Trump Campaign Paid Researchers To Prove 2020 Fraud But Kept Findings Secret

So I can lookup who you're talking about. Can't you say? You said lawyers are being denied access to election data. How am I supposed to know what you're talking about if you don't tell me? At this point, I'm not entirely certain YOU know what you're talking about.

He is dancing as fast as he can.
So I can lookup who you're talking about. Can't you say? You said lawyers are being denied access to election data. How am I supposed to know what you're talking about if you don't tell me? At this point, I'm not entirely certain YOU know what you're talking about.

He is absolutely beyond a shadow of doubt, talking out his ass. It's not that he does not know what he is talking about (he does not), its that he does care that he does not know what he is talking about.
Pathetic excuses. 2 of the 3 lowest ratings in that list were Democrats.

And rallies don't elect people. I'm no fan of Biden but I had more respect for him for behaving responsibly during a pandemic. While you think that's evidence of cheating, I believe he got more votes for that.
Screw your pandemic, it was manufactured by Fauci and company, and released to hurt Trump, which helped Biden, which helped the Chinese chump!

Well surprise surprise sonny jim!
Not every crime can be proven in a court of law... it doesn't mean it didn't happen.... you can not mail out ballots as if they are pizza flyers and put unguarded drop boxes on the street and still have fair elections.... PERIOD!!!!!
In Michigan, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Wisconsin, and Arizona....the swing states the Trump campaign contested, ballots were not willy nilly mass mailed. Registered voters had to request a ballot and tell the election clerk, where to mail it.
In Michigan, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Wisconsin, and Arizona....the swing states the Trump campaign contested, ballots were not willy nilly mass mailed. Registered voters had to request a ballot and tell the election clerk, where to mail it.

I guess you know by now facts do not matter to ReNaziKlans, its half assed conspiracies they love.
So I can lookup who you're talking about. Can't you say? You said lawyers are being denied access to election data. How am I supposed to know what you're talking about if you don't tell me? At this point, I'm not entirely certain YOU know what you're talking about.
You acting like you don’t know ,, tells a lot
In Michigan, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Wisconsin, and Arizona....the swing states the Trump campaign contested, ballots were not willy nilly mass mailed. Registered voters had to request a ballot and tell the election clerk, where to mail it.
They never allowed an evidentiary trial... if even one judge had we would know the truth....
Hey Papa Joe is doing good though... right dummy?....
They never allowed an evidentiary trial... if even one judge had we would know the truth....
Hey Papa Joe is doing good though... right dummy?....
Before a case goes to trial the lawyers from the side accusing others of fraud, have to give the assigned case judge, their best Legal brief...with evidence that who they accused likely committed a crime or broke election laws.... In the least, they have to present to the judge that probable cause existed, under the laws in place, to bring suit against the other parties.... If the evidence provided in their brief was not sufficient to bring a legal case, under the law....then BY LAW, the judge HAS TO DISMISS the case....and no fishing expedition of Discovery will be allowed.

The trump and sympathizer R lawsuits, that were rejected, did not have standing....due to lawyers bringing their grievance after the election, instead of before the election, when they could have.... Or were dismissed for lacking legal merit.... Trumper lawyers did not show probable cause that the election was stolen or was fraudulent, or even the possibility they were...
Before a case goes to trial the lawyers from the side accusing others of fraud, have to give the assigned case judge, their best Legal brief...with evidence that who they accused likely committed a crime or broke election laws.... In the least, they have to present to the judge that probable cause existed, under the laws in place, to bring suit against the other parties.... If the evidence provided in their brief was not sufficient to bring a legal case, under the law....then BY LAW, the judge HAS TO DISMISS the case....and no fishing expedition of Discovery will be allowed.

The trump and sympathizer R lawsuits, that were rejected, did not have standing....due to lawyers bringing their grievance after the election, instead of before the election, when they could have.... Or were dismissed for lacking legal merit.... Trumper lawyers did not show probable cause that the election was stolen or was fraudulent, or even the possibility they were...
But not one single judge has allowed a jury to see the evidence...
If the tables were turned you would be screaming bloody murder...
But not one single judge has allowed a jury to see the evidence...
If the tables were turned you would be screaming bloody murder...
Right. There will never be a trial and jury without the law suit brought by Trumper lawyers having merit or standing. Honestly, Trump had clowns to the left of him and jokers to the right for lawyers for his election lawsuits that failed.... I don't truly believe they were ever serious, and were put up frivolously for simply political talking points...they got scolded by the courts and Giuliani and Powell are both going to lose their law licence over it from what I have read on it.

