Trump campaign DID collude with Russia

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surely Trump will be impeached any day now

hopefully he can start rounding up dissidents for the concentration camps before they go through wih removing him from office...
You lefties keep forgetting something important; in order to impeach, you need a two-thirds majority to do so and many republicans and even independents are still behind him. Add to this, millions still support the guy because of what he's been doing for the economy, et cetera.
Great, yet another low information rightie ^^^

Low information rightie, it takes only a simple majority in the House to impeach a president.
For a "federal impeachment" to be successful, the House must submit the articles of impeachment to the Senate, the senate reviews the charges and conducts a trial. Per the U.S. Constitution, it MUST be a two-thirds majority to successfully impeach a sitting president. Read your Constitution.

Let me remind you what you said.... ”in order to impeach, you need a two-thirds majority to do so...”

Only the House has the power to impeach a president and that requires a simple majority, not 2/3rds.

I hope you’re taking notes. :badgrin:

If the Dems win the House...which it appears it will...the Stump will be re-election and possibly resignation.
Impeach him for what?
You lefties keep forgetting something important; in order to impeach, you need a two-thirds majority to do so and many republicans and even independents are still behind him. Add to this, millions still support the guy because of what he's been doing for the economy, et cetera.
Great, yet another low information rightie ^^^

Low information rightie, it takes only a simple majority in the House to impeach a president.
For a "federal impeachment" to be successful, the House must submit the articles of impeachment to the Senate, the senate reviews the charges and conducts a trial. Per the U.S. Constitution, it MUST be a two-thirds majority to successfully impeach a sitting president. Read your Constitution.

Let me remind you what you said.... ”in order to impeach, you need a two-thirds majority to do so...”

Only the House has the power to impeach a president and that requires a simple majority, not 2/3rds.

I hope you’re taking notes. :badgrin:

"On February 12, the Senate emerged from its closed deliberations and voted on the articles of impeachment. A two-thirds vote, 67 votes, would have been necessary to convict and remove the President from office."

I hope you're taking notes.

Oh look, another low information rightie steps in to help out the first low information rightie. Even combined, they still can’t reach the level of a Liberal.

Low information rightie #2, watch as I highlight the key word in that text which demonstrates why you’re a low information rightie..... convict

Now about those notes, jot this one down ....

impeach ≠ convict

An impeached president may be acquitted by the Senate or they may be convicted by the Senate — but either way, they’re still impeached.

Don’t they learn you nothing at your trailer park?? :badgrin:
Article I, Sec. 2, Cl. 5, Gives the House of Representatives the sole power of Impeachment....and....Article I, Sec. 3, cl 6, gives the "Senate" the sole power to "try" all impeachments and the conviction must be a "two-thirds" vote of the members present.
The only trailer park fool on this OP is you.
why do you think that? why do you believe my support of trump is for putin when you have absolutely nothing to make that accusation with?

Hey, just because you choose to ignore all the evidence that Trump and Putin are soul brothers doesn't mean that everybody ignores it. What other President would not be fighting mad about Russia (our most noted enemy and our most long held adversary) interfering in our Democracy? What President beside Trump would refuse to even speak out on the subject even as the evidence mounts over 14 months? What innocent President would not push hard to not only increase but to even impose sanctions approved overwhelmingly in a bipartisan way?
What other President would publicly state that he tends to believe Putin's denial of responsibility for meddling in our Democracy despite every investigating body charged with looking into the matter of Russian hacking finding that they did and have stated that there remains zero doubt?

You can choose to turn a blind eye and deaf ear to all that but I believe that old saying about a duck. You just won't ever admit that our duck, Donald Duck, is neck deep in this stuff because then you would have to admit you were wrong to support him but even more distasteful is the prospect of those on the left being right. No pun intended.
dude post up any evidence and I'll review it. right now, today, I have seen absolutely nothing and neither has the congress to include Schiff and Schumer as well. so what is your evidence that shows that relationship of the two. When I have a video of obummer telling him all was good, good buddy.

You see and hear the news and read the papers and I guess you derive the conclusions from all that differently, which is your right. I just hope in the end all Americans can agree on the findings and move to undivide. (If that's a word) I've never seen a more radical and divisive character in my life and the fact that he is the leader of the free world scares the bejesus out of me.

He's not divisive, folks are just pissed because they were told "Hillary in a landslide".

For the first time in years we have Nazis walking in the streets being defended by a so called president....naw...not divisive at all.

