Trump campaign DID collude with Russia

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What the F do you think the Junior meeting was about? They were seeking dirt on Hillary. That IS collusion.

Was there information passed during that meeting? Did this begin a system of criminal collaboration?

Mueller will find out. Please don't say there was NO COLLUSION. There clearly was....

Democrats have been pushing the story that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia to steal the election from Hillary Clinton. But the evidence keeps piling up indicating that it was Democrats, wittingly or not, who've been helping Russia achieve its real meddling goals.

Consider what's quoted in the indictment as the goals of these Russians:

  • The Organization's stated goal was "spread(ing) distrust toward the candidates and the political system in general."
  • Specialists were directed to create "politician intensity through supporting radical groups, users dissatisfied with (the) social and economic situation and oppositional social movements."
  • The Organization controlled Facebook pages that "addressed a range of issues, including immigration (with group names including "Secured Borders"); the Black Lives Matter movement (with group names including "Blacktivist"); religion (with group names including "United Muslims of America" and "Army of Jesus"); and certain geographic regions.
  • In June 2016, the Russians used the Facebook group "United Muslims of America" to promote a rally called "Support Hillary. Save American Muslims."
Although not in the indictment itself, it's already been reported that in May 2016, two Russian-backed groups — "Heart of Texas" and "United Muslims of America" — organized both pro- and anti-Muslim rallies outside an Islamic center in Houston, where the two rallies squared off.

Notice what's missing here? Any mention of electing Trump president. Over and over again, the stated goal of these groups, according to Mueller's indictment, wasn't to get Trump elected, but to set Americans at each other's throats.

Russia Scandal: Mueller's Latest Indictments Point To Democratic Collusion

Ya better tell Mueller is he investigating the wrong people.....LOL....idiot....
I saw a clip of Trump describing the new F-35 Fighter Jet to a group of young men. He said it's invisible. Not that it's invisible to radar but actually invisible. He said " It could be right next to an enemy fighter in a dog fight and it would win every time because it's invisible! I knew he was not the sharpest knife in the drawer but even I never expected him to be that stupid. This is a guy in charge of the most powerful military in the history of mankind and he thinks we have actual invisible planes. One commentator jokingly said, "I wonder if he thinks that the pilot and co-pilot are also invisible or do they appear as two people in a sitting position flying around?" I'm not kidding. He actually thinks this, that we have invisible planes.
Not really. It does represent lies about a candidate by a foreign adversary, though.

A former British agent is a foreign adversary?

Who knew?

From where did he get his "information"?
From these kinds of russians.
“people literally risked their lives to tell us some of this stuff.”

Which of course gives it credibility. People would not be in personal danger over a "fake" dossier.

Nobody is in danger.. and frankly, anyone that believes anything from a document that talks about prostitutes peeing on beds is a complete dunce.

Conversely, anyone who believes it's all about prostitutes, hasn't been paying attention.
What the F do you think the Junior meeting was about? They were seeking dirt on Hillary. That IS collusion.

Was there information passed during that meeting? Did this begin a system of criminal collaboration?

Mueller will find out. Please don't say there was NO COLLUSION. There clearly was....

Democrats have been pushing the story that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia to steal the election from Hillary Clinton. But the evidence keeps piling up indicating that it was Democrats, wittingly or not, who've been helping Russia achieve its real meddling goals.

Consider what's quoted in the indictment as the goals of these Russians:

  • The Organization's stated goal was "spread(ing) distrust toward the candidates and the political system in general."
  • Specialists were directed to create "politician intensity through supporting radical groups, users dissatisfied with (the) social and economic situation and oppositional social movements."
  • The Organization controlled Facebook pages that "addressed a range of issues, including immigration (with group names including "Secured Borders"); the Black Lives Matter movement (with group names including "Blacktivist"); religion (with group names including "United Muslims of America" and "Army of Jesus"); and certain geographic regions.
  • In June 2016, the Russians used the Facebook group "United Muslims of America" to promote a rally called "Support Hillary. Save American Muslims."
Although not in the indictment itself, it's already been reported that in May 2016, two Russian-backed groups — "Heart of Texas" and "United Muslims of America" — organized both pro- and anti-Muslim rallies outside an Islamic center in Houston, where the two rallies squared off.

