Trump campaign DID collude with Russia

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The dems/Hillary "colluded" with a foreign national


It is silly for rightwingers to even bring that up as an equivalent.

You do grasp that the fabricated dossier came from the Kremlin, right Comrade?

The Clinton campaign and the FBI did in fact collude with Russian sources to corrupt our elections.

But the Grand Inquisitor is uninterested in that.

Time for a special prosecutor to investigate the witch hunt.

The dossier did not come from the Kremlin. It came from Christopher Steele.

It’s not fake. Much of it had been confirmed. Neither the Clinton campaign nor the FBI had contact with Steele’s sources, and Steele didn’t know initially who had hired him, although he said it wasn’t difficult to figure it out.

So no, the only campaign which had contact with and colluded with the Russians was the Trump campaign.

Just the fact that Junior met with the Russian lawyer is evidence of collusion.

Dummy, nothing was confirmed. What an ass.
They also listened to what he said, what Hillary said and decided they wanted her less than they wanted him. A few Facebook posts didn't change their minds.

Trump won three key states, (46 electoral votes),by only 80k votes. That's only one district per state.

It would only take a very small percentage of those exposed to Russian propoganda who believed it and voted accordinly to acheive those results.

Russian propaganda on facebook was both pro Trump and pro Hillary, as well as anti Trump and anti Hillary.

What the Russians wanted to do is get us all screaming at each other and not working together--------------because of fools like you and the stupid media pukes, they succeeded.

All intelligence agencies came to the conclusion that Russia overwhelmingly supported trump with fake ads damaging Hillary....nice try though.

yeah, sure. the same intelligence agencies that were trying to undermine Trump with a fake dossier, the same media that continuously lied, and is still lying?

don't be so fricken naïve. look up the word conspiracy and you will find the definition of the clowns at the top of the FBI and DOJ during the 2016 campaign.

Hillary lost because the American voters understood who and what she is, not because of the Russians spending a few thousand $ posting on facebook.
You’re fucking nuts. :cuckoo:

No intelligence agency tried to undermine trump with a dossier.

We'll see, apparently a Grand Jury has been impaneled ;)
They also listened to what he said, what Hillary said and decided they wanted her less than they wanted him. A few Facebook posts didn't change their minds.

Trump won three key states, (46 electoral votes),by only 80k votes. That's only one district per state.

It would only take a very small percentage of those exposed to Russian propoganda who believed it and voted accordinly to acheive those results.

Russian propaganda on facebook was both pro Trump and pro Hillary, as well as anti Trump and anti Hillary.

What the Russians wanted to do is get us all screaming at each other and not working together--------------because of fools like you and the stupid media pukes, they succeeded.

All intelligence agencies came to the conclusion that Russia overwhelmingly supported trump with fake ads damaging Hillary....nice try though.

yeah, sure. the same intelligence agencies that were trying to undermine Trump with a fake dossier, the same media that continuously lied, and is still lying?

don't be so fricken naïve. look up the word conspiracy and you will find the definition of the clowns at the top of the FBI and DOJ during the 2016 campaign.

Hillary lost because the American voters understood who and what she is, not because of the Russians spending a few thousand $ posting on facebook.
You’re fucking nuts. :cuckoo:

No intelligence agency tried to undermine trump with a dossier.

have you paid any attention to why McCabe was fired? You are the one that is fuckin nuts, my little leftarded friend.
Russian propaganda on facebook was both pro Trump and pro Hillary, as well as anti Trump and anti Hillary.

What the Russians wanted to do is get us all screaming at each other and not working together--------------because of fools like you and the stupid media pukes, they succeeded.

All intelligence agencies came to the conclusion that Russia overwhelmingly supported trump with fake ads damaging Hillary....nice try though.

yeah, sure. the same intelligence agencies that were trying to undermine Trump with a fake dossier, the same media that continuously lied, and is still lying?

don't be so fricken naïve. look up the word conspiracy and you will find the definition of the clowns at the top of the FBI and DOJ during the 2016 campaign.

Hillary lost because the American voters understood who and what she is, not because of the Russians spending a few thousand $ posting on facebook.

