Trump claims presidents can declassify documents ‘even by thinking about it

"A handful of states" huh? Wow!

I don't know if you read that article. It seems not.

They are not going after all birth control even in that "handful of states." Republicans in Missouri are trying to cut state funding for the morning after pill which is the earliest form of abortion. Not trying to ban it, not trying to put doctors in jail for prescribing it. Just not wanting to fund it.

Unlike yourself, those lawmakers know where they draw the line. At the moment of conception, the time that science tells us a new human being is formed.

The other states mentioned were Idaho and Louisiana. I'll let you explain what the Repubicans there are doing that offends you.

The bill, which faces far more hurdles passing through the Senate, largely responds to U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas’ recent opinion casting doubt on past rulings guaranteeing legal protections for contraceptives.
So Republicans did not vote for a Democratic bill? Shouldn't that have been posted in breaking news?
the most devout progressive supports programs that are favored by a MAJORITY of Americans. The so called far left are more mainstream then repugnants and even moderate liberals. Medicare for all, free college education….all supported by majority
Are you trying to err…encourage me to laugh at your source? Come on, how leftist of you…CNBC. The validity of
a “CNBC All American Poll” is about as worthy of consideration as one accepts it as being: rated far left bias, rated less than par for accuracy due to that political bias. To be fair, I haven’t checked the rating within the past couple of months to see how the most used media bias rating companies rate that org. Last I checked- it was exactly how I described- left bias with lower rating for accuracy due to political bias. Come up with something valid to have an honest discussion.

Hey, wasn’t CNBC that the same outfit that had Hillary winning by a landslide in 2016 following their bogus polls prior to the election and also using exit poll info? Lol Next….
I am not cool with abortion, why would you think I would be cool with slavery?
Well your response to abortion being immoral in your view is you're "ok" with other people participating in it since it's legal indicates that while you might not personally own slaves were it legal you would be fine with other people doing it since morals are a personal thing, right?

I do not believe it is morally ok. I have made that clear. There are a lot of things I do not think are morally ok that I do not think should be made illegal. Morals are a personal thing.
Where do think our laws come from? There are reflection on our society's morals.
"A handful of states" huh? Wow!

I don't know if you read that article. It seems not.

They are not going after all birth control even in that "handful of states." Republicans in Missouri are trying to cut state funding for the morning after pill which is the earliest form of abortion. Not trying to ban it, not trying to put doctors in jail for prescribing it. Just not wanting to fund it.

Unlike yourself, those lawmakers know where they draw the line. At the moment of conception, the time that science tells us a new human being is formed.

The other states mentioned were Idaho and Louisiana. I'll let you explain what the Repubicans there are doing that offends you.

It does offend me as someone's birth control is none of their business.

But you being the big government authoritarian just loves it
So, if the medical team and the mother decide on an abortion as the contractions begin, that's nobody's business?
You certainly have no business in the room with the mother and the obstetricians. Get the fuck out of there.
It does offend me as someone's birth control is none of their business.
If it is none of their business, why would you be mad at them for not paying for it?
But you being the big government authoritarian just loves it
But do you really find them that threatening? Even in the GOP, opposition to even the morning after pill is on the fringe wing. Unlike the DNC, the GOP is not owned by its most radical fringe. I've never heard Trump oppose BC, and the overwhelming majority of Republicans are Trumpers.

You'd be better off focusing on him than the fringe who are not even opposing birth control, but abortion which is what the morning after pill is.

You said that you know that the baby inside the mother's womb is a living human being. Is that from the moment of conception?
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You certainly have no business in the room with the mother and the obstetricians. Get the fuck out of there.
So it is nobody's business if the mom feels the contraction and says, "I changed my mind. Abort that baby!"

No law should prevent that?

Suppose the doctor actually says, "that is too much, I'm not doing it." Should the woman birthing person non-birthing person be able to sue the doctor for that refusal?
The state not funding a particular type of contraception isn’t them banning it.
Yeah, good point. GG sure loves him some government funding.

I guess he's not the worst libertarian ever. I was on a forum called "Libertarian Forum" and there were guys worse than him.

Still . . .
Nope. While perhaps you people that vote for the Repubs might support individualism and doing one’s best in life without stepping on the rights of others....the people you vote for do not.

They tell you they are going to, then don't do it, because they know you will vote for them anyhow

To quote Major Frank Burns,"I don't individuality as long as everybody does it together".
Yeah, good point. GG sure loves him some government funding.

I guess he's not the worst libertarian ever. I was on a forum called "Libertarian Forum" and there were guys worse than him.

Still . . .

Much worse....and the forum with not rules banned me for disagreeing with the owner
That's how we make it legal, not ethically legal.

If having sex for money is unethical then having sex in front of a camera for money is at least as unethical. So a law with that loophole would make sex for money legal but not ethical.

Killing a human being other than self defense doesn't become ethical because a court rules that it is legal if it is the killers own baby.

But you know that. DNC or LP, you feel compelled to defend legalized baby killing.
There are degrees and shades of ethical.Especially concerning Sex and
killing.During war killing is not optional but mandatory.
Having sex even in the privacy of ones bedroom and being married
was once considered illegal depending on the state and the times.
Under Sodomy laws.
I could say this about Man and Ethics ...
" Man is nothing else than fetid sperm,a sack of dung,the
food for worms .... You have never seen a viler dunghill. "
-- St.Bernard of Clairvaux { 1090-1153 }

Abbot of Clairvaux
" A Man's ethical behavior should be based effectually on sympathy,education,
and social ties; * no religious basis is necessary.Man would indeed be in a poor
way if he had to be restrained by fear of punishment and hope of reward
after death. "
-- Albert Einstein

* Demonstrably Ignurnt hypothesis.Considering Einstein saying :

" GOD does not play dice. "

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