Notice what's missing here? Any mention of electing Trump president. Over and over again, the stated goal of these groups, according to Mueller's indictment, wasn't to get Trump elected, but to set Americans at each other's throats.

Russia Scandal: Mueller's Latest Indictments Point To Democratic Collusion

Ya better tell Mueller is he investigating the wrong people.....LOL....idiot....

I agree he's an idiot
What the F do you think the Junior meeting was about? They were seeking dirt on Hillary. That IS collusion.

Was there information passed during that meeting? Did this begin a system of criminal collaboration?

Mueller will find out. Please don't say there was NO COLLUSION. There clearly was....

Democrats have been pushing the story that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia to steal the election from Hillary Clinton. But the evidence keeps piling up indicating that it was Democrats, wittingly or not, who've been helping Russia achieve its real meddling goals.

Consider what's quoted in the indictment as the goals of these Russians:

  • The Organization's stated goal was "spread(ing) distrust toward the candidates and the political system in general."
  • Specialists were directed to create "politician intensity through supporting radical groups, users dissatisfied with (the) social and economic situation and oppositional social movements."
  • The Organization controlled Facebook pages that "addressed a range of issues, including immigration (with group names including "Secured Borders"); the Black Lives Matter movement (with group names including "Blacktivist"); religion (with group names including "United Muslims of America" and "Army of Jesus"); and certain geographic regions.
  • In June 2016, the Russians used the Facebook group "United Muslims of America" to promote a rally called "Support Hillary. Save American Muslims."
Although not in the indictment itself, it's already been reported that in May 2016, two Russian-backed groups — "Heart of Texas" and "United Muslims of America" — organized both pro- and anti-Muslim rallies outside an Islamic center in Houston, where the two rallies squared off.

Notice what's missing here? Any mention of electing Trump president. Over and over again, the stated goal of these groups, according to Mueller's indictment, wasn't to get Trump elected, but to set Americans at each other's throats.

Russia Scandal: Mueller's Latest Indictments Point To Democratic Collusion

Good boy.
I saw a clip of Trump describing the new F-35 Fighter Jet to a group of young men. He said it's invisible. Not that it's invisible to radar but actually invisible. He said " It could be right next to an enemy fighter in a dog fight and it would win every time because it's invisible! I knew he was not the sharpest knife in the drawer but even I never expected him to be that stupid. This is a guy in charge of the most powerful military in the history of mankind and he thinks we have actual invisible planes. One commentator jokingly said, "I wonder if he thinks that the pilot and co-pilot are also invisible or do they appear as two people in a sitting position flying around?" I'm not kidding. He actually thinks this, that we have invisible planes.
Re: F35 .... Is it invisible in all 57 States, I guess that's why Obama never saw it. Barack Obama wants to be president of these 57 United States
I saw a clip of Trump describing the new F-35 Fighter Jet to a group of young men. He said it's invisible. Not that it's invisible to radar but actually invisible. He said " It could be right next to an enemy fighter in a dog fight and it would win every time because it's invisible! I knew he was not the sharpest knife in the drawer but even I never expected him to be that stupid. This is a guy in charge of the most powerful military in the history of mankind and he thinks we have actual invisible planes. One commentator jokingly said, "I wonder if he thinks that the pilot and co-pilot are also invisible or do they appear as two people in a sitting position flying around?" I'm not kidding. He actually thinks this, that we have invisible planes.
Re: F35 .... Is it invisible in all 57 States, I guess that's why Obama never saw it. Barack Obama wants to be president of these 57 United States
Good boy!

