Trump classified documents trial date set for Aug. 14

Criminal Espionage.

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:



The FPOTUS is charged under 18 United States Code Chapter 37 which are the Espionage provisions. My apologies if that upsets you.


That's OK, you've moved from the denial state to the anger stage.

That at least is progress.

Just know that were are heal to help you deal with your grief.

Trotsky thought he was all in too......
Trump and his followers should want this to happen as soon as possible so that Trump is vindicated long before the primary season starts.
The further out the trial the better it is for Trump. He is winning the nomination at 53%, twice that of his closer rival, DeSantis. His campaign strategy of a man being attacked by a corrupt DOJ, a derange prosecutor, and Trump hating democrats has been working well for him. Trump as the innocent man being relentlessly attacked by big government certainly appeals to conservatives.

The trial will make headlines out of the damming evidence presented to the grand jury and a conviction be would devastating. Delaying the trial till after the nomination or even better after the election would benefit the Trump campaign.
I'd start a poll/pool on when the trial actually starts.
But it depends upon how good Trumps lawyers are.
I think he's scraping the bottom of the barrel now.
Pity, he shouldn't have to die in prison for mishandling documents.
Trump is not likely to die in piston. I doubt he will serve a single day. His judge is a conservative he appointed. Assuming he is convicted, the verdict will be appealed, and the next republican president will almost surely commute or pardon him.
When's Biden’s?
How about Pence?
Obama too?
Different set of laws for them, eh?

Same laws but very different reactions. Where Biden assisted the FBI in finding the documents and Pence returned the documents when located, Trump denied having classified documents, refused to return them and obstructed the FBI in recovering them. Obama did not take any classified documents when he left office.
Same laws but very different reactions. Where Biden assisted the FBI in finding the documents and Pence returned the documents when located, Trump denied having classified documents, refused to return them and obstructed the FBI in recovering them. Obama did not take any classified documents when he left office.

Why just flat out lie like that?
I get that you all will burn the country down before you will accept criticism of that halfbreed.
But still.
Trump is not likely to die in piston. I doubt he will serve a single day. His judge is a conservative he appointed. Assuming he is convicted, the verdict will be appealed, and the next republican president will almost surely commute or pardon him.
A political assassination by any other name.
Then you should be able to explain at least one of your no content posts. Try this one.
A political assassination by any other name.
This is a problem of Trump's own making. He could have returned those classified documents in in 2020 as requested by the National Archives and there would haven been no criminal charges. The NARA offers their help to every administration during transition to make sure classified documents are shipped to their Maryland facility and non-classified presidential records goes to the Chicago facility. Since Trump decide he wasn't leaving there was nothing to be done until the last minute which explains why nearly everything ended up in Mar A Lago. However, it doesn't explain why Trump kept all these documents which was a violation of classified documents laws and the PRA.
Same laws but very different reactions. Where Biden assisted the FBI in finding the documents and Pence returned the documents when located, Trump denied having classified documents, refused to return them and obstructed the FBI in recovering them. Obama did not take any classified documents when he left office.
SENATOR Biden had no right to steal classified documents and spread them all over the place; his garage, U Penn, and fucking CHINA TOWN.
This whole, "well he cooperated" GASLIGHT BULLSHIT is a non-starter! Completely illogical, unethical, and ILLEGAL!!!
Pence, if we're going to imprison Trump for LIFE for mishandling classified documents, should face the same consequences!
Obama had a WAREHOUSE of classified documents!
Hillary and her BLEACH BIT/ HAMMER TIME episode notwithstanding, you'd have to be either a retarded asshole, or an evil mother fucker to NOT see the bifurcation of "Justice" in this nation under siege.
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Operation Warp Speed #2

Looks good. Going to speed it up and get it over with.
It is going to influence the election, one way or the other.


In a baffling turn of events, the Donald Trump-appointed federal judge overseeing his Mar-a-Lago classified documents debacle appears to have placed the case on warp speed—setting a trial just two months away.

On Monday morning, federal court records showed that U.S. District Judge Aileen M. Cannon created what's referred to as a “rocket docket” to speed his trial through the system.

Cannon issued an order stating that the most historic criminal trial in American history will commence Aug. 14. That’s just 55 days away, while most federal trials take up to a year or more as both sides prepare for an epic showdown in court.

This is a problem of Trump's own making. He could have returned those classified documents in in 2020 as requested by the National Archives and there would haven been no criminal charges. The NARA offers their help to every administration during transition to make sure classified documents are shipped to their Maryland facility and non-classified presidential records goes to the Chicago facility. Since Trump decide he wasn't leaving there was nothing to be done until the last minute which explains why nearly everything ended up in Mar A Lago. However, it doesn't explain why Trump kept all these documents which was a violation of classified documents laws and the PRA.
Agreed. If you read the timeline for Trump it sounds like he was playing with fire. If he gets burned its his own stupid fault. Even his kids have had enough of his shit.
Trump's lawyers will introduce delaying tactics, because they always do, but liberals like that. The longer it drags out, the worse it is for Republicans.
But, the longer he can delay, the better for Trump, and he does not give a damn about Republicans, only Trump.

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