Trump criticizes McMaster on his Russian comments

There's a ton of compelling evidence that continues to grow. Everyone who is not a trumptard sees it.

Only compelling when you are in the choir ready to be preached to.

You morons will believe anything as long as it's along the lines "Hurr Durr, Trump bad, Hurr Durr Durr"

Yes, morons. Trump's own appointees are all telling you you're dumb as shit.


Like I said. You have nothing to add but nuh uh.


And you have nothing to add but ITS COMING ITS COMING ITS COMING FUH FUH FUH.

you have nothing but maybe supposed to kind of going to can probably sort of happen, based on small snippets of leaked information and the basic information required to be released in an indictment.

It's ongoing, dope.
I suspect that even you can see the significance of the latest indictments but remain compelled to run interference.
Only compelling when you are in the choir ready to be preached to.

You morons will believe anything as long as it's along the lines "Hurr Durr, Trump bad, Hurr Durr Durr"

Yes, morons. Trump's own appointees are all telling you you're dumb as shit.


Like I said. You have nothing to add but nuh uh.


And you have nothing to add but ITS COMING ITS COMING ITS COMING FUH FUH FUH.

you have nothing but maybe supposed to kind of going to can probably sort of happen, based on small snippets of leaked information and the basic information required to be released in an indictment.

It's ongoing, dope.
I suspect that even you can see the significance of the latest indictments but remain compelled to run interference.


And pffftt is not nuh uh, its far more dismissive.
Only compelling when you are in the choir ready to be preached to.

You morons will believe anything as long as it's along the lines "Hurr Durr, Trump bad, Hurr Durr Durr"

Yes, morons. Trump's own appointees are all telling you you're dumb as shit.


Like I said. You have nothing to add but nuh uh.


And you have nothing to add but ITS COMING ITS COMING ITS COMING FUH FUH FUH.

you have nothing but maybe supposed to kind of going to can probably sort of happen, based on small snippets of leaked information and the basic information required to be released in an indictment.

It's ongoing, dope.
I suspect that even you can see the significance of the latest indictments but remain compelled to run interference.

Even in the Middle of Watergate, Nixon Supporters Still Supported Nixon
Five indictments to be exact. Four of which are about to be guilty pleas.

More to come.

I notice you didn't counter the meat of my statement.

There was no meat. Your statement is woefully ignorant.

What parts were wrong?

The part where you claim the indictments are all for false statements.

Which of the non-russian indictments are for something else?

Ah yes the identity fraud and foreign agent charges that have nothing to do with Trump.....

Mueller established a crime had been committed. He named the foreign nationals involved. He will now establish whether American citizens were complicit. He is methodically moving up the chain as he gains more guilty pleas. Flip...Flip...Flip
I notice you didn't counter the meat of my statement.

There was no meat. Your statement is woefully ignorant.

What parts were wrong?

The part where you claim the indictments are all for false statements.

Which of the non-russian indictments are for something else?

Ah yes the identity fraud and foreign agent charges that have nothing to do with Trump.....

Mueller established a crime had been committed. He named the foreign nationals involved. He will now establish whether American citizens were complicit. He is methodically moving up the chain as he gains more guilty pleas. Flip...Flip...Flip

Considering he even admitted that the people related to the indicted russians did not know they were dealing with foreign nationals, where is that drip going?

There was no meat. Your statement is woefully ignorant.

What parts were wrong?

The part where you claim the indictments are all for false statements.

Which of the non-russian indictments are for something else?

Ah yes the identity fraud and foreign agent charges that have nothing to do with Trump.....

Mueller established a crime had been committed. He named the foreign nationals involved. He will now establish whether American citizens were complicit. He is methodically moving up the chain as he gains more guilty pleas. Flip...Flip...Flip

Considering he even admitted that the people related to the indicted russians did not know they were dealing with foreign nationals, where is that drip going?


Yes, in that indictment. They were oddly specific on that point.

We're up to almost a score of indictments now with two, possibly three, guilty pleas.

It may not be at a Watergate level yet, but you can't keep dismissing each new guilty plea or indictment as "nothing". The dozen or so Benghazi hearings were nothing after the first one. This is definitely something.
There's a ton of compelling evidence that continues to grow. Everyone who is not a trumptard sees it.