Just stick to the script and all will be well.
I saw a clip of Trump describing the new F-35 Fighter Jet to a group of young men. He said it's invisible. Not that it's invisible to radar but actually invisible. He said " It could be right next to an enemy fighter in a dog fight and it would win every time because it's invisible! I knew he was not the sharpest knife in the drawer but even I never expected him to be that stupid. This is a guy in charge of the most powerful military in the history of mankind and he thinks we have actual invisible planes. One commentator jokingly said, "I wonder if he thinks that the pilot and co-pilot are also invisible or do they appear as two people in a sitting position flying around?" I'm not kidding. He actually thinks this, that we have invisible planes.
Re: F35 .... Is it invisible in all 57 States, I guess that's why Obama never saw it. Barack Obama wants to be president of these 57 United States

If that's true, and I don't buy it, it still pales in comparison to thinking we have invisible planes. BTW Obama is a Harvard Law Professor and was editor of the Harvard review. He's a fellow in a number of think tanks and Trump thinks there are invisible Jets. The question that comes to mind immediately is "What does he think those invisible planes are made of?" Ya know I once heard Sonny Bono talk about a time when he and Cher went to see Mt. Rushmore. As they looked at it Cher said, " Isn't it amazing what mother nature can do?" Sonny looked at her and laughed until he came to the realization that she was dead serious. He said she didn't understand why he was laughing at her. Can you imagine the offspring a union of her and The Donald would produce? That child would probably only make it to GOP Senator when he grows up.
it still pales in comparison to thinking we have invisible planes

Whether he believes it or not is questionable ... he is not incredibly eloquent in many respects and frequently he has a 'failure to communicate' .... he's still about 900% better than anything the Dems have - nothing but a sorry lot of plutocratic sociopaths
Obama is a Harvard Law Professor
I saw a clip of Trump describing the new F-35 Fighter Jet to a group of young men. He said it's invisible. Not that it's invisible to radar but actually invisible. He said " It could be right next to an enemy fighter in a dog fight and it would win every time because it's invisible! I knew he was not the sharpest knife in the drawer but even I never expected him to be that stupid. This is a guy in charge of the most powerful military in the history of mankind and he thinks we have actual invisible planes. One commentator jokingly said, "I wonder if he thinks that the pilot and co-pilot are also invisible or do they appear as two people in a sitting position flying around?" I'm not kidding. He actually thinks this, that we have invisible planes.
Re: F35 .... Is it invisible in all 57 States, I guess that's why Obama never saw it. Barack Obama wants to be president of these 57 United States

If that's true, and I don't buy it, it still pales in comparison to thinking we have invisible planes. BTW Obama is a Harvard Law Professor and was editor of the Harvard review. He's a fellow in a number of think tanks and Trump thinks there are invisible Jets. The question that comes to mind immediately is "What does he think those invisible planes are made of?" Ya know I once heard Sonny Bono talk about a time when he and Cher went to see Mt. Rushmore. As they looked at it Cher said, " Isn't it amazing what mother nature can do?" Sonny looked at her and laughed until he came to the realization that she was dead serious. He said she didn't understand why he was laughing at her. Can you imagine the offspring a union of her and The Donald would produce? That child would probably only make it to GOP Senator when he grows up.

Re: "BTW Obama is a Harvard Law Professor "

I seriously hope you don't believe that do you ? OBAMA WAS NEVER A LAW PROFESSOR he was a lecturer, and a poorly qualified one at that. He was placed in that position due to his political status as a ghetto senator and on the promise of a book which he never delivered on ...........
Obama is a Harvard Law Professor
I saw a clip of Trump describing the new F-35 Fighter Jet to a group of young men. He said it's invisible. Not that it's invisible to radar but actually invisible. He said " It could be right next to an enemy fighter in a dog fight and it would win every time because it's invisible! I knew he was not the sharpest knife in the drawer but even I never expected him to be that stupid. This is a guy in charge of the most powerful military in the history of mankind and he thinks we have actual invisible planes. One commentator jokingly said, "I wonder if he thinks that the pilot and co-pilot are also invisible or do they appear as two people in a sitting position flying around?" I'm not kidding. He actually thinks this, that we have invisible planes.
Re: F35 .... Is it invisible in all 57 States, I guess that's why Obama never saw it. Barack Obama wants to be president of these 57 United States

