Trump continues to lie about ‘election interference.’

There are many, read the article.
Now Bragg is bringing a case that has taken years to develop and millions of dollars in litigation costs for all parties. That is all over a crime from before the 2016 election that is a misdemeanor under state law that had already expired under the statute of limitations.

It is some MAGAGATARD'S opinion not a legal fact!
I don’t care if you disagree and push a button. You are lazy instead of explaining your OPINION.
So there actually isn't anything stolen from him in 2016, you know the year he won the election! Talk about being lazy there MAGAGATARD.
What are you chirping about now? It’s 2024…
In your original reply to my post when I asked a poster what was stolen from tRump in 2016. You do know the Stormy hush money trial was from before the 2016 election don't you? Or are you too lazy to figure that out?
Knucklehead…Try to use a few brain cells.This is a city court trying a federal case. That is not allowed in our justice system. You can’t understand that? It’s your non-legal mind. Your TDS mental illness.
she can't hasn't had a functioning braincell for some time.
In your original reply to my post when I asked a poster what was stolen from tRump in 2016. You do know the Stormy hush money trial was from before the 2016 election don't you? Or are you too lazy to figure that out?
Stop drifting. You sound really old. That was a misdemeanor and statute of limitations is well past. Making it a federal crime has to be brought by federal AGs.
In your original reply to my post when I asked a poster what was stolen from tRump in 2016. You do know the Stormy hush money trial was from before the 2016 election don't you? Or are you too lazy to figure that out?
So, Joey says his uncle was eaten by cannibals…🤣 Why do you vote for this idiot?
DJTrump does not lie about proven issues.
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"You people think the tyrannists will leave you alone. They won’t. So, rest uneasy. What I posted is 100% true."

OK, lemme understand the above sentences. They sentences may be in code. Or QAnon-speak.

The earnest poster Cougarbear asserted in a post earlier in the thread that some jurors read or watched 'ultra left news' when questioned about their sources for information during voir dire.

So, an obvious question to that assertion must be:
What are those sources that Cougarbear claims are 'ultra left'?

He evidently does not know. Or is unwilling to share with the forum.
Instead, he offers that "tyrannists" lurk for me. Or my avatar. ???

Yeah, I know. Me too.
I have no idea what in blazes he is talking about either.
I love this bar.
We've got winners.
We've got ________.


OK, lemme understand the above sentences. They sentences may be in code. Or QAnon-speak.

The earnest poster Cougarbear asserted in a post earlier in the thread that some jurors read or watched 'ultra left news' when questioned about their sources for information during voir dire.

So, an obvious question to that assertion must be:
What are those sources that Cougarbear claims are 'ultra left'?

He evidently does not know. Or is unwilling to share with the forum.
Instead, he offers that "tyrannists" lurk for me. Or my avatar. ???

Yeah, I know. Me too.
I have no idea what in blazes he is talking about either.
See, the leftist commies only want to hear, see and read what they want to. I have stated that one of the questions the prospective jurors are being asked is where they get their new from. All of them have responded and only one out of seven stated Fox News as a source. And even then, that person also listed CNN, NYT and other leftwing propaganda outlets. Most stated TicToc as well. The NYT says they were asked 42 questions. So, instead of being a usual liberal Democrat with Trump Derangement Syndrome and trying to act all superior and more intelligent than others, do some actual intellectual studies on the subjects we discuss in here and check your pride at the door.
"So, instead of being ...... all superior and more intelligent than others, do some actual intellectual studies on the subjects we discuss in here......"

Umm, I asked you to explain your assertion about 'ultra left' media.
You didn't. You obfuscated.
Simple as that. Did not mean to embarrass you about your willful failure.

Umm, I asked you to explain your assertion about 'ultra left' media.
You didn't. You obfuscated.
Simple as that. Did not mean to embarrass you about your willful failure.
Nice try. You should know what it all means if you are really a high snob intellectual.
You should know what it all means if you are really a high snob intellectual.
So, still unable?
Or still unwilling to put your money where your mouth was?
That's sad.
Bigly. ;)
Trump's crime was the election interference.

He committed the crime because he was trying to swing the election, by hiding his infidelity. Had that gotten out, he would have lost to Cinton.

And he's getting convicted for it, despite the tearful delusions of the Trump cultists here.

(We are truly blessed to have the great legal minds of the Trump cult among us. After all, they seem to know things that the entire US justice system has overlooked.)
Trump’s criminal prosecution is perfectly lawful and warranted – in no matter ‘election interference.’

Trump alone is responsible for the crimes he committed; Trump alone is responsible for time taken from campaigning; Trump has only himself to blame.

In fact, it’s Trump who is guilty of election interference.

‘Merchan understands that the core issue in the trial is not the payments made in October 2016 to an adult film star to conceal their alleged sexual relationship, but why Trump made them.

"Paying hush money by itself is not a crime," Eisen wrote. "The crime alleged in this case is felony document falsification, as the judge detailed. That requires intent to conceal, aid or commit another crime. Here, the prosecution alleges that the intent was to violate federal campaign finance laws and also the state statute prohibiting the 'unlawful influence' of an election — i.e., election interference."’


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