Trump culture

Well, how you handle this will certainly be up to you.

Refusing to support the vile propaganda narrative is step one.

You want to disavow the black racist Katstevens?
I don't know who this is. Cat Stevens, the singer from the 70's?

He does not go by that name anymore, but no, a black racist poster on this site.

Do you want to disavow him?
Of course. I disavow anyone who is hateful and bigoted on either end.

You already know that.

You already know about my few thousand tiffs with the Regressive Left, you already know my positions on Political Correctness and Identity Politics, so you're trying this on the wrong guy.

Why are we changing the subject? Since you're not going to marginalize the racists, what is your plan? Anything? Civil war?

Easy buddy. Just asking you to disavow a racist. No need to get your panties in a wad.

I won't ask again. For at least a few hours.

YOu don't have a problem with that, do you?
Nope, but it would be nice if you answered my questions there.
Refusing to support the vile propaganda narrative is step one.

You want to disavow the black racist Katstevens?
I don't know who this is. Cat Stevens, the singer from the 70's?

He does not go by that name anymore, but no, a black racist poster on this site.

Do you want to disavow him?
Of course. I disavow anyone who is hateful and bigoted on either end.

You already know that.

You already know about my few thousand tiffs with the Regressive Left, you already know my positions on Political Correctness and Identity Politics, so you're trying this on the wrong guy.

Why are we changing the subject? Since you're not going to marginalize the racists, what is your plan? Anything? Civil war?

Easy buddy. Just asking you to disavow a racist. No need to get your panties in a wad.

I won't ask again. For at least a few hours.

YOu don't have a problem with that, do you?
Nope, but it would be nice if you answered my questions there.

No, I think it would be better if we talk about you, and your claim to be unaware of the racist black poster on your side.

THat is far more important.

Why did you hesitate to disavow him? And a lot of people are saying that your disavowal of him was not sincere, but only because you were prompted.

What do you say to that?

Also, I have some other racist posters I would like to have you disavow. More on that later. Have to go.
I don't know who this is. Cat Stevens, the singer from the 70's?

He does not go by that name anymore, but no, a black racist poster on this site.

Do you want to disavow him?
Of course. I disavow anyone who is hateful and bigoted on either end.

You already know that.

You already know about my few thousand tiffs with the Regressive Left, you already know my positions on Political Correctness and Identity Politics, so you're trying this on the wrong guy.

Why are we changing the subject? Since you're not going to marginalize the racists, what is your plan? Anything? Civil war?

Easy buddy. Just asking you to disavow a racist. No need to get your panties in a wad.

I won't ask again. For at least a few hours.

YOu don't have a problem with that, do you?
Nope, but it would be nice if you answered my questions there.

No, I think it would be better if we talk about you, and your claim to be unaware of the racist black poster on your side.

THat is far more important.

Why did you hesitate to disavow him? And a lot of people are saying that your disavowal of him was not sincere, but only because you were prompted.

What do you say to that?

Also, I have some other racist posters I would like to have you disavow. More on that later. Have to go.
Sure, okay.

If avoiding my question and changing the subject is easier for you, and helps you blame someone else, we can do that. The lefties play the same game. Peas in pod.

I'm sure the GOP has nothing to worry about.
How about instead of paying the fine you enroll for health insurance so we the tax payers don’t need to pay your hospital bills should you get into an accident?

How about not asking over 20% of my net pay to do it? Commie Care is a complete failure because it's only affordable to floor sweepers and french fry makers. For the middle-class working, it's unaffordable and junk policies to boot.

BTW, I had coverage my entire adult life until that big-eared Commie polluted the White House. So how about you voters be more cautious about who you elect so people like me could keep our healthcare?
How much were you paying before and what did it go up to? How much do you make a year?

I always had employer sponsored coverage; again, all of my life. We didn't pay anything towards it. It was 100% provided by my employer. When he canceled our insurance, he told us that it went up over 30% that year alone, and because of Commie Care, the agency he worked with told him that was just the start.

