Trump deal loses 1300 jobs before he ever takes office ..

only Trumpbots suck Trumps cock for bribing a company and still losing more jobs than it kept.

Only a punch drunk liberal would grip about Trump saving middle class jobs. You Dem's better get these freaks under control or you won't have a party left.
what industry exactly is failing? you keep posting that stupid line, and we have no idea what industry is failing. which one? Australia?

Can you read?? I'm not being a smartarse here, being totally sincere...Am I speaking Swahili. We have been talking about the US auto industry for the past hour. What industry do you think I'm talking about?
No shit. People found this out a month ago.
Thanks for nothing, dumbfuck.

yet you lied about Trump bribing Carrier ... thanks for being a lying pos ... hairball.
Oye vay....where does it end?

Another unarmed moron who thinks he can actually have
a battle of wits with, of all posters, TNHarley :dunno:

PRETEND you can read, and get a room with harley ..

So what were the "incentives"? In the end, UTC agreed to retain approximately 800 manufacturing jobs at the Indiana plant that had been slated to move to Mexico, as well as another 300 engineering and headquarters jobs. In return, the company will get roughly $700,000 a year for a period of years in state tax incentives. Still, some 1,300 jobs will still go to Mexico, which includes 600 Carrier employees, plus 700 workers from UTEC Controls in Huntington, Ind.

In summary, the "math" works out to $636 per year per job saved in tax savings: hardly an egregious sum, and one which could likely be extended to other companies (unless, of course, those other companies decide to hold Trump hostage and demand escalating pay schedules) if and when Trump's fiscal stimulus package is implemented. It remains to be seen if the popular response, outside of conservative groups, will interpret this trade off as taxpayer funded "moral hazard."

want the link Ellie Mae?
Whats you point, dude? Nobody gives a shit. He saved jobs. Jobs that will turn into tax money. I thought you leftist statists liked tax $?
Bribing companies to stay isn't out of the normal. And you just about have to considering the leftist policies that rape our private sector.

more left than stayed ...DDDUUURRRRRRRRRR ... a more or less thingie Gomer, ya know?

math is so confusing huh?
Doesn't matter dumbfuck. Only a partisan shithead would find fault in saving peoples livelihoods.
How much in taxes were they going to pay when they left? How many jobs were going to be saved? How much in taxes were going to be lost?
Well, there was also his airline also failed after 4 years in which it never turned a profit.
Yep. It's riskier than your Lego fort. Hard to believe I guess.

Actually, Trump and I have a lot in common. Neither of us pays taxes. The difference is that I rely on exemptions, and Trump writes off losses from failed business ventures, that went belly up, losing other people's money, for the most part. That's what bankruptcy is all about.
only Trumpbots suck Trumps cock for bribing a company and still losing more jobs than it kept.

Only a punch drunk liberal would grip about Trump saving middle class jobs. You Dem's better get these freaks under control or you won't have a party left.

only a dumbass RW can misspell GRIPE

ain't that right Liberace' ?
Obviously, you don't live anywhere near the border. I have had my dental work done in Mexico for 10 years, and the work is excellent. In reality, I will be there again in 2 weeks. the Tucson dentist wanted $8,000. The Nogales dentist wants $1,200 for the exact same procedure. let me know if you want me to pick up some Viagra for you for 20 cents per pill, or maybe some Gentleman Jack, at 60% of the US price.
well do they have obummercare there? no wonder why! and you think you're laughing at us. you're telling everyone how fked up obummercare actually is. thanks.

I'm glad you brought that up. America is the only country in the world that saddles their businesses with providing heath insurance for their employees. Ford has been spending more of their own money for health insurance than they have paid per car for steel since 1977. And folks on the right think that is a GOOD thing, and then blame Ford for moving their assembly to countries where employers don't provide group insurance. It amazes me how folks like you can not grasp how our present health insurance structure puts out industry at a total disadvantage on the world market, when it is such a simple thing to understand.
my present health insurance? I didn't vote for this crap called obummerfail.

No, you didn't, because you prefer your employer to pay for your insurance, which, of course, means that your employer is not competitive with an employer anywhere else in the world that is in the same business.
I get the insurance available to me, yes. it was mandated I use only that. I can't go get my own insurance and obummerfail made sure I'd fail. wow, leeches, sucking the life out of the country.

BTW, it doesn't mean other countries insurance is better cause it's cheaper. it ain't fking cheaper, and you know it. put play the pity ball and see where it goes. but raising taxes is not an answer. never will be ever.
I'd be retired today if there was actual affordable health insurance.
Well, there was also his airline also failed after 4 years in which it never turned a profit.
Yep. It's riskier than your Lego fort. Hard to believe I guess.

Actually, Trump and I have a lot in common. Neither of us pays taxes. The difference is that I rely on exemptions, and Trump writes off losses from failed business ventures, that went belly up, losing other people's money, for the most part. That's what bankruptcy is all about.
You don't know what he pays or what your are babbling about.
only Trumpbots suck Trumps cock for bribing a company and still losing more jobs than it kept.