Only compelling when you are in the choir ready to be preached to.

You morons will believe anything as long as it's along the lines "Hurr Durr, Trump bad, Hurr Durr Durr"

Yes, morons. Trump's own appointees are all telling you you're dumb as shit.


Like I said. You have nothing to add but nuh uh.


And you have nothing to add but ITS COMING ITS COMING ITS COMING FUH FUH FUH.

you have nothing but maybe supposed to kind of going to can probably sort of happen, based on small snippets of leaked information and the basic information required to be released in an indictment.

Um...things do keep coming. (Things being guilty pleas)
Trump criticizes national security advisor HR McMaster's comments about Russian meddling in 2016

Just how far will Trump go in his defense of Putin and Russia. The man is a sociopathic lunatic! Everything has got to be all about him. He won...He didn't collude. He is very rich. He is very smart. He has big hands.

Looks to me like President Twitter was just expanding upon McMasters comments in typical clumsy Trumpian Fashion, what he said didn't have anything to do with defending Russia or Putin, he was just repeating what Rosenstein said regarding the content of the indictments.

Sorry but that is not what Rosenstein said. Rosenstein said that there is no allegations at this time.

Trump said : "General McMaster forgot to say that the results of the 2016 election were not impacted or changed by the Russians."
Uh-huh, as I posted IN TYPICAL CLUMSY TRUMPIAN FASHION , when interpreting President Twitters responses to ANYTHING one must first subtract all expectations of perfectly candid and then add 45 doses of exaggeration.

The point was that the OP in it's typical disingenuous fashion attempted to morph this into a defense of Russia and Putin, which it wasn't.

The difference is time...
Yeah thanks Kreskin, you'll have to forgive my skepticism regarding your powers of clairvoyance but I prefer to await for the official results of the investigation rather than taking your word for it. :rolleyes:
It is all part of Trump alternate facts

As long as he keeps repeating them, they are real in his world

And as long as people with TDS still fixate on Russia, things like fixing the Miss Universe pageant, his supposed flings with playmates and porn starts, they will continue to be ignored by everyone else.

Plus, if they ever actually get something on him, it will be ignored in a sea of half truth accusations from nameless sources.

You are the one who has TDS. It causes you to say stupid things in defense of Trump.
Only compelling when you are in the choir ready to be preached to.

You morons will believe anything as long as it's along the lines "Hurr Durr, Trump bad, Hurr Durr Durr"

Yes, morons. Trump's own appointees are all telling you you're dumb as shit.


Like I said. You have nothing to add but nuh uh.


And you have nothing to add but ITS COMING ITS COMING ITS COMING FUH FUH FUH.

you have nothing but maybe supposed to kind of going to can probably sort of happen, based on small snippets of leaked information and the basic information required to be released in an indictment.

Um...things do keep coming. (Things being guilty pleas)

and those pleas relate to Trump how?
Trump criticizes national security advisor HR McMaster's comments about Russian meddling in 2016

Just how far will Trump go in his defense of Putin and Russia. The man is a sociopathic lunatic! Everything has got to be all about him. He won...He didn't collude. He is very rich. He is very smart. He has big hands.


and also:

This is the first McMaster thread I have seen

The names change, the date changes, the overall concept of the threads remain the same.

1. Hurr Durr Russia Russia Russia
2. Add a recent twist to the existing derpitude.
3. Hurr Durr THIS PROVES EVERYTHING hurr durr durr.

Everything has already been proven. You keep sitting there with hands over your eyes, thumbs in your ears singing “lalalalala I can’t hear you”.

But neither Trump’s denials, or your refusal to acknowledge the truth will change the facts or what is about to happen to the traitorous fool you elected.

And yet no actual indictments on any actual interference, just on things like lying to investigators, wire fraud, and false ID use.

But keep believing the bullshit being pressed onto you, and keep ranting about it. What's going to happen is if anything actually provable came out about Trump it's going to get lost in all this bullshit "the resistance" has been blathering about.