Keep your doctor? Keep your hospital? Well yeah, if you have the money. They only offered one company for my clinic (that I've been going to all of my life) and not only did it cost a ton of money, but it had a 7K deductible, 7K out of pocket, $50.00 office copay for doctors, no dental, no prescriptions.

In other words, unless I planned on getting hit by a bus, the policy was totally useless. Now I wouldn't mind paying on a catastrophic plan for $150.00 or $200.00 a month, but they wanted three times that amount for a garbage plan because I got very little government subsidies; like 20 bucks a month!

More distressful than that is government doesn't know your expenses. Sure, they ask some questions about your finances, but not nearly enough. They don't ask how much money you spend on gasoline to get to work every month, how much your mortgage or rent is, how much you pay on car and home/ apartment insurance, lease or loan amount on your car, prescription costs per month, what you currently spend on medical care, what you spend on utilities, what you spend on college loans for your kids........

Nope, they don't want to know. Big Brother says you make X amount of money, then Big Brother says you can afford health insurance. So it is said, so it is written.
Did your employer raise your pay after they dropped your healthcare?

A little bit, but this genius plan by Obama didn't have provisions for that. You can't just cut somebody a check for what you were paying for their healthcare insurance.

He gave us a raise equal to the amount he was paying on our plan. However, whenever you given an employee a raise, it costs you much more than the raise itself. So he had to deduct how much more he had to pay us for vacations and holidays, how much more his unemployment and workman's compensation insurances increased by, he had to deduct for more contributions to Medicare and Social Security since the employer has to match whatever your contributions are. THEN, after all those deductions, we got what was left which again, was taxed as payroll tax.

Not much left in the end, and certainly not nearly enough to replace what we had before.
Did you add up what the pay raise plus IRA contributions plus social security increases were and subtract it from what you had to pay for your own medical insurance? What did it come out to? What was your salary?
How about not asking over 20% of my net pay to do it? Commie Care is a complete failure because it's only affordable to floor sweepers and french fry makers. For the middle-class working, it's unaffordable and junk policies to boot.

BTW, I had coverage my entire adult life until that big-eared Commie polluted the White House. So how about you voters be more cautious about who you elect so people like me could keep our healthcare?
How much were you paying before and what did it go up to? How much do you make a year?

I always had employer sponsored coverage; again, all of my life. We didn't pay anything towards it. It was 100% provided by my employer. When he canceled our insurance, he told us that it went up over 30% that year alone, and because of Commie Care, the agency he worked with told him that was just the start.

Keep your doctor? Keep your hospital? Well yeah, if you have the money. They only offered one company for my clinic (that I've been going to all of my life) and not only did it cost a ton of money, but it had a 7K deductible, 7K out of pocket, $50.00 office copay for doctors, no dental, no prescriptions.

In other words, unless I planned on getting hit by a bus, the policy was totally useless. Now I wouldn't mind paying on a catastrophic plan for $150.00 or $200.00 a month, but they wanted three times that amount for a garbage plan because I got very little government subsidies; like 20 bucks a month!

More distressful than that is government doesn't know your expenses. Sure, they ask some questions about your finances, but not nearly enough. They don't ask how much money you spend on gasoline to get to work every month, how much your mortgage or rent is, how much you pay on car and home/ apartment insurance, lease or loan amount on your car, prescription costs per month, what you currently spend on medical care, what you spend on utilities, what you spend on college loans for your kids........

Nope, they don't want to know. Big Brother says you make X amount of money, then Big Brother says you can afford health insurance. So it is said, so it is written.
Did your employer raise your pay after they dropped your healthcare?

A little bit, but this genius plan by Obama didn't have provisions for that. You can't just cut somebody a check for what you were paying for their healthcare insurance.

