Trump Caused Inflation, Gas Prices, And Food Prices/Shortages

You just proved part of my points. Republicans are fractured because we have more outlets that we get information from. DeSantis was incorrect. Not in the numbers but never gave the correct reasons that takes away from his bottom line fractured point. Nothing I posted was false. Inflation did not come from Trump. Inflation was low when Trump left office and the tax decreases were years in the rears before inflation well after Biden took office. The price of gas increases all inflation. Especially the household inflation.

Under Trump people had to borrow money to buy toilet paper. Vehicle Prices Exploded under Trump in June 2020 as US oil production crashed by record 3.4 million barrels per day.

Trump demanded Saudi cut oil production & price war with Russia. This allowed Russia to profit from oil price spike when the oil glut dried up after Trump was voted out.

Under Trump people had to borrow money to buy toilet paper. Vehicle Prices Exploded under Trump in June 2020 as US oil production crashed by record 3.4 million barrels per day.

Trump demanded Saudi cut oil production & price war with Russia. This allowed Russia to profit from oil price spike when the oil glut dried up after Trump was voted out.
Oh stop! You know that this was due to the Fauci Democrat Virus Germ Warfare attack and the shutdown instituted by Democrat governors.
And , Russia didn’t profit until Biden lifted the ban on oil lines to be open from Russia to Europe funding the war. The day Biden took office gas prices were at their lowest ever. Once Biden rescinded all Trump executive order concerning oil, gas prices went up. Stop watching CNN and being brainwashed by communist Soros.
Oh stop! You know that this was due to the Fauci Democrat Virus Germ Warfare attack and the shutdown instituted by Democrat governors.
And , Russia didn’t profit until Biden lifted the ban on oil lines to be open from Russia to Europe funding the war. The day Biden took office gas prices were at their lowest ever. Once Biden rescinded all Trump executive order concerning oil, gas prices went up. Stop watching CNN and being brainwashed by communist Soros.
Trump's money printing was already out of control in July 2020. Transportation cost were spiraling out of control. Every storage tank, oil tanker, rail car was filled to capacity. US Oil production crashed. 250 US oil drillers went bankrupt. Trump threatened Saudi to cut production.

Under Trump people had to borrow money to buy toilet paper. Vehicle Prices Exploded under Trump in June 2020 as US oil production crashed by record 3.4 million barrels per day.

Trump demanded Saudi cut oil production & price war with Russia. This allowed Russia to profit from oil price spike when the oil glut dried up after Trump was voted out.
Republicans always hurt Michigan Manufacturing because they are anti union.

I'm not even in AUTO manufacturing and he hurt us with his trade war with China. I was coming off a record breaking year in aftermarket sales and he fucked with the economy. I remember Republicans said I would have to take the hit so we could get our trade imbalance with China fixed. Trump never fixed shit. But he only got 2.3% gdp in 2019 because of that trade war.

And I remembered he mocked Obama for not having 3, 4, 5 even 6% gdp.

