Trump Campaign was prepared for a guilty verdict

Well after he wins from jail he will have to be let out to be Pres.

Be Historic. Karma be coming after.
Listening to the MAGA sore losers, it sounds like we have a higher risk of a civil war.

No sore losers. Just pointing out that leftists are flailing their Pom Poms for a crooked judge who made illegal campaign contributions to the Dems / Socialists. The same crooked judge hand selected to preside over the case.
You should all listen to Kevin O'Leary. He isn't my favourite personality but he is absolutely correct about the cost the U.S is paying for this Lawfare.

These are the types of events that Reagan would have called the communists out for.

Fucking hilarious convict maga.

Lawfare means our guys get a free pass and government protection.
So what? And a lot of republicans are saying they will never vote for the orange pile of shit felon.

People say things.
Dems rarely betray their narrative. They are as loyal a member of Group Think as any. In fact, history globally has confirmed this. The traditional counter balance by America is what kept citizens in such states defiant and in a state of resistance.

Now what?
Bragg really showed everyone. People on both sides of the aisle doubted his case. Well, clearly they didn't understand how much compelling evidence and testimony he had.

They do, now.
Well duh!

It's fucking NYC, the people who live there might as well be this:


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