He gave us a raise equal to the amount he was paying on our plan. However, whenever you given an employee a raise, it costs you much more than the raise itself. So he had to deduct how much more he had to pay us for vacations and holidays, how much more his unemployment and workman's compensation insurances increased by, he had to deduct for more contributions to Medicare and Social Security since the employer has to match whatever your contributions are. THEN, after all those deductions, we got what was left which again, was taxed as payroll tax.

Not much left in the end, and certainly not nearly enough to replace what we had before.
Did you add up what the pay raise plus IRA contributions plus social security increases were and subtract it from what you had to pay for your own medical insurance? What did it come out to? What was your salary?

Basically before taxes, we got one dollar an hour, so about $200.00 a month before taxes. My employer contributes 5% of our net pay to our retirement fund, so he had to deduct for that as well.
He does not go by that name anymore, but no, a black racist poster on this site.

Do you want to disavow him?
Of course. I disavow anyone who is hateful and bigoted on either end.

You already know that.

You already know about my few thousand tiffs with the Regressive Left, you already know my positions on Political Correctness and Identity Politics, so you're trying this on the wrong guy.

Why are we changing the subject? Since you're not going to marginalize the racists, what is your plan? Anything? Civil war?

Easy buddy. Just asking you to disavow a racist. No need to get your panties in a wad.

I won't ask again. For at least a few hours.

YOu don't have a problem with that, do you?
Nope, but it would be nice if you answered my questions there.

No, I think it would be better if we talk about you, and your claim to be unaware of the racist black poster on your side.

THat is far more important.

Why did you hesitate to disavow him? And a lot of people are saying that your disavowal of him was not sincere, but only because you were prompted.

What do you say to that?

Also, I have some other racist posters I would like to have you disavow. More on that later. Have to go.
Sure, okay.

If avoiding my question and changing the subject is easier for you, and helps you blame someone else, we can do that. The lefties play the same game. Peas in pod.

I'm sure the GOP has nothing to worry about.

No blame here. Just an innocent question. Why are you being so defensive?
How much were you paying before and what did it go up to? How much do you make a year?

I always had employer sponsored coverage; again, all of my life. We didn't pay anything towards it. It was 100% provided by my employer. When he canceled our insurance, he told us that it went up over 30% that year alone, and because of Commie Care, the agency he worked with told him that was just the start.

Keep your doctor? Keep your hospital? Well yeah, if you have the money. They only offered one company for my clinic (that I've been going to all of my life) and not only did it cost a ton of money, but it had a 7K deductible, 7K out of pocket, $50.00 office copay for doctors, no dental, no prescriptions.

In other words, unless I planned on getting hit by a bus, the policy was totally useless. Now I wouldn't mind paying on a catastrophic plan for $150.00 or $200.00 a month, but they wanted three times that amount for a garbage plan because I got very little government subsidies; like 20 bucks a month!

More distressful than that is government doesn't know your expenses. Sure, they ask some questions about your finances, but not nearly enough. They don't ask how much money you spend on gasoline to get to work every month, how much your mortgage or rent is, how much you pay on car and home/ apartment insurance, lease or loan amount on your car, prescription costs per month, what you currently spend on medical care, what you spend on utilities, what you spend on college loans for your kids........

Nope, they don't want to know. Big Brother says you make X amount of money, then Big Brother says you can afford health insurance. So it is said, so it is written.
Did your employer raise your pay after they dropped your healthcare?

A little bit, but this genius plan by Obama didn't have provisions for that. You can't just cut somebody a check for what you were paying for their healthcare insurance.

He gave us a raise equal to the amount he was paying on our plan. However, whenever you given an employee a raise, it costs you much more than the raise itself. So he had to deduct how much more he had to pay us for vacations and holidays, how much more his unemployment and workman's compensation insurances increased by, he had to deduct for more contributions to Medicare and Social Security since the employer has to match whatever your contributions are. THEN, after all those deductions, we got what was left which again, was taxed as payroll tax.

Not much left in the end, and certainly not nearly enough to replace what we had before.
Did you add up what the pay raise plus IRA contributions plus social security increases were and subtract it from what you had to pay for your own medical insurance? What did it come out to? What was your salary?