I think what we have is a very sick man in the white house. That should be enough for anyone to be concerned, regardless of partisan crap or political ideology. Ever notice that when he speaks of Collusion or Russia (which he'll do only when he has to ) He always refers to himself in the third person? " There's been no collusion with Trump and Russia, no collusion at all by Trump." Maybe he has an alternate that he can blame things on like Sybil. After all, he has alternative truths and alternative facts. He's used those terms so often that they've become a lexicon for the country. They say a true split personality can pass a polygraph even if he commits murder as long as it was the "alternate" that did the killing. I remember how he explained his decision to fire Comey to Lester Holt. He said, "This stuff with Russia, with Trump and Russia is a made-up story." That stuck with me because it was so odd. It certainly would explain a lot. I'm only half kidding, the funny half.
Great, yet another low information rightie ^^^

Low information rightie, it takes only a simple majority in the House to impeach a president.
For a "federal impeachment" to be successful, the House must submit the articles of impeachment to the Senate, the senate reviews the charges and conducts a trial. Per the U.S. Constitution, it MUST be a two-thirds majority to successfully impeach a sitting president. Read your Constitution.

Let me remind you what you said.... ”in order to impeach, you need a two-thirds majority to do so...”

Only the House has the power to impeach a president and that requires a simple majority, not 2/3rds.

I hope you’re taking notes. :badgrin:

"On February 12, the Senate emerged from its closed deliberations and voted on the articles of impeachment. A two-thirds vote, 67 votes, would have been necessary to convict and remove the President from office."

I hope you're taking notes.

Oh look, another low information rightie steps in to help out the first low information rightie. Even combined, they still can’t reach the level of a Liberal.

Low information rightie #2, watch as I highlight the key word in that text which demonstrates why you’re a low information rightie..... convict

Now about those notes, jot this one down ....

impeach ≠ convict

An impeached president may be acquitted by the Senate or they may be convicted by the Senate — but either way, they’re still impeached.

Don’t they learn you nothing at your trailer park?? :badgrin:
Article I, Sec. 2, Cl. 5, Gives the House of Representatives the sole power of Impeachment....and....Article I, Sec. 3, cl 6, gives the "Senate" the sole power to "try" all impeachments and the conviction must be a "two-thirds" vote of the members present.
The only trailer park fool on this OP is you.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

Now you’re calling yourself an idiot. :lmao:

Low information rightie... Earlier, you wrongly stated, in order to impeach, you need a two-thirds majority to do so...”

But now you’re correcting yourself by pointing out that impeachment occurs in the House. And the House requires a simple majority to impeach, not a “two-thirds majority” as you idiotically claimed.

Hey, just because you choose to ignore all the evidence that Trump and Putin are soul brothers doesn't mean that everybody ignores it. What other President would not be fighting mad about Russia (our most noted enemy and our most long held adversary) interfering in our Democracy? What President beside Trump would refuse to even speak out on the subject even as the evidence mounts over 14 months? What innocent President would not push hard to not only increase but to even impose sanctions approved overwhelmingly in a bipartisan way?
What other President would publicly state that he tends to believe Putin's denial of responsibility for meddling in our Democracy despite every investigating body charged with looking into the matter of Russian hacking finding that they did and have stated that there remains zero doubt?

You can choose to turn a blind eye and deaf ear to all that but I believe that old saying about a duck. You just won't ever admit that our duck, Donald Duck, is neck deep in this stuff because then you would have to admit you were wrong to support him but even more distasteful is the prospect of those on the left being right. No pun intended.
dude post up any evidence and I'll review it. right now, today, I have seen absolutely nothing and neither has the congress to include Schiff and Schumer as well. so what is your evidence that shows that relationship of the two. When I have a video of obummer telling him all was good, good buddy.

You see and hear the news and read the papers and I guess you derive the conclusions from all that differently, which is your right. I just hope in the end all Americans can agree on the findings and move to undivide. (If that's a word) I've never seen a more radical and divisive character in my life and the fact that he is the leader of the free world scares the bejesus out of me.

He's not divisive, folks are just pissed because they were told "Hillary in a landslide".

For the first time in years we have Nazis walking in the streets being defended by a so called president....naw...not divisive at all.

