Trump Caught Moving Money Around to Pay Massive Tax Bill

Yep. And now that someone else has done all the work of gathering the evidence and getting a court decision that Trump defrauded them, the banks and insurers may sue him.

Banks are loathe to sue their customers or even prosecute them for fraud. They'll call their loans, cut off doing business with them - something Deutches Banke has already done, but they don't go after people for fraud of even internal theft.

The Administration Manager at the bank where I worked was caught embezzling $10,000 from the bank. I expected that they would charge him, but they didn't. He paid back the money, and resigned quietly from the bank and left town.

The Bank was just starting to convert to a fully computerized operation. There were a lot of security concerns in the organization about computer banking, and our branch was only the 2nd in Canada to go online. The bank didn't want the publicity of an embezzlement at the first local branch in Canada to go online with all of the concerns about security in the media already.

I also know of cases where customers defrauded the banks, and they were allowed to quietly pay off the loans and take their business elsewhere. Because the banks don't want the public to know that there are ways of defrauding the banks and getting away with it.

In the early 1970's, there was a case in the Maritimes where a "clearing teller" defrauded over a million dollars, from the Royal Bank of Canada. The case got a lot of publicity, and MacLean's magazine did a big spread on this case and how this woman survived 2 bank inspections without getting caught. My job at the time was the branch "clearing teller" with Bank of Monreal, so of course I wanted to know how she did it.

The piece told me exactly how she did it and provided a check list to carry it out. I could have walked into work the next day and done exactly the same thing, if I wanted to live the rest of my life covering up the theft, and living in fear of being caught, which would have happened eventually. She said she could have covered it up and kept on going up the day she was caught but she just want it over.

I doubt Deutches Banke wants the general public to know any more about their dealings with Trump than they've already disclosed. They also deal with some pretty shady people, Trump being one of them. I doubt they want the reputation of "going after" their clients.
The banks and insurance companies charged lower rates of interest and lower premiums to Trump and his companies.

The banks, insurance companies, and their shareholders are the victims Trump should have paid them higher iterest rates/premiums, so this is income they should have received and didn't. The local taxpayers are the victims, when Trump undervalues his real estate. The little guys have their property taxes raised to make up for the shortfall. The municipalities have already spent the money budgeted.
So you think the local tax assessor takes the valuation of a property owner? What a clown. :auiqs.jpg:

And you also think some assessor said “Well, Trump undervalued his property so I’m gonna raise the valuation on someone else’s property to make up for it”.

You have to be the dumbest person on the planet. By far.
Banks are loathe to sue their customers or even prosecute them for fraud. They'll call their loans, cut off doing business with them - something Deutches Banke has already done, but they don't go after people for fraud of even internal theft.

The Administration Manager at the bank where I worked was caught embezzling $10,000 from the bank. I expected that they would charge him, but they didn't. He paid back the money, and resigned quietly from the bank and left town.

The Bank was just starting to convert to a fully computerized operation. There were a lot of security concerns in the organization about computer banking, and our branch was only the 2nd in Canada to go online. The bank didn't want the publicity of an embezzlement at the first local branch in Canada to go online with all of the concerns about security in the media already.

I also know of cases where customers defrauded the banks, and they were allowed to quietly pay off the loans and take their business elsewhere. Because the banks don't want the public to know that there are ways of defrauding the banks and getting away with it.

In the early 1970's, there was a case in the Maritimes where a "clearing teller" defrauded over a million dollars, from the Royal Bank of Canada. The case got a lot of publicity, and MacLean's magazine did a big spread on this case and how this woman survived 2 bank inspections without getting caught. My job at the time was the branch "clearing teller" with Bank of Monreal, so of course I wanted to know how she did it.

The piece told me exactly how she did it and provided a check list to carry it out. I could have walked into work the next day and done exactly the same thing, if I wanted to live the rest of my life covering up the theft, and living in fear of being caught, which would have happened eventually. She said she could have covered it up and kept on going up the day she was caught but she just want it over.