Basically before taxes, we got one dollar an hour, so about $200.00 a month before taxes. My employer contributes 5% of our net pay to our retirement fund, so he had to deduct for that as well.
It’s not really a deduction though because he is contributing to your retirement fund right?
We Republicans have found ourselves in a very hopeless situation.

When Democrats are in leadership, we have to do things the Democrat way.
When Republicans are in leadership, we have to do things the Democrat way.

Trump promised us he would not do things the Democrat way, we would do things the Republican way.

While he may not have given us all we hoped for, it's a lot closer than any of the establishment candidates would have given us.

He has called out and fought against the main stream media.
He has brought us the most fantastic economy since the 90's with record low unemployment levels.
He has called out Democrat politicians for what they are.
He has given us top of the line court nominations.
He has repeatedly addressed the terrible border problems we have.
He has single-handedly stopped NK nuclear missile testing.
He defeated ISIS in Iraq and brought us out of Afghanistan.
He continues to repair the damage done to our military by DumBama.
He has lowered taxes on our employers and workers alike.

So what's not for a Republican to like?
You are the perfect example of a duped, dumbass right winger.

He called our press, liars & you are so fucking stupid that you believe him.

Trump borrowed 1.5 trillion to temporarily pump up the economy, & dumbass you bought it. The job growth this year is one on the worst for decades.

He acted like a child & called people names

He gave us a USSC rapist.

NK played Trump like a drum. The sae game they played in the past & Donnie fell for it.

Trump did shit in Iraq. Syria defeated ISIS. Trump bombed an abandoned air base.

Trump stole money from the military so he could build his stupid wall.

He handed money to wealthy people & well off corporations & piled it onto our debt.

You know Dave, I often wonder what some people look like on USMB, and here is how I imagine you:

View attachment 254550

We didn't need Trump to call the MSM liars, we knew it all along. What we like about Trump is he's willing to call them out in public. Trump added over 4.5 million jobs since taking office. Now that may not be impressive if we had a moderate or slow economy. However with such a robust economy, those numbers are pretty amazing. Remember who had the slowest recovery since WWII.

Along with job growth are the types of jobs which are paying better than under DumBama, and that means Americans are taking more pay home than ever on top of THEIR TAX CUTS. Plus the federal government won't be getting that 3.5 billion a year from poor Americans because of Commie Care fines.

The Trump Manufacturing Jobs Boom: 10 Times Obama's Over 21 Months

Now let me ask: When was the last time NK shot off a test missile? Trump is not a sap like all your other clowns that had his job. When he seen something that was phony and BS, he simply says it is. Your people will do anything for a photo op just to say they did something.

One more thing: Nobody hands money to corporations for the most part. All government can do is take less of the money THEY CREATED. I know you commies think that all money made belongs to government, and what they allow us to keep is a gift from them to us, but real Americans don't believe that for a minute.

I picture you as a person who need to put down the gun & pick up a book
I always had employer sponsored coverage; again, all of my life. We didn't pay anything towards it. It was 100% provided by my employer. When he canceled our insurance, he told us that it went up over 30% that year alone, and because of Commie Care, the agency he worked with told him that was just the start.

Keep your doctor? Keep your hospital? Well yeah, if you have the money. They only offered one company for my clinic (that I've been going to all of my life) and not only did it cost a ton of money, but it had a 7K deductible, 7K out of pocket, $50.00 office copay for doctors, no dental, no prescriptions.

In other words, unless I planned on getting hit by a bus, the policy was totally useless. Now I wouldn't mind paying on a catastrophic plan for $150.00 or $200.00 a month, but they wanted three times that amount for a garbage plan because I got very little government subsidies; like 20 bucks a month!

