Trump coming to Pennsylvania


Gold Member
Sep 28, 2016
Wow we are certainly privileged to have another visit from the Liar in Chief, Donald Trump.

He will hold an event to talk his ridiculous tax plan in a closed event attended by invitation only. A YUGE crowd of 1,000. Most will be politicians & party leaders. Which will show up?

Bannon has declared war on the traditional Republican Party & bcking only those who have their heads up Trump's ass. I expect our Great senator Toomey will be there. He loves tax cuts to the wealthy.

I wonder what is the cost of this trip?
GOOD for President Trump and especially for Steve Bannon . Thanks for the heads up RDave !!
Wow we are certainly privileged to have another visit from the Liar in Chief, Donald Trump.

He will hold an event to talk his ridiculous tax plan in a closed event attended by invitation only. A YUGE crowd of 1,000. Most will be politicians & party leaders. Which will show up?

Bannon has declared war on the traditional Republican Party & bcking only those who have their heads up Trump's ass. I expect our Great senator Toomey will be there. He loves tax cuts to the wealthy.

I wonder what is the cost of this trip?

Wonder what the price of attendance is. Tax cut for Trump and his rich friends.
Trump is in constant need of his base' "adulation".......right in line with Trump's narcissistic (and low-self esteem) needs.
Wow we are certainly privileged to have another visit from the Liar in Chief, Donald Trump.

He will hold an event to talk his ridiculous tax plan in a closed event attended by invitation only. A YUGE crowd of 1,000. Most will be politicians & party leaders. Which will show up?

Bannon has declared war on the traditional Republican Party & bcking only those who have their heads up Trump's ass. I expect our Great senator Toomey will be there. He loves tax cuts to the wealthy.

I wonder what is the cost of this trip?

Wonder what the price of attendance is. Tax cut for Trump and his rich friends.

Cut of Fed income taxes for everyone who pays fed income tax.
Wow we are certainly privileged to have another visit from the Liar in Chief, Donald Trump.

He will hold an event to talk his ridiculous tax plan in a closed event attended by invitation only. A YUGE crowd of 1,000. Most will be politicians & party leaders. Which will show up?

Bannon has declared war on the traditional Republican Party & bcking only those who have their heads up Trump's ass. I expect our Great senator Toomey will be there. He loves tax cuts to the wealthy.

I wonder what is the cost of this trip?

Wonder what the price of attendance is. Tax cut for Trump and his rich friends.

Cut of Fed income taxes for everyone who pays fed income tax.

No the biggest tax cuts are for those with inheritance and itemize and pay the AMT. That means T and his buds. For a couple making a hundred grand a year, and gets 1000 tax back, screw him. The rick get millions and they give us pennies.
RealDave, Please cite one of Donald Trump's "lies."

Lie: a factual statement that the speaker knows to be false.

I'll wait.

Funny chit. How is the view from Trump's ass?

So, you will claim is not lying , he is just stupid & uninformed?

"I watched in Jersey City, N.J., where thousands and thousands of people were cheering" as the World Trade Center collapsed.

"I was totally against the war in Iraq, saying for many years that it would destabilize the Middle East."

"There is "no system to vet" refugees from the Middle East."

The unemployment rate may be as high as "42 percent."

"We're the highest taxed nation in the world."

"Crime is rising."

Says Ted Cruz’s father "was with Lee Harvey Oswald" before the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

receiving False ratings for saying his winery is the largest on the East Coast, that his book Art of the Deal is the best-selling business book of all time, and that the beleaguered Trump University received an A grade from the Better Business Bureau.

“Don’t take vacations. What’s the point? If you’re not enjoying your work, you’re in the wrong job,”

“I’m going to be working for you, I’m not going to have time to go play golf,”

Need any more?
Wow we are certainly privileged to have another visit from the Liar in Chief, Donald Trump.

He will hold an event to talk his ridiculous tax plan in a closed event attended by invitation only. A YUGE crowd of 1,000. Most will be politicians & party leaders. Which will show up?

Bannon has declared war on the traditional Republican Party & bcking only those who have their heads up Trump's ass. I expect our Great senator Toomey will be there. He loves tax cuts to the wealthy.

I wonder what is the cost of this trip?

Wonder what the price of attendance is. Tax cut for Trump and his rich friends.

Cut of Fed income taxes for everyone who pays fed income tax.

No the biggest tax cuts are for those with inheritance and itemize and pay the AMT. That means T and his buds. For a couple making a hundred grand a year, and gets 1000 tax back, screw him. The rick get millions and they give us pennies.

