Trump cries when called out for attacking women

Trump cries when called out for attacking women
Come on now! Don't you think you are being just a little bit hard on the trumpster? After all, they're only "suggestions".

Trump should be laughing for being called out by you people giving the volume of women that have come out crying about being attacked by both Clintons and you people turn a blind eye. Bullshit.
Monica was an unpaid intern.

If Bill had been a Republican, you libs and your "feminist" allies would have mobbed the White HOuse demanding his head.

LOL. You mean like Newt Gingrich, who was boffing Calista, his own whore behind wife #2's back at the same time going after Clinton, who was being impeached?

Or did you mean Dennis Hastert, who, (after Newt had to resign his Speaker gig) was found out to have molested boys in his past, but had no problems spewing his own hypocrisy? :eusa_whistle:

Sorry, nothing in your post actually addressed anything in mine.

I will repost so that you can try again.

Feel free to repost your, "mmm, points" with more explanation as to how they address my post, or to change your mind and try something... better.

Monica was an unpaid intern.

If Bill had been a Republican, you libs and your "feminist" allies would have mobbed the White HOuse demanding his head

LOL... b4 you go assuming anything, i'll let you in on a little secret. I didn't vote for Bill Clinton. I do however, take issue with the hypocrisy of the <ahem> 'men' I mentioned. You know... the Speaker & the Senator from the 'family values' party? From your statement, it's a safe bet I've voted for more Republicans than you have voted Democratic; so save whatever 'mmm points' you think you might have.

Not sure I take your meaning.

What did Newt's failed marriages have to do with Bill Clinton's sexual harassment case?

I am talking about impeaching Clinton for getting a BJ in the Whitehouse & the attempted tar & feathering he got from Newt Gingrich (who was cheating at the same time he wagged his stubby little sausage fingers) & forget about Hastert...

The powers that be LOVE to throw stones don't they?

That shit is so old it is hardened and fuzzy that Clinton got impeached for getting blow jobs. It's because he lied.

And for all of his lies his law license was suspended as well.
I'm still trying to find out how and when Trump attacked women. The NYT story is soooooooooooooo bogus it's pathetic.
Correll simply keeps blathering.

Bill is not running for office, but Donnie is and he will be held to the test of truth.

The "Truth" is that HIllary's behavior in those coverups are relevant, especially when Hillary is trying to play the "Woman Card".

Your pretense that that is not true? That is you being a liar.

She doesn't have to 'play the woman's card' because last I heard, she is a woman. She was free to feel about the whole situation as she wished. Looking out for herself wasn't a stupid move at all. Besides, they are still married & both on their first marriage. Can't say that about the the GOP nominee. <snicker>

1. I didn't say she HAD to play the Woman Card. She has CHOSEN to play the Woman Card.

2. Of course she was free to feel how she wanted. Of course looking out for herself wasn't stupid.

But she looked out for herself by throwing her Husband's sexual harassment victims under the bus.

That is behavior that is relevant when she starts making accusations of sexism.

For nothing Trump has done is as bad as what she has done.

Tell that to Ivana. Tell that to the Trump University fraud victims.

Tell that to Vera Coking.

Surpise, surprise, surprise! His ex wives are voting for him.

Correll simply keeps blathering.

Bill is not running for office, but Donnie is and he will be held to the test of truth.

The "Truth" is that HIllary's behavior in those coverups are relevant, especially when Hillary is trying to play the "Woman Card".

Your pretense that that is not true? That is you being a liar.

She doesn't have to 'play the woman's card' because last I heard, she is a woman. She was free to feel about the whole situation as she wished. Looking out for herself wasn't a stupid move at all. Besides, they are still married & both on their first marriage. Can't say that about the the GOP nominee. <snicker>

1. I didn't say she HAD to play the Woman Card. She has CHOSEN to play the Woman Card.

2. Of course she was free to feel how she wanted. Of course looking out for herself wasn't stupid.

But she looked out for herself by throwing her Husband's sexual harassment victims under the bus.

That is behavior that is relevant when she starts making accusations of sexism.

For nothing Trump has done is as bad as what she has done.

Tell that to Ivana. Tell that to the Trump University fraud victims.

Tell that to Vera Coking.

Surpise, surprise, surprise! His ex wives are voting for him.

I hope they have better success than his kids. :badgrin:
Trump has clearly demonstrated that he objectifies women at the best and despises them most of the time.

Almost one of two Republican women will not vote for him.
It is watching laughable reading Correll and bripat defending Trump.