More distressful than that is government doesn't know your expenses. Sure, they ask some questions about your finances, but not nearly enough. They don't ask how much money you spend on gasoline to get to work every month, how much your mortgage or rent is, how much you pay on car and home/ apartment insurance, lease or loan amount on your car, prescription costs per month, what you currently spend on medical care, what you spend on utilities, what you spend on college loans for your kids........

Nope, they don't want to know. Big Brother says you make X amount of money, then Big Brother says you can afford health insurance. So it is said, so it is written.
Did your employer raise your pay after they dropped your healthcare?

A little bit, but this genius plan by Obama didn't have provisions for that. You can't just cut somebody a check for what you were paying for their healthcare insurance.

He gave us a raise equal to the amount he was paying on our plan. However, whenever you given an employee a raise, it costs you much more than the raise itself. So he had to deduct how much more he had to pay us for vacations and holidays, how much more his unemployment and workman's compensation insurances increased by, he had to deduct for more contributions to Medicare and Social Security since the employer has to match whatever your contributions are. THEN, after all those deductions, we got what was left which again, was taxed as payroll tax.

Not much left in the end, and certainly not nearly enough to replace what we had before.
Did you add up what the pay raise plus IRA contributions plus social security increases were and subtract it from what you had to pay for your own medical insurance? What did it come out to? What was your salary?

Basically before taxes, we got one dollar an hour, so about $200.00 a month before taxes. My employer contributes 5% of our net pay to our retirement fund, so he had to deduct for that as well.
It’s not really a deduction though because he is contributing to your retirement fund right?

Correct, however because the raise increases my pay, he also increases his contribution to the fund, so again, it's an additional cost to him associated with that raise.
Did your employer raise your pay after they dropped your healthcare?

A little bit, but this genius plan by Obama didn't have provisions for that. You can't just cut somebody a check for what you were paying for their healthcare insurance.

He gave us a raise equal to the amount he was paying on our plan. However, whenever you given an employee a raise, it costs you much more than the raise itself. So he had to deduct how much more he had to pay us for vacations and holidays, how much more his unemployment and workman's compensation insurances increased by, he had to deduct for more contributions to Medicare and Social Security since the employer has to match whatever your contributions are. THEN, after all those deductions, we got what was left which again, was taxed as payroll tax.

Not much left in the end, and certainly not nearly enough to replace what we had before.
Did you add up what the pay raise plus IRA contributions plus social security increases were and subtract it from what you had to pay for your own medical insurance? What did it come out to? What was your salary?

Basically before taxes, we got one dollar an hour, so about $200.00 a month before taxes. My employer contributes 5% of our net pay to our retirement fund, so he had to deduct for that as well.
It’s not really a deduction though because he is contributing to your retirement fund right?

Correct, however because the raise increases my pay, he also increases his contribution to the fund, so again, it's an additional cost to him associated with that raise.
Sure, that makes sense. What did it all NET out to?
Of course. I disavow anyone who is hateful and bigoted on either end.

You already know that.

You already know about my few thousand tiffs with the Regressive Left, you already know my positions on Political Correctness and Identity Politics, so you're trying this on the wrong guy.

Why are we changing the subject? Since you're not going to marginalize the racists, what is your plan? Anything? Civil war?

Easy buddy. Just asking you to disavow a racist. No need to get your panties in a wad.

I won't ask again. For at least a few hours.

YOu don't have a problem with that, do you?
Nope, but it would be nice if you answered my questions there.

No, I think it would be better if we talk about you, and your claim to be unaware of the racist black poster on your side.

THat is far more important.

Why did you hesitate to disavow him? And a lot of people are saying that your disavowal of him was not sincere, but only because you were prompted.

What do you say to that?

Also, I have some other racist posters I would like to have you disavow. More on that later. Have to go.
Sure, okay.

If avoiding my question and changing the subject is easier for you, and helps you blame someone else, we can do that. The lefties play the same game. Peas in pod.

I'm sure the GOP has nothing to worry about.

