Trump CRUCIFIES media for investigating Scott Walker's college record after giving Obama a pass

The Birther sheep follow the Birther lies blindly and stupidly.

If it isn't a transparent lie, innuendo or speculation- Birthers reject it- because they can't handle the truth.

then give us the truth. Tell us how obama financed his harvard tuition. Tell us what scholarships and grants he got. Tell us about his Columbia ID card that shows him as a foreign student.

Just out of curiosity, what specifically do you think the answers to those questions would prove? Are you still beating that dead Birther horse, or is there something else you expect to find?

If he got grants or scholarships reserved for foreign students then he either committed fraud or he lied about being born in Hawaii.

If he got money from some radical left wing organization or person it could explain why he has done some of the stupid things he has done. Do you want a president who is owned by any person or group?

Why did his Columbia ID card say he was a foreign student? Why did his biographer say that he was born in Kenya? Lies or truth?

As I said, we have the right to know everything about the person we entrust with the future of our nation.

The FACT that he hired a law firm to keep his records from public view has to raise questions.

So you are beating on that dead birther horse again. I suppose this radical left wing organization is the same one who planted those fake birth announcements all the way back in 1961. You really think they started laying the groundwork for his presidency 53 years ago? You know that's crazy don't you?

I am not saying he wasn't born in Hawaii. I am questioning why he, or his sponsors, claimed that he was a foreign student and why

Obama never claimed to be a foreign student.

Just another lie made up by Birthers.
Just out of curiosity, what specifically do you think the answers to those questions would prove? Are you still beating that dead Birther horse, or is there something else you expect to find?

If he got grants or scholarships reserved for foreign students then he either committed fraud or he lied about being born in Hawaii.

If he got money from some radical left wing organization or person it could explain why he has done some of the stupid things he has done. Do you want a president who is owned by any person or group?

Why did his Columbia ID card say he was a foreign student? Why did his biographer say that he was born in Kenya? Lies or truth?

As I said, we have the right to know everything about the person we entrust with the future of our nation.

The FACT that he hired a law firm to keep his records from public view has to raise questions.

So you are beating on that dead birther horse again. I suppose this radical left wing organization is the same one who planted those fake birth announcements all the way back in 1961. You really think they started laying the groundwork for his presidency 53 years ago? You know that's crazy don't you?

I am not saying he wasn't born in Hawaii. I am questioning why he, or his sponsors, claimed that he was a foreign student and why he paid Perkins Coie of Seattle over a million dollars to keep his records from public view.

If there is nothing to hide why spend 1 mill keeping them hidden?

Is there any reason to believe he or his sponsors claimed he was a foreign student, other than a bunch of whining by right wing radio and fox? I'm not sure why or what he paid some guy in Seattle. Do you have any reason to believe he paid a million dollars for that, and only that? I mean a real reason, not the whining of right wing radio and fox. How about a link to back up some of your silly claims?

the jacket on one of his early books included an write up by his publisher saying that he was born in Kenya, raised in indonesia and graduated from harvard. Maybe he was lying to sell books, or maybe he was telling the truth. Fox has presented both sides of this and given equal time to each side. Most Fox commentators believe that he was born in Hawaii. But your fear of Fox is noted.

No- just another Birther lie- the jacket of his books never said he was born in Kenya
Fox is as stupid as MSNBC but even Fox has essentially rejected Birther idiocy. WND, Free Republic- those are Birther sources
Leave it to the brain-dead right to call a fatal heart attack, death by an "unnatural cause." :eusa_doh:

heart attacks can be induced by certain drugs. who put arsenic in the coroners food?

So now you're saying the White house killed him with arsenic. You might also want to investigate Professor Plumb in the Conservatory with a lead pipe. I'm sure that in your mind, the possibilities are limitless. All that is a little deeper into crazy conspiracy theory territory than I care to go, so enjoy your little exercise in imagination.

not claiming anything, just asking the question.

