Trump campaign DID collude with Russia

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It is silly for rightwingers to even bring that up as an equivalent.

You do grasp that the fabricated dossier came from the Kremlin, right Comrade?

The Clinton campaign and the FBI did in fact collude with Russian sources to corrupt our elections.

But the Grand Inquisitor is uninterested in that.

Time for a special prosecutor to investigate the witch hunt.

The dossier did not come from the Kremlin. It came from Christopher Steele.

It’s not fake. Much of it had been confirmed. Neither the Clinton campaign nor the FBI had contact with Steele’s sources, and Steele didn’t know initially who had hired him, although he said it wasn’t difficult to figure it out.

So no, the only campaign which had contact with and colluded with the Russians was the Trump campaign.

Just the fact that Junior met with the Russian lawyer is evidence of collusion.

Dummy, nothing was confirmed. What an ass.

Gosh Dic, don’t you ever get tired of being WRONG:

How true is the Trump-Russia dossier? One year later, what we know about its claims

Back atcha kitten

FBI has not verified Trump dossier

FBI has not verified Trump dossier

Just enough to take trump down.
Now there's journalism at its highest level.

Now at last you've posted something factual .....

He taught classes in law at the U of Chicago. That makes him a professor in most people's book. I always referred to those who taught classes in college as professor. The fact that he lectured also doesn't minimize that. He lectured and taught for 12 years. And it wasn't at Trump University. LOL

It is silly for rightwingers to even bring that up as an equivalent.

You do grasp that the fabricated dossier came from the Kremlin, right Comrade?

The Clinton campaign and the FBI did in fact collude with Russian sources to corrupt our elections.

But the Grand Inquisitor is uninterested in that.

Time for a special prosecutor to investigate the witch hunt.

The dossier did not come from the Kremlin. It came from Christopher Steele.

It’s not fake. Much of it had been confirmed. Neither the Clinton campaign nor the FBI had contact with Steele’s sources, and Steele didn’t know initially who had hired him, although he said it wasn’t difficult to figure it out.

So no, the only campaign which had contact with and colluded with the Russians was the Trump campaign.

Just the fact that Junior met with the Russian lawyer is evidence of collusion.

Dummy, nothing was confirmed. What an ass.

Gosh Dic, don’t you ever get tired of being WRONG:

How true is the Trump-Russia dossier? One year later, what we know about its claims

Back atcha kitten

FBI has not verified Trump dossier

FBI has not verified Trump dossier

Nor has anyone disproved it. The truth about each memo in the dossier will be tested and revealed by your worst enemy, but friend of America and its system, Robert Mueller. Why does the right always reach conclusions that have yet to be shown?
Trump Russia hoax still gets played out?

Yeah. I'd love to see anyone explain all the contacts with Russians and the denials of those contacts by many on the campaign and even after the election. Also, explain why Papa, Flynn, Page,Gates and others have pled guilty to charges. For something that's a "hoax" there sure is a lot of evidence and a whole lotta seeking deals from Mueller going on.
Trump Russia hoax still gets played out?

Yeah. I'd love to see anyone explain all the contacts with Russians and the denials of those contacts by many on the campaign and even after the election. Also, explain why Papa, Flynn, Page,Gates and others have pled guilty to charges. For something that's a "hoax" there sure is a lot of evidence and a whole lotta seeking deals from Mueller going on.
It's been two years of circling around. Time to move on.
I just heard that it's been confirmed that Gucifer 2.0 was a spy directly under the control of Putin and that Bannon was forewarned that to do business with him could be a violation of US law. He chose to ignore that warning. Roger Stone was also in that loop. So, that establishes a direct connection between the Trump Campaign and the Kremlin. It's still unclear if Trump himself knew what was going on with Bannon, Stone, Guccifer and Cambridge Analytica. But the way Trump has acted toward Putin, suggests very strongly that he knew. All that's left now is to clearly and undeniably make the Trump Russia connection and not just members of his campaign team. I'm sure Mueller has that answer and more. Well, righties, the Jig appears to be up as far as the campaign/Russia connection. That nothingburger is becoming a very real and very juicy somethingburger. You want fries with that?

Trump Russia hoax still gets played out?

Yeah. I'd love to see anyone explain all the contacts with Russians and the denials of those contacts by many on the campaign and even after the election. Also, explain why Papa, Flynn, Page,Gates and others have pled guilty to charges. For something that's a "hoax" there sure is a lot of evidence and a whole lotta seeking deals from Mueller going on.
It's been two years of circling around. Time to move on.
You wish. Why don't you have the balls to admit you really don't want to know if your president is a crook
I just heard that it's been confirmed that Gucifer 2.0 was a spy directly under the control of Putin and that Bannon was forewarned that to do business with him could be a violation of US law. He chose to ignore that warning. Roger Stone was also in that loop. So, that establishes a direct connection between the Trump Campaign and the Kremlin. It's still unclear if Trump himself knew what was going on with Bannon, Stone, Guccifer and Cambridge Analytica. But the way Trump has acted toward Putin, suggests very strongly that he knew. All that's left now is to clearly and undeniably make the Trump Russia connection and not just members of his campaign team. I'm sure Mueller has that answer and more. Well, righties, the Jig appears to be up as far as the campaign/Russia connection. That nothingburger is becoming a very real and very juicy somethingburger. You want fries with that?

