Trump can’t secure $454 million appeal bond in New York fraud case, his lawyers say

Trump has said he is worth 10 billion dollars. Was he lying??????????????????????????????

Donald Trump claims he's worth more than $10 billion​

The Washington Post › politics › 2015/07/15

Jul 15, 2015 — His campaign attributes the boost in wealth to the rising value of his real estate holdings in several U.S. cities.

AND 10 years later can't come up with $500 million?
Sounds about right for Trump.
Trump couldn't come up with $500 million 9.5 years ago.
Oh boo hoo! Donnie DiaperFull can't make bond

Filing today, March 18:

All the Trump Haters are cheering the abuse of law by Democrat Judge Engeron.

Back in 2000 when Donald Trump first tested the waters of a presidential campaign by giving a series of speeches as a possible Reform Party candidate, he famously told Forbes Magazine, “It’s very possible that I could be the first presidential candidate to run and make money on it." He was speaking at the time about a weird deal he had going with motivational speaker Anthony Robbins in which he timed his political appearances around paid seminars that Robbins paid him a million bucks to give.
Now that he had control of the RNC coffers, the sky is the limit for him. He is gonna steal the stupid repubs blind.
No, see#9.

The other thing is, he's screwed too many financial institutions, so no one won't back him. In one way it's built up a property portfolio, and in another way, it's bit him on the ass.

Do you know what liquidity and cashflow means? But I know what you're doing, it's called poking fun so your comments have to be dumbed down to achieve this. Now, if you're not doing that on purpose, you're dumber than your pet rock.
BILLIONAIRES do NOT have their property in hock to banks.
BILLIONAIRES do NOT have their property in hock to banks.
Sure they do. They would be stupid not to. Elon musk rents the house he lives in. Just wait till they try to seize the Trump That's gonna be fun.
So liquidate property then.

Unless his properties aren’t worth shit
And then what when he's exhonerated, you stupid disingenouos shitbag?

The property's already gone.

This is Stalinism in America.

Here's the thing: It will cost NY more than that, 3x+ that, and then some!

For somebody that's supposed to be representing NY, Letitia James is going to cost it

a large percentage of wealth if sucessful. Like..close to 30% or more.

Trump helped build NY up, and this is how they're doing him? That's messed up.
Nothing is going to happen to him. The judge and negress AG violated his 8th Amendment rights. The SCOTUS will hand him a victory.
It must cut deeply in the Klaven. A black woman is taking him apart. Where is your supremacy now you thick fucker ?

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