Trump Candidacy Is A False Flag

Interesting that you'd make Republicans aware of your belief that Donald is a Democrat plant. One would think you'd keep that to yourself if you believed it to be true.
Millions of American citizens embrace Trump and his positions on the issues and the establishment pops a brain gasket :laugh:
Millions of Americans believe we've been visited by beings from other what?

I'm sorry you got your feelings hurt but facts are facts. Millions of Americans long silenced by political correctness and the threat of being labeled a racist are once again exercising their Constitutional rights thanks to Trump.
Interesting that you'd make Republicans aware of your belief that Donald is a Democrat plant. One would think you'd keep that to yourself if you believed it to be true.
I guess I shouldn't have alerted Julian Assange and Edward Snowden already. Fuck me....what am I gonna' do now?
Millions of American citizens embrace Trump and his positions on the issues and the establishment pops a brain gasket :laugh:
Millions of Americans believe we've been visited by beings from other what?

I'm sorry you got your feelings hurt but facts are facts. Millions of Americans long silenced by political correctness and the threat of being labeled a racist are once again exercising their Constitutional rights thanks to Trump.
You idiots were never silent.
Millions of American citizens embrace Trump and his positions on the issues and the establishment pops a brain gasket :laugh:
Millions of Americans believe we've been visited by beings from other what?

I'm sorry you got your feelings hurt but facts are facts. Millions of Americans long silenced by political correctness and the threat of being labeled a racist are once again exercising their Constitutional rights thanks to Trump.
You idiots were never silent.

You seem filled with anger and rage, tell me does insulting some internet poster keep your demons at bay?
Michigan democrats vote for a socialist because Hillary is so reviled and lefties think that Trump is a "false flag"? The world is upside down in the liberal mind.
Notice that, although Hillary and Bernie haven't been slinging mud at each other, their ad messages have been very different. Hillary's campaign has been laser focused on securing the 'black vote', while Bernie's has been aimed squarely at the dyed-in-the-wool Main St. Democrat who despises Wall Street and bank bailouts and wants Social Security to be there for his or her great grandchilden. The sad truth is: it's probably 6 of 1 and a half dozen of the other. The so-called "progressive agenda" would most likely roll on either way.

On the other hand, Trump has been vigorously attacked from high places on both sides of the aisle (granted, not entirely unprovoked). I gotta tell ya' though, the idea that he's disliked by powerful establisment-minded insiders from both parties...half makes me want to vote for the guy! :laugh:

Of course, none of it matters anyway. Take a look at the 'untouchable agendas' over the past 30-odd years for a more accurate grasp on who really runs the show in Washington and abroad. The people behind the policies that have remained largely unchanged (at least in any negative sense) through the multiple supposedly diametrically opposed administrations that have simply adjusted the narratives used to justify the continuation of those policies are too deeply set in the 'deep state' to be rooted out and opposed in a viable manner. America was handed over to the forefathers of those bloodsuckers a little more than a century ago, and their descendants' common goal has remained to increase the flow of blood from their host -- the American People. They'd never allow a new figurehead to get in their way, as JFK learned the hard way.
This is sooo delicious. Especially since I don't think the Israel- Forster wing of conservatives have legitimate concerns about him

Be cool if Donald admits it after he loses

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Millions of American citizens embrace Trump and his positions on the issues and the establishment pops a brain gasket :laugh:
Millions of Americans believe we've been visited by beings from other what?

I'm sorry you got your feelings hurt but facts are facts. Millions of Americans long silenced by political correctness and the threat of being labeled a racist are once again exercising their Constitutional rights thanks to Trump.
You idiots were never silent.

You seem filled with anger and rage, tell me does insulting some internet poster keep your demons at bay?
Have you been watching Dr. Phil today?
This is sooo delicious. Especially since I don't think the Israel- Forster wing of conservatives have legitimate concerns about him ...
Zionism is a symptom, not the underlying cause.

When Kennedy signed Executive Order 11110, which authorized the U.S. to issue currency backed by silver independent of the Federal Reserve, he essentially signed his own death warrant. That little talked about piece of American history pointed directly to the underlying disease. ;)
Millions of American citizens embrace Trump and his positions on the issues and the establishment pops a brain gasket :laugh:
Millions of Americans believe we've been visited by beings from other what?
it just shows that you are an idiot who cant think for himself the fact that many astronauts and military officials,very credible people, have said they have seen UFO's do things in the sky that no vehicle of earth origin is capable of doing.:rolleyes:
Wouldn't surprise me if he was on the DNC payroll

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especially since it is a ONE PARTY SYSTEM designed as two.I dont trust trump,I dont believe he is a RINO like ron paul but I hope I am wrong of course and he is.If it came down to between him and Hellery we would be better of with Trump of the two since with Hellery,we know we would have another criminal in the office,where with trump,we at least dont know yet.
Since Donald Trump and the Clintons have a long personal history together, the decision to put this thread in Conspiracy Theories is evidently motivated by politics rather than any standards of evidence. Of course Trump followers don't quite get the concept of evidence or logic based on deductive reasoning.
I have always thought it seemed unlikely that such a selfish person wanted to be a mere public servant.

I now suspect though, that he is running on the behalf of the GOP establishment, to split the electoral vote three ways, so that Paul Ryan can steal the presidency through succession, after neither party is willing to grant the other the quorum necessary to hold a continent election of either a new President or VP.

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