One is a soul dead immoral far righty and the other is a brainless "anarchist" who wants the system to collapse.

Nearly 1 in 2 GOP female voters will not support Trump

Thank you for showing that all you have is this nonsense now and not the truth at all.
Clinton wasn't Impeached because of Lewinski. He was Impeached for unethical behavior, attempting to deny one of his victims of sexual harassment the right to a fair trial, for which he was found guilty of Contempt of Court & disbarred from practicing law in Arkansas.

He is a career sexual predator - sexual assaulter, sexual harasser, rapist, adulterer, and pedophile. He is also a pathelogical liar. He had no business representing this country, and neither does his coke-snorting, unethical, immoral, lying, lesbian wife.

Hillary is / was his facilitator, enabler, and defender, much like how she defended the pedophile who raped the little girl years ago.

She spent much of her life defending that POS while demonizing, attacking, threatening, intimidating, and silencing her husband's victims and the rest of the time doing anything to make a personal profit and attain more power. It is a shame she was not 'taken out' by that infamous 'sniper fire'.

The two of them are the Bonnie and Clyde of American politics, the worst couple to ever reach the WH, the worst in US history.
He was guilty for lying, nothing more.

He is not running for president.

Bill is more popular than Donnie and that won't change.

Hil's campaign attacks on Women and Trump will end Donnie.
Sorry, nothing in your post actually addressed anything in mine.

I will repost so that you can try again.

Feel free to repost your, "mmm, points" with more explanation as to how they address my post, or to change your mind and try something... better.

Monica was an unpaid intern.

If Bill had been a Republican, you libs and your "feminist" allies would have mobbed the White HOuse demanding his head

LOL... b4 you go assuming anything, i'll let you in on a little secret. I didn't vote for Bill Clinton. I do however, take issue with the hypocrisy of the <ahem> 'men' I mentioned. You know... the Speaker & the Senator from the 'family values' party? From your statement, it's a safe bet I've voted for more Republicans than you have voted Democratic; so save whatever 'mmm points' you think you might have.

Not sure I take your meaning.

What did Newt's failed marriages have to do with Bill Clinton's sexual harassment case?

I am talking about impeaching Clinton for getting a BJ in the Whitehouse & the attempted tar & feathering he got from Newt Gingrich (who was cheating at the same time he wagged his stubby little sausage fingers) & forget about Hastert...

The powers that be LOVE to throw stones don't they?

The impeachment was for sexual harassment and the abuse of power in the coverup of that harassment.

Unless Newt was sexually harassing his staff AND abusing his power to cover it up, there is not glass houses/stones aspect.

THe White HOUse BJ, was only relevant to that case in that it established a pattern of behavior, AND he abused his power to cover it up and perjured himself.
The impeachment was not for sexual harassment. :eusa_doh:

Clinton was impeached for providing false testimony under oath and for obstructing justice. Special Report: Clinton Accused

In a sexual harassment case.

Newt did none of that, thus no glass houses/stone aspect.
He was guilty for lying, nothing more.

He is not running for president.

Bill is more popular than Donnie and that won't change.

Hil's campaign attacks on Women and Trump will end Donnie.

easy made some fine points about Hillary. YOu addressed none of them. And just repeated your position.

That is the Logical Fallacy of Argument by Assertion.

Your argument is thus invalid.

Here are Easy's points which you were completely unable to address.

"Hillary is / was his facilitator, enabler, and defender, much like how she defended the pedophile who raped the little girl years ago.

She spent much of her life defending that POS while demonizing, attacking, threatening, intimidating, and silencing her husband's victims and the rest of the time doing anything to make a personal profit and attain more power. "
easyt and Correll don't get attacking Bill does not help Trump in the slightest.

She is going to go right after Trump, and that is where your defense should be.
easyt and Correll don't get attacking Bill does not help Trump in the slightest.

She is going to go right after Trump, and that is where your defense should be.

Hillary is going after Trump with the Woman Card.

Pointing out HIllary's history with supporting her husband's abuse of women is going to be a fine defense.
LOL. You mean like Newt Gingrich, who was boffing Calista, his own whore behind wife #2's back at the same time going after Clinton, who was being impeached?

Or did you mean Dennis Hastert, who, (after Newt had to resign his Speaker gig) was found out to have molested boys in his past, but had no problems spewing his own hypocrisy? :eusa_whistle:

Sorry, nothing in your post actually addressed anything in mine.

I will repost so that you can try again.

