Trump cancels pay raises for federal employees - It's a BAD Economy NOW

apparently you dont know either.....
It doesn't take brains and should not be a high paying job. A mail carrier should make $40K. $50K in California and NY.
thats what they make.....and lets see you get out there and deliver a route in pouring rain or a snowstorm would have called in sick on those days....its a lot different than sitting on your ass in an office looking out the window....
No harry! Wrong wrong wrong. That’s manual labor. Anyone can do that. That will never be a high paying job based on how physical it is or that you have to do it in the rain. I was a paperboy once. Had to deliver in the rain. That didn’t pay very well. They overpay postal workers because many are veterans.

I also worked at the post office in college sorting mail by zip code. Never ending. They paid pretty good because it was mostly military.

You could not take your companies aftermarket department from $50k a month to $300k this month. New record. That’s why I make more than everyone else in my office because like you, they’re staring out the window.

You’re making me more conservative. If you want more money go to ups
Anyone can do that.
i would loved to have seen you down there getting a route ready to carry during election/christmas time would have quit OR if you stick it out.....i bet you would have a new attitude about how easy this job is.....i can guarantee that..
That will never be a high paying job based on how physical it is or that you have to do it in the rain.
base pay right now around 60 thousand a year....and doing it in the rain is one of the reasons for that....
I also worked at the post office in college sorting mail by zip code.
wow a couple of weeks in the summer,once again working inside sitting on your ass .....and you have it all figured are good bobo...
They paid pretty good because it was mostly military.
around 25-30% military....
like you, they’re staring out the window.
got news for you bobo....i am on the outside working,you are sitting on your ass inside looking out that window....
You’re making me more conservative
you have always been conservative aint foolin no
If you want more money go to ups
to late for me to do that....they made about 2-3 dollars more per hour than letter carriers, but guess who had better benefits?.....
My dad worked hard in the kitchens at ford. He would say the same thing. Physically, it’s a grueling physical job.

But sorry Harry, you know it and I know it republicans don’t respect physical labor. That’s worth $15 hr at best to them.

You should know I really don’t want to pay firemen, police, postal, military less. I’m trying to make a point. The janitor at unkotare school works the hardest but the principle staring out the window makes the most.

To republicans and corporations a monkey can do your job. Or a Mexican. Someone will do it for cheap. But I am paid based on my sales. My company has to pay me more than $60k or they’ll lose me to someone else. I’m sure they can find another postal carrier if you go down.

Let’s ask republicans if a us postal worker should make $60k
ask one that works for the PO.....and im sure you are no.1 at your job bobo, just like you were the toughest kid in school.......
apparently you dont know either.....
It doesn't take brains and should not be a high paying job. A mail carrier should make $40K. $50K in California and NY.
thats what they make.....and lets see you get out there and deliver a route in pouring rain or a snowstorm would have called in sick on those days....its a lot different than sitting on your ass in an office looking out the window....
No harry! Wrong wrong wrong. That’s manual labor. Anyone can do that. That will never be a high paying job based on how physical it is or that you have to do it in the rain. I was a paperboy once. Had to deliver in the rain. That didn’t pay very well. They overpay postal workers because many are veterans.

I also worked at the post office in college sorting mail by zip code. Never ending. They paid pretty good because it was mostly military.

You could not take your companies aftermarket department from $50k a month to $300k this month. New record. That’s why I make more than everyone else in my office because like you, they’re staring out the window.

