Trump cries when called out for attacking women

Still making up sh*t! Just like the lying pile of sh*t you are.
Nothing posted that is truthful.

It compares to the lying SH*T you make up about President Obama.

Jew York Slimes correspondent who wrote his piece against Trump is a gay advocate for the Muslim mosque to be built at ground zero and pro same sex marriage.

Meet fag Michael Barbaro.
Michael Barbaro

Michael Barbaro, Timothy Levin
Michael Christopher Barbaro and Timothy George Levin are to be married Sunday at their apartment in New York.
I only state facts about Obama. That's what good American patriots do.
Trump was never "called out for attacking women" but there are great photos, some turned into post cards, of Bill Clinton crying when he was caught with his pants down sexually abusing a young woman barely older than his daughter in the freaking Oval Office. The current presumed democrat nominee blamed the "vast right wing conspiracy" for the DNA on Monica's freaking dress.

This is in NO way a defense of Bill Clinton, but let's face the FACTS, shall we? Monica Lewinski was a 21 year old woman who in HER OWN words:

'...Maintaining that her affair with Clinton was one between two consenting adults, Lewinsky writes that it was the public humiliation she suffered in the wake of the scandal that permanently altered the direction of her life: “Sure, my boss took advantage of me, but I will always remain firm on this point: it was a consensual relationship. Any ‘abuse’ came in the aftermath, when I was made a scapegoat in order to protect his powerful position. . . . The Clinton administration, the special prosecutor’s minions, the political operatives on both sides of the aisle, and the media were able to brand me. And that brand stuck, in part because it was imbued with power.” [...]

Exclusive: Monica Lewinsky Writes About Her Affair with President Clinton

Whew. I feel better about knowing the truth... don't you?
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Bill and Mona were adults.

Trump is attack American women.
" Nobody has more respect for women than Donald Trump!" ~ Donald Trump. :bsflag:

Traipsing all around NYC with his (then) whore Marla, shoving his very public affair in the face of his wife - the mother of his children - is very respectful. :cuckoo:

His 3rd wifey-poo (anybody REALLY believe that it wasn't $$$ that bought her 'love' ?) confessed in a People Mag interview that the day they met, she knew tribblehead was on a date with another woman... but he didn't have any problems asking for her phone number. LOL!!!! yaaaaaa, I call that respectful to the woman he was already with. :laugh2:

Oh, & lest anyone think that if someone appears on Howard Stern as a regular guest over several years.... brags about his cheating.... loves to 'rate' women based on their looks alone... is a person that is respectful towards women.... are as delusional as him & ought to seek out help.

Donald Trump Said A Lot Of Gross Things About Women On “Howard Stern”

And the roots of Donald Trump’s rhetoric come, in fact, in part from The Howard Stern Show. Trump appeared upwards of two dozen times from the late ’90s through the 2000s with the shock jock, and BuzzFeed News has listened to hours of those conversations, which are not publically available. The most popular topic of conversation during these appearances, as is typical of Stern’s program, was sex. In particular, Trump frequently discussed women he had sex with, wanted to have sex with, or wouldn’t have sex with if given the opportunity. He also rated women on a 10-point scale.
A person who is very flat-chested is very hard to be a 10,” he told Stern in one typical exchange.
Trump has a history of making crude remarks toward women. He reportedly said of his ex-wife Marla Maples, “Nice breasts, no brains,” and more recently, he has called Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly a “bimbo” and a “lightweight” and said she had “blood coming out of her wherever” during the first GOP debate.

^^^ LOTS of undeniable audio clips available ^^^


Trump seemed to want to get off the wedding topic, so Howard asked him what he felt was his single greatest accomplishment in life. Trump said when he was married to Ivana he took the family skiing and put his then mistress Marla Maples up at a nearby resort so he could be with both women. Trump had successfully spent the vacation shuttling back and forth between the two girls until they somehow bumped into each. Then all hell broke loose. Trump said it was a big mountain and he never expected that to happen. The girls ended up screaming and yelling at each other over Trump and Donald said it was the worst day of his life. He was completely miserable until a bald, fat guy who was standing nearby while Ivana and Marla were fighting over Trump said he could have worse problems. Trump agreed with that!

Donald Trump is 'respectful' with women...... :lmao:
Jake there are no attacks on women in the article. Give it up! And his ex girlfriend is out today saying the NYT's lied.
Let's see how he behaves; if he does like a gentleman, he is home free, and you know it.

You would like for him to be a standard old school Republican, taking the bullshit "High Road" while you lefties wage a war of Personal Destruction on him in the media and social media. What you don't understand is that Trump's tactics are the ANSWER to your vile methods.
The hard right has been vile for decades, and you are bitching?

Nothing in your post addresses anything in my post. Please try again.

