Trump cries when called out for attacking women

The debate on "women" is hard to focus because in all cases, female gender is only one parameter of a woman voter. Rich white women living in Trump's Manhattan buildings? Donald's statements about his respect for women ring true to me. Poor women? Black women? Latinas? Now things get more complicated. Poor, black, latina etc. women share issues with their male counterparts but also have issues which are theirs alone. Where does Donald stand on these matters? I'm not sure he even knows himself

Conservative women think Bill is a predator and liberal women are already voting for Clinton. No one's vote is hanging in the balance on this

I guess that those lieberal women are jealous that they didn't get an hit on by Billy Bob. Hey, they should go and visit. He will take care of their needs. Just makes sure Hitlery doesn't find out.
The sleaze bag lieberal media never gives up do they? Got to get that Trump. If Trump sneezed they would accuse him of spreading germs just for a story. Donald is so right to call the media a gang of sleaze. They really are, especially the lieberal ones.

wait what " Reporters are not allowed to ask questions of the "Orange Goo tan" or he is going to troll rant ..LOL that is Presidentiasl LOL
Look lets pause for a look at reality

This was reported today
This is Obama's current approval long as it stays like that and the economy humming ...Trump does not have a "chance in hell":badgrin:
For every one reading is the Rock in Correl shoe ..why he is limping

The only one who has had a woman go to court and swear of rape is "The Donald" bottom line

I love the way you guys sweep away the evidence of 12 other instances of sexual assault by harping on this one word. meanwhile, the NYT tried to make a federal case out of Trump offering a woman the use of a swim suit.

Anyone watching this exchange can see how desperate you douche bags are. Unfortunately, the public won't buy it. Trump will repeat the histories of Bill's predatory sexual history over and over and over. He will have commercials where Juanita Broaddrick and Kathleen Willy tell their stories, and he will broadcast them over and over and over.

Hillary is done. Stick a fork in her.
After hillary wins will you be done for or like a little bitch you'll keep on moaning and crying?? Just askin

I will attack douche bags like you and Hillary until my dying breath.
But the real scumbags like gwb and cheany you say nothing about,, Says a lot about what you are

GWB may be a boob, but he's not a scum bag. He has more integrity in his pinky than Hillary has in her entire body.
The sleaze bag lieberal media never gives up do they? Got to get that Trump. If Trump sneezed they would accuse him of spreading germs just for a story. Donald is so right to call the media a gang of sleaze. They really are, especially the lieberal ones.

wait what " Reporters are not allowed to ask questions of the "Orange Goo tan" or he is going to troll rant ..LOL that is Presidentiasl LOL
Look lets pause for a look at reality

This was reported today
This is Obama's current approval long as it stays like that and the economy humming ...Trump does not have a "chance in hell":badgrin:

Watch MSNBC/CNN and other useless media outfits and all they do is try to find fault with Trump over and over and over again all day long. Yet Hitlery is in trouble over her e-mails, and so much more, but yet the media doesn't go after her over and over and over again about those e-mails hardly at all.

Obama? Who took that poll or survey? A lieberal outfit? Lots of bias goes on when polls and surveys are done. They can never be trusted. If a lieberal takes a poll, Obama is good. If a conservative poll is done, Obama is not so good. Only fools believe in polls and surveys. But hey, that is just my opinion.
wait there is breaking news of a "very Important Endorsement of Trump"...Oh Dear God Jesus Hillary is done

North Korean state media has praised US presidential hopeful Donald Trump, describing him as a “wise politician” and “far-sighted candidatewho could help unify the Korean peninsula.

North Korea praises Trump and urges US voters to reject 'dull Hillary'

The great commie leader is starting to show some smartness. Who knows? Maybe Trump can unify North and South Korea. I think that the great leader knows that if he tries anything funny with Trump, his commie ass is going to get kicked big time.
For every one reading is the Rock in Correl shoe ..why he is limping

The only one who has had a woman go to court and swear of rape is "The Donald" bottom line

I love the way you guys sweep away the evidence of 12 other instances of sexual assault by harping on this one word. meanwhile, the NYT tried to make a federal case out of Trump offering a woman the use of a swim suit.

Anyone watching this exchange can see how desperate you douche bags are. Unfortunately, the public won't buy it. Trump will repeat the histories of Bill's predatory sexual history over and over and over. He will have commercials where Juanita Broaddrick and Kathleen Willy tell their stories, and he will broadcast them over and over and over.

Hillary is done. Stick a fork in her.
After hillary wins will you be done for or like a little bitch you'll keep on moaning and crying?? Just askin

I will attack douche bags like you and Hillary until my dying breath.
But the real scumbags like gwb and cheany you say nothing about,, Says a lot about what you are

GWB may be a boob, but he's not a scum bag. He has more integrity in his pinky than Hillary has in her entire body.
Wonder if you'd feel that way if one of your loved ones was lost in gwbs bs war?
OMG? Fifty lashes with a wet noodle for Trump for telling what he believes is the truth. How dare him. 50 lashes should teach Trump to not insult and attack those lieberal media sleaze bags any more.
are you aware that in a Democracy reporters can ask questions ?