I think what we have is a very sick man in the white house. That should be enough for anyone to be concerned, regardless of partisan crap or political ideology. Ever notice that when he speaks of Collusion or Russia (which he'll do only when he has to ) He always refers to himself in the third person? " There's been no collusion with Trump and Russia, no collusion at all by Trump." Maybe he has an alternate that he can blame things on like Sybil. After all, he has alternative truths and alternative facts. He's used those terms so often that they've become a lexicon for the country. They say a true split personality can pass a polygraph even if he commits murder as long as it was the "alternate" that did the killing. I remember how he explained his decision to fire Comey to Lester Holt. He said, "This stuff with Russia, with Trump and Russia is a made-up story." That stuck with me because it was so odd. It certainly would explain a lot. I'm only half kidding, the funny half.
That bitch Clinton would have been worse.
No borders, the open flow of peoples, massive influx of Islamists......a so-called New Word Order whereby one government rules the entire planet. People from a collection of foreign nations setting the laws, not those here. Globalization is crap. If you look at a map of Europe that shows the locations of Islamic terrorist attacks, it's scattered all over the place...except in Poland where they kept Islam out. Give me a number as to how many deaths are acceptable to include Islam into the fold.....a number please.
For a "federal impeachment" to be successful, the House must submit the articles of impeachment to the Senate, the senate reviews the charges and conducts a trial. Per the U.S. Constitution, it MUST be a two-thirds majority to successfully impeach a sitting president. Read your Constitution.

Let me remind you what you said.... ”in order to impeach, you need a two-thirds majority to do so...”

Only the House has the power to impeach a president and that requires a simple majority, not 2/3rds.

I hope you’re taking notes. :badgrin:

"On February 12, the Senate emerged from its closed deliberations and voted on the articles of impeachment. A two-thirds vote, 67 votes, would have been necessary to convict and remove the President from office."

I hope you're taking notes.

Oh look, another low information rightie steps in to help out the first low information rightie. Even combined, they still can’t reach the level of a Liberal.

Low information rightie #2, watch as I highlight the key word in that text which demonstrates why you’re a low information rightie..... convict

Now about those notes, jot this one down ....

impeach ≠ convict

An impeached president may be acquitted by the Senate or they may be convicted by the Senate — but either way, they’re still impeached.

Don’t they learn you nothing at your trailer park?? :badgrin:
Article I, Sec. 2, Cl. 5, Gives the House of Representatives the sole power of Impeachment....and....Article I, Sec. 3, cl 6, gives the "Senate" the sole power to "try" all impeachments and the conviction must be a "two-thirds" vote of the members present.
The only trailer park fool on this OP is you.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

Now you’re calling yourself an idiot. :lmao:

Low information rightie... Earlier, you wrongly stated, in order to impeach, you need a two-thirds majority to do so...”

But now you’re correcting yourself by pointing out that impeachment occurs in the House. And the House requires a simple majority to impeach, not a “two-thirds majority” as you idiotically claimed.

There's a difference between impeachment and an actual "conviction."
Congratulations to the OP for bringing all the USMB TDSers and collusionists to this thread. It's a real leftie, libbie freak show....:iyfyus.jpg::th_BlackHelicopter::spinner::popcorn:
Let me say this again....the meeting between Junior and the Russian WAS collusion. It has not been proven yet if any illegal criminal activities were associated with that meeting. Mueller will find out in his investigation.

A lot of heavy hitters were at a meeting which, according to Junior, produced nothing. Mueller will find out.

Let me remind you what you said.... ”in order to impeach, you need a two-thirds majority to do so...”

Only the House has the power to impeach a president and that requires a simple majority, not 2/3rds.

I hope you’re taking notes. :badgrin:

"On February 12, the Senate emerged from its closed deliberations and voted on the articles of impeachment. A two-thirds vote, 67 votes, would have been necessary to convict and remove the President from office."

I hope you're taking notes.

Oh look, another low information rightie steps in to help out the first low information rightie. Even combined, they still can’t reach the level of a Liberal.

Low information rightie #2, watch as I highlight the key word in that text which demonstrates why you’re a low information rightie..... convict

Now about those notes, jot this one down ....

impeach ≠ convict

An impeached president may be acquitted by the Senate or they may be convicted by the Senate — but either way, they’re still impeached.

Don’t they learn you nothing at your trailer park?? :badgrin:
Article I, Sec. 2, Cl. 5, Gives the House of Representatives the sole power of Impeachment....and....Article I, Sec. 3, cl 6, gives the "Senate" the sole power to "try" all impeachments and the conviction must be a "two-thirds" vote of the members present.
The only trailer park fool on this OP is you.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

Now you’re calling yourself an idiot. :lmao:

Low information rightie... Earlier, you wrongly stated, in order to impeach, you need a two-thirds majority to do so...”

