Trump delegates at risk of being declared uncommitted because of Trump's folley

So the delegates will withdraw their votes and forget the voters....

Not surprised.............

The other candidates have attacked Trump relentlessly...............They had a pledge as well...............To support the nominee of the Party.........

If they steal the nomination with this BS.................they end the GOP party as we know it...................Millions will walk away.............and I'm one of them..........

There are rules, you play by the rule. Trump doesn't like the rules, well he should at least accept them, because otherwise he's shooting himself in the foot. He decided to go Republican, and now doesn't like Republican.

Seeing as he's given more money to the Democrats, maybe he could switch over to them now. See if he likes their rules.
It kinda violates the intent of the Constitution of this Republic to IGNORE the will of the people..............

But i understand people like you use it for toilet paper...................
So the delegates will withdraw their votes and forget the voters....

Not surprised.............

The other candidates have attacked Trump relentlessly...............They had a pledge as well...............To support the nominee of the Party.........

If they steal the nomination with this BS.................they end the GOP party as we know it...................Millions will walk away.............and I'm one of them..........

There are rules, you play by the rule. Trump doesn't like the rules, well he should at least accept them, because otherwise he's shooting himself in the foot. He decided to go Republican, and now doesn't like Republican.

Seeing as he's given more money to the Democrats, maybe he could switch over to them now. See if he likes their rules.
It kinda violates the intent of the Constitution of this Republic to IGNORE the will of the people..............

But i understand people like you use it for toilet paper...................

No, it doesn't. This doesn't have anything to do with the Constitution at all. This isn't the election for the presidency. This is just an election to see who heads up a party.

The party has rules, you follow their rules for their party. Or you don't and you run for someone else.
So the delegates will withdraw their votes and forget the voters....

Not surprised.............

The other candidates have attacked Trump relentlessly...............They had a pledge as well...............To support the nominee of the Party.........

If they steal the nomination with this BS.................they end the GOP party as we know it...................Millions will walk away.............and I'm one of them..........

There are rules, you play by the rule. Trump doesn't like the rules, well he should at least accept them, because otherwise he's shooting himself in the foot. He decided to go Republican, and now doesn't like Republican.

Seeing as he's given more money to the Democrats, maybe he could switch over to them now. See if he likes their rules.
It kinda violates the intent of the Constitution of this Republic to IGNORE the will of the people..............

But i understand people like you use it for toilet paper...................

No, it doesn't. This doesn't have anything to do with the Constitution at all. This isn't the election for the presidency. This is just an election to see who heads up a party.

The party has rules, you follow their rules for their party. Or you don't and you run for someone else.

Two parties everyone else drowned out..................Doesn't matter...........If they honor the voters of their party then they wouldn't do this......................

There is only 1 is the establishment and no one is allowed to get in the way of their power.........

Both of them need to be flushed.
So the delegates will withdraw their votes and forget the voters....

Not surprised.............

The other candidates have attacked Trump relentlessly...............They had a pledge as well...............To support the nominee of the Party.........

If they steal the nomination with this BS.................they end the GOP party as we know it...................Millions will walk away.............and I'm one of them..........

There are rules, you play by the rule. Trump doesn't like the rules, well he should at least accept them, because otherwise he's shooting himself in the foot. He decided to go Republican, and now doesn't like Republican.

Seeing as he's given more money to the Democrats, maybe he could switch over to them now. See if he likes their rules.
It kinda violates the intent of the Constitution of this Republic to IGNORE the will of the people..............

But i understand people like you use it for toilet paper...................

No, it doesn't. This doesn't have anything to do with the Constitution at all. This isn't the election for the presidency. This is just an election to see who heads up a party.

The party has rules, you follow their rules for their party. Or you don't and you run for someone else.

Two parties everyone else drowned out..................Doesn't matter...........If they honor the voters of their party then they wouldn't do this......................

There is only 1 is the establishment and no one is allowed to get in the way of their power.........

Both of them need to be flushed.

So vote third party. That's the only way to change things.
Interesting.... this happened in several states, not just South Carolina.. I f he is no longer going to support the nominee, his delegates don't have to support him

TIME – Donald Trump’s announcement that he no longer stands by a pledge to support the GOP has thrown his hold on South Carolina’s 50 delegates in doubt.