If that's true, and I don't buy it, it still pales in comparison to thinking we have invisible planes. BTW Obama is a Harvard Law Professor and was editor of the Harvard review. He's a fellow in a number of think tanks and Trump thinks there are invisible Jets. The question that comes to mind immediately is "What does he think those invisible planes are made of?" Ya know I once heard Sonny Bono talk about a time when he and Cher went to see Mt. Rushmore. As they looked at it Cher said, " Isn't it amazing what mother nature can do?" Sonny looked at her and laughed until he came to the realization that she was dead serious. He said she didn't understand why he was laughing at her. Can you imagine the offspring a union of her and The Donald would produce? That child would probably only make it to GOP Senator when he grows up.

Re: "BTW Obama is a Harvard Law Professor "

I seriously hope you don't believe that do you ? OBAMA WAS NEVER A LAW PROFESSOR he was a lecturer, and a poorly qualified one at that. He was placed in that position due to his political status as a ghetto senator and on the promise of a book which he never delivered on ...........

I hope you don't believe that do you? He was editor of the Harvard Law Review and (my mistake) was a professor at U of Chicago and turned down some offers of tenure to run for office.
What the F do you think the Junior meeting was about? They were seeking dirt on Hillary. That IS collusion.

Was there information passed during that meeting? Did this begin a system of criminal collaboration?

Mueller will find out. Please don't say there was NO COLLUSION. There clearly was....


Fucking commies, dumbest piles of shit on the planet.
The dems/Hillary "colluded" with a foreign national


It is silly for rightwingers to even bring that up as an equivalent.

You do grasp that the fabricated dossier came from the Kremlin, right Comrade?

The Clinton campaign and the FBI did in fact collude with Russian sources to corrupt our elections.

But the Grand Inquisitor is uninterested in that.

Time for a special prosecutor to investigate the witch hunt.
What the F do you think the Junior meeting was about? They were seeking dirt on Hillary. That IS collusion.

Was there information passed during that meeting? Did this begin a system of criminal collaboration?

Mueller will find out. Please don't say there was NO COLLUSION. There clearly was....


Fucking commies, dumbest piles of shit on the planet.

Fuckin' Trump collusion deniers. Most easily brainwashed folks on earth. I just hope they can get over being proven stupid toadies when Mueller completes his probe. They'll probably find a way to blame it all on Hillary or Obama or Jimmy Carter. Anyone other than the moron in chief. BTW if you ever need some dirty money laundered, your hero can take care of you. He'll arrive in his invisible jet, pick up the loot and you won't even know he was there. But don't worry, because he's honest and would never screw anyone so your money is safe, your daughter however isn't, so hide her. Maybe you could put her in another invisible jet so he won't try to put the moves on her.
The dems/Hillary "colluded" with a foreign national


It is silly for rightwingers to even bring that up as an equivalent.

You do grasp that the fabricated dossier came from the Kremlin, right Comrade?

The Clinton campaign and the FBI did in fact collude with Russian sources to corrupt our elections.

But the Grand Inquisitor is uninterested in that.

Time for a special prosecutor to investigate the witch hunt.

The dossier did not come from the Kremlin. It came from Christopher Steele.

It’s not fake. Much of it had been confirmed. Neither the Clinton campaign nor the FBI had contact with Steele’s sources, and Steele didn’t know initially who had hired him, although he said it wasn’t difficult to figure it out.

So no, the only campaign which had contact with and colluded with the Russians was the Trump campaign.

Just the fact that Junior met with the Russian lawyer is evidence of collusion.
What the F do you think the Junior meeting was about? They were seeking dirt on Hillary. That IS collusion.

Was there information passed during that meeting? Did this begin a system of criminal collaboration?

Mueller will find out. Please don't say there was NO COLLUSION. There clearly was....


Fucking commies, dumbest piles of shit on the planet.

Fuckin' Trump collusion deniers. Most easily brainwashed folks on earth. I just hope they can get over being proven stupid toadies when Mueller completes his probe. They'll probably find a way to blame it all on Hillary or Obama or Jimmy Carter. Anyone other than the moron in chief. BTW if you ever need some dirty money laundered, your hero can take care of you. He'll arrive in his invisible jet, pick up the loot and you won't even know he was there. But don't worry, because he's honest and would never screw anyone so your money is safe, your daughter however isn't, so hide her. Maybe you could put her in another invisible jet so he won't try to put the moves on her.