I doubt Deutches Banke wants the general public to know any more about their dealings with Trump than they've already disclosed. They also deal with some pretty shady people, Trump being one of them. I doubt they want the reputation of "going after" their clients.
Banks don’t prosecute people in America, you KKKanadian imbecile.
The “judge” ruled before the trial. kangaroo court.

No he didn't. The DA filed its evidence and a motion for Summary judgement, which is standard proceedure in a civil trial. Trump's attorneys had ample time to review the Motion and file evidence to refute the DA's Motion, and they failed to file any kind of meaningful defence to the Motion for Summary Judgement, on the primary charge of Fraud. There are 6 other charges, being tried, as well as the penalty phase for the Fraud conviction.

Trump has been either a Plaintiff or a Defendant in more than 3000 civil trials. He cannot claim he's being railroaded nor denied the opportunity to defend himself in these actions. Civil law suits have been the bread and butter of the Trump business operation for decades now. When it comes to civil litigation and Trump, he's like Br'er Rabbit begging the Fox "Please don't throw me in that Briar Patch, Br'er Fox".

Trump has spent his entire business career suing people and being sued. Trump was born and bred in a civil court. Delay, deflect, defend, Appeal. Wash rinse repeat.
In other news:

I did not Finger Rape Tara Reade.

That was POTUS.

Tara Reade can't even find a Republican lawyer to take her case, or a real journalist to publish her story. Her Republican lawyers dropped her like a hot potato.

She told a different story every time she told it. She filed a complaint with the ethics office. Well maybe she didn't make a formal complaint and just spoke to someone there. Her employment records from the Senate archives have suggested she was admonished for her attire and demeanor while working in a Senator's office on more than one occasion, and let go because of poor performance.

Her own brother denied she had ever told him of being sexually abused by the Senator. She has a long history of petty criminal behavior, scams.
POint is that you have no idea if he violated the order, you're simply regurgitating nonsense from your propaganda masters
Well, he DID violate the order because the Court of Appeals upheld it.

He lost $700 mill inequity from his real estate portfolio while in office.

But his PERSONAL income has increased from primarily overseas sources from $0 for the past 25 years to over a billion for 2021 to 2022.

From over 100 mostly overseas sources. Gee, I wonder what happened to the classified documents that were in the empty folders they found at Mar-a-Lago.

And I keep wondering about the connections between those documents and all the CIA agents lost in 2021.

The connection is they disappeared after that bastard Trump ripped off classified documents.

Trump is a no good bastard who will do ANYTHING for money.
So you think the local tax assessor takes the valuation of a property owner? What a clown. :auiqs.jpg:

And you also think some assessor said “Well, Trump undervalued his property so I’m gonna raise the valuation on someone else’s property to make up for it”.

You have to be the dumbest person on the planet. By far.

No that's not how it works at all but I continued to be astounded at the level of your ignorance and stupidity. Taxes are calculated by taking the assessed value times the mill rate to arrive at the final number. When municipalities want to raise taxes, they don't raise assessments, they raise the mill rate.

Let's say there are 1000 properties in town and the town's budget is $1 million. For the sake of our discussion and to keep it simple to understand, lets say each of these properties pays $1000 each for taxes, and that gives the town the $1 million it needs to pay the fire department and the police and the garbage pick up, etc.

If one of the property owners refuses to pay his full share, or any share, the town only has $999,000, but they've already paid the police, and the fire department, etc. So next year, the town has to collect $1,001,000 dollars in taxes to cover last year's budget shortfall, plus $5,000 for the costs to fight the assessment review. Everybody's else taxes go up by $6 dollars because one of the property owners is fighting his assessment, and not paying his share.

Why do the little guys have to obey the law when Trump is stealing billions and getting away with it?

Every day you tell these people that Biden is stealing $20 million and getting away with it. The Clintons got away with everything. You claim everyone in Washington is corrupt and on the take.