You are such a your daddy trump....

Loser? Losers don't win. Hillary and you are losers. The bitch lost to the black guy and then to Trump. If the DNC hadn't rigged it, she probably would have lost to Bernie too.

and since Trump and I are the same age its unlikely that he was my daddy. Who was your daddy? was it Webb Hubbell who also "sired" Chelsea Clinton (according to Bill Clinton)

Well, now we know why you are a Trumper don't we? The black guy? You must have been in your glory when the events in Charlottesville were going on. Very revealing post. Now we know exactly who we're dealing with. BTW, "the black guy" was ten times the man that Trump will ever be and so intellectually superior to him that Trump and folks like you can't stand it. It was so obvious that Bohner and McConnell couldn't deal with that fact. That's one major reason they blocked every initiative and every attempt at making life better for the have-nots. And it's the reason that Trump has dismantled every accomplishment. White supremists backed by other white supremists like yourself.

your hypocrisy is only exceeded by your inane stupidity. Obama won because you lefties and your racist compatriots in the media insisted that we must elect a black to show the world that we are not racist------------that in itself is a racist act.

You don't know me or anything about me but yet you scream that I am a white supremist. For the record I am a mixed race Cajun who is about as far from a white supremist as anyone could be.

I am also a successful intelligent independent human being who thinks for himself and is not susceptible to media propaganda which obviously has completely filled your head with left wing bullshit..
Yes. By a foreign adversary no less.

Yes, the Steele dossier certainly is a bit of a problem, isn't it?

It seems to be part of a big problem for Trump and a diversion for you.

Not really. It does represent lies about a candidate by a foreign adversary, though.

A former British agent is a foreign adversary?

Who knew?

Yeah, Christopher Steele is widely considered a top notch intelligence officer and is highly respected around the world as an honest broker of information. The dossier is a collection of his observations concerning Russia and US officials that led him directly to the Trump campaign. Although no parts of his report have been completely debunked, many items have been shown to be accurate. The constant attack on his work product is a sign of the desperation the Trump team is feeling and just one element of the Intell community under attack in an effort to discredit anyone and any thing that may shine a light on the Russia hacking and subsequent flooding of misinformation on social media. Trump and co. are running scared as hell because Mueller is closing in on the truth of what happened and just who was involved. I just hope that Bolton and Trump don't cook up a needless war to further deflect from the probe. Knowing Bolton's past and his philosophy, it's entirely possible. It wouldn't take much persuading on his part to talk Trump into action since he has said he thinks we should use our Nukes because they're their. This sudden massive military appropriation and stepped up rhetoric is pretty scary stuff.

are you Joy Behar?
The dems/Hillary "colluded" with a foreign national


It is silly for rightwingers to even bring that up as an equivalent.

You do grasp that the fabricated dossier came from the Kremlin, right Comrade?

The Clinton campaign and the FBI did in fact collude with Russian sources to corrupt our elections.

But the Grand Inquisitor is uninterested in that.

Time for a special prosecutor to investigate the witch hunt.

The dossier did not come from the Kremlin. It came from Christopher Steele.

It’s not fake. Much of it had been confirmed. Neither the Clinton campaign nor the FBI had contact with Steele’s sources, and Steele didn’t know initially who had hired him, although he said it wasn’t difficult to figure it out.

So no, the only campaign which had contact with and colluded with the Russians was the Trump campaign.

Just the fact that Junior met with the Russian lawyer is evidence of collusion.

Dummy, nothing was confirmed. What an ass.

agree, these idiots think that talking to a Russian is collusion. Collusion is what Bubba Clinton and Lynch did on a plane at a remote runway.
All intelligence agencies came to the conclusion that Russia overwhelmingly supported trump with fake ads damaging Hillary....nice try though.

yeah, sure. the same intelligence agencies that were trying to undermine Trump with a fake dossier, the same media that continuously lied, and is still lying?

don't be so fricken naïve. look up the word conspiracy and you will find the definition of the clowns at the top of the FBI and DOJ during the 2016 campaign.

