Trump cries when called out for attacking women

Alleged Trump supporters who beat homeless immigrant plead guilty
Posted: May 16, 2016 11:07 PM EST Updated: May 16, 2016 11:07 PM EST

By Chris Boyette CNN
(CNN) -- It was an attack on a homeless man that gained extra media attention when authorities said the accused assailants were heard saying, "Donald Trump was right," as they beat the man with a metal pipe and then urinated on him.

The men were sentenced to state prison Monday after pleading guilty to beating the homeless man in Boston on August 19, 2015, because they believed him to be an illegal immigrant, Suffolk County District Attorney Daniel F. Conley said.

"All these illegals need to be deported," they allegedly said, as they beat the man as he slept near the JFK/UMass MBTA subway station about 12:30 a.m.

The man was treated for a broken nose and serious bruising across his ribs, among other injuries, according to a statement issued at the time from the district attorney's office.

Scott Leader, 38, and his brother, Steve Leader, 30 of South Boston pleaded guilty to indictments charging them with causing bodily injury while committing a civil rights violation, assault and battery for purposes of intimidation causing bodily injury, two counts each of assault and battery, and two counts each of assault and battery with a dangerous weapon.

Assistant District Attorney Nicole Rimar had recommended Scott Leader serve four to six years in state prison followed by probation and that Steven Leader serve three to four years in state prison followed by probation. Judge Peter Krupp imposed lighter sentences of three years for Scott Leader and 2½ years for Steven Leader. Both sentences are to be followed by three years of probation, with the first year served at a sober house in addition to 20 hours of community service and a cultural diversity training program if one exists.

Throughout the Republican presidential race, Trump has made headlines with his controversial immigration proposals, which include building a wall along the U.S.-Mexican border, revoking citizenship of babies born in the United States to undocumented parents and deporting undocumented immigrants.

During a press conference soon after the attack, Trump said that while he hadn't heard about the Boston incident, it would "be a shame." He went on to applaud those who echo his views.

"I will say, the people that are following me are very passionate," Trump said. "They love this country, they want this country to be great again."

On August 21, Trump tweeted that the incident was "terrible."

"We need energy and passion, but we must treat each other with respect," he said.

"This unprovoked attack on a sleeping man disgusted every prosecutor, victim advocate, and trooper who worked on it," Conley said. "State prison was the only appropriate sentence."

"I still feel pain all over my body from this incident," the victim, then 58, wrote in a prepared statement read by the prosecutor, "I don't think my fingers will ever be the same. I came to this country many years ago and worked hard in the farm fields to provide produce to people here. I actually became a permanent resident of this country years ago, although if I had been undocumented I still would not have deserved to be beaten this way."

Alleged Trump supporters who beat homeless immigrant plead guilty

Your point is?

that's a fact, jack.

Imagine the face you'll make if he wins.

Do you think instead of Newty- he'll pick oreo boy as his VP?


DOn't care.

Not surprised. :eusa_whistle:

I would like a fire breathing conservative for VP, but if he picks some safe candidate to bridge to the rest of the party, and to look safe to the independents, that's ok.

Is there ANY chance that Hillary's VP will affect YOUR voting?

Sooooo, this is where you feel and look stupid for trying to gin this into some issue.

Alleged Trump supporters who beat homeless immigrant plead guilty
Posted: May 16, 2016 11:07 PM EST Updated: May 16, 2016 11:07 PM EST

By Chris Boyette CNN
(CNN) -- It was an attack on a homeless man that gained extra media attention when authorities said the accused assailants were heard saying, "Donald Trump was right," as they beat the man with a metal pipe and then urinated on him.

The men were sentenced to state prison Monday after pleading guilty to beating the homeless man in Boston on August 19, 2015, because they believed him to be an illegal immigrant, Suffolk County District Attorney Daniel F. Conley said.

"All these illegals need to be deported," they allegedly said, as they beat the man as he slept near the JFK/UMass MBTA subway station about 12:30 a.m.

The man was treated for a broken nose and serious bruising across his ribs, among other injuries, according to a statement issued at the time from the district attorney's office.