Sure you are, and what a crazy question it is.

so you don't find it odd that a healthy guy dies of a sudden heart attack and then the guy who did the autopsy is poisoned????????????? really?

I find it sad that an apparently healthy guy had a heart attack- but it happens all the time.

And the coroner who did didn't perform an autopsy on Breitbart.

Just another lie you were told.
So you are beating on that dead birther horse again. I suppose this radical left wing organization is the same one who planted those fake birth announcements all the way back in 1961. You really think they started laying the groundwork for his presidency 53 years ago? You know that's crazy don't you?

Knocking down straw men again, i see. Still waiting for you to explain why obama's own literary agency published a brochure that said he was born in kenya. Even super-lib Snopes admits to that.

Been discussed over and over with you- you insist that it means something- the author says it was a mistake.

1990- in newspapers around the United States, there are articles discussing Obama, noting he was born in Hawaii
1991- an obscure brochure is published for the publishing industry that says Barack Obama was born in Kenya
1995- Barack Obama's biography is published which says he was born in Hawaii.

Why did the brochure say he was born in Kenya- the author says it was a mistake- how could such a mistake have happened?

Well Barack Obama was born in Kenya- just not this one- his father. It would have been an easy mistake to make
heart attacks can be induced by certain drugs. who put arsenic in the coroners food?

So now you're saying the White house killed him with arsenic. You might also want to investigate Professor Plumb in the Conservatory with a lead pipe. I'm sure that in your mind, the possibilities are limitless. All that is a little deeper into crazy conspiracy theory territory than I care to go, so enjoy your little exercise in imagination.

not claiming anything, just asking the question.

Sure you are, and what a crazy question it is.

so you don't find it odd that a healthy guy dies of a sudden heart attack and then the guy who did the autopsy is poisoned????????????? really?

I find it sad that an apparently healthy guy had a heart attack- but it happens all the time.


And the coroner who did didn't perform an autopsy on Breitbart.

Just another lie you were told.

maybe mr. trump will offer savannah guthrie 50 million dollars to take a polygraph... or.... you know,..... just buy nbc

truth can elude within the confines/parameters of ends justify the means....
College is not a requirement to be President. The Press pursuit of Walker's college records is irrelevant and also exposes them in their bias in being unwilling to pursue Democrats with the same vigor. Fox News and Conservative Talk Radio are successful because of the dominant Liberal Media bias at ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, and taxpayer-funded PBS.
College is not a requirement to be President. The Press pursuit of Walker's college records is irrelevant and also exposes them in their bias in being unwilling to pursue Democrats with the same vigor. Fox News and Conservative Talk Radio are successful because of the dominant Liberal Media bias at ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, and taxpayer-funded PBS.
wow, i'm very impressed, would like to here more. you said a lot in a short paragraph. imagine joe biden or boehner try to pull that off.
then give us the truth. Tell us how obama financed his harvard tuition. Tell us what scholarships and grants he got. Tell us about his Columbia ID card that shows him as a foreign student.

Just out of curiosity, what specifically do you think the answers to those questions would prove? Are you still beating that dead Birther horse, or is there something else you expect to find?

If he got grants or scholarships reserved for foreign students then he either committed fraud or he lied about being born in Hawaii.

If he got money from some radical left wing organization or person it could explain why he has done some of the stupid things he has done. Do you want a president who is owned by any person or group?

Why did his Columbia ID card say he was a foreign student? Why did his biographer say that he was born in Kenya? Lies or truth?

As I said, we have the right to know everything about the person we entrust with the future of our nation.

The FACT that he hired a law firm to keep his records from public view has to raise questions.

So you are beating on that dead birther horse again. I suppose this radical left wing organization is the same one who planted those fake birth announcements all the way back in 1961. You really think they started laying the groundwork for his presidency 53 years ago? You know that's crazy don't you?
The birth announcements aren't legal documents. .