You’re making me more conservative. If you want more money go to ups
Anyone can do that.
i would loved to have seen you down there getting a route ready to carry during election/christmas time would have quit OR if you stick it out.....i bet you would have a new attitude about how easy this job is.....i can guarantee that..
That will never be a high paying job based on how physical it is or that you have to do it in the rain.
base pay right now around 60 thousand a year....and doing it in the rain is one of the reasons for that....
I also worked at the post office in college sorting mail by zip code.
wow a couple of weeks in the summer,once again working inside sitting on your ass .....and you have it all figured are good bobo...
They paid pretty good because it was mostly military.
around 25-30% military....
like you, they’re staring out the window.
got news for you bobo....i am on the outside working,you are sitting on your ass inside looking out that window....
You’re making me more conservative
you have always been conservative aint foolin no
If you want more money go to ups
to late for me to do that....they made about 2-3 dollars more per hour than letter carriers, but guess who had better benefits?.....
All the USPS threads are negative and all republicans trashing it. Do you think they value your hard work that a big child could do? It doesn’t take any schooling. They can find people to do that. If I could have went right into a $60k mailman job you bet I could do it. I was an all state wrestler I could have been a marine if I wanted. Wet. Ha
the shit is starting to pile up bobo.....this is were you start losing credibility....
I'm late to the discussion, was doing stuffs, but Related: I adore my postal carrier. He's a retired army vet and when he's running early and had a package for me we shoot the shit over hot chocolate. The government won't let me tip him what he's worth for dropping packages on my porch instead of making me go to the post office all the time :(
tip him at christmas time.....i used to pick up hundreds of bucks plus "gifts" and the older ladies baked stuff for me.....
It doesn't take brains and should not be a high paying job. A mail carrier should make $40K. $50K in California and NY.
thats what they make.....and lets see you get out there and deliver a route in pouring rain or a snowstorm would have called in sick on those days....its a lot different than sitting on your ass in an office looking out the window....
No harry! Wrong wrong wrong. That’s manual labor. Anyone can do that. That will never be a high paying job based on how physical it is or that you have to do it in the rain. I was a paperboy once. Had to deliver in the rain. That didn’t pay very well. They overpay postal workers because many are veterans.

I also worked at the post office in college sorting mail by zip code. Never ending. They paid pretty good because it was mostly military.

You could not take your companies aftermarket department from $50k a month to $300k this month. New record. That’s why I make more than everyone else in my office because like you, they’re staring out the window.

You’re making me more conservative. If you want more money go to ups
Anyone can do that.
i would loved to have seen you down there getting a route ready to carry during election/christmas time would have quit OR if you stick it out.....i bet you would have a new attitude about how easy this job is.....i can guarantee that..
That will never be a high paying job based on how physical it is or that you have to do it in the rain.
base pay right now around 60 thousand a year....and doing it in the rain is one of the reasons for that....
I also worked at the post office in college sorting mail by zip code.
wow a couple of weeks in the summer,once again working inside sitting on your ass .....and you have it all figured are good bobo...
They paid pretty good because it was mostly military.
around 25-30% military....
like you, they’re staring out the window.
got news for you bobo....i am on the outside working,you are sitting on your ass inside looking out that window....
You’re making me more conservative
you have always been conservative aint foolin no
If you want more money go to ups
to late for me to do that....they made about 2-3 dollars more per hour than letter carriers, but guess who had better benefits?.....
All the USPS threads are negative and all republicans trashing it. Do you think they value your hard work that a big child could do? It doesn’t take any schooling. They can find people to do that. If I could have went [sic] right into a $60k mailman job you bet I could do it. I was an all state wrestler Ha

No you weren’t, and no you couldn’t.
i have to agree....all the braggarts who thought..."how hard can this job be?"....quit after a week or too....or their whole attitude changed...
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(Flashback) Obama proposes two-year pay freeze for federal workers
Washington Post ^

President Obama on Monday announced a two-year pay freeze for most of the 1.9 million civilians who work for the federal government, as he tried to address concerns over a mushrooming deficit and placate Republicans who have targeted the workforce for big cuts.

"Getting this deficit under control is going to require some broad sacrifices, and that sacrifice must be shared by the employees of the federal government," Obama said in a White House speech. He called federal workers "patriots who love their country" and said the cut is not just "a line item on a federal ledger." But he said he is asking federal workers to sacrifice for the country as "they've always done."

(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Its a dog whistle to his base. They think all federal employees are Black.

That's it play the idiotic race card....and you should pay attention, Trump said the federal budgets can't support raises. But hell budgets don't matter just keep running up debt

So, Trump offers the wealthy 0.001% of individuals a massive tax cut, offers the corporations a massive tax cut, tax receipts go down as a result, and the federal worker loses out.

Glad to see your line of thinking there but I disagree.

Income inequality will continue to widen because of poor planning from those in charge. Check
Most of the federal workers are over paid and lazy and don't deserve a raise. Raised should be earned.
in the PO we were not over paid even though we did have our share of crappy workers.....

