths do that....
You're calling the Washington Post liars?

"Fusion GPS’s research into Trump was funded by an unknown Republican client during the GOP primary. The Clinton campaign and the DNC, through the law firm, continued to fund Fusion GPS’s research through the end of October 2016, days before Election Day."

So Hillary did collude with the Russians. Where's your outrage, Speed Racer?

Where does that say any Russian was paid, dope?
They are just that dumb....

Hillary paid for the Russian dossier, an unknown GOP also paid for the Russian dossier.

Your conclusion, Trump is guilty! I'll make you a deal though, throw the GOP also ran and Hillary both in jail.

What you're doing there is called defelection
Hillary didn't pay for the Steele Dossier. The private investigation unit she hired, Fusion GPS initiated the contact and paid for the dossier on its own. There is no evidence Hilary had any knowledge of that transaction beforehand.

LOL! Weak, trollboy. Weak!

Oh golly Gee, do you really think so....? If you do < I am delighted. Your whimpering means I must be doing something right?
You said Trump met with the Russians. ..

Where did I say that??

I said campaign members (Jr, Kushner and Manafort) met with Russians looking for dirt - thats a fact.

Wasn't it OFFERED to them? It's not like the "campaign members" put an ad in the paper asking the lady to come around and share. It was offered, they invited her and found out she had nothing. Not the same as how you portrayed it.

It SOLIDLY establishes Trump compaign interest in collusion (LOVE IT! as Junior puts it), which makes actual collusion a likely possiblity.

That is not conclusive PROOF, but it IS evidence.

LOL! No, it says they'd listen to what people brought them, but not that they'd work with them and coordinate their efforts. Now, the voters may not punish the Democrats this cycle for all this, but there will be a reckoning...just as there was when the Republicans impeached Clinton; which led to Bob Dole going down in flames.

You better pray the GOP holds the House. If the Dems get control....Trump will be impeached. And they have multiple charges that they can bring.

Of course Mueller's report mat come out before then and the Orange One may resign first. Then he will declare...

"I WON!"

cause Sociopaths do that....

Why would I pray? Just because I know you Hillarybots are failing to lay the foundations for future victories? And, if enough real Progressives win in November and focus on the real issues for the American people, they may not give into your wish for impeachment!
Where does that say any Russian was paid, dope?
They are just that dumb....

Hillary paid for the Russian dossier, an unknown GOP also paid for the Russian dossier.

Your conclusion, Trump is guilty! I'll make you a deal though, throw the GOP also ran and Hillary both in jail.

What you're doing there is called defelection
Hillary didn't pay for the Steele Dossier. The private investigation unit she hired, Fusion GPS initiated the contact and paid for the dossier on its own. There is no evidence Hilary had any knowledge of that transaction beforehand.

LOL! Weak, trollboy. Weak!

Oh golly Gee, do you really think so....? If you do < I am delighted. Your whimpering means I must be doing something right?

Whimpering? You are a self deluded person in this thread.
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