Feel free to repost your, "mmm, points" with more explanation as to how they address my post, or to change your mind and try something... better.

Monica was an unpaid intern.

If Bill had been a Republican, you libs and your "feminist" allies would have mobbed the White HOuse demanding his head

LOL... b4 you go assuming anything, i'll let you in on a little secret. I didn't vote for Bill Clinton. I do however, take issue with the hypocrisy of the <ahem> 'men' I mentioned. You know... the Speaker & the Senator from the 'family values' party? From your statement, it's a safe bet I've voted for more Republicans than you have voted Democratic; so save whatever 'mmm points' you think you might have.

Not sure I take your meaning.

What did Newt's failed marriages have to do with Bill Clinton's sexual harassment case?

I am talking about impeaching Clinton for getting a BJ in the Whitehouse & the attempted tar & feathering he got from Newt Gingrich (who was cheating at the same time he wagged his stubby little sausage fingers) & forget about Hastert...

The powers that be LOVE to throw stones don't they?

The impeachment was for sexual harassment and the abuse of power in the coverup of that harassment.

Unless Newt was sexually harassing his staff AND abusing his power to cover it up, there is not glass houses/stones aspect.

THe White HOUse BJ, was only relevant to that case in that it established a pattern of behavior, AND he abused his power to cover it up and perjured himself.

ho hum. Unethical is unethical & the abuse of power was not a one way street.
Ethics Scandal
Gingrich's accomplishments were not without controversy. His popularity began to decline amidst partial government shutdowns in 1995. Gingrich was widely blamed for the shutdowns, after he had refused to compromise with President Clinton on budget cuts.

Ethical considerations were at the heart of much criticism of the speaker. In 1995, he returned a $4.5 million book advance that the House Ethics Committee had questioned. Another ethics investigation arose about whether Gingrich had used tax-exempt donations to fund a college course he had taught while serving in Congress. Gingrich negotiated an agreement with the House Ethics Committee, and he payed $300,000 for the cost of the investigation. The House voted to reprimand him by a vote of 395 to 28. In 1997, Gingrich was narrowly re-elected.

In 1998, a scandal broke that would have a big impact on Gingrich's career. Clinton was alleged to have lied before a federal grand jury about his extramarital affair with White House intern Monica Lewinsky. Gingrich pushed for impeachment, and for Clinton's removal from office. Congressional hearings and a media frenzy created a backlash against Republicans, as many voters felt they had gone too far.

In the 1998 midterm elections, Republicans lost five seats to Democrats. The tides had turned against Gingrich, and even members of his own party were critical of the speaker's tactics and the image he projected of the Republican party. In November 1998, Gingrich stepped down as speaker of the House. In January 1999, he resigned his seat in Congress [...]

Gingrich Ok'd Use Of Charity Funds
Foundation Chief Says House Speaker Approved Payment For Tv Shows
November 23, 1996|By MICHAEL KRANISH The Boston Globe
WASHINGTON — House Speaker Newt Gingrich personally approved using funds from a charity called the Abraham Lincoln Opportunity Foundation, which was set up to help the needy, to pay for a series of Gingrich television shows in the early 1990s, according to the foundation's former director.

The activities of the nonprofit foundation have come under scrutiny from a special counsel investigating possible tax and campaign law violations by Gingrich for the House ethics committee.

The charity, which solicited tax-deductible donations, spent more than $200,000 to produce television shows for Gingrich, who has described the cable broadcasts as a vehicle to recruit Republican activists.

In an interview this week, Howard "Bo" Callaway, the former director of the Abraham Lincoln Opportunity Foundation, said Gingrich approved using foundation funds for the TV series. [...]

Gingrich Ok'd Use Of Charity Funds

& this might be tribblehead's VP pick. :lol: :itsok:
Correll simply keeps blathering.

Bill is not running for office, but Donnie is and he will be held to the test of truth.

The "Truth" is that HIllary's behavior in those coverups are relevant, especially when Hillary is trying to play the "Woman Card".

Your pretense that that is not true? That is you being a liar.

She doesn't have to 'play the woman's card' because last I heard, she is a woman. She was free to feel about the whole situation as she wished. Looking out for herself wasn't a stupid move at all. Besides, they are still married & both on their first marriage. Can't say that about the the GOP nominee. <snicker>

1. I didn't say she HAD to play the Woman Card. She has CHOSEN to play the Woman Card.

2. Of course she was free to feel how she wanted. Of course looking out for herself wasn't stupid.

But she looked out for herself by throwing her Husband's sexual harassment victims under the bus.