No blame here. Just an innocent question. Why are you being so defensive?
Blech. Okay, whatever this is, I'm sure you're right.
A little bit, but this genius plan by Obama didn't have provisions for that. You can't just cut somebody a check for what you were paying for their healthcare insurance.

He gave us a raise equal to the amount he was paying on our plan. However, whenever you given an employee a raise, it costs you much more than the raise itself. So he had to deduct how much more he had to pay us for vacations and holidays, how much more his unemployment and workman's compensation insurances increased by, he had to deduct for more contributions to Medicare and Social Security since the employer has to match whatever your contributions are. THEN, after all those deductions, we got what was left which again, was taxed as payroll tax.

Not much left in the end, and certainly not nearly enough to replace what we had before.
Did you add up what the pay raise plus IRA contributions plus social security increases were and subtract it from what you had to pay for your own medical insurance? What did it come out to? What was your salary?

Basically before taxes, we got one dollar an hour, so about $200.00 a month before taxes. My employer contributes 5% of our net pay to our retirement fund, so he had to deduct for that as well.
It’s not really a deduction though because he is contributing to your retirement fund right?

Correct, however because the raise increases my pay, he also increases his contribution to the fund, so again, it's an additional cost to him associated with that raise.
Sure, that makes sense. What did it all NET out to?

About $130.00 a month. Perhaps enough for a good dental insurance plan, but nothing close on Commie Care.
Did you add up what the pay raise plus IRA contributions plus social security increases were and subtract it from what you had to pay for your own medical insurance? What did it come out to? What was your salary?

Basically before taxes, we got one dollar an hour, so about $200.00 a month before taxes. My employer contributes 5% of our net pay to our retirement fund, so he had to deduct for that as well.
It’s not really a deduction though because he is contributing to your retirement fund right?

Correct, however because the raise increases my pay, he also increases his contribution to the fund, so again, it's an additional cost to him associated with that raise.
Sure, that makes sense. What did it all NET out to?

About $130.00 a month. Perhaps enough for a good dental insurance plan, but nothing close on Commie Care.
$130 a month?! Sounds like your employer was pulling one over on you. He certainly paid more than that to cover your healthcare
Basically before taxes, we got one dollar an hour, so about $200.00 a month before taxes. My employer contributes 5% of our net pay to our retirement fund, so he had to deduct for that as well.
It’s not really a deduction though because he is contributing to your retirement fund right?

Correct, however because the raise increases my pay, he also increases his contribution to the fund, so again, it's an additional cost to him associated with that raise.
Sure, that makes sense. What did it all NET out to?

About $130.00 a month. Perhaps enough for a good dental insurance plan, but nothing close on Commie Care.
$130 a month?! Sounds like your employer was pulling one over on you. He certainly paid more than that to cover your healthcare

I'm talking after my additional taxes. But like I said, other costs ate up a lot of it. Workman's Compensation is a real drag on businesses. He told me years ago that for our small company (under a dozen employees) he was paying over 50K a year for that coverage, and nobody in our place ever made a major claim. A few doctors visits was all.

It's a point I bring up when people start talking about raising minimum wage to $15.00 an hour. With all the associated costs of raising salaries that high, it would (and has) put some places totally out of business. The few bucks an hour is just the starting point.
If you're not a Trump supporter, are you not a "good real American"?

The odds are definitely stacked against fact, its highly likely that you are a total and complete unAmerican piece of shit to be truthful.
Is one party tile and cults of personality American?

Hey look, your Party has lost all their shit....I'll go with one party rule over dealing with the polices pushed by the Party Of Filth
Sound like a reality TV and pro-wrestling fan who flunked Civics.

You've lost your fucking mind if you honestly believe that good, real Americans support 21st century Mexicrat policies.
Not to worry though...your party owns the asses of wetbacks, lowlife degenerates, criminals, chicks with dicks, pole puffers, rug munchers, feminazi's and all types filth.
What makes you think in such narrow, binary terms? Unless you are so self righteous to hold that your opinion and only your opinion is correct. All others MIST be among the list you so eloquently provided. All types of filth.
Why did America elect Donald Trump as President? His policies did not align with Republican orthodoxy. Republicans have championed free trade. Republicans have championed moral comportment of public personalities. Republicans have championed budgets that reduce the federal deficit.