Trump passed a huge tax break in 2018 and only had 2.3% growth in 2019? Sounds like his tax break to everyone didn't work. Just drove up the debt and caused inflation.
Trump's money printing was already out of control in July 2020. Transportation cost were spiraling out of control. Every storage tank, oil tanker, rail car was filled to capacity. US Oil production crashed. 250 US oil drillers went bankrupt. Trump threatened Saudi to cut production.
Trump printed money for Covid at that time. It was not approved by all of the Republicans but by all the Democrats. Sound familiar. Stop writing about stuff without the reasons behind it. You look foolish to the learned.
Trump printed money for Covid at that time. It was not approved by all of the Republicans but by all the Democrats. Sound familiar. Stop writing about stuff without the reasons behind it. You look foolish to the learned.
And remember it's theater. Trump had to give stimulus money out. Democrats wanted to give stimulus too because they are the party that looks out for poor and middle class people. And Republicans wanted to look fiscally responsible so knowing it was going to pass without them, they voted against it.
Trump printed money for Covid at that time. It was not approved by all of the Republicans but by all the Democrats. Sound familiar. Stop writing about stuff without the reasons behind it. You look foolish to the learned.
Republicans have NEVER EVER been fiscally responsible. EVERY Republican president has caused unsustainable deficit economy that implodes into JOB KILLING RECESSION. Democrats rarely cause a recession & create many more jobs. I double dog dare you to show a republican president that didn't cause a JOB KILLING RECESSION.
And remember it's theater. Trump had to give stimulus money out. Democrats wanted to give stimulus too because they are the party that looks out for poor and middle class people. And Republicans wanted to look fiscally responsible so knowing it was going to pass without them, they voted against it.
Yet it passed as a good number of Republicans broke rank as usual. It's amazing how Trump lives inside the minds of Democrats with Trump Derangement Syndrome. Notice I said minds, not brains.
Clean up your own house before you tell me mine is dirty. How's Kevin McCarthy doing today?
You need to clean up your house. The Democrats all voted with Gaetz who hates your far left congress. Or you can say Gaetz and 7 others voted with the Democrats, something Gaetz says he was mad about McCarthy for doing. No, this was personal and childish.
Republicans have NEVER EVER been fiscally responsible. EVERY Republican president has caused unsustainable deficit economy that implodes into JOB KILLING RECESSION. Democrats rarely cause a recession & create many more jobs. I double dog dare you to show a republican president that didn't cause a JOB KILLING RECESSION.
Just shut up! Democrats spend, spend, spend. Look at Biden and telling college students they can rack up debt but don't have to pay it back. How is that fiscally responsible. You are wrong about the deficit stuff as well. And, with that, look what has happened under Biden and Obama. Both have racked up debt way more than Trump or Bush. The reason why Clinton gets the pass on this is because of Gingrich and the Republican controlled Congress. Not only that, deficits don't cause the inflation that we are now seeing. Climate change nutcases on the Democrat party side are causing this starting with Biden. He lost control of the price of oil and that has caused crazy inflation which has caused interest rates to skyrocket. Take the mote out of your eye first...
Just shut up! Democrats spend, spend, spend. Look at Biden and telling college students they can rack up debt but don't have to pay it back. How is that fiscally responsible. You are wrong about the deficit stuff as well. And, with that, look what has happened under Biden and Obama. Both have racked up debt way more than Trump or Bush. The reason why Clinton gets the pass on this is because of Gingrich and the Republican controlled Congress. Not only that, deficits don't cause the inflation that we are now seeing. Climate change nutcases on the Democrat party side are causing this starting with Biden. He lost control of the price of oil and that has caused crazy inflation which has caused interest rates to skyrocket. Take the mote out of your eye first...
All you do is repeat the lies they feed you on TV.

You are trying to deflect from the fact that Republicans have NEVER EVER been fiscally responsible. EVERY Republican president has caused unsustainable deficit economy that implodes into JOB KILLING RECESSION. Democrats rarely cause a recession & create many more jobs. I double dog dare you to show a republican president that didn't cause a JOB KILLING RECESSION.
All you do is repeat the lies they feed you on TV.

You are trying to deflect from the fact that Republicans have NEVER EVER been fiscally responsible. EVERY Republican president has caused unsustainable deficit economy that implodes into JOB KILLING RECESSION. Democrats rarely cause a recession & create many more jobs. I double dog dare you to show a republican president that didn't cause a JOB KILLING RECESSION.
And, you just keep repeating the lies the Communis News Networks keep feeding you. So, you simply keep going with your TDS infliction because you don't want to have to actually think.
Jobs were going great and household incomes were the highest ever with low inflation while Trump was in office and had the Congress as well. So, the Dems had to do something. They hired Fauci and with Biden's cozy dealings with China, they cooked up a genocidal disease and created havoc on the U.S. and the world with Covid19. It's funny how Biden takes credit for 13 million jobs that came back that simply were jobs lost by the bad liberal Democrat policies of shutting down business. Now, with the Biden inflation, people's income has all been lost from the days of Trump. Of course, inflation is mainly a tax on the poor and lower middle class. So, what are the Democrats doing? They are raising minimum wages which will cause people to lose their jobs. Great for the ones that hang on to their job but lousy for all the others. Especially in the fast food industry. Stupid democrats.
And, you just keep repeating the lies the Communis News Networks keep feeding you. So, you simply keep going with your TDS infliction because you don't want to have to actually think.
Jobs were going great and household incomes were the highest ever with low inflation while Trump was in office and had the Congress as well. So, the Dems had to do something. They hired Fauci and with Biden's cozy dealings with China, they cooked up a genocidal disease and created havoc on the U.S. and the world with Covid19. It's funny how Biden takes credit for 13 million jobs that came back that simply were jobs lost by the bad liberal Democrat policies of shutting down business. Now, with the Biden inflation, people's income has all been lost from the days of Trump. Of course, inflation is mainly a tax on the poor and lower middle class. So, what are the Democrats doing? They are raising minimum wages which will cause people to lose their jobs. Great for the ones that hang on to their job but lousy for all the others. Especially in the fast food industry. Stupid democrats.
You just continue the same lies from TV to deflect.