You think wire fraud is a parking ticket? Try it and you will find out wire fraud is no picnic.
It is all part of Trump alternate facts

As long as he keeps repeating them, they are real in his world

And as long as people with TDS still fixate on Russia, things like fixing the Miss Universe pageant, his supposed flings with playmates and porn starts, they will continue to be ignored by everyone else.

Plus, if they ever actually get something on him, it will be ignored in a sea of half truth accusations from nameless sources.

You are the one who has TDS. It causes you to say stupid things in defense of Trump.

Lol, nice try at a "turn-around"

Come back when you have something of merit to add.

and also:

This is the first McMaster thread I have seen

The names change, the date changes, the overall concept of the threads remain the same.

1. Hurr Durr Russia Russia Russia
2. Add a recent twist to the existing derpitude.
3. Hurr Durr THIS PROVES EVERYTHING hurr durr durr.

Everything has already been proven. You keep sitting there with hands over your eyes, thumbs in your ears singing “lalalalala I can’t hear you”.

But neither Trump’s denials, or your refusal to acknowledge the truth will change the facts or what is about to happen to the traitorous fool you elected.

And yet no actual indictments on any actual interference, just on things like lying to investigators, wire fraud, and false ID use.

But keep believing the bullshit being pressed onto you, and keep ranting about it. What's going to happen is if anything actually provable came out about Trump it's going to get lost in all this bullshit "the resistance" has been blathering about.

You think wire fraud is a parking ticket? Try it and you will find out wire fraud is no picnic.

And how does this relate to Trump and your idiotic quest to get him impeached?
The names change, the date changes, the overall concept of the threads remain the same.

1. Hurr Durr Russia Russia Russia
2. Add a recent twist to the existing derpitude.
3. Hurr Durr THIS PROVES EVERYTHING hurr durr durr.

Everything has already been proven. You keep sitting there with hands over your eyes, thumbs in your ears singing “lalalalala I can’t hear you”.

But neither Trump’s denials, or your refusal to acknowledge the truth will change the facts or what is about to happen to the traitorous fool you elected.

And yet no actual indictments on any actual interference, just on things like lying to investigators, wire fraud, and false ID use.

But keep believing the bullshit being pressed onto you, and keep ranting about it. What's going to happen is if anything actually provable came out about Trump it's going to get lost in all this bullshit "the resistance" has been blathering about.
Our President has been claiming that Rusxian involvement is a "hoax"
These indictments show it is not

These are the first indictments.....nobody is claiming they are the last

A year later all you have is indictments for false statements with no further connection up to Trump, and 12 Russians who you will never see in a courtroom.

Five indictments to be exact. Four of which are about to be guilty pleas.

More to come.
Five indictments to be exact. Four of which are about to be guilty pleas.

More to come.


Make that six with five guilty pleas.
That's about all the response your "evidence" warrants.

The best thing about it is that if you idiots actually did uncover something substantial no one would believe it because of the constant stream of bullshit being foisted on everyone.

The Progs who cried wolf.... Lol.

After the last round of indictments, only an idiot wouldn't see the substantive case Mueller is putting together. Even Trump went in to a twitter rage over it.

Trump goes into a twitter "rage" about everything. It's all part of the game.

Lol, substantive case....

A game he's losing. Bigly.

You people are fucking moonbats.

Who first told you about this wacko TrumPutin conspiracy theory you so ardently adhere to, and why the fuck did you believe them? Did they show you any sort of compelling evidence whatsoever?

What's up with that?

There's a ton of compelling evidence that continues to grow. Everyone who is not a trumptard sees it.
Well.... if there is a whole tonne of compelling evidence to support the TrumPutin conspiracy theory, as you claim, then why can't you post a few picograms of it? You seem to be purposefully dodging the question.

And BTW, you are dodging the first question too. Who first told you about this TrumPutin conspiracy theory, and why did you believe them? Did you first hear about the TPCT on the radio or TV? On a messageboard like this one? On somebody's blog? From somebody's dog? In a barrel of grog? Or what?

Where did you come up with the bullshit you are bleating at USMB?
After the last round of indictments, only an idiot wouldn't see the substantive case Mueller is putting together. Even Trump went in to a twitter rage over it.

Trump goes into a twitter "rage" about everything. It's all part of the game.

Lol, substantive case....

