Trump Campaign Giving up on Florida

Trump Pulls Florida Ads as Cash-Poor Campaign Enters Final Week


This is the way Bloomburg spins it, anyway.

Bloomberg of course hates Trump, and has spent a huge fortune trying to beat him, only to continually get embarrassed.

And here is the way some liberal ass-clown named Josh passes it along, with his comment:

This makes no sense, unless you're out of cash: Trump campaign spending on Minnesota but pulling out of FLORIDA.

Trump Pulls Florida Ads as Cash-Poor Campaign Enters Final Week
President Donald Trump’s campaign has all but pulled its advertising out of Florida, as it stakes its relatively small bank account on the industrial northern states that carried him to victory in...


How many people out folks voting for Biden---how many of you think Trump is so broke he has had to give up on Florida?

This is your chance to show you know some stuff. All the things you have learned on CNN and MSNBC. Here's a Target to shoot at...and play it back for me on Election Day, by all means, if Biden wins Florida:

TRUMP ALREADY KNOWS HE HAS WON FLORIDA SO HE IS MOVING SOME MONEY TO MINNESOTA---which is so liberal that it was the only state to Vote against Ron Reagan. But, they have grown tired of watching Minneapolis burn, and so the State is now in play.


Nothing coming out of blooming idiots rag can be considered truthful.

Trump will win easily here in Florida and his internal polling is telling him that. He will win by a bigger margin this time than he did in 2016.

He has plenty of money. More than he can spend in a week. However, he is doing like all campaigns and doing the last minute shuffle to put effort into the really close races.
You nailed it.
Trump Pulls Florida Ads as Cash-Poor Campaign Enters Final Week


This is the way Bloomburg spins it, anyway.

Bloomberg of course hates Trump, and has spent a huge fortune trying to beat him, only to continually get embarrassed.

And here is the way some liberal ass-clown named Josh passes it along, with his comment:

This makes no sense, unless you're out of cash: Trump campaign spending on Minnesota but pulling out of FLORIDA.

Trump Pulls Florida Ads as Cash-Poor Campaign Enters Final Week
President Donald Trump’s campaign has all but pulled its advertising out of Florida, as it stakes its relatively small bank account on the industrial northern states that carried him to victory in...


How many people out folks voting for Biden---how many of you think Trump is so broke he has had to give up on Florida?

This is your chance to show you know some stuff. All the things you have learned on CNN and MSNBC. Here's a Target to shoot at...and play it back for me on Election Day, by all means, if Biden wins Florida:

TRUMP ALREADY KNOWS HE HAS WON FLORIDA SO HE IS MOVING SOME MONEY TO MINNESOTA---which is so liberal that it was the only state to Vote against Ron Reagan. But, they have grown tired of watching Minneapolis burn, and so the State is now in play.


I have no idea where you get your delusions but Minnesota isn't in play. trump is wasting his money there.

View attachment 407708

In doubtful situations, such as a tight Presidential Election....where Bull Shit is flying everywhere, I draw reassurance from the Stupidity of my adversary---which in this case is you, who I verily believe to be a TDS Dumb-Ass.

You cite Real Clear Politics to support this statement:

"I have no idea where you get your delusions but Minnesota isn't in play"


Well, how about Real Clear Politics which shows that very State as a "Toss Up" in the Presidential Race!

Trump Pulls Florida Ads as Cash-Poor Campaign Enters Final Week


This is the way Bloomburg spins it, anyway.

Bloomberg of course hates Trump, and has spent a huge fortune trying to beat him, only to continually get embarrassed.

And here is the way some liberal ass-clown named Josh passes it along, with his comment:

This makes no sense, unless you're out of cash: Trump campaign spending on Minnesota but pulling out of FLORIDA.

Trump Pulls Florida Ads as Cash-Poor Campaign Enters Final Week
President Donald Trump’s campaign has all but pulled its advertising out of Florida, as it stakes its relatively small bank account on the industrial northern states that carried him to victory in...


How many people out folks voting for Biden---how many of you think Trump is so broke he has had to give up on Florida?

