Trump claims presidents can declassify documents ‘even by thinking about it

And who issues executive orders??

Also, show us the EO that limits a president's authority to declassify documents.
Who said the president could not declassify or is limited to do such.

What we are saying, is that there's an executive order process to doing such... There is no psychic powers that can declassify....

Once Trump declassifies National Security documents or contents of a document, then any one, you, or me, or the Russians or the Chinese or the Iranians can get freedom of information act requests, (FOIA) to get copies of those national security documents..... Which can have serious national security consequences, and get people killed, and open our security threats to a colossal level.

It is not something any president, sane or demented, has ever done alone, or even contemplated doing alone, without consultation with those who classified the information at various security levels, to make certain it does not harm us by releasing the top secret, national security information to the world of enemies that we have.... Let alone to declassify hundreds of classified documents in one magic wand sweep, 7 days before his presidency ends, and he loses all security clearance, unless granted by the sitting president.

Are you really trying to argue him doing such a thing was good for the country, or something???

And then, he wrongfully took all the government's presidential records to Mara Lago Resort, which BY LAW these records had to be transferred to the National Archives from his offices before he exited the white house...with sole access upon request of the Archives by the president for 5 years....unless needed by an investigation by congress or the DOJ, if determined justified.

What is he trying to hide from us?

And lastly, why did he take marked classified documents, hundreds of them, which were not his presidential records, but National security involved documents, created by others, with him to Mara Lago??? What in tarnation would he need that information on our National Security for as a former president....? Seriously??? What the hell????
Who said the president could not declassify or is limited to do such.

What we are saying, is that there's an executive order process to doing such... There is no psychic powers that can declassify....

Once Trump declassifies National Security documents or contents of a document, then any one, you, or me, or the Russians or the Chinese or the Iranians can get freedom of information act requests, (FOIA) to get copies of those national security documents..... Which can have serious national security consequences, and get people killed, and open our security threats to a colossal level.

It is not something any president, sane or demented, has ever done alone, or even contemplated doing alone, without consultation with those who classified the information at various security levels, to make certain it does not harm us by releasing the top secret, national security information to the world of enemies that we have.... Let alone to declassify hundreds of classified documents in one magic wand sweep, 7 days before his presidency ends, and he loses all security clearance, unless granted by the sitting president.

Are you really trying to argue him doing such a thing was good for the country, or something???

And then, he wrongfully took all the government's presidential records to Mara Lago Resort, which BY LAW these records had to be transferred to the National Archives from his offices before he exited the white house...with sole access upon request of the Archives by the president for 5 years....unless needed by an investigation by congress or the DOJ, if determined justified.

What is he trying to hide from us?

And lastly, why did he take marked classified documents, hundreds of them, which were not his presidential records, but National security involved documents, created by others, with him to Mara Lago??? What in tarnation would he need that information on our National Security for as a former president....? Seriously??? What the hell????
And you all have consistently failed to show the process that THE PRESIDENT MUST USE to declassify information.

His "thinking it" comment was hyperbole and you fuckers, as usual, completely missed it.
You're behind the

Yep, other presidents have modified it since Nixon created it, as I said. But it has not changed much, from the last version, to what Nixon admin first created....the purpose, and classification levels are the same.

But most importantly, Trump did not do his own new replacement executive order on it, so the last E/O on it stands as law.

There is no executive order by him that states the president can declassify, without ever telling anyone, or just by thinking he foolishly claims.
Yep, other presidents have modified it since Nixon created it, as I said. But it has not changed much, from the last version, to what Nixon admin first created....the purpose, and classification levels are the same.

But most importantly, Trump did not do his own new replacement executive order on it, so the last E/O on it stands as law.

There is no executive order by him that states the president can declassify, without ever telling anyone, or just by thinking he foolishly claims.
EO 13526 gives the president ultimate classification authority. It also doesn't apply any declassification process to the president.
And you all have consistently failed to show the process that THE PRESIDENT MUST USE to declassify information.

His "thinking it" comment was hyperbole and you fuckers, as usual, completely missed it.
The same process as anyone else in the executive order, silly one.... Go to the agency that created the marked classification and tell them his plans to declassify, hear them out if they have concerns, and then make his decision, and allow the agency of classification to protect their sources, by pulling out their agents that would be put in danger by the declassification, before the declassification takes place that would basically hand the documents over to our enemies, then the president signs the declassification order.
And you all have consistently failed to show the process that THE PRESIDENT MUST USE to declassify information.

