Trump Defeated Them...Now They Want Revenge Outside Ballot Box

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Trump defeated them and they want revenge "outside the ballot box" , indeed!

That's what's called a coup.

And a coup is exactly what's going on in America today.

There is not a coup d'etat going on in the US today. The government is not being suddenly overthrown. That's just hyperbole, or a misuse of the term.

If you choose to live in ignorance :dunno:.... it's up to you

That won't change reality.

yeah, it's not like the Donald is working for Russia or anything

You're only revealing to the world what a profound dumbass you are, you realize.

Your president is almost universally hated by the rest of the world. While I know you wingnuts wear that as a badge of honour, it says a lot of about you nimrods. None of it good....

Women who respect themselves don't vote for a woman who is married to a sexual predator.
I am sure Melania debated that thought..But married the old goon anyways..
I'll bet you thought that was clever.
I am sure you think you're clever also...Tee-hee..
I'll bet we could go on this merry-go-round for a thousand trips before you tired of it.
It's a hell of a ride..
You're too stupid to understand I was calling you an easily entertained moron
You're only revealing to the world what a profound dumbass you are, you realize.

Your president is almost universally hated by the rest of the world. While I know you wingnuts wear that as a badge of honour, it says a lot of about you nimrods. None of it good....

What rest of the world do you speak of? North Korea? Yes, they hate us. Iran? You bet. China? Not real happy about Trump either. Mexico? Who cares? Russia? Mad as hell at us right now.

We don't elect representatives to make the rest of the world happy, we elect representatives to make us happy. And any country that is unhappy with us, we will be glad to stop sending you our foreign aid and protection.
What rest of the world do you speak of? North Korea? Yes, they hate us. Iran? You bet. China? Not real happy about Trump either. Mexico? Who cares? Russia? Mad as hell at us right now.

We don't elect representatives to make the rest of the world happy, we elect representatives to make us happy. And any country that is unhappy with us, we will be glad to stop sending you our foreign aid and protection.

Europe. Canada. Aust. NZ....most of the rest of the world.

I know. Everybody elects people to make them happy. Right now two thirds of your country are unhappy.

We don't get any foreign aid from you. Never have. Don't need or want your protection either.
What rest of the world do you speak of? North Korea? Yes, they hate us. Iran? You bet. China? Not real happy about Trump either. Mexico? Who cares? Russia? Mad as hell at us right now.

We don't elect representatives to make the rest of the world happy, we elect representatives to make us happy. And any country that is unhappy with us, we will be glad to stop sending you our foreign aid and protection.

Europe. Canada. Aust. NZ....most of the rest of the world.

I know. Everybody elects people to make them happy. Right now two thirds of your country are unhappy.

We don't get any foreign aid from you. Never have. Don't need or want your protection either.

Oh really? And where do you live where you wouldn't rely on American intervention if you were attacked? How large is your military? How many nukes do you have? How advanced is your weaponry?
007, post: 1787240
He's got plenty of support when it comes to the American people.

1/3. That's it. And it's all Trump's fault. That's all he can appeal to. Stop playing the victim.
Where do you get that 1/3 bull shit from, snowflake? Took a lot more than that to win him the election, and he hasn't lost one damn bit of his core support.

You sound so desperate and butt hurt it's pathetic, poor little prog. Time to wake up and smell the coffee twit. Trump is president and he'll stay president, more than likely for the next 7 1/2 years.
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Where do you get that 1/3 bull shit from, snowflake? Took a lot more than that to win him the election, and he hasn't lost one damn bit of his core support..

1/3rd is his core support, he needed 46% to win the electoral vote.
Trump Defeated Them...Now They Want Revenge Outside Ballot Box

be prepared

they are radical leftists who will stop at nothing including violence

to attempt to retake the country

because elections surely are not working for them

but that is when they become the most violent
Donald J. Trump made Barack Hussein Obama eat his words. Great moment in American history last November. You underestimate this man. Two term POTUS because Democrats out of touch with reality.

I've been meaning to ask... what's up with using the middle names and middle initials? I hear people do it all the time and it just sounds silly

Hussein speaks volumes.

So you think that using Obama middle name is an insult?? Thats funny, says a lot about the type of person you are. Why the "J" for Trump? Do you think that makes him sound more official?
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