Birth Certificates are- and the State of Arizona has already accepted President Obama's eligiblity.

Used Car saleman Mike Zullo has done nothing but hold press conferences.
Ken Bennett accepted it because of media scrutiny only after Hawaii was stalling him for several weeks with legal pressure forcing him to change his request details. Now get your facts straight. Zullo has not been in the car business for over 7 years. He is lead investigator of the Maricopa County Sheriffs Office CCP with all available law enforcement resources available to him from said office.
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Walkers records have been released
Bushs records were released
McCains records were released
Clintons records were released

Obamas records are sealed from view.


And i support the right of anyone to keep their records sealed. The problem is the media is not our there demanding obama release his records like they did with bush.

The media never demanded Bush release his records- his Yale records were illegally leaked- and he never released his Harvard records.

The voters clearly didn't care whether Obama or for that matter, Romney released their college records.

And Obama has no reason to humor some nuts on the internet who just hope to find some dirt on him.

If there is no dirt to find, then why pay lawyers over a million dollars to keep them sealed (Perkins Coie LLP of Seattle was paid to keep obama's college records sealed)

Just another Birther lie.

Perkins Cole was the Obama campaign law firm- they were paid for handling the legal affairs of the campaign.

What I find particularly funny about your claim is that Stevie the racist claimed in another thread that it was over 3 million- Birthers can't even keep their own lies straight.
Stop obfuscating Surannis, you foreign speaking commie. Bob Bauer of Perkins Coie is also our non-natural born citizen constitutionally ineligible presidents personal council too.
That's funny.

Trump has no education and Walker flunked out.

So when is Trump gonna give us that proof he has that Obama was born in Kenya?

Walker did not flunk out. The folks at Marquette said he was in good standing at the time he left and he would be eligible to return there any time he wished. He is 34 credits shy of graduation.

Donald Trump has a bachelor's degree in economics from the University of Pennsylvania.

so lets see their records.
. No friends to interview to tell us what he was like back then. We know less about Barack Obama's past or credentials than any President in the history of this country.

Wow- you are really ignorant- I mean and seem determined to be ignorant;

Here is a very small sampling of official confirmations by his colleges- and quotes by persons who knew him

OFFICIAL SOURCES: Occidental College

Barack Obama attended Occidental College from fall 1979 through spring 1981 and then transferred to Columbia University in New York. He is not a graduate of Occidental; however, the Occidental College Alumni Association bylaws state that anyone who completes at least eight courses of undergraduate work (or a year of graduate studies) is eligible for alumni status when their class graduates. From the Occidental College Web Site.

Lisa Jack, Classmate and Photographer
Photos show President Barack Obama as Barry the freshman - LA Times

Her life and Obama's intersected at the Cooler, a campus snack shop.

The young woman from Rye, N.Y., loved her psychology courses but cared enough about photography to find mentors on the faculty who tutored her in independent study courses. With a blanket thrown over the couch she recalls as "a plaid horrible thing," the living room of the apartment she shared in a nondescript quadruplex near the campus in Eagle Rock became Jack's makeshift photo studio. Students from her circle of friends and acquaintances would pose for portraits that she would hand in as her weekly assignments.

That day a friend was telling her about a student named Barry she ought to photograph "because he's so cute." Moments later, the man himself walked in. He agreed to the shoot.

There was nothing out of the ordinary about the session, Jack says, although it impressed her that Obama had taken the initiative to bring the big, banded hat, a leather, bomber-style jacket with a fur collar and cigarettes as grist for her lens. "He obviously thought about how he wanted to have his picture taken." Obama shared at least one characteristic with the other students who sat for her portraits: "I think the thing that everybody was trying to portray the most was how cool they were."

It's exciting to see someone I went to college with become President of the United States of America, especially someone who was so genuinely nice and sincere. I would be lying if I were to say I knew him well; but like so many of us in this country, he has had a profound impact on me. I feel honored to have known him and to have been the "keeper of the photos from such a long time ago".

