Trump criticizes SC decision on homosexual "marriage" promises to appoint judges that will overturn!

Trump criticizes Supreme Court for same-sex marriage decision
All ya need is ONE libtard judge to retire maybe that jewess Ginsberg!? This will help him with more conservative folks and people that know this is an issue for the states.

Hate to throw water on your fire here, But Trump doesn't do the U.S. Supreme court appointing--the U.S. Senate does that and DEMOCRATS do exist--and (forever) like abortion and now Gay Marriage they don't give litmus tests to court appointees on these type issues. Including Republican administrations.

How STUPID are these people. They don't even know basic civics.

Bullshit, Democrats have a litmus test for every judge they appoint. They ALL have to be pro abortion.
'Trump criticizes SC decision on homosexual "marriage" promises to appoint judges that will overturn!'

All the more reason to vote against Trump.

And Trump isn't alone – the other GOP candidates are likewise hostile to the equal protection rights of gay Americans.
Gays (more correctly called 'queers") are nor entitled to equal protection, simply becasue they are NOT EQUAL (of course not, they're gay)

PS - If C_Clayton_Jones is against Trump, all the more reason to vote FOR him.
Trump criticizes Supreme Court for same-sex marriage decision
All ya need is ONE libtard judge to retire maybe that jewess Ginsberg!? This will help him with more conservative folks and people that know this is an issue for the states.

Hate to throw water on your fire here, But Trump doesn't do the U.S. Supreme court appointing--the U.S. Senate does that and DEMOCRATS do exist--and (forever) like abortion and now Gay Marriage they don't give litmus tests to court appointees on these type issues. Including Republican administrations.

How STUPID are these people. They don't even know basic civics.

President picks his candidate then they are confirmed by senate. I know how shit works idiot.
I think its a great move. A LOT of people don't think he is socially conservative enough....I had no worries especially when the ONLY thing he can about this is appoint a justice to the court..what they do then is up to them.
A 'lot of people' are wrong.

And as already correctly noted: it's a moronic move, Trump further reaffirms the fact that the social right has too much control over the GOP, that most republicans are hostile to the protected liberties of all Americans, and that if elected a republican president would pursue an authoritarian agenda seeking to violate the civil rights of women, gay Americans, and others perceived to be 'different.'

According to you the Constitution says whatever the Supreme Court decides it says. If some Trump appointed judges rule that homosexual marriage is not a constitutional right, who are you to argue with them?

"According to you the Constitution says whatever the Supreme Court decides it says. If some Trump appointed judges rule that homosexual marriage is not a constitutional right, who are you to argue with them?" - bripat

Well, isn't that what you are doing now? Who are you to say homosexual marriage is not a constitutional right, who are you to argue with them?
You left yourself wide open, numb nuts. :laugh:

I don't claim the Supreme Court is the ultimate arbiter of the Constitution as nimrods like Clayton do. Marriage isn't a constitutional right, so how can homosexual marriage one?

I didn't leave myself open at all. You are simply too stupid to understand my point.
I think its a great move. A LOT of people don't think he is socially conservative enough....I had no worries especially when the ONLY thing he can about this is appoint a justice to the court..what they do then is up to them.
A 'lot of people' are wrong.

And as already correctly noted: it's a moronic move, Trump further reaffirms the fact that the social right has too much control over the GOP, that most republicans are hostile to the protected liberties of all Americans, and that if elected a republican president would pursue an authoritarian agenda seeking to violate the civil rights of women, gay Americans, and others perceived to be 'different.'

According to you the Constitution says whatever the Supreme Court decides it says. If some Trump appointed judges rule that homosexual marriage is not a constitutional right, who are you to argue with them?

"According to you the Constitution says whatever the Supreme Court decides it says. If some Trump appointed judges rule that homosexual marriage is not a constitutional right, who are you to argue with them?" - bripat

Well, isn't that what you are doing now? Who are you to say homosexual marriage is not a constitutional right, who are you to argue with them?
You left yourself wide open, numb nuts. :laugh:

I don't claim the Supreme Court is the ultimate arbiter of the Constitution as nimrods like Clayton do. Marriage isn't a constitutional right, so how can homosexual marriage one?

I didn't leave myself open at all. You are simply too stupid to understand my point.[/QUOTE

The U.S. Supreme court is the LAW of the land--what they decide, you're not going to argue with. Abortion has been around for 44 years for a reason. It's survived several Republican administrations, including a full house--and nothing changed. It's because Administrations, including Republican administrations REFUSE to give Court nominees a litmus test on social issues.

These nominees have to pass the scrutiny of both Democrats and Republicans in the Senate to ever make it to the U.S. Supreme Court.

Your social issues are killing party. Not everyone agrees with you, and you are the minority in this country.

And very good article on this is here.

Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing
I think its a great move. A LOT of people don't think he is socially conservative enough....I had no worries especially when the ONLY thing he can about this is appoint a justice to the court..what they do then is up to them.
A 'lot of people' are wrong.

And as already correctly noted: it's a moronic move, Trump further reaffirms the fact that the social right has too much control over the GOP, that most republicans are hostile to the protected liberties of all Americans, and that if elected a republican president would pursue an authoritarian agenda seeking to violate the civil rights of women, gay Americans, and others perceived to be 'different.'

According to you the Constitution says whatever the Supreme Court decides it says. If some Trump appointed judges rule that homosexual marriage is not a constitutional right, who are you to argue with them?

"According to you the Constitution says whatever the Supreme Court decides it says. If some Trump appointed judges rule that homosexual marriage is not a constitutional right, who are you to argue with them?" - bripat

Well, isn't that what you are doing now? Who are you to say homosexual marriage is not a constitutional right, who are you to argue with them?
You left yourself wide open, numb nuts. :laugh:

I don't claim the Supreme Court is the ultimate arbiter of the Constitution as nimrods like Clayton do. Marriage isn't a constitutional right, so how can homosexual marriage one?

I didn't leave myself open at all. You are simply too stupid to understand my point.

The U.S. Supreme court has decided in favor of Gay Marriage. It's over. Roe v Wade has been around for 44 years--we've had several Republican administrations, and one full house during these last decades and nothing has changed--no matter how much people scream about it.

REASON: All administrations, including Republican administrations REFUSE to give a litmus test on social issues to U.S. Supreme court nominees. Then the Senate--both Democrat & Republicans will vote for the Court appointee. Democrats would never vote for any nominee that made a decision against abortion or gay marriage.

That's why Gay Marriage and Roe V Wade will never be overturned.

Trump making a ridiculous claim like this is just for votes, and it only works on very stupid people.

Not everyone agrees with the Reich wing of the party, and you are outnumbered by the majority as you are the minority in this country.

Continually bringing or campaigning on already settled U.S. Supreme Court issues (Roe v Wade, Gay rights--aka Social issues is the demise of the Republican party), and it is what cost Republicans the election in 2012.

You need to stay out of people's personal private lives. Already settled U.S. Supreme court issues--do not belong anywhere on a political platform.

Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump
How women ruled the 2012 election and where the GOP went wrong -

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In most election years the voters drive the GOP pretenders to the extreme right then they have trouble tacking back to the center for the General. Nice of Donald to go full retard on his own.

Hillary just strengthened her hand with independents and the crucial women's vote.
Is anyone with 'mental disease' a threat to civilized society?
If its sole goal is the destruction of the family unit the indoctrination to open children up to "alternative lifestyles" to FORCE businesses to suit YOUR NEEDS and not follow their faith then yes they are a threat to civilized society.
The family unit is a construct that is in constant flux, but has always survived. Children will survive better than old fuddyduddiescsuch as you and your delicate sensibilities seem to have. And businesses are businesses, not arbiters of personal conduct.
Nope not a construct its quite simple. 1 mom 1 father and kids. Maybe a pooch or cat. Oh and faggots are people not dictators who get to dictate what someone's religion is and what parts they can use to deny them service the fags need to act like ADULTS and move along and find someone who wants their money.
Who has been caused to alter or abandon their religion due to unwarranted pressure from homosexuals? What form does this repression take?

The family unit was once father, mother, offspring, grandparents, uncles and aunts. Then a little thing called the Industrial Revolution happened and the Extended Family died to be replaced by the Nuclear Family. A constant state of flux. Your grasp of history is predictably weak.

And must you disrespect someone's sexuality? Has anyone disrespected yours, or are you really that immature? I'm guessing it's the latter rather than the former.
Really numb nuts? Oregon Bakers? Washington Florist? There were more I am trying to remember.Attacked for their religious objections. Its funny people used religious objections to joining the military but when it comes to faggots they can't. Just amazing. I am a NORMAL human being I am what nature INTENDED not a degenerate sexual pervert.
None of those merchants were attacked. Check your hyperbole at the door. Those merchants were approached by paying customers who desired the same high level of service every other customer receives. None of those merchants were forced, cajoled or threatened out of their churches.

And those churches are not Christian churches, they are places that twist and distort Christianity to serve an evil purpose. Those adherents to such churches are directly analogous to the Taliban. When 'faith' is used as a bludgeoning device, it no longer can be regarded as faith. Rather it can be regarded as blind, stupid hatred.

And, in my humble opinion, you are not normal but anchored in unrefined stupidity andf blind hatred.
Cry more. You show me WHERE homosexuality was found to be anything BUT a mental disorder when it was taken off the list of mental disorders. I can wait. You won't find it because its not there. It was VOTED ON! That's it.