You would like for him to be a standard old school Republican, taking the bullshit "High Road" while you lefties wage a war of Personal Destruction on him in the media and social media. What you don't understand is that Trump's tactics are the ANSWER to your vile methods
Show exactly how I have not addressed your comments. I have and accurately dismissed them.

1. I made the claim that old school republicans would ignore personal attacks from the left, ie Take the High Road.

you did not address that.

2. I made the claim that "you lefties wage a war of personal destruction". You did not address that.

3. I made the claim that Trump's tactics are the ANSWER to your vile methods. You did not address that.

Dismissing something is not addressing it.

Demanding for me to support my claims?

Explaining why you think my claims are incorrect?

Posting links to historical examples that you think disprove my claims?

That would be actually ADDRESSING my post.

That fact that you don't understand the difference between "Addressing" something and "Dismissing" something goes a long way to explaining your delusions that you have "rebutted" or "proven conclusively" issues in the past.

YOur arrogance is both astounding and self serving.
Bill and Mona were adults.

Trump is attack American women.

Monica was an unpaid intern.

If Bill had been a Republican, you libs and your "feminist" allies would have mobbed the White HOuse demanding his head.
Trump was never "called out for attacking women" but there are great photos, some turned into post cards, of Bill Clinton crying when he was caught with his pants down sexually abusing a young woman barely older than his daughter in the freaking Oval Office. The current presumed democrat nominee blamed the "vast right wing conspiracy" for the DNA on Monica's freaking dress.

This is in NO way a defense of Bill Clinton, but let's face the FACTS, shall we? Monica Lewinski was a 21 year old woman who in HER OWN words:

'...Maintaining that her affair with Clinton was one between two consenting adults, Lewinsky writes that it was the public humiliation she suffered in the wake of the scandal that permanently altered the direction of her life: “Sure, my boss took advantage of me, but I will always remain firm on this point: it was a consensual relationship. Any ‘abuse’ came in the aftermath, when I was made a scapegoat in order to protect his powerful position. . . . The Clinton administration, the special prosecutor’s minions, the political operatives on both sides of the aisle, and the media were able to brand me. And that brand stuck, in part because it was imbued with power.” [...]

Exclusive: Monica Lewinsky Writes About Her Affair with President Clinton

Whew. I feel better about knowing the truth... don't you?

In her own words, "her boss, the most powerful man in the world, took advantage of her".

And then she was made into a scapegoat by "political operatives".

No one on the RIght was attacking her. They wanted to attack Bill. She was just portrayed, correctly as a young woman being "taken advantage" of by her boss, BILL CLINTON.

What was Hillary's role in scapegoating her?
You made silly claims, Correll, that need not rebuttals.

Let's see how Trump reacts to the opfor campaign ads.
Trump was never "called out for attacking women" but there are great photos, some turned into post cards, of Bill Clinton crying when he was caught with his pants down sexually abusing a young woman barely older than his daughter in the freaking Oval Office. The current presumed democrat nominee blamed the "vast right wing conspiracy" for the DNA on Monica's freaking dress.

This is in NO way a defense of Bill Clinton, but let's face the FACTS, shall we? Monica Lewinski was a 21 year old woman who in HER OWN words:

'...Maintaining that her affair with Clinton was one between two consenting adults, Lewinsky writes that it was the public humiliation she suffered in the wake of the scandal that permanently altered the direction of her life: “Sure, my boss took advantage of me, but I will always remain firm on this point: it was a consensual relationship. Any ‘abuse’ came in the aftermath, when I was made a scapegoat in order to protect his powerful position. . . . The Clinton administration, the special prosecutor’s minions, the political operatives on both sides of the aisle, and the media were able to brand me. And that brand stuck, in part because it was imbued with power.” [...]

Exclusive: Monica Lewinsky Writes About Her Affair with President Clinton

Whew. I feel better about knowing the truth... don't you?

In her own words, "her boss, the most powerful man in the world, took advantage of her".

And then she was made into a scapegoat by "political operatives".

No one on the RIght was attacking her. They wanted to attack Bill. She was just portrayed, correctly as a young woman being "taken advantage" of by her boss, BILL CLINTON.

What was Hillary's role in scapegoating her?

You forgot this part:

but I will always remain firm on this point: it was a consensual relationship.

That is the most important part. As for Hillary... I don't think her not taking the side of the woman who her husband slept with is odd. why would you?
Bill and Mona were adults.

Trump is attack American women.

Monica was an unpaid intern.

If Bill had been a Republican, you libs and your "feminist" allies would have mobbed the White HOuse demanding his head.

LOL. You mean like Newt Gingrich, who was boffing Calista, his own whore behind wife #2's back at the same time going after Clinton, who was being impeached?

Or did you mean Dennis Hastert, who, (after Newt had to resign his Speaker gig) was found out to have molested boys in his past, but had no problems spewing his own hypocrisy? :eusa_whistle:
You made silly claims, Correll, that need not rebuttals.