This is your chance to show you know some stuff. All the things you have learned on CNN and MSNBC. Here's a Target to shoot at...and play it back for me on Election Day, by all means, if Biden wins Florida:

TRUMP ALREADY KNOWS HE HAS WON FLORIDA SO HE IS MOVING SOME MONEY TO MINNESOTA---which is so liberal that it was the only state to Vote against Ron Reagan. But, they have grown tired of watching Minneapolis burn, and so the State is now in play.


I have no idea where you get your delusions but Minnesota isn't in play. trump is wasting his money there.

View attachment 407708
When is the last time Biden visited? You folks learned nothing in 2016

Biden was last there September 20th.

Did you even look at the poll average I posted?

The smallest lead Biden has in Minnesota is 5 points. The largest has him ahead trump by 11 points.

There is not even one poll that has trump beating Biden in Minnesota.
Trump Pulls Florida Ads as Cash-Poor Campaign Enters Final Week


This is the way Bloomburg spins it, anyway.

Bloomberg of course hates Trump, and has spent a huge fortune trying to beat him, only to continually get embarrassed.

And here is the way some liberal ass-clown named Josh passes it along, with his comment:

This makes no sense, unless you're out of cash: Trump campaign spending on Minnesota but pulling out of FLORIDA.

Trump Pulls Florida Ads as Cash-Poor Campaign Enters Final Week
President Donald Trump’s campaign has all but pulled its advertising out of Florida, as it stakes its relatively small bank account on the industrial northern states that carried him to victory in...


How many people out folks voting for Biden---how many of you think Trump is so broke he has had to give up on Florida?

This is your chance to show you know some stuff. All the things you have learned on CNN and MSNBC. Here's a Target to shoot at...and play it back for me on Election Day, by all means, if Biden wins Florida:

TRUMP ALREADY KNOWS HE HAS WON FLORIDA SO HE IS MOVING SOME MONEY TO MINNESOTA---which is so liberal that it was the only state to Vote against Ron Reagan. But, they have grown tired of watching Minneapolis burn, and so the State is now in play.


I have no idea where you get your delusions but Minnesota isn't in play. trump is wasting his money there.

View attachment 407708
When is the last time Biden visited? You folks learned nothing in 2016

Biden was last there September 20th.

Did you even look at the poll average I posted?

The smallest lead Biden has in Minnesota is 5 points. The largest has him ahead trump by 11 points.

There is not even one poll that has trump beating Biden in Minnesota.
You believe polls, that’s your problem
Georgia is going for Trump

Wanna know why????

See the source image

See the source image

See the source image

Yep. Here is more they don’t want you to see. Seems twitter deleted it twice already.

they have to hide the truth but it has gotten out, much to their chagrin.
Trump Pulls Florida Ads as Cash-Poor Campaign Enters Final Week


This is the way Bloomburg spins it, anyway.

Bloomberg of course hates Trump, and has spent a huge fortune trying to beat him, only to continually get embarrassed.

And here is the way some liberal ass-clown named Josh passes it along, with his comment:

This makes no sense, unless you're out of cash: Trump campaign spending on Minnesota but pulling out of FLORIDA.

Trump Pulls Florida Ads as Cash-Poor Campaign Enters Final Week
President Donald Trump’s campaign has all but pulled its advertising out of Florida, as it stakes its relatively small bank account on the industrial northern states that carried him to victory in...


How many people out folks voting for Biden---how many of you think Trump is so broke he has had to give up on Florida?

This is your chance to show you know some stuff. All the things you have learned on CNN and MSNBC. Here's a Target to shoot at...and play it back for me on Election Day, by all means, if Biden wins Florida:

TRUMP ALREADY KNOWS HE HAS WON FLORIDA SO HE IS MOVING SOME MONEY TO MINNESOTA---which is so liberal that it was the only state to Vote against Ron Reagan. But, they have grown tired of watching Minneapolis burn, and so the State is now in play.

Poor Trumpy and crew spent the $WHOLE BILLION$ haul and now they're just lerping along to give the idea they didn't steal it all. Now that is a crime.

Got a link? Don't bother with your usual Rawstory BS
This was already proven to be false.

Please Mods try to filter the flame bait and lies being posted here out of this forum.
Trump Pulls Florida Ads as Cash-Poor Campaign Enters Final Week


This is the way Bloomburg spins it, anyway.

Bloomberg of course hates Trump, and has spent a huge fortune trying to beat him, only to continually get embarrassed.