If you are going to bring a suit against anyone, you have to have standing and merit....people can not be drawn in to a court suit for no legal reason.
Biden never really campaigned, couldn't get even a few people to attend his rallies and has fucked up America more ways than anyone can count and you say his election was legit? :laughing0301:
Unlike Trumps lie…

2020 had the most people vote, most recounts, most audits of procedures, most unfounded legal challenges
ALL proving a well run and honest election

Now, Trumps attempt to hire someone to find dirt, came up with NOTHING
They would not even release the results
Hmmm didn't release the results eh ? Now how does anyone know that information ?? It's just hilarious the bull shite the leftist here like to project on, even when they can't prove their bull shite with actual fact's. Link to the article released in a statement given by said firm, and then we might believe the op that somebody did something... ROTFLMBO 🤣
Right. There will never be a trial and jury without the law suit brought by Trumper lawyers having merit or standing. Honestly, Trump had clowns to the left of him and jokers to the right for lawyers for his election lawsuits that failed.... I don't truly believe they were ever serious, and were put up frivolously for simply political talking points...they got scolded by the courts and Giuliani and Powell are both going to lose their law licence over it from what I have read on it.

If you are going to bring a suit against anyone, you have to have standing and merit....people can not be drawn in to a court suit for no legal reason.
Ok, and currently we find that the FBI was corrupt as hell when it came to BBQing Trump and protecting the left, so you don't think that the court's could have been compromised, and maybe in on the gig with the deep state to stop Trump ?? After all that is being found out, you still hold the line that nothing was out of place or wrong when it came to our justice system, and in the ways that it was operating against the citizen's and against a president of these United States ??
Right. There will never be a trial and jury without the law suit brought by Trumper lawyers having merit or standing. Honestly, Trump had clowns to the left of him and jokers to the right for lawyers for his election lawsuits that failed.... I don't truly believe they were ever serious, and were put up frivolously for simply political talking points...they got scolded by the courts and Giuliani and Powell are both going to lose their law licence over it from what I have read on it.

If you are going to bring a suit against anyone, you have to have standing and merit....people can not be drawn in to a court suit for no legal reason.
Look at the idiocy you are stuck on... we have spy balloons falling out of the sky like confetti and stinger missiles flying over American soil and train derailments all over the country and one that spilled toxic fluid and is killing fish animals and birds and a president that hasn't said shit about any of it and you are stuck on the 2020 election.... unbelievable dude....
Ok, and currently we find that the FBI was corrupt as hell when it came to BBQing Trump and protecting the left, so you don't think that the court's could have been compromised, and maybe in on the gig with the deep state to stop Trump ?? After all that is being found out, you still hold the line that nothing was out of place or wrong when it came to our justice system, and in the ways that it was operating against the citizen's and against a president of these United States ??
Everyone and their brother had to be compromised for trump to pull off a win, all conspiring together to pull it off....

It isn't just a handful of people according to all the right wing conspiracies of fraud in all the different states....... Everyone was involved, from election volunteers, to secretary of states to county supervisors, to Republican governors and Republican and democratic county election managers and republican election boards, and the state courts and appeals courts and supreme court, and federal courts and Trump appointed judges, and non profits and ballot harvesters, and Mainers for trucking in bamboo ballots from China, and post office workers

Etc etc etc.....I'm certain of he missed listing more than a few that Trumpers have accused of perpetrating and conspiring.... election fraud against Trump.....

That's just too far gone over the deep end for me to believe.....

Citizens, most ALL on BOTH SIDES OF THE AISLE want free and fair and clean elections, without disenfranchising citizens of their constitutional right to vote.
Look at the idiocy you are stuck on... we have spy balloons falling out of the sky like confetti and stinger missiles flying over American soil and train derailments all over the country and one that spilled toxic fluid and is killing fish animals and birds and a president that hasn't said shit about any of it and you are stuck on the 2020 election.... unbelievable dude....
Jebus, don't be stuck on stupid.... The train derailment is governor dewines problem unless he has called for help from feds.....which he probably has.... If he hasnt, he should.

Balloons, balloons, everywhere..... We will get to the bottom of it, soon enough....

Honestly Ram, this is life in the fast lane! Every day a new crisis someone is worried about.... It's been going on my entire life, and the U.S. always manages them, one way or another... We just never had social media and internet blogs amplifying and propagandizing the incidents, the way we do now..... We waist time on this little stuff that may impair us from seeing the big crisis around the corner....imho.

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