Scott Leader, 38, and his brother, Steve Leader, 30 of South Boston pleaded guilty to indictments charging them with causing bodily injury while committing a civil rights violation, assault and battery for purposes of intimidation causing bodily injury, two counts each of assault and battery, and two counts each of assault and battery with a dangerous weapon.

Assistant District Attorney Nicole Rimar had recommended Scott Leader serve four to six years in state prison followed by probation and that Steven Leader serve three to four years in state prison followed by probation. Judge Peter Krupp imposed lighter sentences of three years for Scott Leader and 2½ years for Steven Leader. Both sentences are to be followed by three years of probation, with the first year served at a sober house in addition to 20 hours of community service and a cultural diversity training program if one exists.

Throughout the Republican presidential race, Trump has made headlines with his controversial immigration proposals, which include building a wall along the U.S.-Mexican border, revoking citizenship of babies born in the United States to undocumented parents and deporting undocumented immigrants.

During a press conference soon after the attack, Trump said that while he hadn't heard about the Boston incident, it would "be a shame." He went on to applaud those who echo his views.

"I will say, the people that are following me are very passionate," Trump said. "They love this country, they want this country to be great again."

On August 21, Trump tweeted that the incident was "terrible."

"We need energy and passion, but we must treat each other with respect," he said.

"This unprovoked attack on a sleeping man disgusted every prosecutor, victim advocate, and trooper who worked on it," Conley said. "State prison was the only appropriate sentence."

"I still feel pain all over my body from this incident," the victim, then 58, wrote in a prepared statement read by the prosecutor, "I don't think my fingers will ever be the same. I came to this country many years ago and worked hard in the farm fields to provide produce to people here. I actually became a permanent resident of this country years ago, although if I had been undocumented I still would not have deserved to be beaten this way."

Alleged Trump supporters who beat homeless immigrant plead guilty

Your point is?

backing up his statement with facts. lol... funny how that escaped you.

that's a fact, jack.

Imagine the face you'll make if he wins.

Do you think instead of Newty- he'll pick oreo boy as his VP?


DOn't care.

Not surprised. :eusa_whistle:

I would like a fire breathing conservative for VP, but if he picks some safe candidate to bridge to the rest of the party, and to look safe to the independents, that's ok.

Is there ANY chance that Hillary's VP will affect YOUR voting?

Sooooo, this is where you feel and look stupid for trying to gin this into some issue.

Actually, it could. hey how about if Trump picks Sarah? Is there any line in sand for you? Do you think she'd be a good choice... like McCain did?

But he's got like 103% approval with guys who won't see the next Star Wars unless the black guy isn't in it.


Richard Nixon had his secretary delete the tape which showed that he knew about the Watergate break-in and conspired in covering up the break-in. He did so AFTER his tapes were to be turned over to the Senate Watergate Committee which was asking what the President knew and when he knew it.

Hillary is not and has never been under indictment, and no court, grand jury, or judicial committee which Republicans have ceaselessly convened since her husband was in office, has ever come up with a shred of evidence against her.

She has fully complied with all requests for emails, appeared endlessly in front of so called Investigations which were really taxpayer funded witch hunts to cause people to think she's dishonest.

That so many of you think she's a crook, all evidence to the contrary, is indicative that a lie told often enough, becomes the truth, and voters are often too partisan to bother fact checking.
Roger Stone: Trump Paid Kathleen Willey So She Could Trash Clintons

close Trump ally Roger Stone says Trump himself gave money to Willey so she would be able to attack the Clintons during Hillary Clinton’s current presidential run. The Office of the Independent Counsel reviewed Willey’s allegations but declined to press charges after determining that Willey repeatedly shifted her story, lied to the FBI, and urged a friend to falsely support her story. She subsequently suggested that the Clintons had murdered her husband in the same way they supposedly murdered former White House aide Vince Foster.
Veterans hold Trump Tower protest after Donald Trump’s charity fundraising drive comes up short

Hunter Walker
National Correspondent
May 23, 2016

A group of veterans protesting in front of Trump Tower in Manhattan on May 23, 2016. (Photo: Grace Brailsford-Cato)

A group of veterans went to Donald Trump’s headquarters in midtown Manhattan on Monday to demand an apology and answers after the presumptive Republican presidential nominee’s campaign admitted a veterans fundraiser did not raise as much money as he had initially claimed.

