Trump Continues Rattling Dem Cages

Tom Horn

Gold Member
Aug 31, 2015
Our leftists call themselves "progressives" yet Trump has shown them to be regressive anal-retentives. At every turn they are determined to scream in mock outrage about changes that will improve their lives. Changes that don't involve the government telling them how to live it...something so foreign to them after the last 8 years, they find inconceivable. They call him HITLER when he wants Israel treated like one of our best friends. They call him crazy when he says NATO is out-dated and a pack of (pickled) pikers. They worry that he might upend China's death-grip on our balance of trade figures, preferring a $4 hammer they can't figure out how to use in the first place: "which end of this do I hit with?" They're dumbfounded he's calling for the end of the EU and putting Castro's Cuba back on a blacklist and outraged he wants some Iraqi oil to pay their bill for our loses there.

They don't see that Hillary's campaign was a perfect picture of the kind of government she helped run. She spent $1.2B of other people's money and got ZERO results. And it's not her fault, it's Comey's, or the Russians, or us racist deplorables showing our "white-lash". No longer will bakers be forced to bake queer cakes. No longer will the EPA deem your wood burning stove a public health menace. We will have the Keystone XL pipeline and frack the crap out of ourselves. We will again drive American-built muscle cars thanks to cheap gas. Outrageous! And yet, secretly they kinda hope he does all this and more. Why? Because progs know they're full of shit and secretly long for the America of yesteryear. They'll keep screaming but not very convincingly. After 8 years of a self-absorbed, muslim-apologist, sissy in charge, they long for a super-hero. And now we've given them one.

Lewis knocked Trump silly, Ryan and Graham and McCain are telling Trump "not on our watch are you going to screw things up," but Trump did say everyone would have health insurance coverage, so there is hope for America.
Trump said in a weekend interview with the Times of London and Germany’s Bild newspaper that the 28-nation European Union was a vehicle for German interests and said that he was indifferent to the bloc’s fate. He also said he was committed to European defense even as he expressed skepticism about NATO’s current configuration.

Trump says NATO is obsolete but still 'very important to me'

European leaders shocked as Trump slams NATO and E.U., raising fears of transatlantic split

Trump is a patriot and everything he'll do will be only for US (the country and the people) sake. If he wants to try to be a partner with Russia, that will be only as long as it benefits US, not Russia.

Too bad liberals don't understand that even they are going to live in a richer and safer country. However they've been taught to hate Russia more than to love their own country.

Remember a parable? God to a man: I'll give you everything you want, but your neighbor will get twice more than yourself. So, make a wish. And the man said: "Pluck my eye out".

That’s exactly what liberals are doing now.

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Lewis knocked Trump silly, Ryan and Graham and McCain are telling Trump "not on our watch are you going to screw things up," but Trump did say everyone would have health insurance coverage, so there is hope for America.

Jake the Snitch shows up to get "insulted" and report it to the mods. IGNORE.
Yeah, getting belted around on the Board is tough for you.

One, Tom, Lewis is busying ruining Trump's big week. Fact.

Two, Ryan and Graham and McCain and others are telling Trump to straighten up. Fact.

Three, Trump did say, in effect, Single Payer is on the way.

Four, you hate being corrected with the truth.
Look at Old Yeller and Tom Horn screaming because their Alt Right cages are being rattled.

Fact of the matter is that Trump is getting very rattled this week, and it is only Monday.
Desperate housewife Chuck Todd's interview with Lewis was hilarious. The old scrunch has ridden getting his skull cracked open for years doing nothing as a Congressman for his constituents. Dumb as a post....he could barely speak above a whisper and yet there sat UpChuck all fawning and attentive....I damn near died laughing.
But back to Lewis.....he's touched the third-rail in the new America....don't mess with Trump. Poke him about a campaign he spent $66M of his own money on, and an overwhelming EC win, challenge his "legitimacy" and he'll light you up like a Christmas tree.
I like that Lewis revealed Trump for what he is, that he shook Trump and the Alt Right cages to the point they cannot take free and open discussion without crying.
But back to Lewis.....he's touched the third-rail in the new America....don't mess with Trump. Poke him about a campaign he spent $66M of his own money on, and an overwhelming EC win, challenge his "legitimacy" and he'll light you up like a Christmas tree.

Hey thnx, works great! Added his alter ego also-)
But back to Lewis.....he's touched the third-rail in the new America....don't mess with Trump. Poke him about a campaign he spent $66M of his own money on, and an overwhelming EC win, challenge his "legitimacy" and he'll light you up like a Christmas tree.

works great, added his alter ego also-)
And now as a result of Lewis' idiocy, the PRESIDENT ELECT has cancelled a visit to some civil rights museum. Why should he go there to be screamed at and consequently why should he give a crap what happens in the ghettos? :dunno:

Hint: clowns like Lewis are determined to keep blacks broke and stuck on the government-dole plantation.
And now as a result of Lewis' idiocy, the PRESIDENT ELECT has cancelled a visit to some civil rights museum. Why should he go there to be screamed at and consequently why should he give a crap what happens in the ghettos? :dunno:

Hint: clowns like Lewis are determined to keep blacks broke and stuck on the government-dole plantation.

Don meeting with MLK III today hon?
Lewis knocked Trump silly

No, he really didn't. He looked like a child and Trump, who can't help himself, looked like a child by responding to it the way he did. This is going to be the new normal for both parties.
BREAKING! THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK! NPR-fired stooge Juan Williams has been REPLACED on "The Five".....drunken fool Bob Beckel returns.

Thanks Mr. President-Elect! :lol:

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