Hillary lost because the American voters understood who and what she is, not because of the Russians spending a few thousand $ posting on facebook.

You are such a your daddy trump....

Loser? Losers don't win. Hillary and you are losers. The bitch lost to the black guy and then to Trump. If the DNC hadn't rigged it, she probably would have lost to Bernie too.

and since Trump and I are the same age its unlikely that he was my daddy. Who was your daddy? was it Webb Hubbell who also "sired" Chelsea Clinton (according to Bill Clinton)

Well, now we know why you are a Trumper don't we? The black guy? You must have been in your glory when the events in Charlottesville were going on. Very revealing post. Now we know exactly who we're dealing with. BTW, "the black guy" was ten times the man that Trump will ever be and so intellectually superior to him that Trump and folks like you can't stand it. It was so obvious that Bohner and McConnell couldn't deal with that fact. That's one major reason they blocked every initiative and every attempt at making life better for the have-nots. And it's the reason that Trump has dismantled every accomplishment. White supremists backed by other white supremists like yourself.

your hypocrisy is only exceeded by your inane stupidity. Obama won because you lefties and your racist compatriots in the media insisted that we must elect a black to show the world that we are not racist------------that in itself is a racist act.

You don't know me or anything about me but yet you scream that I am a white supremist. For the record I am a mixed race Cajun who is about as far from a white supremist as anyone could be.

I am also a successful intelligent independent human being who thinks for himself and is not susceptible to media propaganda which obviously has completely filled your head with left wing bullshit..

Obama won cause the election was not influenced by a murdering foreign adversary one it was in 2016. When this Dictator pushed out fake news to help his orange boy win.

trump will ALWAYS be known as "Putin's Chose."

Sit and Spin!!!!
yeah, sure. the same intelligence agencies that were trying to undermine Trump with a fake dossier, the same media that continuously lied, and is still lying?

don't be so fricken naïve. look up the word conspiracy and you will find the definition of the clowns at the top of the FBI and DOJ during the 2016 campaign.

Hillary lost because the American voters understood who and what she is, not because of the Russians spending a few thousand $ posting on facebook.

You are such a your daddy trump....

Loser? Losers don't win. Hillary and you are losers. The bitch lost to the black guy and then to Trump. If the DNC hadn't rigged it, she probably would have lost to Bernie too.

and since Trump and I are the same age its unlikely that he was my daddy. Who was your daddy? was it Webb Hubbell who also "sired" Chelsea Clinton (according to Bill Clinton)

Well, now we know why you are a Trumper don't we? The black guy? You must have been in your glory when the events in Charlottesville were going on. Very revealing post. Now we know exactly who we're dealing with. BTW, "the black guy" was ten times the man that Trump will ever be and so intellectually superior to him that Trump and folks like you can't stand it. It was so obvious that Bohner and McConnell couldn't deal with that fact. That's one major reason they blocked every initiative and every attempt at making life better for the have-nots. And it's the reason that Trump has dismantled every accomplishment. White supremists backed by other white supremists like yourself.

your hypocrisy is only exceeded by your inane stupidity. Obama won because you lefties and your racist compatriots in the media insisted that we must elect a black to show the world that we are not racist------------that in itself is a racist act.

You don't know me or anything about me but yet you scream that I am a white supremist. For the record I am a mixed race Cajun who is about as far from a white supremist as anyone could be.

I am also a successful intelligent independent human being who thinks for himself and is not susceptible to media propaganda which obviously has completely filled your head with left wing bullshit..

Obama won cause the election was not influenced by a murdering foreign adversary one it was in 2016. When this Dictator pushed out fake news to help his orange boy win.

trump will ALWAYS be known as "Putin's Chose."

Sit and Spin!!!!

bullshit, Obama won because the media refused to properly vet him, because of white guilt and black pride, and because McCain and Romney ran stupid campaigns because they were afraid of being called racist if they talked about who and what Obama really was.

Trump won because: Hillary is a corrupt, angry, unlikeable, old, sick bitch, and because the country was tired of liars from both parties promising us things and then doing nothing but making themselves richer.
You are such a your daddy trump....