Alexander McCoy, who said he was a Marine Corps veteran who helped organize the protest, described Trump’s handling of the January fundraiser as “unacceptable.”

“We’re here as a group of veterans to reject Donald Trump,” McCoy said. “It is unacceptable that he made a commitment and failed to live up to it. He said he raised $6 million for veterans and claimed to have done so, and yet there has been no accountability for that money.”

He continued: “He has failed to show where a lot of that money went. And he failed to raise as much as he claimed to have raised. And it is unacceptable for Donald Trump to try to take advantage of the goodwill that American voters feel for our men and women in uniform to try and get votes while failing to live up to his own commitments.”

The protest came on the heels of a Washington Post report published Saturday, in which Trump’s campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, said the fundraiser only brought in about $4.5 million. Trump held the Jan. 28 fundraiser instead of participating in a Fox News GOP debate that evening. At the time, he said the network was treating him unfairly. At the event, Trump announced that it had raised $6 million.

Lewandowski attributed the fundraising shortfall to donors who reneged on promises to participate.

“There were some individuals who he’d spoken to who were going to write large checks [and who], for whatever reason … didn’t do it,” Lewandowski told the Post.

Lewandowski declined to identify the donors who failed to participate. He also would not say exactly how much was raised or where the money went. The Post was only able to identify about $3.1 million in donations that went to veterans groups.

About a dozen protesters showed up to Trump Tower on Monday. McCoy described them as veterans who connected through “grassroots” organizing tools and
“social media” after hearing about the Post story. He said they were not part of an organization.

In addition to the fundraising shortfall, the protesters objected to the lack of information about where the money Trump raised for veterans ended up.

Another one of the organizers, Perry O’Brien, questioned Trump’s national security policies. O’Brien, who said he served with the Army in Afghanistan, argued that Trump’s plans would make the country more dangerous than it is now.

“He’s shown to be reckless, impulsive, and combines inexperience with bravado and confidence, which is a deadly combination, as many of us who have served
overseas know. It’s guys like that that get people killed on battlefields,” O’Brien said.

Yahoo News asked O’Brien whether the group would try to contact Trump or meet him inside the tower. He said that the protest was an attempt to communicate and that he hoped Trump would hear the message.

“We hope that he will apologize to veterans,” O’Brien said.

Veterans hold Trump Tower protest after Donald Trump’s charity fundraising drive comes up short
Trump was never "called out for attacking women" but there are great photos, some turned into post cards, of Bill Clinton crying when he was caught with his pants down sexually abusing a young woman barely older than his daughter in the freaking Oval Office. The current presumed democrat nominee blamed the "vast right wing conspiracy" for the DNA on Monica's freaking dress.

This is to distract from Bill Clinton hanging out with a pedophile. Hillary can't talk about Bill riding around on a private jet and staying at an island known for harboring perverts having sex with young girls.

Then there is the way the left attacked Palin, Rice, and every other Republican woman. They were brutal.

Hillary deserves to be sharply criticized. She has proven to be a liar and should be called on it.

I take it Hillary is having trouble finding a safe space from reality. Boo hoo!
Trump was never "called out for attacking women" but there are great photos, some turned into post cards, of Bill Clinton crying when he was caught with his pants down sexually abusing a young woman barely older than his daughter in the freaking Oval Office. The current presumed democrat nominee blamed the "vast right wing conspiracy" for the DNA on Monica's freaking dress.

This is to distract from Bill Clinton hanging out with a pedophile. Hillary can't talk about Bill riding around on a private jet and staying at an island known for harboring perverts having sex with young girls.

Then there is the way the left attacked Palin, Rice, and every other Republican woman. They were brutal.

Hillary deserves to be sharply criticized. She has proven to be a liar and should be called on it.

I take it Hillary is having trouble finding a safe space from reality. Boo hoo!

Palin Family Brawl Detailed in Police Reports
Oct 9, 2014, 5:41 PM ET

The drunken brawl involving Sarah Palin and her family last month was a wild one, according to police reports released today, and at the center of the report is a Palin daughter repeatedly punching a man in the face, being pounced on by a group of women and then dragged by her legs across the lawn.