And here is the way some liberal ass-clown named Josh passes it along, with his comment:

This makes no sense, unless you're out of cash: Trump campaign spending on Minnesota but pulling out of FLORIDA.

Trump Pulls Florida Ads as Cash-Poor Campaign Enters Final Week
President Donald Trump’s campaign has all but pulled its advertising out of Florida, as it stakes its relatively small bank account on the industrial northern states that carried him to victory in...


How many people out folks voting for Biden---how many of you think Trump is so broke he has had to give up on Florida?

This is your chance to show you know some stuff. All the things you have learned on CNN and MSNBC. Here's a Target to shoot at...and play it back for me on Election Day, by all means, if Biden wins Florida:

TRUMP ALREADY KNOWS HE HAS WON FLORIDA SO HE IS MOVING SOME MONEY TO MINNESOTA---which is so liberal that it was the only state to Vote against Ron Reagan. But, they have grown tired of watching Minneapolis burn, and so the State is now in play.


I have no idea where you get your delusions but Minnesota isn't in play. trump is wasting his money there.

View attachment 407708
Trump will win easily here in Florida and his internal polling is telling him that. He will win by a bigger margin this time than he did in 2016.

He has plenty of money. More than he can spend in a week. However, he is doing like all campaigns and doing the last minute shuffle to put effort into the really close races.

I agree. I live in Florida and already voted for Trump. He'll win this State, no problem.
Bloomberg is 100% Fake News 100% of the time.

Just saying.
I see that John T Ford displays the flag of Texas. I wonder if he is a Texan? Politicians spend money where they think that the outcome might be influenced. If Texas were really in danger of being flipped to blue, Biden would be spending a lot of time (and money) there. Biden is not going to Texas.

Remember in 2016 when the Moon Bats were sure Crooked Hillary was going to take Texas and Georgia and Florida and Ohio and have an EC landslide?

They are having the same delusions now.

There are huge differences between 2016 and 2020. Biden's lead has been relatively stable. Biden is sitting near 50%. Also there were no defining issues as there are in 2020 given the pandemic. The undecided vote is much smaller. In 2016, there was a shift of voters from undecided and 3rd party to Trump after the polls had been finished. The turnout was also much smaller which hurt Clinton.Also the Republicans' repeated attempts to suppress the vote are not endearing Republicans to voters.

You are the ome deluding yourself.

The only way you think it is at 50% is because you think the MSM polls are correct. The same ones that were wrong in 2016. If you only poll Moon Bats you will only get Moon Bat responses.

Trump is holding onto and growing his base and Biden has nothing more than TDS afflicted Moon Bats, some Negroes (but as many as in 2016) and the Illegals.

All the indications are that Trump supporters have the energy while nobody gives a shit about this Biden asshole. The same thing that we saw in 2016.

Trump will easily win and the stupid uneducated Moon Bats will cry their Liberal tears, go marching around in thier silly little pink pussy hats, wail at the sky and wonder why life is not fair.
Trump Pulls Florida Ads as Cash-Poor Campaign Enters Final Week


This is the way Bloomburg spins it, anyway.

Bloomberg of course hates Trump, and has spent a huge fortune trying to beat him, only to continually get embarrassed.

And here is the way some liberal ass-clown named Josh passes it along, with his comment:

This makes no sense, unless you're out of cash: Trump campaign spending on Minnesota but pulling out of FLORIDA.

Trump Pulls Florida Ads as Cash-Poor Campaign Enters Final Week
President Donald Trump’s campaign has all but pulled its advertising out of Florida, as it stakes its relatively small bank account on the industrial northern states that carried him to victory in...


How many people out folks voting for Biden---how many of you think Trump is so broke he has had to give up on Florida?

This is your chance to show you know some stuff. All the things you have learned on CNN and MSNBC. Here's a Target to shoot at...and play it back for me on Election Day, by all means, if Biden wins Florida:

TRUMP ALREADY KNOWS HE HAS WON FLORIDA SO HE IS MOVING SOME MONEY TO MINNESOTA---which is so liberal that it was the only state to Vote against Ron Reagan. But, they have grown tired of watching Minneapolis burn, and so the State is now in play.

I don't believe Bloomberg any more than I believe the NY Times or CNN

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