Loser? Losers don't win. Hillary and you are losers. The bitch lost to the black guy and then to Trump. If the DNC hadn't rigged it, she probably would have lost to Bernie too.

and since Trump and I are the same age its unlikely that he was my daddy. Who was your daddy? was it Webb Hubbell who also "sired" Chelsea Clinton (according to Bill Clinton)

Well, now we know why you are a Trumper don't we? The black guy? You must have been in your glory when the events in Charlottesville were going on. Very revealing post. Now we know exactly who we're dealing with. BTW, "the black guy" was ten times the man that Trump will ever be and so intellectually superior to him that Trump and folks like you can't stand it. It was so obvious that Bohner and McConnell couldn't deal with that fact. That's one major reason they blocked every initiative and every attempt at making life better for the have-nots. And it's the reason that Trump has dismantled every accomplishment. White supremists backed by other white supremists like yourself.

your hypocrisy is only exceeded by your inane stupidity. Obama won because you lefties and your racist compatriots in the media insisted that we must elect a black to show the world that we are not racist------------that in itself is a racist act.

You don't know me or anything about me but yet you scream that I am a white supremist. For the record I am a mixed race Cajun who is about as far from a white supremist as anyone could be.

I am also a successful intelligent independent human being who thinks for himself and is not susceptible to media propaganda which obviously has completely filled your head with left wing bullshit..

Obama won cause the election was not influenced by a murdering foreign adversary one it was in 2016. When this Dictator pushed out fake news to help his orange boy win.

trump will ALWAYS be known as "Putin's Chose."

Sit and Spin!!!!

bullshit, Obama won because the media refused to properly vet him, because of white guilt and black pride, and because McCain and Romney ran stupid campaigns because they were afraid of being called racist if they talked about who and what Obama really was.

Trump won because: Hillary is a corrupt, angry, unlikeable, old, sick bitch, and because the country was tired of liars from both parties promising us things and then doing nothing but making themselves richer.

Trump won cause Putin inundated social media with fake news hurting Hillary. The US intelligence agencies agree....

trump is PUTIN'S BOY!

The dossier did not come from the Kremlin. It came from Christopher Steele.

Not true traitor.

{Fusion GPS was being paid for work done on behalf of an oligarch with links to the Kremlin while it was investigating Trump campaign affiliates ties to Russia, Fox News reports.

The opposition research firm Fusion GPS, which produced the famous Trump dossier, was receiving money from a law firm for work done on behalf of an Kremlin-linked oligarch at the same time it was paying a former British spy to investigate Trump’s connections with Russia.

The opposition research firm came under heavy }

Fusion GPS Paid By Kremlin-Linked Firm While Putting Together Steele Dossier

It’s not fake. Much of it had been confirmed. Neither the Clinton campaign nor the FBI had contact with Steele’s sources, and Steele didn’t know initially who had hired him, although he said it wasn’t difficult to figure it out.

That is a lie, traitor.

{One of the more disconcerting revelations from the long-anticipated FISA memo released by the House Intelligence Committee Friday was that the FBI had barely begun a verification process of the Russian dossier when they used it to justify a FISA surveillance warrant on Carter Page. Meanwhile the media refused to publish the dossier allegations because they could not be verified. }

On the dossier, did FBI have lower standards than the media?

So no, the only campaign which had contact with and colluded with the Russians was the Trump campaign.

Just the fact that Junior met with the Russian lawyer is evidence of collusion.

And again you are lying traitor.

The co-founder of Fusion GPS, the firm behind the unverified Trump dossier, met with a Russian lawyer before and after a key meeting she had last year with Trump’s son, Fox News has learned. The contacts shed new light on how closely tied the firm was to Russian interests, at a time when it was financing research to discredit then-candidate Donald Trump.