The Palmetto State was one of several that required candidates to pledge their loyalty to the party’s eventual nominee in order to secure a slot on the primary ballot. Though Trump won all of the state’s delegates in the Feb. 20 primary, anti-Trump forces are plotting to contest their binding to Trump because of his reversal on the pledge Tuesday.

When asked about if he still would pledge to support the eventual Republican nominee during a town hall Tuesday with CNN’s Anderson Cooper, Trump said “No. I don’t anymore,” adding that he has been “treated very unfairly.”

South Carolina Republican Party Chairman Matt Moore gave credence to the anti-Trump claims.

“Breaking South Carolina’s presidential primary ballot pledge raises some unanswered legal questions that no one person can answer,” he told TIME. “However, a court or national convention Committee on Contests could resolve them. It could put delegates in jeopardy.”

Read more: OOPS! Trump may have just put his South Carolina delegates in jeopardy!

Trump shoots off his mouth without considering the consequences, again
Ah well if that happens I look forward to Trump's 3rd party run :thup:
I'm sure you do..........................Be proud of the witch you will elect.............I know you will.................

The establishment will not tolerate ANY DISOBEDIENCE....................They are the Borg.........

Funny. Because it seems like you don't tolerate disobedience
Kasich and Cruz already said they wouldn't support him if he's the nominee.
They will ignore that of course............and with friends like the other candidates who made the promises.........who needs enemies.......


I'm sure the South Carolina delegation will take away cruz and kasich delegates if they take Trump's
Ouch. I can't blame them though.
Whatever...............they have now chosen Hillary...and so have you.................

They get their way or they take their toys and go be it..........I hope the GOP implodes then...............

Considering trump is the only candidate Hillary beats, you're the one that's been voting for her the entire time. At least if we use your logic. Not to mention you are the one insisting trump.

You cannot blame anyone but trump for this one. Besides no decisions are final yet.
Excuses........people like you are why she could you jump ship and pick up the Dem flag................

If you don't get your way............poor things........then blame others for voting for the Hildabeast.

So you are going to support Cruz when he wins?
trump broke his promise, so other promises aren't binding
Sorry, but the GOP promised to support him....and instead they broke their promise and have undermined him all along.

Trump has every right to tell the GOP to pound sand.

They never agreed to help him get the nomination.

But I suppose they no longer need to keep their promise since Trump broke his
trump broke his promise, so other promises aren't binding
Well then since both the other runners also stated they would not support the nominee I guess they cant have them either right?

To be fair, they just said they wouldn't support and Trump. Didn't say they wouldn't support each other if they won.

And I'm sure they will lose every delegate they had in South Carolina anyway:)
So the delegates will withdraw their votes and forget the voters....

Not surprised.............

The other candidates have attacked Trump relentlessly...............They had a pledge as well...............To support the nominee of the Party.........

If they steal the nomination with this BS.................they end the GOP party as we know it...................Millions will walk away.............and I'm one of them..........

There are rules, you play by the rule. Trump doesn't like the rules, well he should at least accept them, because otherwise he's shooting himself in the foot. He decided to go Republican, and now doesn't like Republican.

Seeing as he's given more money to the Democrats, maybe he could switch over to them now. See if he likes their rules.
It kinda violates the intent of the Constitution of this Republic to IGNORE the will of the people..............

But i understand people like you use it for toilet paper...................

If you cared about the constitution, you wouldn't be supporting Trump.

But as you seem to think that the presidential nominee of a political party has anything to do with the Constitution, I'm guessing you aren't familiar with the document. You do realize there is absolutely nothing that says any party has to allow us to choose their nominee don't you?
Let the GOP as it stands fall into the ashes of obscurity.
I for one look forward to the change that is coming....the election of another establishment puke from either side will hasten the coming collapse and we can just get it over with.
Interesting.... this happened in several states, not just South Carolina.. I f he is no longer going to support the nominee, his delegates don't have to support him

TIME – Donald Trump’s announcement that he no longer stands by a pledge to support the GOP has thrown his hold on South Carolina’s 50 delegates in doubt.