Only a punch drunk liberal would grip about Trump saving middle class jobs. You Dem's better get these freaks under control or you won't have a party left.

only a dumbass RW can misspell GRIPE

ain't that right Liberace' ?

Shut up punk, nobody believes the lies you post. :eusa_hand:
Well, there was also his airline also failed after 4 years in which it never turned a profit.
Yep. It's riskier than your Lego fort. Hard to believe I guess.

Actually, Trump and I have a lot in common. Neither of us pays taxes. The difference is that I rely on exemptions, and Trump writes off losses from failed business ventures, that went belly up, losing other people's money, for the most part. That's what bankruptcy is all about.
and those people take the losses as well and don't care. they reinvested with him often I'm sure. he most likely made more for them than they lost. I love how you all think you know something but don't know anything.
yet you lied about Trump bribing Carrier ... thanks for being a lying pos ... hairball.
Oye vay....where does it end?

Another unarmed moron who thinks he can actually have
a battle of wits with, of all posters, TNHarley :dunno:

PRETEND you can read, and get a room with harley ..

So what were the "incentives"? In the end, UTC agreed to retain approximately 800 manufacturing jobs at the Indiana plant that had been slated to move to Mexico, as well as another 300 engineering and headquarters jobs. In return, the company will get roughly $700,000 a year for a period of years in state tax incentives. Still, some 1,300 jobs will still go to Mexico, which includes 600 Carrier employees, plus 700 workers from UTEC Controls in Huntington, Ind.

In summary, the "math" works out to $636 per year per job saved in tax savings: hardly an egregious sum, and one which could likely be extended to other companies (unless, of course, those other companies decide to hold Trump hostage and demand escalating pay schedules) if and when Trump's fiscal stimulus package is implemented. It remains to be seen if the popular response, outside of conservative groups, will interpret this trade off as taxpayer funded "moral hazard."

want the link Ellie Mae?
Whats you point, dude? Nobody gives a shit. He saved jobs. Jobs that will turn into tax money. I thought you leftist statists liked tax $?
Bribing companies to stay isn't out of the normal. And you just about have to considering the leftist policies that rape our private sector.

more left than stayed ...DDDUUURRRRRRRRRR ... a more or less thingie Gomer, ya know?

math is so confusing huh?
Doesn't matter dumbfuck. Only a partisan shithead would find fault in saving peoples livelihoods.
How much in taxes were they going to pay when they left? How many jobs were going to be saved? How much in taxes were going to be lost?

nothing of any measure matters to Trump's private team of corporphliacs ... he shits in your lap, you rub it on face, smile and yammer " it doesn't matter"

only Trumpbots suck Trumps cock for bribing a company and still losing more jobs than it kept.

Only a punch drunk liberal would grip about Trump saving middle class jobs. You Dem's better get these freaks under control or you won't have a party left.

only a dumbass RW can misspell GRIPE

ain't that right Liberace' ?
only a lonely libturd who starts a thread on how someone saving 1100 jobs lost 1300 would point out a typo. how you feeling siete? got any of that stupid left to share?
Well, there was also his airline also failed after 4 years in which it never turned a profit.
Yep. It's riskier than your Lego fort. Hard to believe I guess.

Actually, Trump and I have a lot in common. Neither of us pays taxes. The difference is that I rely on exemptions, and Trump writes off losses from failed business ventures, that went belly up, losing other people's money, for the most part. That's what bankruptcy is all about.
You don't know what he pays or what your are babbling about.

Well, now, that says a lot, doesn't it. NOBODY knows what he pays, because he does not want you to know. However, it is a safe conjecture that the reason that he does not want you to know is that he has been writing off almost 1 billion dollars in losses (and that is documented) carried forward for over a decade. He told us himself that he is the smartest tax expert in the world!
Oye vay....where does it end?

Another unarmed moron who thinks he can actually have
a battle of wits with, of all posters, TNHarley :dunno:

PRETEND you can read, and get a room with harley ..

So what were the "incentives"? In the end, UTC agreed to retain approximately 800 manufacturing jobs at the Indiana plant that had been slated to move to Mexico, as well as another 300 engineering and headquarters jobs. In return, the company will get roughly $700,000 a year for a period of years in state tax incentives. Still, some 1,300 jobs will still go to Mexico, which includes 600 Carrier employees, plus 700 workers from UTEC Controls in Huntington, Ind.

In summary, the "math" works out to $636 per year per job saved in tax savings: hardly an egregious sum, and one which could likely be extended to other companies (unless, of course, those other companies decide to hold Trump hostage and demand escalating pay schedules) if and when Trump's fiscal stimulus package is implemented. It remains to be seen if the popular response, outside of conservative groups, will interpret this trade off as taxpayer funded "moral hazard."

want the link Ellie Mae?
Whats you point, dude? Nobody gives a shit. He saved jobs. Jobs that will turn into tax money. I thought you leftist statists liked tax $?
Bribing companies to stay isn't out of the normal. And you just about have to considering the leftist policies that rape our private sector.

more left than stayed ...DDDUUURRRRRRRRRR ... a more or less thingie Gomer, ya know?

math is so confusing huh?
Doesn't matter dumbfuck. Only a partisan shithead would find fault in saving peoples livelihoods.
How much in taxes were they going to pay when they left? How many jobs were going to be saved? How much in taxes were going to be lost?

nothing of any measure matters to Trump's private team of corporphliacs ... he shits in your lap, you rub it on face, smile and yammer " it doesn't matter"

wow, why is it you libturds share your personal hygiene with us all the time?
and the industry he refers to is the auto industry and he is saying it was failing.

