Trump can win this with just a few words

Odium - are you better or worse off now compared to 8 years ago. Let's start there.
I get disability so I am not in the work force due to being disabled,my wife is worse off,wages went DOWN,Healthcare has sucked and its getting worse for us,while wages have stayed low or gone lower the price for rent has risen dramatically. We just rented a house for 200$ more than what we had to pay for same size house in same town 3 years ago. Roads are worse,still in wars that 2 of my cousins are involved in,terrorism is worse,cultural marxism has made going to some stores dangerous for females,so yep we are worse off. 4 years of the same under Clinton is NOT what I want. I want to be able to see my wife get paid better wages hell I would love to see manufacturing jobs return to America I used to work in those....I would like my kids to be able to go to school and not get inundated with left wing cultural marxism and be called bigots for calling a boy a boy and a girl a girl,If things continue America will never be the same again...its going to be a lost cause soon.

Wait a second, you're living off of a government paycheck? Seriously?
Its called BEING DISABLED. Happened while working aka my employer did their part I got workmans comp and now government says I CAN'T work. Take it up with them. If healthcare was better I could probably get the help I need and return to work. Can't with oBOMBocare....

The irony here is fucking amazing. Complains about the government that gives him money every month to live.

How is the government stopping you from working?

So you get a government paycheck every month. Government supplied insurance and you don't work. And you complain about the "moochers" in this country. I couldn't make this up if tried.
Obviously you have a COMPREHENSION problem. I am done
Odium - are you better or worse off now compared to 8 years ago. Let's start there.
I get disability so I am not in the work force due to being disabled,my wife is worse off,wages went DOWN,Healthcare has sucked and its getting worse for us,while wages have stayed low or gone lower the price for rent has risen dramatically. We just rented a house for 200$ more than what we had to pay for same size house in same town 3 years ago. Roads are worse,still in wars that 2 of my cousins are involved in,terrorism is worse,cultural marxism has made going to some stores dangerous for females,so yep we are worse off. 4 years of the same under Clinton is NOT what I want. I want to be able to see my wife get paid better wages hell I would love to see manufacturing jobs return to America I used to work in those....I would like my kids to be able to go to school and not get inundated with left wing cultural marxism and be called bigots for calling a boy a boy and a girl a girl,If things continue America will never be the same again...its going to be a lost cause soon.

And you want to see your wife get paid better wages? Isn't that her responsibility? I mean, I hear from all you conservatives all the time about it's not up to the government to raise your wages and create your opportunities. Is she lazy? I mean, these are YOUR talking points. Ironic.
You obviously don't comprehend how this works. Dumbocrat gives Amnesty to illegals,illegals train to become my wife's profession and get their state license and that drives wages down. Without illegals being given amnesty then 1. the illegals would not have had chance to steal jobs and flood market,2. A LOT of what she does can be done with people who don't need a license hence don't need to be legally here! Again flooding market and driving down wages.

Why do you hate capitalism?
Odium - are you better or worse off now compared to 8 years ago. Let's start there.
I get disability so I am not in the work force due to being disabled,my wife is worse off,wages went DOWN,Healthcare has sucked and its getting worse for us,while wages have stayed low or gone lower the price for rent has risen dramatically. We just rented a house for 200$ more than what we had to pay for same size house in same town 3 years ago. Roads are worse,still in wars that 2 of my cousins are involved in,terrorism is worse,cultural marxism has made going to some stores dangerous for females,so yep we are worse off. 4 years of the same under Clinton is NOT what I want. I want to be able to see my wife get paid better wages hell I would love to see manufacturing jobs return to America I used to work in those....I would like my kids to be able to go to school and not get inundated with left wing cultural marxism and be called bigots for calling a boy a boy and a girl a girl,If things continue America will never be the same again...its going to be a lost cause soon.

Wait a second, you're living off of a government paycheck? Seriously?
Its called BEING DISABLED. Happened while working aka my employer did their part I got workmans comp and now government says I CAN'T work. Take it up with them. If healthcare was better I could probably get the help I need and return to work. Can't with oBOMBocare....

The irony here is fucking amazing. Complains about the government that gives him money every month to live.

How is the government stopping you from working?

So you get a government paycheck every month. Government supplied insurance and you don't work. And you complain about the "moochers" in this country. I couldn't make this up if tried.
Obviously you have a COMPREHENSION problem. I am done

Hahahahahahaha. The hypocrite can't take it.