Prosecutors won't proceed with charges in the fight, Anchorage police said, but they released a report with several witness accounts of the brawl.

The police were called to a birthday party for twin brothers Matthew and Marc McKenna at the home of Korey Klingenmeyer in South Anchorage on Sept. 6. Klingenmeyer gave a witness account in the report and said Bristol Palin, eldest daughter of Sarah and Todd Palin, punched him five to six times in the face and that she was "hitting pretty hard."

An officer wrote that both Sarah and Todd Palin "appeared upset and and in a verbal argument with other individuals at the scene." There is no interview with the former Alaska governor and 2008 GOP vice presidential nominee included in the report.

Klingenmeyer told police he was considering filing charges and was "angry that the Palins had showed up and were causing problems," according to the report. He told police he had asked Bristol to leave and she responded, "Who the f*** are you?" Klingemeyer told her he owned the home and Bristol said she didn't believe him and "she will kick his a**," the police report states.

Klingenmeyer said that's when Bristol first punched him and he then said he told her to hit "him again if it makes her feel better and she does," according to the document.

After five to six punches, Klingenmeyer "grabbed her fist as she punched again and he pushed back and she falls down. He says she gets up and tries to punch him again and he grabs her fist again and pushes her away and she falls down again," Klingenmeyer told police, who described him as "moderately intoxicated" in the report.

An officer described Bristol Palin in the report as "heavily intoxicated and upset" and told police that Klingenmeyer had "drug her across the lawn by her legs" calling her names. She also said both her sandals and sunglasses had been taken.

Matthew McKenna told police that night that he tried to break up the fight and saw people "piling" on Todd Palin. He also said after he saw Bristol punch Klingenmeyer six times a "bunch of wives tackled her a**."

The report includes a fight Track Palin, Sarah and Todd's eldest son, got into at the same party.

Police wrote that when they approached the scene Track Palin was being pushed into a limousine, described in the report as a "long white limousine," where his mother was sitting. He got out of the limo to speak to police after his mother told him to. Police described Track Palin as being shirtless and having "blood around his mouth and on his hands and he appeared to have an injury under his left eye, on his upper cheek." The officer said that Track Palin was "angry and intoxicated and I had a hard time getting him to calm down."

Track told police his friend was punched and knocked to the ground and Todd Palin said two men were attacking his son as well. Todd Palin said once the friend, named Steven, was punched the situation "escalated and it was a situation they couldn't walk away from."

The Palin's 20-year old daughter Willow was also interviewed and told police Klingenmeyer had "assaulted" Bristol and she had been pushed by an "older lady" and others involved in the fight were "saying things like f*** the Palins." Police described Willow as "extremely agitated."

Palin Family Brawl Detailed in Police Reports

naw sweety- that comedy gold writes itself with facts....[/QUOTE]
Hillary will choose Sanders, and Donnie will choose Martinez of NM or Haley of SC.
Trump was never "called out for attacking women" but there are great photos, some turned into post cards, of Bill Clinton crying when he was caught with his pants down sexually abusing a young woman barely older than his daughter in the freaking Oval Office. The current presumed democrat nominee blamed the "vast right wing conspiracy" for the DNA on Monica's freaking dress.

This is to distract from Bill Clinton hanging out with a pedophile. Hillary can't talk about Bill riding around on a private jet and staying at an island known for harboring perverts having sex with young girls.

Then there is the way the left attacked Palin, Rice, and every other Republican woman. They were brutal.

Hillary deserves to be sharply criticized. She has proven to be a liar and should be called on it.

I take it Hillary is having trouble finding a safe space from reality. Boo hoo!

You're the one who's found a safe space from reality. There is no evidence that Bill Clinton has been involved with underage women.

There is an interview given by a underage prostitute to a scandal sheet, saying Bill Clinton was on the plane without his Secret Service detail.

A past president of the United States left the country on a private plane without Secret Service agents??? If you believe this, I have a ski resort in Miami I'd like to talk to you about.