No wonder this dude endorsed him :badgrin:

North Korea praises Trump and urges US voters to reject 'dull Hillary'
Yes, they can ask their douche bag questions, and Trump is free to call them douche bags.
The debate on "women" is hard to focus because in all cases, female gender is only one parameter of a woman voter. Rich white women living in Trump's Manhattan buildings? Donald's statements about his respect for women ring true to me. Poor women? Black women? Latinas? Now things get more complicated. Poor, black, latina etc. women share issues with their male counterparts but also have issues which are theirs alone. Where does Donald stand on these matters? I'm not sure he even knows himself

Conservative women think Bill is a predator and liberal women are already voting for Clinton. No one's vote is hanging in the balance on this
That is an interesting point. We haven't had a recent election with anything like the two leading candidates today, so it is hard to say if there will be significant voter movement after the conventions and, if so, what the movement might be. Most voting patterns are pretty stable and our presidential popular vote is usually quite close. A race in which both candidates have such high negative ratings might turn out to be in a different pattern,
OMG? Fifty lashes with a wet noodle for Trump for telling what he believes is the truth. How dare him. 50 lashes should teach Trump to not insult and attack those lieberal media sleaze bags any more.
are you aware that in a Democracy reporters can ask questions ?

No wonder this dude endorsed him :badgrin:

North Korea praises Trump and urges US voters to reject 'dull Hillary'

The problem with most reporters of today is that they ask too many silly unimportant questions. They go after Trump on whatever he says or does and then they try to make a big huge story out of it. Ask the people if they cared about anything they try to dream up that is bad about Trump and the they would probably say, no. Most people don't give a shit about anything, let alone politics.

Now the useless retarded lieberal media are trying to make a story about Trump raising money for veterans. They are trying to accuse Trump of taking some of that money donated to vets for himself. Trump straightened the sleaze ball reporters as to where and all the money has gone, and has shown them. It has gone to the vets. F'n useless lieberal media. If they showed any intelligence it would be a miracle. The media hates the Trump, and they want him gone. Sorry, not going to happen. He will be President.

This Trump "angry Bird " when a reporter asked him a question

Yes dump is garbage and Hillary who's been attacked by republicans for 25 or more years has her head held high ,,A WARRIOR

And Spock says "beam me up Scotty, there is no intelligent life down here". You have just shown us all why Spock wanted outta here. He must of had a conversation with Hitlery.
And Spock says "beam me up Scotty, there is no intelligent life down here". You have just shown us all why Spock wanted outta here. He must of had a conversation with Hitlery.

Here is your "sweet Baboo" crying because he is being asked questions..why is Trump crying like that ?

Trump goes Cry Baby :ack-1:

Throughout the press conference, Trump railed against the press for looking into the details of his fundraiser.

"The press should be ashamed of themselves," he said, telling reporters, "You make me look very bad."

How dare you look into my public promises and report on what you find! The job of the press is to make Donald Trump look good, and when the press fails at that, they should be ashamed of themselves! :2up::2up::2up:
And Spock says "beam me up Scotty, there is no intelligent life down here". You have just shown us all why Spock wanted outta here. He must of had a conversation with Hitlery.

Here is your "sweet Baboo" crying because he is being asked questions..why is Trump crying like that ?

Trump goes Cry Baby :ack-1:

Throughout the press conference, Trump railed against the press for looking into the details of his fundraiser.

"The press should be ashamed of themselves," he said, telling reporters, "You make me look very bad."

How dare you look into my public promises and report on what you find! The job of the press is to make Donald Trump look good, and when the press fails at that, they should be ashamed of themselves! :2up::2up::2up:

let's be honest here. The media has no love at all for Trump, and are not there to try and make Trump look good. On the contrary, all they appear to want to do is find something to nail him on. Bit it ain't working, folks. The people are starting to see the media for what it is. A bunch of retarded lying morons who try to lie their way around true facts. Pathetic.

If Trump wanted to keep it to himself and the vets, what business is it of the medias? This story was all about the useless media trying to make it appear as though maybe Trump was stealing some of that money. He proved them wrong. Can you prove the media is right? Trump doesn't need that money, and why would he try in any way to steal from it? If he did Trump would be finished in more ways than one. He would have everything to lose, and nothing to gain by doing so. You should concentrate your efforts on trying to show that Hitlery is not the man, or should I say woman, for the job as President. According to reports on her, she has shown to be a fibber and a crook, and dangerous to American security.

Take all of that.
Take all of that.
can anyone imagine reporters asking Hillary Clinton some tough questions about anything and she would start hollering "you are sleaze you are making me look bad"...I mean its outlandish the "Man Card" Trump is playing LOL...if Hillary Clinton did that the media would say she is "a hysterical emotional woman"

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