The Palmetto State was one of several that required candidates to pledge their loyalty to the party’s eventual nominee in order to secure a slot on the primary ballot. Though Trump won all of the state’s delegates in the Feb. 20 primary, anti-Trump forces are plotting to contest their binding to Trump because of his reversal on the pledge Tuesday.

When asked about if he still would pledge to support the eventual Republican nominee during a town hall Tuesday with CNN’s Anderson Cooper, Trump said “No. I don’t anymore,” adding that he has been “treated very unfairly.”

South Carolina Republican Party Chairman Matt Moore gave credence to the anti-Trump claims.

“Breaking South Carolina’s presidential primary ballot pledge raises some unanswered legal questions that no one person can answer,” he told TIME. “However, a court or national convention Committee on Contests could resolve them. It could put delegates in jeopardy.”

Read more: OOPS! Trump may have just put his South Carolina delegates in jeopardy!

Trump shoots off his mouth without considering the consequences, again
Ah well if that happens I look forward to Trump's 3rd party run :thup:
I'm sure you do..........................Be proud of the witch you will elect.............I know you will.................

The establishment will not tolerate ANY DISOBEDIENCE....................They are the Borg.........

Funny. Because it seems like you don't tolerate disobedience
That is just plain stupid. If Cruz were to win with the voters and not some rigged crap that is in the making I'd vote for him. I believe the voters should decide, and win or lose that is the deal. Not the rigged system that we are seeing now.
So the delegates will withdraw their votes and forget the voters....

Not surprised.............

The other candidates have attacked Trump relentlessly...............They had a pledge as well...............To support the nominee of the Party.........

If they steal the nomination with this BS.................they end the GOP party as we know it...................Millions will walk away.............and I'm one of them..........

There are rules, you play by the rule. Trump doesn't like the rules, well he should at least accept them, because otherwise he's shooting himself in the foot. He decided to go Republican, and now doesn't like Republican.

Seeing as he's given more money to the Democrats, maybe he could switch over to them now. See if he likes their rules.
It kinda violates the intent of the Constitution of this Republic to IGNORE the will of the people..............

But i understand people like you use it for toilet paper...................

If you cared about the constitution, you wouldn't be supporting Trump.

But as you seem to think that the presidential nominee of a political party has anything to do with the Constitution, I'm guessing you aren't familiar with the document. You do realize there is absolutely nothing that says any party has to allow us to choose their nominee don't you?
Again, Stupid comment. Representative Gov't...............By the will of the people............Trump is running in the
GOP and has more votes.............aka that means more voters want him than the others.......but you chose someone else because you don't like our votes even though we outnumber you. LOL...then you say I don't know the constitution...........

People like you are starting to sound like liberals.
Ouch. I can't blame them though.
Whatever...............they have now chosen Hillary...and so have you.................

They get their way or they take their toys and go be it..........I hope the GOP implodes then...............

Considering trump is the only candidate Hillary beats, you're the one that's been voting for her the entire time. At least if we use your logic. Not to mention you are the one insisting trump.

You cannot blame anyone but trump for this one. Besides no decisions are final yet.
Excuses........people like you are why she could you jump ship and pick up the Dem flag................

If you don't get your way............poor things........then blame others for voting for the Hildabeast.

So you are going to support Cruz when he wins?
If he wins by the vote only............If he wins brokered...................NOT A CHANCE.................I'll sit this one out..................and hope the GOP implodes..............Radical huh..............At this point what difference does it make..............The rallying cry of people like you who will hand the Hildabeast the election.
So the delegates will withdraw their votes and forget the voters....

Not surprised.............

The other candidates have attacked Trump relentlessly...............They had a pledge as well...............To support the nominee of the Party.........

If they steal the nomination with this BS.................they end the GOP party as we know it...................Millions will walk away.............and I'm one of them..........

There are rules, you play by the rule. Trump doesn't like the rules, well he should at least accept them, because otherwise he's shooting himself in the foot. He decided to go Republican, and now doesn't like Republican.

Seeing as he's given more money to the Democrats, maybe he could switch over to them now. See if he likes their rules.
It kinda violates the intent of the Constitution of this Republic to IGNORE the will of the people..............