In a review of published studies comparing homosexual and heterosexual samples on psychological tests, Gonsiorek (1982) found that, although some differences have been observed in test results between homosexuals and heterosexuals, both groups consistently score within the normal range. Gonsiorek concluded that "Homosexuality in and of itself is unrelated to psychological disturbance or maladjustment. Homosexuals as a group are not more psychologically disturbed on account of their homosexuality" (Gonsiorek, 1982, p. 74; see also reviews by Gonsiorek, 1991; Hart, Roback, Tittler, Weitz, Walston & McKee, 1978; Riess, 1980).

Confronted with overwhelming empirical evidence and changing cultural views of homosexuality, psychiatrists and psychologists radically altered their views, beginning in the 1970s.​

Facts About Homosexuality and Mental Health
Marriage is a mental illness ! Totally unnatural for primates like us .

And it's not a State rights issue because marriages are recognized by all states n the fed . You don't have to get remarried everytime you go to another state.
Trump criticizes Supreme Court for same-sex marriage decision
All ya need is ONE libtard judge to retire maybe that jewess Ginsberg!? This will help him with more conservative folks and people that know this is an issue for the states.

Yeah just like Roe vs. Wade is going to be overturned right?

Gimme a break, the SCOTUS is not going to overturn gay marriage even with conservatives on there. It would be like trying to say you are going to get people elected to the SCOTUS that will overturn blacks being equal to whites.
When asked, he stated, “It’s never been an argument that’s been discussed with me very much. People know that it’s not my thing one way or the other.” This opinion isn’t new, either. In March 2011, he told Bill O’Reilly, “I just don’t feel good about it. I don’t feel right about it. And I take a lot of heat because I come from New York.” Despite these types of statements, some have speculated that Trump may secretly support gay marriage, but does not want to announce it due to his party’s views. In December of 2014 George Takei and Trump had lunch together. Takei revealed that the had “a lively and engaging hour-long conversation that touched upon his personal position on marriage equality. He confided that he recently attended a same-sex wedding and that he’d found it ‘beautiful.'” These mixed messages do make Trump one of the more LGBTQ-friendly Republican candidates out there.

It's a beautiful thing ... I'll overturn gay marriage ... whatever you want to hear Donnie can, and will say it.

yada yada yada

It's a beautiful thing ... I'll overturn gay marriage ... whatever you want to hear Donnie can, and will say it.

yada yada yada

And this is his whole campaign. Empty promises and saying what people WANT to hear him say. Not that he will actually do ANY of it.
And to all those USMB Republicans who insist the "gay thing" is over and Democrats like me are making something out of nothing:
If it happens it happens its not at the top of my to worry about list.
Please explain how gay marriage is a threat to traditional marriage. If you believe in less government then why is gay marriage an issue? Hypocrites.
States rights issue. Take it up with Supreme Court. Faggots are people with mental disease and therefore a threat to a civilized society.

Cry more.
You're so wrong it hurts! You have absolutely no grasp of psychology or human sexuality. Your stupid, bitter, unfounded prejudices muddy the issue with bigotry and utter, unrefined stupidity. These are hardly qualities to shape freedoms and policy. Therefore, morons such as you have no credibility in adult debate.
Cry more. You show me WHERE homosexuality was found to be anything BUT a mental disorder when it was taken off the list of mental disorders. I can wait. You won't find it because its not there. It was VOTED ON! That's it.

Why would it be a mental disorder? That's like the old claims that masturbation is a mental disorder, or using contraception is a sin.
The idea that Donald Trump could give a shit about whether gays have equal rights is hilarious.
Trump is just stating the obvious. Probably every Republican will appoint more conservative judges, the constitution doesn't define marriage or relationships. Like Roe v. Wade and obamacare it's bad law created out of personal opinion and politics.
The idea that Donald Trump could give a shit about whether gays have equal rights is hilarious.
Except that it isn't an equal rights issue. Two brothers can't marry so it should be obvious even to you that not all relationships are treated equally. People, yes. Relationships, no.
Please explain how gay marriage is a threat to traditional marriage. If you believe in less government then why is gay marriage an issue? Hypocrites.

It's just Christians wanting the US to be their own "Christian Caliphate".
'Trump criticizes SC decision on homosexual "marriage" promises to appoint judges that will overturn!'

All the more reason to vote against Trump.

And Trump isn't alone – the other GOP candidates are likewise hostile to the equal protection rights of gay Americans.

This coming from the side that says Conservatives and the GOP are hostile to Sharia Law. Tell US how Sharia Law is for the equal protection of gay Americans and then tell US which is more hostile? You Liberals are running out of other People's standards to hold against. Do you stand with gay rights or Sharia Law?
I am so sick of people deflecting to a completely different topic. Stick to gay marriage or go somewhere else.

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