Robert Hornsby, Columbia Spokesman

School spokesman Robert Hornsby told WND that federal law limits the release of information about a student, but he could confirm that "Barack Obama applied for and was granted admission to Columbia College as a transfer student in 1981. He enrolled for the fall term of that year as a political science major. With the conclusion of the spring semester of 1983, Obama completed the requirements for a Bachelor of Arts degree in political science and graduated with his class."

Jim Davidson, Classmate

... I met Barack Obama at Columbia University when we were both students there in Spring 1983... I was a student at Columbia University 1981-1985.

Not only did I meet and talk with Barack Obama at some length, he wrote an essay that was published in The Sundial magazine on campus in 1983. Over the byline “Barack Obama” is a discussion of the anti-war groups on campus, including Students Against Militarism, a group I was a member of. (I was also a member of Young Americans for Freedom.)...

So, in summary, I was a student at Columbia, I met Barack Obama, I knew he was a student, and he and I talked, among other things, about my involvement in Students Against Militarism, my discomfort with its connection to Maoists and Stalinists on campus, and my favourite hat with political buttons all over it.


Federal Judge Michael W. McConnell, Contributor, Harvard Law Review
Article: The origins and historical understanding of free exercise of religion; McConnell, Michael W. 103 Harv. L. Rev. 1409 (1989-1990)
Once a piece is set, the president also sends a letter or fax and makes a follow-up phone call to each author. Federal Judge Michael W. McConnell, who was nominated by George W. Bush and has frequently been mentioned as one of Bush's potential Supreme Court nominees, recalls receiving one such letter and call in early 1990 for his article "The Origins and Historical Understanding of Free Exercise of Religion."

McConnell told Politico, "A frequent problem with student editors is that they try to turn an article into something they want it to be. It was striking that Obama didn't do that. He tried to make it better from my point of view." McConnell was impressed enough to urge the University of Chicago Law School to seek Obama out as an academic prospect.

U R digging into a bank of information i haven't seen before.
Just out of curiosity, what specifically do you think the answers to those questions would prove? Are you still beating that dead Birther horse, or is there something else you expect to find?

If he got grants or scholarships reserved for foreign students then he either committed fraud or he lied about being born in Hawaii.

If he got money from some radical left wing organization or person it could explain why he has done some of the stupid things he has done. Do you want a president who is owned by any person or group?

Why did his Columbia ID card say he was a foreign student? Why did his biographer say that he was born in Kenya? Lies or truth?

As I said, we have the right to know everything about the person we entrust with the future of our nation.

The FACT that he hired a law firm to keep his records from public view has to raise questions.

So you are beating on that dead birther horse again. I suppose this radical left wing organization is the same one who planted those fake birth announcements all the way back in 1961. You really think they started laying the groundwork for his presidency 53 years ago? You know that's crazy don't you?
The birth announcements aren't legal documents. .

Birth Certificates are- and the State of Arizona has already accepted President Obama's eligiblity.

Used Car saleman Mike Zullo has done nothing but hold press conferences.
Ken Bennett accepted it because of media scrutiny only after Hawaii was stalling him for several weeks with legal pressure forcing him to change his request details. Now get your facts straight. Zullo has not been in the car business for over 7 years. He is lead investigator of the Maricopa County Sheriffs Office CCP with all available law enforcement resources available to him from said office.
Just out of curiosity, what specifically do you think the answers to those questions would prove? Are you still beating that dead Birther horse, or is there something else you expect to find?

If he got grants or scholarships reserved for foreign students then he either committed fraud or he lied about being born in Hawaii.

If he got money from some radical left wing organization or person it could explain why he has done some of the stupid things he has done. Do you want a president who is owned by any person or group?

Why did his Columbia ID card say he was a foreign student? Why did his biographer say that he was born in Kenya? Lies or truth?