I'm not saying that. Others were. A lot more qualified than you or me. You don't think almost being out of cash was a problem. Analysts do.

In 2008, the entire auto industry was in very bad shape. Layoffs at auto plants and among auto parts suppliers were on track to reach 250,000 workers. Gasoline prices were up and buying power was down. General Motors was virtually out of cash to pay its bills and Chrysler was not far behind. In November 2008, the New York Times ran the headline "GM teetering on bankruptcy, pleads for federal bailout"
Did President Obama save the auto industry?

Ha! Ha! Ha! yourself..
Well, there was also his airline also failed after 4 years in which it never turned a profit.
Yep. It's riskier than your Lego fort. Hard to believe I guess.

Actually, Trump and I have a lot in common. Neither of us pays taxes. The difference is that I rely on exemptions, and Trump writes off losses from failed business ventures, that went belly up, losing other people's money, for the most part. That's what bankruptcy is all about.
You don't know what he pays or what your are babbling about.

Well, now, that says a lot, doesn't it. NOBODY knows what he pays, because he does not want you to know. However, it is a safe conjecture that the reason that he does not want you to know is that he has been writing off almost 1 billion dollars in losses (and that is documented) carried forward for over a decade. He told us himself that he is the smartest tax expert in the world!
and I don't care, and I'm not sure why it matters to you?
and the industry he refers to is the auto industry and he is saying it was failing.

I'm not saying that. Others were. A lot more qualified than you or me. You don't think almost being out of cash was a problem. Analysts do.

In 2008, the entire auto industry was in very bad shape. Layoffs at auto plants and among auto parts suppliers were on track to reach 250,000 workers. Gasoline prices were up and buying power was down. General Motors was virtually out of cash to pay its bills and Chrysler was not far behind. In November 2008, the New York Times ran the headline "GM teetering on bankruptcy, pleads for federal bailout"
Did President Obama save the auto industry?

Ha! Ha! Ha! yourself..

Well, there was also his airline also failed after 4 years in which it never turned a profit.
Yep. It's riskier than your Lego fort. Hard to believe I guess.

Actually, Trump and I have a lot in common. Neither of us pays taxes. The difference is that I rely on exemptions, and Trump writes off losses from failed business ventures, that went belly up, losing other people's money, for the most part. That's what bankruptcy is all about.
and those people take the losses as well and don't care. they reinvested with him often I'm sure. he most likely made more for them than they lost. I love how you all think you know something but don't know anything.

His investors lost money and don't CARE? I won't even dignify that with comment!
Oye vay....where does it end?

Another unarmed moron who thinks he can actually have
a battle of wits with, of all posters, TNHarley :dunno:

PRETEND you can read, and get a room with harley ..

So what were the "incentives"? In the end, UTC agreed to retain approximately 800 manufacturing jobs at the Indiana plant that had been slated to move to Mexico, as well as another 300 engineering and headquarters jobs. In return, the company will get roughly $700,000 a year for a period of years in state tax incentives. Still, some 1,300 jobs will still go to Mexico, which includes 600 Carrier employees, plus 700 workers from UTEC Controls in Huntington, Ind.

In summary, the "math" works out to $636 per year per job saved in tax savings: hardly an egregious sum, and one which could likely be extended to other companies (unless, of course, those other companies decide to hold Trump hostage and demand escalating pay schedules) if and when Trump's fiscal stimulus package is implemented. It remains to be seen if the popular response, outside of conservative groups, will interpret this trade off as taxpayer funded "moral hazard."

want the link Ellie Mae?
Whats you point, dude? Nobody gives a shit. He saved jobs. Jobs that will turn into tax money. I thought you leftist statists liked tax $?
Bribing companies to stay isn't out of the normal. And you just about have to considering the leftist policies that rape our private sector.

more left than stayed ...DDDUUURRRRRRRRRR ... a more or less thingie Gomer, ya know?

math is so confusing huh?
Doesn't matter dumbfuck. Only a partisan shithead would find fault in saving peoples livelihoods.
How much in taxes were they going to pay when they left? How many jobs were going to be saved? How much in taxes were going to be lost?

nothing of any measure matters to Trump's private team of corporphliacs ... he shits in your lap, you rub it on face, smile and yammer " it doesn't matter"

What doesn't matter? I speak out against him a lot. And really, shouldn't matter to you. You are one of the most in line partisans on this site.
He only did good in this. Only a partisan shithead would think otherwise.

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