Unemployed - Check
Government check every month - check
Government insurance - check
Racist - check

You're right, you are much worse off than 8 years ago. Your situation is all Obama's fault!
Odium - are you better or worse off now compared to 8 years ago. Let's start there.
I get disability so I am not in the work force due to being disabled,my wife is worse off,wages went DOWN,Healthcare has sucked and its getting worse for us,while wages have stayed low or gone lower the price for rent has risen dramatically. We just rented a house for 200$ more than what we had to pay for same size house in same town 3 years ago. Roads are worse,still in wars that 2 of my cousins are involved in,terrorism is worse,cultural marxism has made going to some stores dangerous for females,so yep we are worse off. 4 years of the same under Clinton is NOT what I want. I want to be able to see my wife get paid better wages hell I would love to see manufacturing jobs return to America I used to work in those....I would like my kids to be able to go to school and not get inundated with left wing cultural marxism and be called bigots for calling a boy a boy and a girl a girl,If things continue America will never be the same again...its going to be a lost cause soon.

And you want to see your wife get paid better wages? Isn't that her responsibility? I mean, I hear from all you conservatives all the time about it's not up to the government to raise your wages and create your opportunities. Is she lazy? I mean, these are YOUR talking points. Ironic.
You obviously don't comprehend how this works. Dumbocrat gives Amnesty to illegals,illegals train to become my wife's profession and get their state license and that drives wages down. Without illegals being given amnesty then 1. the illegals would not have had chance to steal jobs and flood market,2. A LOT of what she does can be done with people who don't need a license hence don't need to be legally here! Again flooding market and driving down wages.
Where is this amnesty you speak of? The Amnesty that Reagan gave illegals?
This thread is Gold!

Odium - are you better or worse off now compared to 8 years ago. Let's start there.
I get disability so I am not in the work force due to being disabled,my wife is worse off,wages went DOWN,Healthcare has sucked and its getting worse for us,while wages have stayed low or gone lower the price for rent has risen dramatically. We just rented a house for 200$ more than what we had to pay for same size house in same town 3 years ago. Roads are worse,still in wars that 2 of my cousins are involved in,terrorism is worse,cultural marxism has made going to some stores dangerous for females,so yep we are worse off. 4 years of the same under Clinton is NOT what I want. I want to be able to see my wife get paid better wages hell I would love to see manufacturing jobs return to America I used to work in those....I would like my kids to be able to go to school and not get inundated with left wing cultural marxism and be called bigots for calling a boy a boy and a girl a girl,If things continue America will never be the same again...its going to be a lost cause soon.

Wait a second, you're living off of a government paycheck? Seriously?
Its called BEING DISABLED. Happened while working aka my employer did their part I got workmans comp and now government says I CAN'T work. Take it up with them. If healthcare was better I could probably get the help I need and return to work. Can't with oBOMBocare....
Since whine (or is that when) does the government tell you you can't work? I smell shenanigans here.
8 Years ago?

Stock market was in collapse
Four quarters of negative GDP
Losing 700,000 jobs a month
Auto companies failing
150,000 troops deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan
bin Laden laughing at us

I's say we are better off...Is that what Trump wants to return to?
Odium - are you better or worse off now compared to 8 years ago. Let's start there.
I get disability so I am not in the work force due to being disabled,my wife is worse off,wages went DOWN,Healthcare has sucked and its getting worse for us,while wages have stayed low or gone lower the price for rent has risen dramatically. We just rented a house for 200$ more than what we had to pay for same size house in same town 3 years ago. Roads are worse,still in wars that 2 of my cousins are involved in,terrorism is worse,cultural marxism has made going to some stores dangerous for females,so yep we are worse off. 4 years of the same under Clinton is NOT what I want. I want to be able to see my wife get paid better wages hell I would love to see manufacturing jobs return to America I used to work in those....I would like my kids to be able to go to school and not get inundated with left wing cultural marxism and be called bigots for calling a boy a boy and a girl a girl,If things continue America will never be the same again...its going to be a lost cause soon.

Wait a second, you're living off of a government paycheck? Seriously?
Its called BEING DISABLED. Happened while working aka my employer did their part I got workmans comp and now government says I CAN'T work. Take it up with them. If healthcare was better I could probably get the help I need and return to work. Can't with oBOMBocare....
Since whine (or is that when) does the government tell you you can't work? I smell shenanigans here.

What he means is if he works, he will lose his government check. And why work when you can stay at home and collect money. Right? He's a True American.

As simple as that. Just like Reagan did. Carter attacked Reagan because Carter's policies were HORRIBLE and were harming people. Obama has done NOTHING to fix the eight LOUSY years of George Bush. He has made things WORSE! Trump merely needs to ask the question above.