The opposition research firm has faced renewed scrutiny after litigation revealed that the DNC and Hillary Clinton’s campaign paid for that research. Congressional Republicans have since questioned whether that politically financed research contributed to the FBI’s investigation of Russian collusion with the Trump campaign – making Fusion’s 2016 contacts with Russian interests all the more relevant.}

Fusion GPS official met with Russian operative before and after Trump Jr. sit-down

This Russian lawyer was working for the Clinton/FBI treason gang.
If your guy doesn't like a witch hunt, he should stop being a witch. So, the Dossier came from Putin? Man, that's a good one. Where the fuck do you get this shit? Oh! I know. Fox noise. Now there's journalism at its highest level. LOL

Yes traitor, that's it. No need for honest government.

The Dossier came from Fusion GPS

NBC News first reported that Veselnitskaya and Simpson were both at a hearing centered around another Fusion client, Russian oligarch Denis Katsyv. His company, Prevezon Holdings, was sanctioned against doing business in the U.S. for its alleged role in laundering more than $230 million. Fox News obtained audio records from that hearing in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit.

The wrongdoing had been uncovered by Russian lawyer and whistleblower Sergei Magnitsky, who was beaten to death in a Russian prison in 2009 after being arrested for probing Prevezon and other companies with ties to Russian President Vladimir Putin.

In December 2012, the Sergei Magnitsky Rule of Law Accountability Act was passed into U.S. law, freezing Russian assets and banning visas for sanctioned individuals. Fusion’s Simpson is believed to have been working with Veselnitskaya and Rinat Akhmetshin, a former Soviet counter-intelligence officer turned Russian-American lobbyist, to overturn the sanctions.}

Fusion GPS official met with Russian operative before and after Trump Jr. sit-down

You traitors are sure stupid when it comes to the facts.
Loser? Losers don't win. Hillary and you are losers. The bitch lost to the black guy and then to Trump. If the DNC hadn't rigged it, she probably would have lost to Bernie too.

and since Trump and I are the same age its unlikely that he was my daddy. Who was your daddy? was it Webb Hubbell who also "sired" Chelsea Clinton (according to Bill Clinton)

Well, now we know why you are a Trumper don't we? The black guy? You must have been in your glory when the events in Charlottesville were going on. Very revealing post. Now we know exactly who we're dealing with. BTW, "the black guy" was ten times the man that Trump will ever be and so intellectually superior to him that Trump and folks like you can't stand it. It was so obvious that Bohner and McConnell couldn't deal with that fact. That's one major reason they blocked every initiative and every attempt at making life better for the have-nots. And it's the reason that Trump has dismantled every accomplishment. White supremists backed by other white supremists like yourself.

your hypocrisy is only exceeded by your inane stupidity. Obama won because you lefties and your racist compatriots in the media insisted that we must elect a black to show the world that we are not racist------------that in itself is a racist act.

You don't know me or anything about me but yet you scream that I am a white supremist. For the record I am a mixed race Cajun who is about as far from a white supremist as anyone could be.

I am also a successful intelligent independent human being who thinks for himself and is not susceptible to media propaganda which obviously has completely filled your head with left wing bullshit..

Obama won cause the election was not influenced by a murdering foreign adversary one it was in 2016. When this Dictator pushed out fake news to help his orange boy win.

trump will ALWAYS be known as "Putin's Chose."

Sit and Spin!!!!

bullshit, Obama won because the media refused to properly vet him, because of white guilt and black pride, and because McCain and Romney ran stupid campaigns because they were afraid of being called racist if they talked about who and what Obama really was.

Trump won because: Hillary is a corrupt, angry, unlikeable, old, sick bitch, and because the country was tired of liars from both parties promising us things and then doing nothing but making themselves richer.

Trump won cause Putin inundated social media with fake news hurting Hillary. The US intelligence agencies agree....

trump is PUTIN'S BOY!

repeating a lie over and over like a brain dead parrot does not magically make it true.

Nothing in your post is true.

Its one thing to dislike, or even hate, Trump. Its quite another to become a moronic asshole and destroy what little credibility you ever had by posting lies all day and all night.

I'm gonna take particular pleasure in shutting you up when the probe is complete and the truth is revealed. Can't wait to hear the excuse factory you'll build to cover for comrade Trump.

Oh, the truth is well known traitor.