But i understand people like you use it for toilet paper...................

If you cared about the constitution, you wouldn't be supporting Trump.

But as you seem to think that the presidential nominee of a political party has anything to do with the Constitution, I'm guessing you aren't familiar with the document. You do realize there is absolutely nothing that says any party has to allow us to choose their nominee don't you?
Again, Stupid comment. Representative Gov't...............By the will of the people............Trump is running in the
GOP and has more votes.............aka that means more voters want him than the others.......but you chose someone else because you don't like our votes even though we outnumber you. LOL...then you say I don't know the constitution...........

People like you are starting to sound like liberals.

The US Congress is not made up of the party with the most votes.

In 2014 the Democrats got 44.9% of the votes but 43.2% of the seats, while the Republicans got 50.7% of the votes and 56.8% of the seats.

How'd that work out? Oh, yeah, because it's not proportional representation.

In 2000 Bush got less votes than Gore, and Gore lost. How'd that work out?

Now all of a sudden you're telling us that the person with the most votes should win, even though all the votes tallied up during the primary are not used. Some states give all their delegates to one candidate, some don't. Don't see you bitching about that.
So the delegates will withdraw their votes and forget the voters....

Not surprised.............

The other candidates have attacked Trump relentlessly...............They had a pledge as well...............To support the nominee of the Party.........

If they steal the nomination with this BS.................they end the GOP party as we know it...................Millions will walk away.............and I'm one of them..........

There are rules, you play by the rule. Trump doesn't like the rules, well he should at least accept them, because otherwise he's shooting himself in the foot. He decided to go Republican, and now doesn't like Republican.

Seeing as he's given more money to the Democrats, maybe he could switch over to them now. See if he likes their rules.
It kinda violates the intent of the Constitution of this Republic to IGNORE the will of the people..............

But i understand people like you use it for toilet paper...................

If you cared about the constitution, you wouldn't be supporting Trump.

But as you seem to think that the presidential nominee of a political party has anything to do with the Constitution, I'm guessing you aren't familiar with the document. You do realize there is absolutely nothing that says any party has to allow us to choose their nominee don't you?
Again, Stupid comment. Representative Gov't...............By the will of the people............Trump is running in the
GOP and has more votes.............aka that means more voters want him than the others.......but you chose someone else because you don't like our votes even though we outnumber you. LOL...then you say I don't know the constitution...........

People like you are starting to sound like liberals.

The US Congress is not made up of the party with the most votes.

In 2014 the Democrats got 44.9% of the votes but 43.2% of the seats, while the Republicans got 50.7% of the votes and 56.8% of the seats.

How'd that work out? Oh, yeah, because it's not proportional representation.

In 2000 Bush got less votes than Gore, and Gore lost. How'd that work out?

Now all of a sudden you're telling us that the person with the most votes should win, even though all the votes tallied up during the primary are not used. Some states give all their delegates to one candidate, some don't. Don't see you bitching about that.
Again you are stupid........My Congressman got elected by the voters..........aka MY DISTRICT...........

You are fudging the math trying to make it sound like something it isn't.........Every district elects their own Congressman or woman......................By the VOTE.........

To the delegate system..................or each state having different rules.....................Even under the different rules.....winner take all states...........the winner is decided by the VOTES.................... each equation decides the winner..............but oh.......another 4 candidates are on the ticket....see.......see......see.......see........he didn't get the majority...............Give me a fucking break.......Trump has WON 18 OF 30 States by the MAJORITY OF THE VOTES..............Cruz has Only 8...................

And that means HE'S LOSING........but the Convention will STEAL IT............because the voters don't matter anymore...........

There are rules, you play by the rule. Trump doesn't like the rules, well he should at least accept them, because otherwise he's shooting himself in the foot. He decided to go Republican, and now doesn't like Republican.

Seeing as he's given more money to the Democrats, maybe he could switch over to them now. See if he likes their rules.
It kinda violates the intent of the Constitution of this Republic to IGNORE the will of the people..............

But i understand people like you use it for toilet paper...................

If you cared about the constitution, you wouldn't be supporting Trump.