You people want to believe ill of the Clintons so you'll swallow anything, any lie, any smear, without critique or even careful examination.
When you produce the "interview" and it has been vetted, then it is time to worry.
From the link "Rape accusations are once again being levied against Trump, as reported by Heavy. Trump is being sued for $100 million for reportedly raping a 13-year-old girl three times. The lawsuit also alleges Trump forced a 12-year-old girl to perform fellatio on him at the same time as the 13-year-old girl and pushed both of them away after Trump allegedly achieved orgasm."

What iss it with Trump and lolitas?
Trump was never "called out for attacking women" but there are great photos, some turned into post cards, of Bill Clinton crying when he was caught with his pants down sexually abusing a young woman barely older than his daughter in the freaking Oval Office. The current presumed democrat nominee blamed the "vast right wing conspiracy" for the DNA on Monica's freaking dress.

This is to distract from Bill Clinton hanging out with a pedophile. Hillary can't talk about Bill riding around on a private jet and staying at an island known for harboring perverts having sex with young girls.

Then there is the way the left attacked Palin, Rice, and every other Republican woman. They were brutal.

Hillary deserves to be sharply criticized. She has proven to be a liar and should be called on it.

I take it Hillary is having trouble finding a safe space from reality. Boo hoo!

Palin Family Brawl Detailed in Police Reports
Oct 9, 2014, 5:41 PM ET

The drunken brawl involving Sarah Palin and her family last month was a wild one, according to police reports released today, and at the center of the report is a Palin daughter repeatedly punching a man in the face, being pounced on by a group of women and then dragged by her legs across the lawn.

Prosecutors won't proceed with charges in the fight, Anchorage police said, but they released a report with several witness accounts of the brawl.

The police were called to a birthday party for twin brothers Matthew and Marc McKenna at the home of Korey Klingenmeyer in South Anchorage on Sept. 6. Klingenmeyer gave a witness account in the report and said Bristol Palin, eldest daughter of Sarah and Todd Palin, punched him five to six times in the face and that she was "hitting pretty hard."

An officer wrote that both Sarah and Todd Palin "appeared upset and and in a verbal argument with other individuals at the scene." There is no interview with the former Alaska governor and 2008 GOP vice presidential nominee included in the report.

Klingenmeyer told police he was considering filing charges and was "angry that the Palins had showed up and were causing problems," according to the report. He told police he had asked Bristol to leave and she responded, "Who the f*** are you?" Klingemeyer told her he owned the home and Bristol said she didn't believe him and "she will kick his a**," the police report states.

Klingenmeyer said that's when Bristol first punched him and he then said he told her to hit "him again if it makes her feel better and she does," according to the document.

After five to six punches, Klingenmeyer "grabbed her fist as she punched again and he pushed back and she falls down. He says she gets up and tries to punch him again and he grabs her fist again and pushes her away and she falls down again," Klingenmeyer told police, who described him as "moderately intoxicated" in the report.

An officer described Bristol Palin in the report as "heavily intoxicated and upset" and told police that Klingenmeyer had "drug her across the lawn by her legs" calling her names. She also said both her sandals and sunglasses had been taken.

Matthew McKenna told police that night that he tried to break up the fight and saw people "piling" on Todd Palin. He also said after he saw Bristol punch Klingenmeyer six times a "bunch of wives tackled her a**."

The report includes a fight Track Palin, Sarah and Todd's eldest son, got into at the same party.

Police wrote that when they approached the scene Track Palin was being pushed into a limousine, described in the report as a "long white limousine," where his mother was sitting. He got out of the limo to speak to police after his mother told him to. Police described Track Palin as being shirtless and having "blood around his mouth and on his hands and he appeared to have an injury under his left eye, on his upper cheek." The officer said that Track Palin was "angry and intoxicated and I had a hard time getting him to calm down."

Track told police his friend was punched and knocked to the ground and Todd Palin said two men were attacking his son as well. Todd Palin said once the friend, named Steven, was punched the situation "escalated and it was a situation they couldn't walk away from."

The Palin's 20-year old daughter Willow was also interviewed and told police Klingenmeyer had "assaulted" Bristol and she had been pushed by an "older lady" and others involved in the fight were "saying things like f*** the Palins." Police described Willow as "extremely agitated."

Palin Family Brawl Detailed in Police Reports

naw sweety- that comedy gold writes itself with facts....
And this is the family of the POS that might have been VEEP?? Repubs are ah's

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