These words have consequences. You tell the poor and disenfranchised people in the state where they have the least opportunity of getting ahead in the USA, that the billionaires who have more than they will ever need, are entitled to steal as much as they want with no consequences, and you wonder why the poorest people in the state feel they can just help themselves to whatever they want too.
Thank you for your audition, but the part of Perry Mason is taken. Your argument has no validity in fact or in law. Two retired Deutches Banke employees, who are saying two entirely different things.

"But, testifying for the defense, managing director David Williams said the bankers viewed clients’ reports of their net worth as “subjective or subject to estimates” and took its own view of such financial statements.

“I think we expect clients-provided information to be accurate. At the same time, it’s not an industry standard that these statements be audited. They’re largely reliant on the use of estimates,” Williams said, so bankers routinely “make some adjustments.

A now-retired Deutsche Bank executive, Nicholas Haigh, testified earlier in the trial that he assumed the figures “were broadly accurate,” though the bank subjected them to ”sanity checks” and sometimes made sizable “haircuts.”

Trump acted as the guarantor for the loans and was quick to act when the bank raised concerns that the properties weren’t generating enough cash to make payments, Williams said. At one point, Trump moved $8.6 million into the Washington hotel’s coffers after its cash flow fell short of a requirement. No payments were missed, and the loans were never found to be in default, Williams said."

Trump's loan guarantees were also subject to his own personal net worth maintaining a certain level as well.

I've been watching the trial and the reading filings because I read and speak legalese fluently. Trump and his whole team of 4th rate hacks and hangers on are getting their asses handed to them on a plate - daily.

Every time there's Hearing televised, I make a bowl of popcorn and laugh and laugh and laugh.
/——/ Thank you for your audition of blithering idiot. You won the part. There was no fraud, no one lost money, the loans were paid back in full, no bank brought suits or filed complaints. It’s just a political hit job.
Why do the little guys have to obey the law when Trump is stealing billions and getting away with it?

Every day you tell these people that Biden is stealing $20 million and getting away with it. The Clintons got away with everything. You claim everyone in Washington is corrupt and on the take.

These words have consequences. You tell the poor and disenfranchised people in the state where they have the least opportunity of getting ahead in the USA, that the billionaires who have more than they will ever need, are entitled to steal as much as they want with no consequences, and you wonder why the poorest people in the state feel they can just help themselves to whatever they want too.
/——/ Who lost billions? Got any plaintiffs? Of course not. Jerk.
/——/ Thank you for your audition of blithering idiot. You won the part. There was no fraud, no one lost money, the loans were paid back in full, no bank brought suits or filed complaints. It’s just a political hit job.
Unfortunately for Trump and his cult, stomping your feet and squealing and screaming that he didn't do it is not an actual defense.
/——/ Who lost billions? Got any plaintiffs? Of course not. Jerk.
The expert testimony was that Trump cost the banks about $168 million in unpaid interest.

Then there is the money insurers lost on his premiums while exposed to risk.

Then there are the State damages, asking minimum $250 million, could be higher.

Then there are his ill gotten gains, which may be subject to disgorgement.

They may pry more than a billion from the orange slob.
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No that's not how it works at all but I continued to be astounded at the level of your ignorance and stupidity. Taxes are calculated by taking the assessed value times the mill rate to arrive at the final number. When municipalities want to raise taxes, they don't raise assessments, they raise the mill rate.

Let's say there are 1000 properties in town and the town's budget is $1 million. For the sake of our discussion and to keep it simple to understand, lets say each of these properties pays $1000 each for taxes, and that gives the town the $1 million it needs to pay the fire department and the police and the garbage pick up, etc.

If one of the property owners refuses to pay his full share, or any share, the town only has $999,000, but they've already paid the police, and the fire department, etc. So next year, the town has to collect $1,001,000 dollars in taxes to cover last year's budget shortfall, plus $5,000 for the costs to fight the assessment review. Everybody's else taxes go up by $6 dollars because one of the property owners is fighting his assessment, and not paying his share.
I know that’s not how it works, but that is how you claimed it works, Moron.

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