But now you’re correcting yourself by pointing out that impeachment occurs in the House. And the House requires a simple majority to impeach, not a “two-thirds majority” as you idiotically claimed.

There's a difference between impeachment and an actual "conviction."

We found that out with Clinton didn't we. I am okay with just impeachment. That will end his career...or whatever you call what he is doing.

Let me remind you what you said.... ”in order to impeach, you need a two-thirds majority to do so...”

Only the House has the power to impeach a president and that requires a simple majority, not 2/3rds.

I hope you’re taking notes. :badgrin:

"On February 12, the Senate emerged from its closed deliberations and voted on the articles of impeachment. A two-thirds vote, 67 votes, would have been necessary to convict and remove the President from office."

I hope you're taking notes.

Oh look, another low information rightie steps in to help out the first low information rightie. Even combined, they still can’t reach the level of a Liberal.

Low information rightie #2, watch as I highlight the key word in that text which demonstrates why you’re a low information rightie..... convict

Now about those notes, jot this one down ....

impeach ≠ convict

An impeached president may be acquitted by the Senate or they may be convicted by the Senate — but either way, they’re still impeached.

Don’t they learn you nothing at your trailer park?? :badgrin:
Article I, Sec. 2, Cl. 5, Gives the House of Representatives the sole power of Impeachment....and....Article I, Sec. 3, cl 6, gives the "Senate" the sole power to "try" all impeachments and the conviction must be a "two-thirds" vote of the members present.
The only trailer park fool on this OP is you.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

Now you’re calling yourself an idiot. :lmao:

Low information rightie... Earlier, you wrongly stated, in order to impeach, you need a two-thirds majority to do so...”

But now you’re correcting yourself by pointing out that impeachment occurs in the House. And the House requires a simple majority to impeach, not a “two-thirds majority” as you idiotically claimed.

There's a difference between impeachment and an actual "conviction."
Aww, you poor low information rightie.... I already said that.


Meanwhile, what you already said was, ”in order to impeach, you need a two-thirds majority to do so...”

... which is pretty stupid, even for a low information rightie.
"On February 12, the Senate emerged from its closed deliberations and voted on the articles of impeachment. A two-thirds vote, 67 votes, would have been necessary to convict and remove the President from office."

I hope you're taking notes.

Oh look, another low information rightie steps in to help out the first low information rightie. Even combined, they still can’t reach the level of a Liberal.

Low information rightie #2, watch as I highlight the key word in that text which demonstrates why you’re a low information rightie..... convict

Now about those notes, jot this one down ....

impeach ≠ convict

An impeached president may be acquitted by the Senate or they may be convicted by the Senate — but either way, they’re still impeached.

Don’t they learn you nothing at your trailer park?? :badgrin:
Article I, Sec. 2, Cl. 5, Gives the House of Representatives the sole power of Impeachment....and....Article I, Sec. 3, cl 6, gives the "Senate" the sole power to "try" all impeachments and the conviction must be a "two-thirds" vote of the members present.
The only trailer park fool on this OP is you.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

Now you’re calling yourself an idiot. :lmao:

Low information rightie... Earlier, you wrongly stated, in order to impeach, you need a two-thirds majority to do so...”

But now you’re correcting yourself by pointing out that impeachment occurs in the House. And the House requires a simple majority to impeach, not a “two-thirds majority” as you idiotically claimed.

There's a difference between impeachment and an actual "conviction."
Aww, you poor low information rightie.... I already said that.


Meanwhile, what you already said was, ”in order to impeach, you need a two-thirds majority to do so...”

... which is pretty stupid, even for a low information rightie.
You were the one that made it as though simply impeaching him, would get rid of him and as you can see, he isn't going anywhere without an actual Senate conviction.
I would like to see the world from your point of view, but frankly, I can't shove my head that far up my ass.
"On February 12, the Senate emerged from its closed deliberations and voted on the articles of impeachment. A two-thirds vote, 67 votes, would have been necessary to convict and remove the President from office."

I hope you're taking notes.

Oh look, another low information rightie steps in to help out the first low information rightie. Even combined, they still can’t reach the level of a Liberal.

Low information rightie #2, watch as I highlight the key word in that text which demonstrates why you’re a low information rightie..... convict

Now about those notes, jot this one down ....

impeach ≠ convict

An impeached president may be acquitted by the Senate or they may be convicted by the Senate — but either way, they’re still impeached.