But as you seem to think that the presidential nominee of a political party has anything to do with the Constitution, I'm guessing you aren't familiar with the document. You do realize there is absolutely nothing that says any party has to allow us to choose their nominee don't you?
Again, Stupid comment. Representative Gov't...............By the will of the people............Trump is running in the
GOP and has more votes.............aka that means more voters want him than the others.......but you chose someone else because you don't like our votes even though we outnumber you. LOL...then you say I don't know the constitution...........

People like you are starting to sound like liberals.

The US Congress is not made up of the party with the most votes.

In 2014 the Democrats got 44.9% of the votes but 43.2% of the seats, while the Republicans got 50.7% of the votes and 56.8% of the seats.

How'd that work out? Oh, yeah, because it's not proportional representation.

In 2000 Bush got less votes than Gore, and Gore lost. How'd that work out?

Now all of a sudden you're telling us that the person with the most votes should win, even though all the votes tallied up during the primary are not used. Some states give all their delegates to one candidate, some don't. Don't see you bitching about that.
Again you are stupid........My Congressman got elected by the voters..........aka MY DISTRICT...........

You are fudging the math trying to make it sound like something it isn't.........Every district elects their own Congressman or woman......................By the VOTE.........

To the delegate system..................or each state having different rules.....................Even under the different rules.....winner take all states...........the winner is decided by the VOTES.................... each equation decides the winner..............but oh.......another 4 candidates are on the ticket....see.......see......see.......see........he didn't get the majority...............Give me a fucking break.......Trump has WON 18 OF 30 States by the MAJORITY OF THE VOTES..............Cruz has Only 8...................

And that means HE'S LOSING........but the Convention will STEAL IT............because the voters don't matter anymore...........


It always makes me wonder why people start a post with an insult and then expect to be able to debate afterwards.

No, sorry, I don't do insulters. if you want a reply, try being civil.
It kinda violates the intent of the Constitution of this Republic to IGNORE the will of the people..............

But i understand people like you use it for toilet paper...................

If you cared about the constitution, you wouldn't be supporting Trump.

But as you seem to think that the presidential nominee of a political party has anything to do with the Constitution, I'm guessing you aren't familiar with the document. You do realize there is absolutely nothing that says any party has to allow us to choose their nominee don't you?
Again, Stupid comment. Representative Gov't...............By the will of the people............Trump is running in the
GOP and has more votes.............aka that means more voters want him than the others.......but you chose someone else because you don't like our votes even though we outnumber you. LOL...then you say I don't know the constitution...........

People like you are starting to sound like liberals.

The US Congress is not made up of the party with the most votes.

In 2014 the Democrats got 44.9% of the votes but 43.2% of the seats, while the Republicans got 50.7% of the votes and 56.8% of the seats.

How'd that work out? Oh, yeah, because it's not proportional representation.

In 2000 Bush got less votes than Gore, and Gore lost. How'd that work out?

Now all of a sudden you're telling us that the person with the most votes should win, even though all the votes tallied up during the primary are not used. Some states give all their delegates to one candidate, some don't. Don't see you bitching about that.
Again you are stupid........My Congressman got elected by the voters..........aka MY DISTRICT...........

You are fudging the math trying to make it sound like something it isn't.........Every district elects their own Congressman or woman......................By the VOTE.........

To the delegate system..................or each state having different rules.....................Even under the different rules.....winner take all states...........the winner is decided by the VOTES.................... each equation decides the winner..............but oh.......another 4 candidates are on the ticket....see.......see......see.......see........he didn't get the majority...............Give me a fucking break.......Trump has WON 18 OF 30 States by the MAJORITY OF THE VOTES..............Cruz has Only 8...................

And that means HE'S LOSING........but the Convention will STEAL IT............because the voters don't matter anymore...........


It always makes me wonder why people start a post with an insult and then expect to be able to debate afterwards.

No, sorry, I don't do insulters. if you want a reply, try being civil.
My point stands...............Don't care if you don't like how it is presented...............You want a pillow fight try someone else..............

The establishment is trying to take the decision away from the voters......both sides................You can spray perfume on it and/or put a pretty bow on it and it changes nothing........................The establishment and YOU.....are saying the VOTERS DON'T MATTER ANY MORE........

Which is CLEARLY against the intent of our Republic.

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