The House intelligence committee has finished its Russian election-meddling investigation with a draft report concluding there was no collusion or coordination between Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign and the Kremlin, according to GOP panel members.

“The bottom line: The Russians did commit active measures against our election in ‘16, and we think they will do that in the future,” Rep. Mike Conaway, Texas Republican and one of the probe’s leaders, said late Monday on Capitol Hill.

While the Texas Republican said panel members agreed with conclusion of leading U.S. intelligence agencies that Russia had interfered with the election — he added that they disagreed “with the narrative that they were trying to help Trump.”

“We found no evidence of collusion,” Mr. Conaway said. “We found perhaps some bad judgment, inappropriate meetings. But only Tom Clancy or Vince Flynn or someone else like that could take these series of inadvertent contacts with each other, meetings, whatever, and weave that into some sort of a fiction and turn it into a page-turner, spy thriller.”}

House intelligence committee finds no collusion between Trump campaign, Russia

What you treasoncrats are doing is attempting a coup d'etat.

You didn't like the way the election went, so you decided to overthrow the government.

Pure and simple, traitor.
Who read and believed the fake news Russia used to elect him...

They also listened to what he said, what Hillary said and decided they wanted her less than they wanted him. A few Facebook posts didn't change their minds.

Trump won three key states, (46 electoral votes),by only 80k votes. That's only one district per state.

It would only take a very small percentage of those exposed to Russian propoganda who believed it and voted accordinly to acheive those results.

Russian propaganda on facebook was both pro Trump and pro Hillary, as well as anti Trump and anti Hillary.

What the Russians wanted to do is get us all screaming at each other and not working together--------------because of fools like you and the stupid media pukes, they succeeded.

All intelligence agencies came to the conclusion that Russia overwhelmingly supported trump with fake ads damaging Hillary....nice try though.

yeah, sure. the same intelligence agencies that were trying to undermine Trump with a fake dossier, the same media that continuously lied, and is still lying?

don't be so fricken naïve. look up the word conspiracy and you will find the definition of the clowns at the top of the FBI and DOJ during the 2016 campaign.

Hillary lost because the American voters understood who and what she is, not because of the Russians spending a few thousand $ posting on facebook.
Nobody knew about the dossier during the 2016 campaigns. The dossier wasnt made
public until after Trump assumed office.

FBI conspiracy during 2016 campaign? A week prior to voting, Comey announced re-opening of hillary email investigation. And these "fake" assassinations for the "fake" dossier.

Russia invested millions via Yuri Milner into social media. And russian money funneled thru NRA.

And now stolen private data.
You’re fucking nuts. :cuckoo:

No intelligence agency tried to undermine trump with a dossier.

One expects a North Korean spy like you to be a fucking liar, and a liar you are.

But Li'l Kim, you are just fucking stupid.

The dossier, authored by former British spy Christopher Steele and commissioned by Fusion GPS, was paid for by the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign through law firm Perkins Coie. It included salacious and unverified allegations about Trump's connections to Russia.

The memo, which has been at the center of an intense power struggle between congressional Republicans and the FBI, specifically cites the DOJ and FBI’s surveillance of Trump campaign adviser Carter Page, saying the dossier "formed an essential part" of the application to spy on him.}

House memo states disputed dossier was key to FBI’s FISA warrant to surveil members of Team Trump
If your guy doesn't like a witch hunt, he should stop being a witch. So, the Dossier came from Putin? Man, that's a good one. Where the fuck do you get this shit? Oh! I know. Fox noise. Now there's journalism at its highest level. LOL

Yes traitor, that's it. No need for honest government.

The Dossier came from Fusion GPS

NBC News first reported that Veselnitskaya and Simpson were both at a hearing centered around another Fusion client, Russian oligarch Denis Katsyv. His company, Prevezon Holdings, was sanctioned against doing business in the U.S. for its alleged role in laundering more than $230 million. Fox News obtained audio records from that hearing in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit.

The wrongdoing had been uncovered by Russian lawyer and whistleblower Sergei Magnitsky, who was beaten to death in a Russian prison in 2009 after being arrested for probing Prevezon and other companies with ties to Russian President Vladimir Putin.