His "thinking it" comment was hyperbole and you fuckers, as usual, completely missed it.
Fine, what’s he going to tell the judge? They usually don’t go for trolling in the courtroom.
The same process as anyone else in the executive order, silly one.... Go to the agency that created the marked classification and tell them his plans to declassify, hear them out if they have concerns, and then make his decision, and allow the agency of classification to protect their sources, by pulling out their agents that would be put in danger by the declassification, before the declassification takes place that would basically hand the documents over to our enemies, then the president signs the declassification order.
No where does it say that the president is held to that standard. Go ahead. Give it up. You ain't got shit on Trump, again.
And you all have consistently failed to show the process that THE PRESIDENT MUST USE to declassify information.

His "thinking it" comment was hyperbole and you fuckers, as usual, completely missed it.
The President does not have any special process
If he decides to declassify information and release it to the world, he must use the existing declassification protocols to complete the process
<sob> But…..but…..What about Hillary?
Um! ... She's Back.Worser than any new sequel of - Hellraiser - { 1987 }
She even resembles a version of those hellbound characters.
A Female styled version of both the lead and chattering Cenobites
The President does not have any special process
If he decides to declassify information and release it to the world, he must use the existing declassification protocols to complete the process
Where's yer authority.You have none.Nor do these drat Democrats.
No time in America's history has one Party been so derelict in their
sworn duty via their Oath of Office.
That is why so many Dems seeking office or re-election are absent
or refusing to debate their betters { GOP candidates }.
It's similar to the old Mafia.
Where's yer authority.You have none.Nor do these drat Democrats.
No time in America's history has one Party been so derelict in their
sworn duty via their Oath of Office.
That is why so many Dems seeking office or re-election are absent
or refusing to debate their betters { GOP candidates }.
It's similar to the old Mafia.

I “think” I have authority
Afraid there is

A document and the information it contains is classified until it is formally declassified.

Somebody claiming it is no longer Top Secret because…..The President told me so ……is not going to get you very far.

You had better have something in writing from the President providing what specific information is now declassified.

A broad….”All those documents over there are now declassified” does not cut it
President’s have a very broad authority to declassify information.
President’s have a very broad authority to declassify information.
Yes they do

But they have to actually declassify it, not claim they did after being caught with TOP SECRET documents

Oh…..I declassified that stuff years ago
I took a similar course in becoming a Trump supporter.

Aside from the incredibly partisan attacks on him from the so-called “justice” department, the man got results when he was president. Turns out putting America first really is a good idea. No one ever improved the quality of lives for Americans by trying to do something else.
All the lies and bullshit on him is just that. All those who have to extremify their arguments in am emo tirade in the endless quest for emotional validation, suck.
Unfortunately my family has had dealings with trump on two different occasions, both were bad experiences. My mother's cousins ( I believe that would make them first cousins once removed for me. ) were truck farmers in Southern New Jersey. They were caught up with his Atlantic City
scandal when he bankruptured his own casino. They never fully recovered from the financial losses and I believe it led to their premature deaths. So I knew from the good girl what a horrible person he was. No one you would want for a later, no one you can trust, no one deserving of any type of respect or loyalty. Totally corrupt with a character that is unredeemable. That's somehow he keeps getting away with it. I believe he was right you could actually kill someone in the middle of New York City and walk away from it a free man. Today on his " truth social " ( bad joke if there ever was one. ) He said he was second only to Jesus. Get ready for and even bigger con.
And we should believe you, why?
Unfortunately my family has had dealings with trump on two different occasions, both were bad experiences. My mother's cousins ( I believe that would make them first cousins once removed for me. ) were truck farmers in Southern New Jersey. They were caught up with his Atlantic City
scandal when he bankruptured his own casino. They never fully recovered from the financial losses and I believe it led to their premature deaths. So I knew from the good girl what a horrible person he was. No one you would want for a later, no one you can trust, no one deserving of any type of respect or loyalty. Totally corrupt with a character that is unredeemable. That's somehow he keeps getting away with it. I believe he was right you could actually kill someone in the middle of New York City and walk away from it a free man. Today on his " truth social " ( bad joke if there ever was one. ) He said he was second only to Jesus. Get ready for and even bigger con.
Your mother's cousins are indeed your cousins once removed. Their children would be your second cousins.

Sorry, but I have to consult with another poster. Hey Golfing Gator , you call BS on this guy, or what?
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