My Father was a carrier for nearly a quarter decade & he worked his azz off.

When Reagan took office two thirds of carrier vehicles were effectively 'taken.'

This caused 2/3rds of carriers to carry increased weight loads daily. Some full letter bags weighed over 80 lb. and these were collected at drop boxes three, to four times daily.

Reagan hated labor in America, just like most Republicans hate the average worker in America.
Is there some reason you said a quarter decade rather than 2.5 years?

I was a rural carrier for three years. The pay was adequate and the works wasn't hard. Yeah, they had the routes timed down so you often ended up working an hour or so ver without overtime, but like I said, the work wasn't difficult. I would case in My route and be out the door by 9. Then it was just Me dropping mail in the countryside. No rat race, no boss on My back. Its a shame I couldn't hold on long enough to go full time. But that was another 10-year wait and I couldn't do it parttime and pay My bills.
This is hilarious! Trump refuses to give lazy over paid fed workers a raise and the lib-trolls cry. Too bad. Back in my day raises were merit based, if you deserved a raise you got one, not just because. lol!

Edit! OMG! Did someone just play the race card!?

in reality, all US military ARE federal employees.

Why are you labeling the US military lazy?

Civilian government workers and military personnel are government employees, but their pay comes from completely different sources of funding, but you already knew that didn't you? Dumbass!
Trump cancels pay raises for federal employees - CNNPolitics

Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump told lawmakers on Thursday he was scrapping a planned pay raise for civilian federal workers, saying the nation's budget couldn't support it.

In a letter to House and Senate leaders, Trump described the pay increase as "inappropriate."
"We must maintain efforts to put our Nation on a fiscally sustainable course, and Federal agency budgets cannot sustain such increases," the President wrote.

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I guess if you can't have a $100 million 'military' parade then federal workers will have to pay for the wall.

Make Federal Workers Look for Other Employment, Again.

I heard the labor market is SMOKIN'

Were you as excited when Reagan fired over 11K PATCO controllers in 1981 & effectively killed organized labor in the US?

That was one of the best things to ever happen in US history! The union was acting illegally, so he fired the workers!
my Dad had the same route for the last 14 years he worked It was 13 miles.

My Dad retired early in the first few weeks of 1988. He said he would rather not get worked to death like an unappreciated slave by a Republican POTUS.
you said earlier your dad worked "a quarter of a decade"?? its 14 years....which is it?....and that 13 miles,was it walking or mounted?........
He said "the last 14 years" I believe.
he said this A....My Father was a carrier for nearly a quarter decade & he worked his azz no 41....
For some reason I read that as a quarter of a

Yep; my bad on the, "decade" thing. Typing too fast & thinking too little.

That is every post you ever have made!
The parade wasn't in a budget, dumb ass

If Trump wanted a parade so bad he could have paid for it but Trump is too damn cheap.
Jesus Christ you’re stupid

No; Trump is stupid. He wanted to be POTUS so bad, now the DOJ, and every investigative entity known will find out about every crime he has ever been involved with. Desire breeds failure.
Nope. You’re an idiot.

You called me "stupid & an "idiot"


Truth hurts?
Trump cancels pay raises for federal employees - CNNPolitics

Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump told lawmakers on Thursday he was scrapping a planned pay raise for civilian federal workers, saying the nation's budget couldn't support it.

In a letter to House and Senate leaders, Trump described the pay increase as "inappropriate."
"We must maintain efforts to put our Nation on a fiscally sustainable course, and Federal agency budgets cannot sustain such increases," the President wrote.

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I guess if you can't have a $100 million 'military' parade then federal workers will have to pay for the wall.

Make Federal Workers Look for Other Employment, Again.

I heard the labor market is SMOKIN'
Well, there's 2.8 million Republicans who won't be voting Trump.
This is terrible news for Fed gov't workers...but good news for those who just want that whacko Trump gone (like me).

This is nothing but a vote loser for him.

His base are so stupid and/or weak and/or gullible...they will vote for him no matter what he does. So they are irrelevant.
But for Trump to win in 2020, he needs us...the Indy's (the Dems despise him...rightly so). We decide almost every election in these days of partisan politics.
And I am quite sure most indy's will hate this move of his.

If he had drastically cut spending across the board and this was just part of it? I think he would be okay on it.