The Grand Inquisitor Mewler-Torquemada is off skewering 13 year old SEC violations (but ignoring Podesta, natch) because he hasn't got shit.

You dumb ass Stalinists just keep yapping.
The dems/Hillary "colluded" with a foreign national


It is silly for rightwingers to even bring that up as an equivalent.

You do grasp that the fabricated dossier came from the Kremlin, right Comrade?

The Clinton campaign and the FBI did in fact collude with Russian sources to corrupt our elections.

But the Grand Inquisitor is uninterested in that.

Time for a special prosecutor to investigate the witch hunt.

If your guy doesn't like a witch hunt, he should stop being a witch. So, the Dossier came from Putin? Man, that's a good one. Where the fuck do you get this shit? Oh! I know. Fox noise. Now there's journalism at its highest level. LOL
What the F do you think the Junior meeting was about? They were seeking dirt on Hillary. That IS collusion.

Was there information passed during that meeting? Did this begin a system of criminal collaboration?

Mueller will find out. Please don't say there was NO COLLUSION. There clearly was....


Fucking commies, dumbest piles of shit on the planet.

Fuckin' Trump collusion deniers. Most easily brainwashed folks on earth. I just hope they can get over being proven stupid toadies when Mueller completes his probe. They'll probably find a way to blame it all on Hillary or Obama or Jimmy Carter. Anyone other than the moron in chief. BTW if you ever need some dirty money laundered, your hero can take care of you. He'll arrive in his invisible jet, pick up the loot and you won't even know he was there. But don't worry, because he's honest and would never screw anyone so your money is safe, your daughter however isn't, so hide her. Maybe you could put her in another invisible jet so he won't try to put the moves on her.

The Grand Inquisitor Mewler-Torquemada is off skewering 13 year old SEC violations (but ignoring Podesta, natch) because he hasn't got shit.

You dumb ass Stalinists just keep yapping.

Papadopoulos encouraged by Trump campaign staffer to make contact with Russians: report

Oh oh.....Pop is gonna take your boy boy huh.....
What the F do you think the Junior meeting was about? They were seeking dirt on Hillary. That IS collusion.

Was there information passed during that meeting? Did this begin a system of criminal collaboration?

Mueller will find out. Please don't say there was NO COLLUSION. There clearly was....


Fucking commies, dumbest piles of shit on the planet.

Fuckin' Trump collusion deniers. Most easily brainwashed folks on earth. I just hope they can get over being proven stupid toadies when Mueller completes his probe. They'll probably find a way to blame it all on Hillary or Obama or Jimmy Carter. Anyone other than the moron in chief. BTW if you ever need some dirty money laundered, your hero can take care of you. He'll arrive in his invisible jet, pick up the loot and you won't even know he was there. But don't worry, because he's honest and would never screw anyone so your money is safe, your daughter however isn't, so hide her. Maybe you could put her in another invisible jet so he won't try to put the moves on her.

The Grand Inquisitor Mewler-Torquemada is off skewering 13 year old SEC violations (but ignoring Podesta, natch) because he hasn't got shit.

You dumb ass Stalinists just keep yapping.

I'm gonna take particular pleasure in shutting you up when the probe is complete and the truth is revealed. Can't wait to hear the excuse factory you'll build to cover for comrade Trump.
The dems/Hillary "colluded" with a foreign national


It is silly for rightwingers to even bring that up as an equivalent.

You do grasp that the fabricated dossier came from the Kremlin, right Comrade?

The Clinton campaign and the FBI did in fact collude with Russian sources to corrupt our elections.

But the Grand Inquisitor is uninterested in that.

Time for a special prosecutor to investigate the witch hunt.
Dossier sources were ex-Kremlin. Steele is an enemy of the Kremlin, and they are killing every russian who has contact with Steele.
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