As I said, we have the right to know everything about the person we entrust with the future of our nation.

The FACT that he hired a law firm to keep his records from public view has to raise questions.

So you are beating on that dead birther horse again. I suppose this radical left wing organization is the same one who planted those fake birth announcements all the way back in 1961. You really think they started laying the groundwork for his presidency 53 years ago? You know that's crazy don't you?
The birth announcements aren't legal documents. .

Birth Certificates are- and the State of Arizona has already accepted President Obama's eligiblity.

Used Car saleman Mike Zullo has done nothing but hold press conferences.
Ken Bennett accepted it because of media scrutiny only after Hawaii was stalling him for several weeks with legal pressure forcing him to change his request details. Now get your facts straight. Zullo has not been in the car business for over 7 years. He is lead investigator of the Maricopa County Sheriffs Office CCP with all available law enforcement resources available to him from said office.

said office has yet to produce shit in the form of hard core evidence. Trump's hired investigation team had the same results.

Birthers live on shit for evidence and the rest of the country moves on.
So you are beating on that dead birther horse again. I suppose this radical left wing organization is the same one who planted those fake birth announcements all the way back in 1961. You really think they started laying the groundwork for his presidency 53 years ago? You know that's crazy don't you?

Knocking down straw men again, i see. Still waiting for you to explain why obama's own literary agency published a brochure that said he was born in kenya. Even super-lib Snopes admits to that.

You mean the this one ?

Miriam Goderich edited the text of the bio; she is now a partner at the Dystel & Goderich agency, which lists Obama as one of its current clients.

"This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me--an agency assistant at the time," Goderich wrote in an emailed statement to Yahoo News. "There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more."
Born in Kenya Obama s Literary Agent Misidentified His Birthplace in 1991 - ABC News

Everything that birthers try to hang their hat on has been shot down repeatedly. The issue has long been dropped by all but the most rabid crazies. What happened to those investigations by trump and sheriff pink panties?
Miriam Godrich left the Born In Kenya dossier about Obama for 16 years and two book revisions. She only changed it when he decided to run for president in 2007 and it was no fact checking error of hers. When Breitbart revealed the pamphlet and Drudge report made it their main headline, the media went into full damage control for Obama. Godrich was contacted by NBC and gave a immediate scripted answer saying it was a fact checking error. She pulled a Brian Williams. Not one author interviewed has ever accepted her answer. You mean to tell me that for 16 years and two revisions Obama never caught the mistake that his alleged birth in Kenya was wrong and requested a correction. Give me a break.
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So you are beating on that dead birther horse again. I suppose this radical left wing organization is the same one who planted those fake birth announcements all the way back in 1961. You really think they started laying the groundwork for his presidency 53 years ago? You know that's crazy don't you?

Knocking down straw men again, i see. Still waiting for you to explain why obama's own literary agency published a brochure that said he was born in kenya. Even super-lib Snopes admits to that.

You mean the this one ?

Miriam Goderich edited the text of the bio; she is now a partner at the Dystel & Goderich agency, which lists Obama as one of its current clients.

"This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me--an agency assistant at the time," Goderich wrote in an emailed statement to Yahoo News. "There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more."
Born in Kenya Obama s Literary Agent Misidentified His Birthplace in 1991 - ABC News

Everything that birthers try to hang their hat on has been shot down repeatedly. The issue has long been dropped by all but the most rabid crazies. What happened to those investigations by trump and sheriff pink panties?
Miriam Godrich left the Born In Kenya dossier about Obama for 16 years and two revisions. She only changed it when he decided to run for president in 2007 and it was no fact checking error of hers. When Breitbart revealed the pamphlet and Drudge report made it their main headline, the media went into full damage control for Obama. Godrich was contacted by NBC and gave a immediate scripted answer saying it was a fact checking error. She pulled a Brian Williams. Not one author interviewed has ever accepted her answer. You mean to tell me that for 16 years and two revisions Obama never caught the mistake that his alleged birth in Kenya was wrong and requested a correction. Give me a break.

so other than bang on a keyboard, what the hell do YOU plan to do about it ?
Who gives a shit what some crazy birfer says?

