Trump classified documents trial date set for Aug. 14

Operation Warp Speed #2

Looks good. Going to speed it up and get it over with.
It is going to influence the election, one way or the other.


In a baffling turn of events, the Donald Trump-appointed federal judge overseeing his Mar-a-Lago classified documents debacle appears to have placed the case on warp speed—setting a trial just two months away.

On Monday morning, federal court records showed that U.S. District Judge Aileen M. Cannon created what's referred to as a “rocket docket” to speed his trial through the system.

Cannon issued an order stating that the most historic criminal trial in American history will commence Aug. 14. That’s just 55 days away, while most federal trials take up to a year or more as both sides prepare for an epic showdown in court.

It's called a rocket docket for a reason.
Operation Warp Speed #2

Looks good. Going to speed it up and get it over with.
It is going to influence the election, one way or the other.

But, the longer he can delay, the better for Trump, and he does not give a damn about Republicans, only Trump.
You do not give a damn about this country. People like you do more damage than Trump does.
You do not give a damn about this country. People like you do more damage than Trump does.
Don't bother getting snippy with me skippy. Any lawyer will tell you delay is good for the one being charged, and delay is a known tactic of Trump litigation. It is known, he cares more about his personal interests than party, or the country. Did you catch the Bill Barr interview on Sunday morning?
Transcript: Former Attorney General William Barr on "Face the Nation," June 18, 2023
Very true.

But you still need to reconcile the facts that Biden stole classified documents. Giving them back is not a "get out of jail free" card.

Trump was advised by Fitton based on the Clinton sock drawer tapes that what he took became his personal property.

So the court case will test the Clinton tapes precedent. We both know that the double standard will kick in and fuck Trump.
Biden did not steal classified documents and neither did Trump. When Biden was Vice President he took both classified and unclassified documents home as part of his work. There was nothing illegal about doing that. Trump probably did same thing. Both men should have returned the documents when they left office.

Trump was not charged with taking any classified documents. He was charged with:
willfully retaining and failing to hand over classified documents and mishandling classified documents.
SENATOR Biden had no right to steal classified documents and spread them all over the place; his garage, U Penn, and fucking CHINA TOWN.
This whole, "well he cooperated" GASLIGHT BULLSHIT is a non-starter! Completely illogical, unethical, and ILLEGAL!!!
Pence, if we're going to imprison Trump for LIFE for mishandling classified documents, should face the same consequences!
Obama had a WAREHOUSE of classified documents!
Hillary and her BLEACH BIT/ HAMMER TIME episode notwithstanding, you'd have to be either a retarded asshole, or an evil mother fucker to NOT see the bifurcation of "Justice" in this nation under siege.
Those warehouses you speaking of are the NARA warehouse in Chicago for storing non-classified presidential documents and NARA warehouse in Maryland for storage of classified documents. Neither Obama’s personal foundation nor the facility set to house his presidential memorabilia have control over those papers.

Those warehouses you speaking of are the NARA warehouse in Chicago for storing non-classified presidential documents and NARA warehouse in Maryland for storage of classified documents. Neither Obama’s personal foundation nor the facility set to house his presidential memorabilia have control over those papers.

Oh my! The AP says it is not true. That means shit.
Agreed. If you read the timeline for Trump it sounds like he was playing with fire. If he gets burned its his own stupid fault. Even his kids have had enough of his shit.
I would love to know why he did what he did. When you read about it, it sounds insane. Did Trump believe the NARA would give up on the return of hundreds if not thousands of presidential documents and the DOJ would turn a blind eye to hundreds of highly classified documents laying around Mar A Lago for workers, staff, and guest to view?

My guess is that Trump does whatever Trump wants to do. If it's illegal, his lawyers will handle it. If it makes him look bad, then he lies about it.
Those warehouses you speaking of are the NARA warehouse in Chicago for storing non-classified presidential documents and NARA warehouse in Maryland for storage of classified documents. Neither Obama’s personal foundation nor the facility set to house his presidential memorabilia have control over those papers.

Congratulations! You're a pretzel.
Biden did not steal classified documents and neither did Trump. When Biden was Vice President he took both classified and unclassified documents home as part of his work. There was nothing illegal about doing that. Trump probably did same thing. Both men should have returned the documents when they left office.

Trump was not charged with taking any classified documents. He was charged with:
willfully retaining and failing to hand over classified documents and mishandling classified documents.
The only way Biden could have classified docs is by stealing them from a SCIF. Period.

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