No one is given anything. Everyone will be able to keep MORE of their own money.

Some people make more money so they will keep more money than you. But it's their money.
Wow we are certainly privileged to have another visit from the Liar in Chief, Donald Trump.

He will hold an event to talk his ridiculous tax plan in a closed event attended by invitation only. A YUGE crowd of 1,000. Most will be politicians & party leaders. Which will show up?

Bannon has declared war on the traditional Republican Party & bcking only those who have their heads up Trump's ass. I expect our Great senator Toomey will be there. He loves tax cuts to the wealthy.

I wonder what is the cost of this trip?

Wonder what the price of attendance is. Tax cut for Trump and his rich friends.

Cut of Fed income taxes for everyone who pays fed income tax.

You only do that when you only cut the lowest bracket.
Wow we are certainly privileged to have another visit from the Liar in Chief, Donald Trump.

He will hold an event to talk his ridiculous tax plan in a closed event attended by invitation only. A YUGE crowd of 1,000. Most will be politicians & party leaders. Which will show up?

Bannon has declared war on the traditional Republican Party & bcking only those who have their heads up Trump's ass. I expect our Great senator Toomey will be there. He loves tax cuts to the wealthy.

I wonder what is the cost of this trip?

Wonder what the price of attendance is. Tax cut for Trump and his rich friends.

Cut of Fed income taxes for everyone who pays fed income tax.

No the biggest tax cuts are for those with inheritance and itemize and pay the AMT. That means T and his buds. For a couple making a hundred grand a year, and gets 1000 tax back, screw him. The rick get millions and they give us pennies.

No one is given anything. Everyone will be able to keep MORE of their own money.

Some people make more money so they will keep more money than you. But it's their money.

Oh please. Not this stupid, ignorant argument again.
Wow we are certainly privileged to have another visit from the Liar in Chief, Donald Trump.

He will hold an event to talk his ridiculous tax plan in a closed event attended by invitation only. A YUGE crowd of 1,000. Most will be politicians & party leaders. Which will show up?

Bannon has declared war on the traditional Republican Party & bcking only those who have their heads up Trump's ass. I expect our Great senator Toomey will be there. He loves tax cuts to the wealthy.

I wonder what is the cost of this trip?

Wonder what the price of attendance is. Tax cut for Trump and his rich friends.

Cut of Fed income taxes for everyone who pays fed income tax.

You only do that when you only cut the lowest bracket.

The lowest bracket pays $0.

With the earned income credit, they get a check for money they never earned.
In other words some of your money.
Wow we are certainly privileged to have another visit from the Liar in Chief, Donald Trump.

He will hold an event to talk his ridiculous tax plan in a closed event attended by invitation only. A YUGE crowd of 1,000. Most will be politicians & party leaders. Which will show up?

Bannon has declared war on the traditional Republican Party & bcking only those who have their heads up Trump's ass. I expect our Great senator Toomey will be there. He loves tax cuts to the wealthy.

I wonder what is the cost of this trip?
No invite? Butt hurt in overdrive?
Wow we are certainly privileged to have another visit from the Liar in Chief, Donald Trump.

He will hold an event to talk his ridiculous tax plan in a closed event attended by invitation only. A YUGE crowd of 1,000. Most will be politicians & party leaders. Which will show up?

Bannon has declared war on the traditional Republican Party & bcking only those who have their heads up Trump's ass. I expect our Great senator Toomey will be there. He loves tax cuts to the wealthy.

I wonder what is the cost of this trip?

Wonder what the price of attendance is. Tax cut for Trump and his rich friends.

Cut of Fed income taxes for everyone who pays fed income tax.

You only do that when you only cut the lowest bracket.

The lowest bracket pays $0.

With the earned income credit, they get a check for money they never earned.
In other words some of your money.

Lowest current bracket is 0-$9325 10%

Now don't you feel like a moron.

$0 to $9,325 10% of Taxable Income
Wow we are certainly privileged to have another visit from the Liar in Chief, Donald Trump.

He will hold an event to talk his ridiculous tax plan in a closed event attended by invitation only. A YUGE crowd of 1,000. Most will be politicians & party leaders. Which will show up?

Bannon has declared war on the traditional Republican Party & bcking only those who have their heads up Trump's ass. I expect our Great senator Toomey will be there. He loves tax cuts to the wealthy.

I wonder what is the cost of this trip?
No invite? Butt hurt in overdrive?

I have no desire to see your orange buddy lie to you again & certainly you will believe him.

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