That is behavior that is relevant when she starts making accusations of sexism.

For nothing Trump has done is as bad as what she has done.

Tell that to Ivana. Tell that to the Trump University fraud victims.

Tell that to Vera Coking.

1. Gladly.

2. YOu want to start comparing past careers? That's another game that won't work for Mrs WhiteWater.

3. You want to start comparing past careers? That's another game that won't work for Thomas Alfred Taylor's lawyer.

you started the comparing deary. this thread was about trump, isn't it? I know I didn't bring Hillary up.
LOL. You mean like Newt Gingrich, who was boffing Calista, his own whore behind wife #2's back at the same time going after Clinton, who was being impeached?

Or did you mean Dennis Hastert, who, (after Newt had to resign his Speaker gig) was found out to have molested boys in his past, but had no problems spewing his own hypocrisy? :eusa_whistle:

Sorry, nothing in your post actually addressed anything in mine.

I will repost so that you can try again.

Feel free to repost your, "mmm, points" with more explanation as to how they address my post, or to change your mind and try something... better.

Monica was an unpaid intern.

If Bill had been a Republican, you libs and your "feminist" allies would have mobbed the White HOuse demanding his head

LOL... b4 you go assuming anything, i'll let you in on a little secret. I didn't vote for Bill Clinton. I do however, take issue with the hypocrisy of the <ahem> 'men' I mentioned. You know... the Speaker & the Senator from the 'family values' party? From your statement, it's a safe bet I've voted for more Republicans than you have voted Democratic; so save whatever 'mmm points' you think you might have.

Not sure I take your meaning.

What did Newt's failed marriages have to do with Bill Clinton's sexual harassment case?

I am talking about impeaching Clinton for getting a BJ in the Whitehouse & the attempted tar & feathering he got from Newt Gingrich (who was cheating at the same time he wagged his stubby little sausage fingers) & forget about Hastert...

The powers that be LOVE to throw stones don't they?

That shit is so old it is hardened and fuzzy that Clinton got impeached for getting blow jobs. It's because he lied.

And for all of his lies his law license was suspended as well.



And he was still elected for a 2nd time too. Funny that.
Correll simply keeps blathering.

Bill is not running for office, but Donnie is and he will be held to the test of truth.

The "Truth" is that HIllary's behavior in those coverups are relevant, especially when Hillary is trying to play the "Woman Card".

Your pretense that that is not true? That is you being a liar.

She doesn't have to 'play the woman's card' because last I heard, she is a woman. She was free to feel about the whole situation as she wished. Looking out for herself wasn't a stupid move at all. Besides, they are still married & both on their first marriage. Can't say that about the the GOP nominee. <snicker>

1. I didn't say she HAD to play the Woman Card. She has CHOSEN to play the Woman Card.

2. Of course she was free to feel how she wanted. Of course looking out for herself wasn't stupid.

But she looked out for herself by throwing her Husband's sexual harassment victims under the bus.

That is behavior that is relevant when she starts making accusations of sexism.

For nothing Trump has done is as bad as what she has done.

Tell that to Ivana. Tell that to the Trump University fraud victims.

Tell that to Vera Coking.

Surpise, surprise, surprise! His ex wives are voting for him.


Money can do that to people... I wonder why Ivana is under a gag order & can't talk about their divorce decree. & his whore/wife #2 - Marla - who Trump publicly called her 'nice tits, no brains' can vote for anybody her little heart desires... :eusa_clap:
Clinton wasn't Impeached because of Lewinski. He was Impeached for unethical behavior, attempting to deny one of his victims of sexual harassment the right to a fair trial, for which he was found guilty of Contempt of Court & disbarred from practicing law in Arkansas.

He is a career sexual predator - sexual assaulter, sexual harasser, rapist, adulterer, and pedophile. He is also a pathelogical liar. He had no business representing this country, and neither does his coke-snorting, unethical, immoral, lying, lesbian wife.

Hillary is / was his facilitator, enabler, and defender, much like how she defended the pedophile who raped the little girl years ago.

She spent much of her life defending that POS while demonizing, attacking, threatening, intimidating, and silencing her husband's victims and the rest of the time doing anything to make a personal profit and attain more power. It is a shame she was not 'taken out' by that infamous 'sniper fire'.

The two of them are the Bonnie and Clyde of American politics, the worst couple to ever reach the WH, the worst in US history.


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