Lmao. Once again we have an uninformed Trumpanzee asking someone to educate him.
I just heard that it's been confirmed that Gucifer 2.0 was a spy directly under the control of Putin and that Bannon was forewarned that to do business with him could be a violation of US law. He chose to ignore that warning. Roger Stone was also in that loop. So, that establishes a direct connection between the Trump Campaign and the Kremlin. It's still unclear if Trump himself knew what was going on with Bannon, Stone, Guccifer and Cambridge Analytica. But the way Trump has acted toward Putin, suggests very strongly that he knew. All that's left now is to clearly and undeniably make the Trump Russia connection and not just members of his campaign team. I'm sure Mueller has that answer and more. Well, righties, the Jig appears to be up as far as the campaign/Russia connection. That nothingburger is becoming a very real and very juicy somethingburger. You want fries with that?

Lmao. Once again we have an uninformed Trumpanzee asking someone to educate him.

When you post "I just heard", it makes sense to say who told you. Otherwise, you have no credibility.
Clinton was investigated for five years...4 more to go for Putin's Boy...

There was a crime that warranted an investigation...there was never one proven regarding Trump warranting a witch Hunt.
Investigations of the Clintons, like with Whitewater, resulted in the imprisonment of just about everyone BUT the Clintons, who - as usual - were protected.

Evidence shows the only reason Hillary is not in jail today is because of Barry, Holder, Lynch, Mueller, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, etc...

So AGAIN put up the undeniable evidence to support your claim....

...or do us all a favor and STFU.

Really? What Whitewater crime was found? Go ahead....let the world know....cause we all must have slept through that indictmenr...
Hillary Clinton and the Whitewater Controversy: A Close-Up
When easyt65 shows up, your thread is now about Hillary Clinton. Your thread could start as a thread on gardening, and easyt65 would find a way to get offended, throw a hissy fit, and then make the thread about Hillary Clinton.
You're the Stalinist for letting Russia control our executive branch.


How did I "let Russia" do anything, little commie fuck?

I didn't vote for Felonia Milhouse von Pantsuit who colluded with the Kremlin in her attempt to rig our election.

You did though, didn't you traitor boi?

So, how's the coup d'etat going. You think you treason monkeys will be able to overthrow the government under the banner of the Inquisition?

All hail Mewler-Torquemada?
To use anything that was "found" by the House uninvestigating committee as evidence of anything is a leap of faith at best. And the dossier was the work product of Christopher Steele not Fusion. Both sides of the political spectrum used it to support whatever position they wanted to sure up and both sides financed the work at one time or another but the fact remains that what Steele found was HIS work and his work alone.

Oh got it.

We need the Witch Hunt to tell us what's going on with your attempted coup d'etat.

Thanks traitor, we'll keep that in mind.
Trumoettes coluded....facts....was it criminal treason. Not sure yet. Mueller will tell us after he interviews the Liar in Chief.

trump had a very complicated web of treason will take time to unravel.
To use anything that was "found" by the House uninvestigating committee as evidence of anything is a leap of faith at best. And the dossier was the work product of Christopher Steele not Fusion. Both sides of the political spectrum used it to support whatever position they wanted to sure up and both sides financed the work at one time or another but the fact remains that what Steele found was HIS work and his work alone.

Oh got it.

We need the Witch Hunt to tell us what's going on with your attempted coup d'etat.

Thanks traitor, we'll keep that in mind.

A traitor is what we have in the White House....
I know you don't see it but those among us who are not mesmerized by the orange scourge can't help but see the irony of being called "Stalinists" by those intellectually challenged folks who support Putin's stooge. It's unendingly amusing.

Oh right, you traitors who are trying to overthrow the government of the United States because you refuse to accept that you lost the election would never lie..

Say, this is one of the treason monkeys like you, right commie fuck?

{“A man is tweeting to his lover that if [Democrat Hillary Clinton ] loses, we’ll essentially do the insurance policy. We’ll go to phase two and we’ll get this guy out of office,” said Mr. Trump. “This is the FBI we’re talking about—that is treason. That is a treasonous act. What he tweeted to his lover is a treasonous act.”}

Peter Strzok committed treason with anti-Trump texts, president says

You better win traitor, you scum will not do well if your coup fails.
You do grasp that the fabricated dossier came from the Kremlin, right Comrade?

The Clinton campaign and the FBI did in fact collude with Russian sources to corrupt our elections.

But the Grand Inquisitor is uninterested in that.

Time for a special prosecutor to investigate the witch hunt.

The dossier did not come from the Kremlin. It came from Christopher Steele.

It’s not fake. Much of it had been confirmed. Neither the Clinton campaign nor the FBI had contact with Steele’s sources, and Steele didn’t know initially who had hired him, although he said it wasn’t difficult to figure it out.

So no, the only campaign which had contact with and colluded with the Russians was the Trump campaign.

Just the fact that Junior met with the Russian lawyer is evidence of collusion.

Dummy, nothing was confirmed. What an ass.

Gosh Dic, don’t you ever get tired of being WRONG:

How true is the Trump-Russia dossier? One year later, what we know about its claims

Back atcha kitten

FBI has not verified Trump dossier

FBI has not verified Trump dossier

Just enough to take trump down.

Actually you dumb fucking commie, all your masters want is to tie Trump up. They know that your treason will fail, that this coup d'etat you're engaged in cannot succeed. You don't, you're too fucking stupid to grasp it. But what your rulers want is simply to thwart the Trump agenda with these absurd attacks by that punk Mewler-Torquemada.
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