Let's see how Trump reacts to the opfor campaign ads.

Calling them silly is not addressing them either.

There is, of course, nothing stopping you from making these nonsensical statements, and then acting as though they are true or factual.

BUT, when you act that way and use it is a basis to be a rude asshole, such as calling me names, or refusing to defend your arguments, but constantly reasserting them,

Don't act surprised or pretend to the aggrieved party, when I respond in kind, or call you on your lies.
Trump was never "called out for attacking women" but there are great photos, some turned into post cards, of Bill Clinton crying when he was caught with his pants down sexually abusing a young woman barely older than his daughter in the freaking Oval Office. The current presumed democrat nominee blamed the "vast right wing conspiracy" for the DNA on Monica's freaking dress.

This is in NO way a defense of Bill Clinton, but let's face the FACTS, shall we? Monica Lewinski was a 21 year old woman who in HER OWN words:

'...Maintaining that her affair with Clinton was one between two consenting adults, Lewinsky writes that it was the public humiliation she suffered in the wake of the scandal that permanently altered the direction of her life: “Sure, my boss took advantage of me, but I will always remain firm on this point: it was a consensual relationship. Any ‘abuse’ came in the aftermath, when I was made a scapegoat in order to protect his powerful position. . . . The Clinton administration, the special prosecutor’s minions, the political operatives on both sides of the aisle, and the media were able to brand me. And that brand stuck, in part because it was imbued with power.” [...]

Exclusive: Monica Lewinsky Writes About Her Affair with President Clinton

Whew. I feel better about knowing the truth... don't you?

In her own words, "her boss, the most powerful man in the world, took advantage of her".

And then she was made into a scapegoat by "political operatives".

No one on the RIght was attacking her. They wanted to attack Bill. She was just portrayed, correctly as a young woman being "taken advantage" of by her boss, BILL CLINTON.

What was Hillary's role in scapegoating her?

You forgot this part:

but I will always remain firm on this point: it was a consensual relationship.

That is the most important part. As for Hillary... I don't think her not taking the side of the woman who her husband slept with is odd. why would you?

i did not forget that part.

It is not the most important part. Well, it would be the most important part IF we were accusing Bill of raping her.

Which we are not.

We are accusing him of taking advantage of her.

And HIllary of being part of the scapegoating of the girl in the adulterous affair.

And no. l don't think that it is odd that she didn't take the side of the girl her husband took advantage of.

BUT, in doing so, she forfeited any credibility for any claim she makes to be a feminist or the one the side of women.
Bill and Mona were adults.

Trump is attack American women.

Monica was an unpaid intern.

If Bill had been a Republican, you libs and your "feminist" allies would have mobbed the White HOuse demanding his head.

LOL. You mean like Newt Gingrich, who was boffing Calista, his own whore behind wife #2's back at the same time going after Clinton, who was being impeached?

Or did you mean Dennis Hastert, who, (after Newt had to resign his Speaker gig) was found out to have molested boys in his past, but had no problems spewing his own hypocrisy? :eusa_whistle:
Wasn't there a proposed House Speaker between the adulterer Newt and the kid molester Hastert who had to bug out when it was learned he was an adulterer too, and in the process knocked up the girlfriend and broke up her marriage in the process? I remember the husband being pissed off about the whole sleazy affair. What was the Republican's name?
Bill and Mona were adults.

Trump is attack American women.

Monica was an unpaid intern.

If Bill had been a Republican, you libs and your "feminist" allies would have mobbed the White HOuse demanding his head.

LOL. You mean like Newt Gingrich, who was boffing Calista, his own whore behind wife #2's back at the same time going after Clinton, who was being impeached?

Or did you mean Dennis Hastert, who, (after Newt had to resign his Speaker gig) was found out to have molested boys in his past, but had no problems spewing his own hypocrisy? :eusa_whistle:

Sorry, nothing in your post actually addressed anything in mine.

I will repost so that you can try again.

Feel free to repost your, "mmm, points" with more explanation as to how they address my post, or to change your mind and try something... better.

Monica was an unpaid intern.

If Bill had been a Republican, you libs and your "feminist" allies would have mobbed the White HOuse demanding his head
Correll simply keeps blathering.

Bill is not running for office, but Donnie is and he will be held to the test of truth.
Monica as an adult, Correll, run along, and Bill is not running.
Correll simply keeps blathering.

Bill is not running for office, but Donnie is and he will be held to the test of truth.

The "Truth" is that HIllary's behavior in those coverups are relevant, especially when Hillary is trying to play the "Woman Card".

Your pretense that that is not true? That is you being a liar.
Monica as an adult, Correll, run along, and Bill is not running.

1. Never claimed that she wasn't.

2. Her being an adult, doesn't make what her boss did right.

3. HIllary was not an innocent bystander or a victim.

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