And the answer would be yes unless you do a Hannity is only name problems that exist. Almost by every measurement except the one RWNJ's use which is their gut
Odium - are you better or worse off now compared to 8 years ago. Let's start there.
I get disability so I am not in the work force due to being disabled,my wife is worse off,wages went DOWN,Healthcare has sucked and its getting worse for us,while wages have stayed low or gone lower the price for rent has risen dramatically. We just rented a house for 200$ more than what we had to pay for same size house in same town 3 years ago. Roads are worse,still in wars that 2 of my cousins are involved in,terrorism is worse,cultural marxism has made going to some stores dangerous for females,so yep we are worse off. 4 years of the same under Clinton is NOT what I want. I want to be able to see my wife get paid better wages hell I would love to see manufacturing jobs return to America I used to work in those....I would like my kids to be able to go to school and not get inundated with left wing cultural marxism and be called bigots for calling a boy a boy and a girl a girl,If things continue America will never be the same again...its going to be a lost cause soon.

Wait a second, you're living off of a government paycheck? Seriously?
Its called BEING DISABLED. Happened while working aka my employer did their part I got workmans comp and now government says I CAN'T work. Take it up with them. If healthcare was better I could probably get the help I need and return to work. Can't with oBOMBocare....
Since whine (or is that when) does the government tell you you can't work? I smell shenanigans here.

What he means is if he works, he will lose his government check. And why work when you can stay at home and collect money. Right? He's a True American.
"That makes him smart."
Odium - are you better or worse off now compared to 8 years ago. Let's start there.
I get disability so I am not in the work force due to being disabled,my wife is worse off,wages went DOWN,Healthcare has sucked and its getting worse for us,while wages have stayed low or gone lower the price for rent has risen dramatically. We just rented a house for 200$ more than what we had to pay for same size house in same town 3 years ago. Roads are worse,still in wars that 2 of my cousins are involved in,terrorism is worse,cultural marxism has made going to some stores dangerous for females,so yep we are worse off. 4 years of the same under Clinton is NOT what I want. I want to be able to see my wife get paid better wages hell I would love to see manufacturing jobs return to America I used to work in those....I would like my kids to be able to go to school and not get inundated with left wing cultural marxism and be called bigots for calling a boy a boy and a girl a girl,If things continue America will never be the same again...its going to be a lost cause soon.

And you want to see your wife get paid better wages? Isn't that her responsibility? I mean, I hear from all you conservatives all the time about it's not up to the government to raise your wages and create your opportunities. Is she lazy? I mean, these are YOUR talking points. Ironic.
and here I thought libs were for equal pay. only for lib women eh?
I get disability so I am not in the work force due to being disabled,my wife is worse off,wages went DOWN,Healthcare has sucked and its getting worse for us,while wages have stayed low or gone lower the price for rent has risen dramatically. We just rented a house for 200$ more than what we had to pay for same size house in same town 3 years ago. Roads are worse,still in wars that 2 of my cousins are involved in,terrorism is worse,cultural marxism has made going to some stores dangerous for females,so yep we are worse off. 4 years of the same under Clinton is NOT what I want. I want to be able to see my wife get paid better wages hell I would love to see manufacturing jobs return to America I used to work in those....I would like my kids to be able to go to school and not get inundated with left wing cultural marxism and be called bigots for calling a boy a boy and a girl a girl,If things continue America will never be the same again...its going to be a lost cause soon.

Wait a second, you're living off of a government paycheck? Seriously?
Its called BEING DISABLED. Happened while working aka my employer did their part I got workmans comp and now government says I CAN'T work. Take it up with them. If healthcare was better I could probably get the help I need and return to work. Can't with oBOMBocare....
Since whine (or is that when) does the government tell you you can't work? I smell shenanigans here.

What he means is if he works, he will lose his government check. And why work when you can stay at home and collect money. Right? He's a True American.
"That makes him smart."

Export all those lazy illegals who work all day while I sit at home and collect money because the government told me to stop working even though I really, really want to.
Odium - are you better or worse off now compared to 8 years ago. Let's start there.
I get disability so I am not in the work force due to being disabled,my wife is worse off,wages went DOWN,Healthcare has sucked and its getting worse for us,while wages have stayed low or gone lower the price for rent has risen dramatically. We just rented a house for 200$ more than what we had to pay for same size house in same town 3 years ago. Roads are worse,still in wars that 2 of my cousins are involved in,terrorism is worse,cultural marxism has made going to some stores dangerous for females,so yep we are worse off. 4 years of the same under Clinton is NOT what I want. I want to be able to see my wife get paid better wages hell I would love to see manufacturing jobs return to America I used to work in those....I would like my kids to be able to go to school and not get inundated with left wing cultural marxism and be called bigots for calling a boy a boy and a girl a girl,If things continue America will never be the same again...its going to be a lost cause soon.