So something about Trump's personality, his charisma have persuaded Center Right and far right voters. I believe it is the popular culture. That is to say the culture spawned by two regrettable factions in American culture namely reality television and professional wrestling.

In both of these factions, we find similar means of behavior. Sensationalism and violence. Trump's appeal appears to be driven by his off-the-cuff rhetoric that leans on driving fear, suspicion and division. The same rhetoric that drives reality TV and professional wrestling. Alliances to divide one faction from another are the stock and trade of reality RV shows. Trump is a reality TV star and brings that tactic to work every day.

Sensational canard laden rhetoric motivates the fans of reality TV as well as fans of professional wrestling. Most Americans take this with a healthy grain of salt. But to the low brow culture set who admires the fake nature of wrestling and the banal concerns of reality TV shows, sensational rhetoric from the president has appeal of a particularly dangerous quality. Those fans want the same level of behavior on the part of the head of state.

Is it then true that Trump supporters are not sufficiently cosmopolitan to see the hazards of reality TV/WWE behavior on behalf of the leader of our nation! Are we now under the influence of a generation that has forgotten virtues and favor vices?

You Tards just don’t get it.....

We voted for Trump because we like what he stands for....

You Tards don’t like him because unlike the average pussy republican Trump Fights Back...

Trump is MAGA...….
We tardsmdon't like him because he is a phony, boorish brute unworthy of respect as he shows none himself.

Your examples pale in comparison to Trumps actions......

Trump is MAGA.....

I am curious, what did you think of bill clinton?

You seem like a decent, yet confused person.........
I am racking my memory to come up with an example of President Clinton insulting groups of people or individuals. I am trying to remember when President Clin on mocked the disabled. When did President Clinton disrespect POWs? Gold Star families? Blacks? The dead?

All of your examples are Bull Shit as usual.....

Trump never had sex with an intern in the oval office that was barely legal..

clinton ruined that poor girls life and you Tards treat him like a rock star...

You tards are all so very full of Shit....

It’s plain to see you are an insane Zealot.

Your life has to Suck.....
We Republicans have found ourselves in a very hopeless situation.

When Democrats are in leadership, we have to do things the Democrat way.
When Republicans are in leadership, we have to do things the Democrat way.

Trump promised us he would not do things the Democrat way, we would do things the Republican way.

While he may not have given us all we hoped for, it's a lot closer than any of the establishment candidates would have given us.

He has called out and fought against the main stream media.
He has brought us the most fantastic economy since the 90's with record low unemployment levels.
He has called out Democrat politicians for what they are.
He has given us top of the line court nominations.
He has repeatedly addressed the terrible border problems we have.
He has single-handedly stopped NK nuclear missile testing.
He defeated ISIS in Iraq and brought us out of Afghanistan.
He continues to repair the damage done to our military by DumBama.
He has lowered taxes on our employers and workers alike.

So what's not for a Republican to like?

thank you for telling the TRUTH and letting US know that you believe Republicans are HOPELESS.

I could not agree more ..........
Why did America elect Donald Trump as President? His policies did not align with Republican orthodoxy. Republicans have championed free trade. Republicans have championed moral comportment of public personalities. Republicans have championed budgets that reduce the federal deficit.

So something about Trump's personality, his charisma have persuaded Center Right and far right voters. I believe it is the popular culture. That is to say the culture spawned by two regrettable factions in American culture namely reality television and professional wrestling.

In both of these factions, we find similar means of behavior. Sensationalism and violence. Trump's appeal appears to be driven by his off-the-cuff rhetoric that leans on driving fear, suspicion and division. The same rhetoric that drives reality TV and professional wrestling. Alliances to divide one faction from another are the stock and trade of reality RV shows. Trump is a reality TV star and brings that tactic to work every day.