But after the massive tax cut for the rich/corporations along with the big increase in defense spending and his increasing the deficit...he has no political leg to stand on with this bonehead move.

It won't kill him...but it will hurt him...guaranteed.

I love it (except for the poor gov't. workers getting hurt).

The Democrats would never go for any spending cuts! What planet do you live on?
The fact is that this has nothing to do with the deficit. The savings will be minimal. If Trump was concerned about the deficit he would have gotten rid of the loopholes for the rich in the tax bill. That cost the federal government more than freezing workers pay will save.
Hasnt Trump also closed some bases and brought a bunch of military folks home early in his administration?

BTW, this isnt a cut, it is a cancellation of an increase, so federal workers LIKE ME are not really losing anything.

The people thisw does hurt the most are those retired who are not seeing a raise on the pensions.
This is terrible news for Fed gov't workers...but good news for those who just want that whacko Trump gone (like me).

This is nothing but a vote loser for him.

His base are so stupid and/or weak and/or gullible...they will vote for him no matter what he does. So they are irrelevant.
But for Trump to win in 2020, he needs us...the Indy's (the Dems despise him...rightly so). We decide almost every election in these days of partisan politics.
And I am quite sure most indy's will hate this move of his.

If he had drastically cut spending across the board and this was just part of it? I think he would be okay on it.

But after the massive tax cut for the rich/corporations along with the big increase in defense spending and his increasing the deficit...he has no political leg to stand on with this bonehead move.

It won't kill him...but it will hurt him...guaranteed.

I love it (except for the poor gov't. workers getting hurt).

The Democrats would never go for any spending cuts! What planet do you live on?

The Republicans have their sacred cow as well. Defense spending in regards to procurement is out of control. The USS Gerald Ford has already broken its spending caps which means the Navy will have to pull money out of training or ammunition or some other area which affects the sailors. Then they will come asking for more money and Republicans will say we need more money for defense.
This is hilarious! Trump refuses to give lazy over paid fed workers a raise and the lib-trolls cry. Too bad. Back in my day raises were merit based, if you deserved a raise you got one, not just because. lol!

Edit! OMG! Did someone just play the race card!?
Did a monkey shit in the jungle?
It doesn't take brains and should not be a high paying job. A mail carrier should make $40K. $50K in California and NY.
thats what they make.....and lets see you get out there and deliver a route in pouring rain or a snowstorm would have called in sick on those days....its a lot different than sitting on your ass in an office looking out the window....
No harry! Wrong wrong wrong. That’s manual labor. Anyone can do that. That will never be a high paying job based on how physical it is or that you have to do it in the rain. I was a paperboy once. Had to deliver in the rain. That didn’t pay very well. They overpay postal workers because many are veterans.

I also worked at the post office in college sorting mail by zip code. Never ending. They paid pretty good because it was mostly military.

You could not take your companies aftermarket department from $50k a month to $300k this month. New record. That’s why I make more than everyone else in my office because like you, they’re staring out the window.

You’re making me more conservative. If you want more money go to ups
Anyone can do that.
i would loved to have seen you down there getting a route ready to carry during election/christmas time would have quit OR if you stick it out.....i bet you would have a new attitude about how easy this job is.....i can guarantee that..
That will never be a high paying job based on how physical it is or that you have to do it in the rain.
base pay right now around 60 thousand a year....and doing it in the rain is one of the reasons for that....
I also worked at the post office in college sorting mail by zip code.
wow a couple of weeks in the summer,once again working inside sitting on your ass .....and you have it all figured are good bobo...
They paid pretty good because it was mostly military.
around 25-30% military....
like you, they’re staring out the window.
got news for you bobo....i am on the outside working,you are sitting on your ass inside looking out that window....
You’re making me more conservative
you have always been conservative aint foolin no
If you want more money go to ups
to late for me to do that....they made about 2-3 dollars more per hour than letter carriers, but guess who had better benefits?.....
All the USPS threads are negative and all republicans trashing it. Do you think they value your hard work that a big child could do? It doesn’t take any schooling. They can find people to do that. If I could have went [sic] right into a $60k mailman job you bet I could do it. I was an all state wrestler Ha

No you weren’t, and no you couldn’t.
Yes I was.

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