And you want to see your wife get paid better wages? Isn't that her responsibility? I mean, I hear from all you conservatives all the time about it's not up to the government to raise your wages and create your opportunities. Is she lazy? I mean, these are YOUR talking points. Ironic.
and here I thought libs were for equal pay. only for lib women eh?
I'm sorry, but where do you get that he doesn't want equal pay for women from his post?
Odium - are you better or worse off now compared to 8 years ago. Let's start there.
I get disability so I am not in the work force due to being disabled,my wife is worse off,wages went DOWN,Healthcare has sucked and its getting worse for us,while wages have stayed low or gone lower the price for rent has risen dramatically. We just rented a house for 200$ more than what we had to pay for same size house in same town 3 years ago. Roads are worse,still in wars that 2 of my cousins are involved in,terrorism is worse,cultural marxism has made going to some stores dangerous for females,so yep we are worse off. 4 years of the same under Clinton is NOT what I want. I want to be able to see my wife get paid better wages hell I would love to see manufacturing jobs return to America I used to work in those....I would like my kids to be able to go to school and not get inundated with left wing cultural marxism and be called bigots for calling a boy a boy and a girl a girl,If things continue America will never be the same again...its going to be a lost cause soon.

And you want to see your wife get paid better wages? Isn't that her responsibility? I mean, I hear from all you conservatives all the time about it's not up to the government to raise your wages and create your opportunities. Is she lazy? I mean, these are YOUR talking points. Ironic.
and here I thought libs were for equal pay. only for lib women eh?

Yup, and non-christian women.
Odium - are you better or worse off now compared to 8 years ago. Let's start there.
I get disability so I am not in the work force due to being disabled,my wife is worse off,wages went DOWN,Healthcare has sucked and its getting worse for us,while wages have stayed low or gone lower the price for rent has risen dramatically. We just rented a house for 200$ more than what we had to pay for same size house in same town 3 years ago. Roads are worse,still in wars that 2 of my cousins are involved in,terrorism is worse,cultural marxism has made going to some stores dangerous for females,so yep we are worse off. 4 years of the same under Clinton is NOT what I want. I want to be able to see my wife get paid better wages hell I would love to see manufacturing jobs return to America I used to work in those....I would like my kids to be able to go to school and not get inundated with left wing cultural marxism and be called bigots for calling a boy a boy and a girl a girl,If things continue America will never be the same again...its going to be a lost cause soon.

And you want to see your wife get paid better wages? Isn't that her responsibility? I mean, I hear from all you conservatives all the time about it's not up to the government to raise your wages and create your opportunities. Is she lazy? I mean, these are YOUR talking points. Ironic.
and here I thought libs were for equal pay. only for lib women eh?
I'm sorry, but where do you get that he doesn't want equal pay for women from his post?

He's a troll, ignore him just like society has.
If Trump's promise to repeal so-called Obamacare were carried out, 24 million Americans lose their insurance.

Ask them who's better off.
Odium - are you better or worse off now compared to 8 years ago. Let's start there.
I get disability so I am not in the work force due to being disabled,my wife is worse off,wages went DOWN,Healthcare has sucked and its getting worse for us,while wages have stayed low or gone lower the price for rent has risen dramatically. We just rented a house for 200$ more than what we had to pay for same size house in same town 3 years ago. Roads are worse,still in wars that 2 of my cousins are involved in,terrorism is worse,cultural marxism has made going to some stores dangerous for females,so yep we are worse off. 4 years of the same under Clinton is NOT what I want. I want to be able to see my wife get paid better wages hell I would love to see manufacturing jobs return to America I used to work in those....I would like my kids to be able to go to school and not get inundated with left wing cultural marxism and be called bigots for calling a boy a boy and a girl a girl,If things continue America will never be the same again...its going to be a lost cause soon.

And you want to see your wife get paid better wages? Isn't that her responsibility? I mean, I hear from all you conservatives all the time about it's not up to the government to raise your wages and create your opportunities. Is she lazy? I mean, these are YOUR talking points. Ironic.
You obviously don't comprehend how this works. Dumbocrat gives Amnesty to illegals,illegals train to become my wife's profession and get their state license and that drives wages down. Without illegals being given amnesty then 1. the illegals would not have had chance to steal jobs and flood market,2. A LOT of what she does can be done with people who don't need a license hence don't need to be legally here! Again flooding market and driving down wages.
Sounds like your wife needs some new bootstraps.

As simple as that. Just like Reagan did. Carter attacked Reagan because Carter's policies were HORRIBLE and were harming people. Obama has done NOTHING to fix the eight LOUSY years of George Bush. He has made things WORSE! Trump merely needs to ask the question above.

The answer would be "yes" for most then.

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