In December 2012, the Sergei Magnitsky Rule of Law Accountability Act was passed into U.S. law, freezing Russian assets and banning visas for sanctioned individuals. Fusion’s Simpson is believed to have been working with Veselnitskaya and Rinat Akhmetshin, a former Soviet counter-intelligence officer turned Russian-American lobbyist, to overturn the sanctions.}

Fusion GPS official met with Russian operative before and after Trump Jr. sit-down

You traitors are sure stupid when it comes to the facts.

Wait! You hate NBC you are quoting it. You are are nutty as your Liar in Chief.

I'm gonna take particular pleasure in shutting you up when the probe is complete and the truth is revealed. Can't wait to hear the excuse factory you'll build to cover for comrade Trump.

Oh, the truth is well known traitor.

The House intelligence committee has finished its Russian election-meddling investigation with a draft report concluding there was no collusion or coordination between Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign and the Kremlin, according to GOP panel members.

“The bottom line: The Russians did commit active measures against our election in ‘16, and we think they will do that in the future,” Rep. Mike Conaway, Texas Republican and one of the probe’s leaders, said late Monday on Capitol Hill.

While the Texas Republican said panel members agreed with conclusion of leading U.S. intelligence agencies that Russia had interfered with the election — he added that they disagreed “with the narrative that they were trying to help Trump.”

“We found no evidence of collusion,” Mr. Conaway said. “We found perhaps some bad judgment, inappropriate meetings. But only Tom Clancy or Vince Flynn or someone else like that could take these series of inadvertent contacts with each other, meetings, whatever, and weave that into some sort of a fiction and turn it into a page-turner, spy thriller.”}

House intelligence committee finds no collusion between Trump campaign, Russia

What you treasoncrats are doing is attempting a coup d'etat.

You didn't like the way the election went, so you decided to overthrow the government.

Pure and simple, traitor.
This was a republican-only house intelligence committee report. No democrats were involved. Only a bi-partisan report would be trustworthy. As noted by Evan McMullin.

Little tidbits are becoming public nearly every day, showing how there is a conspiracy, such as "you should do it" to Papadopoulos. Or that guccifer-2.0 was actually a russian intellgence agent.
The dems/Hillary "colluded" with a foreign national


It is silly for rightwingers to even bring that up as an equivalent.

You do grasp that the fabricated dossier came from the Kremlin, right Comrade?

The Clinton campaign and the FBI did in fact collude with Russian sources to corrupt our elections.

But the Grand Inquisitor is uninterested in that.

Time for a special prosecutor to investigate the witch hunt.

The dossier did not come from the Kremlin. It came from Christopher Steele.

It’s not fake. Much of it had been confirmed. Neither the Clinton campaign nor the FBI had contact with Steele’s sources, and Steele didn’t know initially who had hired him, although he said it wasn’t difficult to figure it out.

So no, the only campaign which had contact with and colluded with the Russians was the Trump campaign.

Just the fact that Junior met with the Russian lawyer is evidence of collusion.

Dummy, nothing was confirmed. What an ass.

Here is nice big cup of STFU for you:

Verified: The Kremlin targeted educated youth and swing state voters during its cyber attacks in the 2016 campaign.
Verified: Trump maintains ties to rich businessmen from Azerbaijan.
Verified: Former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page met with representatives of Russian state-owned oil giant Rosneft.

The overarching thesis that Russians were conducting operations to hurt Clinton and aid Trump in 2016 election was correct.

How true is the Trump-Russia dossier? One year later, what we know about its claims
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This was a republican-only house intelligence committee report. No democrats were involved. Only a bi-partisan report would be trustworthy. As noted by Evan McMullin.

Little tidbits are becoming public nearly every day, showing how there is a conspiracy, such as "you should do it" to Papadopoulos. Or that guccifer-2.0 was actually a russian intellgence agent.

Oh yeah, that committee sure didn't have left of Pol Pot Adam Schiff on it..

That's for clearing that up traitor - I can always count on you Stalinists for honesty.. :lol:
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