Don’t they learn you nothing at your trailer park?? :badgrin:
Article I, Sec. 2, Cl. 5, Gives the House of Representatives the sole power of Impeachment....and....Article I, Sec. 3, cl 6, gives the "Senate" the sole power to "try" all impeachments and the conviction must be a "two-thirds" vote of the members present.
The only trailer park fool on this OP is you.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

Now you’re calling yourself an idiot. :lmao:

Low information rightie... Earlier, you wrongly stated, in order to impeach, you need a two-thirds majority to do so...”

But now you’re correcting yourself by pointing out that impeachment occurs in the House. And the House requires a simple majority to impeach, not a “two-thirds majority” as you idiotically claimed.

There's a difference between impeachment and an actual "conviction."

We found that out with Clinton didn't we. I am okay with just impeachment. That will end his career...or whatever you call what he is doing.

Getting 'dirt' on the competition is perfectly acceptable in the political arena. Just look at what the Hillary co-opted DNC did with the fake Steele dossier. Not only did they collude with Russians (through Steele) to get third-hand trash stories on Trump but, they presented it to a U.S. Court of law as fact. We now know that most of the dossier is based on nothing but hearsay 3rd removed. That must really piss you off...Yes?
Attempted conspiracy to

Dumbass, conspiracy happens as soon as the "attempting" beings.

Conspiracy to commit murder for example is a charge that does not require any successful murder.

One slight difference here in the US, murder is a crime, collusion is not.


Conspiracy - FindLaw

Conspiracy to commit wire fraud - would be the legal charge for colluding with Russians on publication of stolen emails.

LOL! Yeah, "stolen e-mails" that were illegally housed on a private server!

What a bunch of drivel.

bFFJysJ.gif retard, DNC and Podesta's emails housed legaly on DNC's and google's servers.


Oh look, another low information rightie steps in to help out the first low information rightie. Even combined, they still can’t reach the level of a Liberal.

Low information rightie #2, watch as I highlight the key word in that text which demonstrates why you’re a low information rightie..... convict

Now about those notes, jot this one down ....

impeach ≠ convict

An impeached president may be acquitted by the Senate or they may be convicted by the Senate — but either way, they’re still impeached.

Don’t they learn you nothing at your trailer park?? :badgrin:
Article I, Sec. 2, Cl. 5, Gives the House of Representatives the sole power of Impeachment....and....Article I, Sec. 3, cl 6, gives the "Senate" the sole power to "try" all impeachments and the conviction must be a "two-thirds" vote of the members present.
The only trailer park fool on this OP is you.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

Now you’re calling yourself an idiot. :lmao:

Low information rightie... Earlier, you wrongly stated, in order to impeach, you need a two-thirds majority to do so...”

But now you’re correcting yourself by pointing out that impeachment occurs in the House. And the House requires a simple majority to impeach, not a “two-thirds majority” as you idiotically claimed.

There's a difference between impeachment and an actual "conviction."

We found that out with Clinton didn't we. I am okay with just impeachment. That will end his career...or whatever you call what he is doing.

Getting 'dirt' on the competition is perfectly acceptable in the political arena. Just look at what the Hillary co-opted DNC did with the fake Steele dossier. Not only did they collude with Russians (through Steele) to get third-hand trash stories on Trump but, they presented it to a U.S. Court of law as fact. We now know that most of the dossier is based on nothing but hearsay 3rd removed. That must really piss you off...Yes?

We know no such thing. The dossier is a collection of memos by British intel and what has come to light so far has been accurate. BTW getting dirt is not illegal unless you get the dirt from an enemy and promise payment in the form of lifting sanctions upon being elected with stolen info illegally obtained by that enemy. Knock knock anyone home?
You were the one that made it as though simply impeaching him, would get rid of him and as you can see, he isn't going anywhere without an actual Senate conviction.
I would like to see the world from your point of view, but frankly, I can't shove my head that far up my ass.
Aww, now the poor low information rightie is reduced to lying about what I said in a failed attempt to redeem its own idiocy.

Low information rightie, I actually said...
impeach ≠ convict

An impeached president may be acquitted by the Senate or they may be convicted by the Senate — but either way, they’re still impeached.
... who knows how you can read that and have your brain translate that into, ”You were the one that made it as though simply impeaching him, would get rid of him and as you can see, he isn't going anywhere without an actual Senate conviction.”

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