You failed to show a republican president that didn't cause a JOB KILLING RECESSION, because every republican president in history caused them.
You just continue the same lies from TV to deflect.

You failed to show a republican president that didn't cause a JOB KILLING RECESSION, because every republican president in history caused them.
Trump for a starter. He had this economy humming! It wasn't Bush so much as it was the Democrats in Congress.
Here's what I will take over a recession:
1. Low inflation
2. Low interest rates
3. High illegal aliens allowed to come into the country (This sets up Republican Presidents and recessions)
4. Able to define what a woman is
5. Safety of unborn children
6. Violent criminals put behind bars and left there to rot.
7. Build more prisons
8. Shut down half of the Government Agencies and lower taxes accordingly
9. Get rid of Liberal administrators at schools and in the Government agencies
10. Teach math, English, Science in schools and get rid of attacking the Country and the Constitution in schools
There's a lot more but you get the idea.
Trump for a starter. He had this economy humming! It wasn't Bush so much as it was the Democrats in Congress.
Here's what I will take over a recession:
1. Low inflation
2. Low interest rates
3. High illegal aliens allowed to come into the country (This sets up Republican Presidents and recessions)
4. Able to define what a woman is
5. Safety of unborn children
6. Violent criminals put behind bars and left there to rot.
7. Build more prisons
8. Shut down half of the Government Agencies and lower taxes accordingly
9. Get rid of Liberal administrators at schools and in the Government agencies
10. Teach math, English, Science in schools and get rid of attacking the Country and the Constitution in schools
There's a lot more but you get the idea.
You spew delusional nonsence as usual.

Trump 1 term = 1 massive JOB KILLING RECESSION. Trump weak GDP & war with China crashed into the worst Job Killing Depression in history in Feb 2020.

W. Bush 2 terms = 2 massive JOB KILLING RECESSIONS

H. Bush 1 term = 1 massive JOB KILLING RECESSION

Reagan 2 terms = 2 massive JOB KILLING RECESSIONS

Clinton 2 terms = 0 recessions

Obama 2 terms = 0 recessions

Biden 1 term = 0 recessions
You spew delusional nonsence as usual.

Trump 1 term = 1 massive JOB KILLING RECESSION. Trump weak GDP & war with China crashed into the worst Job Killing Depression in history in Feb 2020.

W. Bush 2 terms = 2 massive JOB KILLING RECESSIONS

H. Bush 1 term = 1 massive JOB KILLING RECESSION

Reagan 2 terms = 2 massive JOB KILLING RECESSIONS

Clinton 2 terms = 0 recessions

Obama 2 terms = 0 recessions

Biden 1 term = 0 recessions
It was Clinton who had the Republican Congress that kept him from starting a recession. But again, I don’t give a rip! Like I wrote, those 10 things are more important than worrying about a recession that always will happen. Those 10 things never should happen.
It was Clinton who had the Republican Congress that kept him from starting a recession. But again, I don’t give a rip! Like I wrote, those 10 things are more important than worrying about a recession that always will happen. Those 10 things never should happen.
What a crock of crap!

Clinton with Democrat congress was slashing deficits faster than after Republican congress took over. Then once Republican Bush took office with that Republican congress, they destroyed this country.
What a crock of crap!

Clinton with Democrat congress was slashing deficits faster than after Republican congress took over. Then once Republican Bush took office with that Republican congress, they destroyed this country.
The country continued after Bush. So, it was not destroyed, fool. Why did you switch to deficits from recessions and the 10 other things that happen because of Democrats. How many jobs do you have because of Obama and Biden to make ends meet.
The country continued after Bush. So, it was not destroyed, fool. Why did you switch to deficits from recessions and the 10 other things that happen because of Democrats. How many jobs do you have because of Obama and Biden to make ends meet.
Bush & Republicans created massive deficits & debt, caused a recession & depression, allowed the 9/11 attacks, refused to get Bin Laden in Tora Bora, pushed for US invasion of Iraq giving Putin cover to invade Ukraine, got 20,000 US citizens killed & many more injured, wasted $10 Trillion on useless wars, destroyed millions of Jobs, full faith & credit of US government & value our US Dollar currency.

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