You mean Obama or another birfer?
you just made the list bu

So Obama can claim he was born in Kenya, and that doesn't make him a "birfer," but if I remember he claimed that, it does make me one? Liberal logic, an oxymoron.

I think he was born in Hawaii, I just think he is a pretentious idiot who liked the way it sounded to be born in Kenya.

I also think if he was born in Kenya, he was still born an American and eligible to be President. This whole having to be born in our borders is stupid. I also remember Democrats did it first, with McCain.

Facts aren't going your way, are they Skippy...
Who gives a shit what some crazy birfer says?

You mean Obama or another birfer?
you just made the list bu

So Obama can claim he was born in Kenya, and that doesn't make him a "birfer," but if I remember he claimed that, it does make me one? Liberal logic, an oxymoron.

I think he was born in Hawaii, I just think he is a pretentious idiot who liked the way it sounded to be born in Kenya.

I also think if he was born in Kenya, he was still born an American and eligible to be President. This whole having to be born in our borders is stupid. I also remember Democrats did it first, with McCain.

Facts aren't going your way, are they Skippy...
Who gives a shit what some crazy birfer says?

You mean Obama or another birfer?
you just made the list bu

So Obama can claim he was born in Kenya, and that doesn't make him a "birfer," but if I remember he claimed that, it does make me one? Liberal logic, an oxymoron.

I think he was born in Hawaii, I just think he is a pretentious idiot who liked the way it sounded to be born in Kenya.

I also think if he was born in Kenya, he was still born an American and eligible to be President. This whole having to be born in our borders is stupid. I also remember Democrats did it first, with McCain.

Facts aren't going your way, are they Skippy...

well maybe a Birfer will produce some facts, Skippy.

go ahead, produce some facts.

Fact is Birfers are idiots.
Who gives a shit what some crazy birfer says?

You mean Obama or another birfer?
you just made the list bu

So Obama can claim he was born in Kenya, and that doesn't make him a "birfer," but if I remember he claimed that, it does make me one? Liberal logic, an oxymoron.

I think he was born in Hawaii, I just think he is a pretentious idiot who liked the way it sounded to be born in Kenya.

I also think if he was born in Kenya, he was still born an American and eligible to be President. This whole having to be born in our borders is stupid. I also remember Democrats did it first, with McCain.

Facts aren't going your way, are they Skippy...
Due to citizenship laws at the time of his alleged birth in 1961, if born in Kenya, his mom was to young to pass citzenship to him. She had to be 19. She was less than 3 months shy of her 19th birthday. So no, he would have not been eligible.
Who gives a shit what some crazy birfer says?

You mean Obama or another birfer?
you just made the list bu

So Obama can claim he was born in Kenya, and that doesn't make him a "birfer," but if I remember he claimed that, it does make me one? Liberal logic, an oxymoron.

I think he was born in Hawaii, I just think he is a pretentious idiot who liked the way it sounded to be born in Kenya.

I also think if he was born in Kenya, he was still born an American and eligible to be President. This whole having to be born in our borders is stupid. I also remember Democrats did it first, with McCain.

Facts aren't going your way, are they Skippy...
Due to citizenship laws at the time of his alleged birth in 1961, if born in Kenya, his mom was to young to pass citzenship to him. She had to be 19. She was less than 3 months shy of her 19th birthday. So no, he would have not been eligible.

The Standard is not the "citizenship laws" the standard is the Constitution. If you are born to an American Citizen, you are born an American. It makes no sense that if a child of Americans was born overseas they meant they were not qualified to be President. If Jefferson had a kid in Paris, they didn't think he should be President? That's ridiculous. They didn't want people to grow up, move here, then become President.

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