Sensational canard laden rhetoric motivates the fans of reality TV as well as fans of professional wrestling. Most Americans take this with a healthy grain of salt. But to the low brow culture set who admires the fake nature of wrestling and the banal concerns of reality TV shows, sensational rhetoric from the president has appeal of a particularly dangerous quality. Those fans want the same level of behavior on the part of the head of state.

Is it then true that Trump supporters are not sufficiently cosmopolitan to see the hazards of reality TV/WWE behavior on behalf of the leader of our nation! Are we now under the influence of a generation that has forgotten virtues and favor vices?

You Tards just don’t get it.....

We voted for Trump because we like what he stands for....

You Tards don’t like him because unlike the average pussy republican Trump Fights Back...

Trump is MAGA...….
We tardsmdon't like him because he is a phony, boorish brute unworthy of respect as he shows none himself.

Your examples pale in comparison to Trumps actions......

Trump is MAGA.....

I am curious, what did you think of bill clinton?

You seem like a decent, yet confused person.........
I am racking my memory to come up with an example of President Clinton insulting groups of people or individuals. I am trying to remember when President Clin on mocked the disabled. When did President Clinton disrespect POWs? Gold Star families? Blacks? The dead?

All of your examples are Bull Shit as usual.....

Trump never had sex with an intern in the oval office that was barely legal..

clinton ruined that poor girls life and you Tards treat him like a rock star...

You tards are all so very full of Shit....

It’s plain to see you are an insane Zealot.

Your life has to Suck.....
Bill got a blowjob. Trump fucked a porn star.

But the part about the insults isn't quite as easy to equivocate, is it?
You Tards just don’t get it.....

We voted for Trump because we like what he stands for....

You Tards don’t like him because unlike the average pussy republican Trump Fights Back...

Trump is MAGA...….
We tardsmdon't like him because he is a phony, boorish brute unworthy of respect as he shows none himself.

Your examples pale in comparison to Trumps actions......

Trump is MAGA.....

I am curious, what did you think of bill clinton?

You seem like a decent, yet confused person.........
I am racking my memory to come up with an example of President Clinton insulting groups of people or individuals. I am trying to remember when President Clin on mocked the disabled. When did President Clinton disrespect POWs? Gold Star families? Blacks? The dead?

All of your examples are Bull Shit as usual.....

Trump never had sex with an intern in the oval office that was barely legal..

clinton ruined that poor girls life and you Tards treat him like a rock star...

You tards are all so very full of Shit....

It’s plain to see you are an insane Zealot.

Your life has to Suck.....
Bill got a blowjob. Trump fucked a porn star.

But the part about the insults isn't quite as easy to equivocate, is it?

That blowjob was from a girl that was barely legal.....

Insults.. What a Flucking Hoot.....

You are full of Shit and we all know it....

The more you argue the dumber you look.....
Easy buddy. Just asking you to disavow a racist. No need to get your panties in a wad.

I won't ask again. For at least a few hours.

YOu don't have a problem with that, do you?
Nope, but it would be nice if you answered my questions there.

No, I think it would be better if we talk about you, and your claim to be unaware of the racist black poster on your side.

THat is far more important.

Why did you hesitate to disavow him? And a lot of people are saying that your disavowal of him was not sincere, but only because you were prompted.

What do you say to that?

Also, I have some other racist posters I would like to have you disavow. More on that later. Have to go.
Sure, okay.

If avoiding my question and changing the subject is easier for you, and helps you blame someone else, we can do that. The lefties play the same game. Peas in pod.

I'm sure the GOP has nothing to worry about.

No blame here. Just an innocent question. Why are you being so defensive?
Blech. Okay, whatever this is, I'm sure you're right.

I didn't make any claim, just asked a completely reasonable question. Why are you getting so angry?

Did I touch a nerve when I asked you to disavow the racist? That's very telling.

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