A game he's losing. Bigly.

You people are fucking moonbats.

Who first told you about this wacko TrumPutin conspiracy theory you so ardently adhere to, and why the fuck did you believe them? Did they show you any sort of compelling evidence whatsoever?

What's up with that?

There's a ton of compelling evidence that continues to grow. Everyone who is not a trumptard sees it.
Well.... if there is a whole tonne of compelling evidence to support the TrumPutin conspiracy theory, as you claim, then why can't you post a few picograms of it? You seem to be purposefully dodging the question.

And BTW, you are dodging the first question too. Who first told you about this TrumPutin conspiracy theory, and why did you believe them? Did you first hear about the TPCT on the radio or TV? On a messageboard like this one? On somebody's blog? From somebody's dog? In a barrel of grog? Or what?

Where did you come up with the bullshit you are bleating at USMB?

Start with the fact that Putin ordered this operation with the purpose of assisting Trump. Work your way through the timeline from there.
Everything has already been proven. You keep sitting there with hands over your eyes, thumbs in your ears singing “lalalalala I can’t hear you”.

But neither Trump’s denials, or your refusal to acknowledge the truth will change the facts or what is about to happen to the traitorous fool you elected.

And yet no actual indictments on any actual interference, just on things like lying to investigators, wire fraud, and false ID use.

But keep believing the bullshit being pressed onto you, and keep ranting about it. What's going to happen is if anything actually provable came out about Trump it's going to get lost in all this bullshit "the resistance" has been blathering about.
Our President has been claiming that Rusxian involvement is a "hoax"
These indictments show it is not

These are the first indictments.....nobody is claiming they are the last

A year later all you have is indictments for false statements with no further connection up to Trump, and 12 Russians who you will never see in a courtroom.

Five indictments to be exact. Four of which are about to be guilty pleas.

More to come.
Five indictments to be exact. Four of which are about to be guilty pleas.

More to come.


Make that six with five guilty pleas.

Trump goes into a twitter "rage" about everything. It's all part of the game.

Lol, substantive case....

A game he's losing. Bigly.

You people are fucking moonbats.

Who first told you about this wacko TrumPutin conspiracy theory you so ardently adhere to, and why the fuck did you believe them? Did they show you any sort of compelling evidence whatsoever?

What's up with that?

There's a ton of compelling evidence that continues to grow. Everyone who is not a trumptard sees it.
Well.... if there is a whole tonne of compelling evidence to support the TrumPutin conspiracy theory, as you claim, then why can't you post a few picograms of it? You seem to be purposefully dodging the question.

And BTW, you are dodging the first question too. Who first told you about this TrumPutin conspiracy theory, and why did you believe them? Did you first hear about the TPCT on the radio or TV? On a messageboard like this one? On somebody's blog? From somebody's dog? In a barrel of grog? Or what?

Where did you come up with the bullshit you are bleating at USMB?

Start with the fact that Putin ordered this operation with the purpose of assisting Trump. Work your way through the timeline from there.

And your proof of that is?????

A game he's losing. Bigly.

You people are fucking moonbats.

Who first told you about this wacko TrumPutin conspiracy theory you so ardently adhere to, and why the fuck did you believe them? Did they show you any sort of compelling evidence whatsoever?

What's up with that?

There's a ton of compelling evidence that continues to grow. Everyone who is not a trumptard sees it.
Well.... if there is a whole tonne of compelling evidence to support the TrumPutin conspiracy theory, as you claim, then why can't you post a few picograms of it? You seem to be purposefully dodging the question.

And BTW, you are dodging the first question too. Who first told you about this TrumPutin conspiracy theory, and why did you believe them? Did you first hear about the TPCT on the radio or TV? On a messageboard like this one? On somebody's blog? From somebody's dog? In a barrel of grog? Or what?

Where did you come up with the bullshit you are bleating at USMB?

Start with the fact that Putin ordered this operation with the purpose of assisting Trump. Work your way through the timeline from there.

And your proof of that is?????


And your proof of that is?????

The intelligence assessment from over a year ago, dope. The same assessment that Trump's own Intel chiefs said remains unchanged during their testifimony just last week.

You don't even know the very basics, loser.

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