Trump criticizes SC decision on homosexual "marriage" promises to appoint judges that will overturn!

I think its a great move. A LOT of people don't think he is socially conservative enough....I had no worries especially when the ONLY thing he can about this is appoint a justice to the court..what they do then is up to them.
A 'lot of people' are wrong.

And as already correctly noted: it's a moronic move, Trump further reaffirms the fact that the social right has too much control over the GOP, that most republicans are hostile to the protected liberties of all Americans, and that if elected a republican president would pursue an authoritarian agenda seeking to violate the civil rights of women, gay Americans, and others perceived to be 'different.'

According to you the Constitution says whatever the Supreme Court decides it says. If some Trump appointed judges rule that homosexual marriage is not a constitutional right, who are you to argue with them?
And to all those USMB Republicans who insist the "gay thing" is over and Democrats like me are making something out of nothing:

And to all those USMB Republicans who insist the "gay thing" is over and Democrats like me are making something out of nothing:

If it happens it happens its not at the top of my to worry about list.
Please explain how gay marriage is a threat to traditional marriage. If you believe in less government then why is gay marriage an issue? Hypocrites.
States rights issue. Take it up with Supreme Court. Faggots are people with mental disease and therefore a threat to a civilized society.

Cry more.
'Trump criticizes SC decision on homosexual "marriage" promises to appoint judges that will overturn!'

All the more reason to vote against Trump.

And Trump isn't alone – the other GOP candidates are likewise hostile to the equal protection rights of gay Americans.
Sexual deviants and perversts (a.k.a. homosexuals) need to keep that shit in the closets and not in the open light of day alongside decent folk...
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Good move on Trump's part. Liberals have been forcing perversion on us for too long. Time for it to end.
This run of his is nothing more than thumbing his nose that he COULD run as potus and win. Nothing more. Which is why he is busting ass to alienate voters and has been for some time. So far it hasn't worked so this is his new schtick. He doesn't want to be potus, people. He wanted to prove he COULD be if he really wanted to be. That's all it's ever been.
Is there anything more ludicrous than Trump in the last few days running around brandishing a Bible?
He is trying very very hard to turn the tide back. If he gets in as GOP pick and does happen to win potus, the first words out of his mouth will probably be "well, fuck!" and then hand the whole thing to the VP and just be the talking head.
Trump criticizes Supreme Court for same-sex marriage decision
All ya need is ONE libtard judge to retire maybe that jewess Ginsberg!? This will help him with more conservative folks and people that know this is an issue for the states.

That'll serve him well in the general election with Americans now 2 to 1 in favor of marriage equality.
When asked, most people will say "Sure, I'm for it", but if it gets changed, most people won't give a shit.
This run of his is nothing more than thumbing his nose that he COULD run as potus and win. Nothing more. Which is why he is busting ass to alienate voters and has been for some time. So far it hasn't worked so this is his new schtick. He doesn't want to be potus, people. He wanted to prove he COULD be if he really wanted to be. That's all it's ever been.
I think you're mistaken.
And to all those USMB Republicans who insist the "gay thing" is over and Democrats like me are making something out of nothing:

If it happens it happens its not at the top of my to worry about list.
Please explain how gay marriage is a threat to traditional marriage. If you believe in less government then why is gay marriage an issue? Hypocrites.
States rights issue. Take it up with Supreme Court. Faggots are people with mental disease and therefore a threat to a civilized society.

Cry more.
You're so wrong it hurts! You have absolutely no grasp of psychology or human sexuality. Your stupid, bitter, unfounded prejudices muddy the issue with bigotry and utter, unrefined stupidity. These are hardly qualities to shape freedoms and policy. Therefore, morons such as you have no credibility in adult debate.
Trump criticizes Supreme Court for same-sex marriage decision
All ya need is ONE libtard judge to retire maybe that jewess Ginsberg!? This will help him with more conservative folks and people that know this is an issue for the states.

That'll serve him well in the general election with Americans now 2 to 1 in favor of marriage equality.
I'm sure they are in your diluted mind.

Don't be such a baby. You're embarrassing yourself.
And to all those USMB Republicans who insist the "gay thing" is over and Democrats like me are making something out of nothing:

If it happens it happens its not at the top of my to worry about list.
Please explain how gay marriage is a threat to traditional marriage. If you believe in less government then why is gay marriage an issue? Hypocrites.
States rights issue. Take it up with Supreme Court. Faggots are people with mental disease and therefore a threat to a civilized society.

Cry more.
You're so wrong it hurts! You have absolutely no grasp of psychology or human sexuality. Your stupid, bitter, unfounded prejudices muddy the issue with bigotry and utter, unrefined stupidity. These are hardly qualities to shape freedoms and policy. Therefore, morons such as you have no credibility in adult debate.
Cry more. You show me WHERE homosexuality was found to be anything BUT a mental disorder when it was taken off the list of mental disorders. I can wait. You won't find it because its not there. It was VOTED ON! That's it.
Trump criticizes Supreme Court for same-sex marriage decision
All ya need is ONE libtard judge to retire maybe that jewess Ginsberg!? This will help him with more conservative folks and people that know this is an issue for the states.

That'll serve him well in the general election with Americans now 2 to 1 in favor of marriage equality.
I'm sure they are in your diluted mind.

Don't be such a baby. You're embarrassing yourself.
Yawning at your whining. Truly the hysterics you fag lovers go into is hilarious.
And to all those USMB Republicans who insist the "gay thing" is over and Democrats like me are making something out of nothing:

If it happens it happens its not at the top of my to worry about list.
Please explain how gay marriage is a threat to traditional marriage. If you believe in less government then why is gay marriage an issue? Hypocrites.
States rights issue. Take it up with Supreme Court. Faggots are people with mental disease and therefore a threat to a civilized society.

Cry more.
You're so wrong it hurts! You have absolutely no grasp of psychology or human sexuality. Your stupid, bitter, unfounded prejudices muddy the issue with bigotry and utter, unrefined stupidity. These are hardly qualities to shape freedoms and policy. Therefore, morons such as you have no credibility in adult debate.
Cry more. You show me WHERE homosexuality was found to be anything BUT a mental disorder when it was taken off the list of mental disorders. I can wait. You won't find it because its not there. It was VOTED ON! That's it.

It was voted on.....I wonder how things are classified as mental disorders to begin with? I'm guessing it is voted on. :)
Please explain how gay marriage is a threat to traditional marriage. If you believe in less government then why is gay marriage an issue? Hypocrites.
States rights issue. Take it up with Supreme Court. Faggots are people with mental disease and therefore a threat to a civilized society.

Is anyone with 'mental disease' a threat to civilized society?

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