Trump: “Democrats Have to Decide Whether They will Continue to Defraud the Public with Bullshit"

Silly right wingers still think the country will accept Barr's little note as if it were Mueller's report.
Silly right wingers still think the country will accept Barr's little note as if it were Mueller's report.
If the Democrat dumbells had accepted President Trump's "I'm innocent" two and a half years ago, Democrats wouldn't be losing a huge percentage of Americans who hunger for the truth from the people they elect. And your leadership isn't getting smarter, it's dumbing down on the samo-samo lies.
Very refreshing; as a Trump voter and supporter, overall he's done a more interesting, productive job as President than any others in my own 46 years of life. I always liked the way President Trump is full of surprises. You have to admit, he's a bit less predictable than previous presidents, that's what makes him interesting.
look, my friends, the Mueller report needs to be made public, Congress can subpoena it or whatever, it doesnt matter how they do it, but the Mueller report needs to be made public. period. end of story!
Very refreshing; as a Trump voter and supporter, overall he's done a more interesting, productive job as President than any others in my own 46 years of life. I always liked the way President Trump is full of surprises. You have to admit, he's a bit less predictable than previous presidents, that's what makes him interesting.

Trump is the most unprofessional, most orange, most unpredictable and most offensive president our country has ever elected. He is the least politically correct president in modern history. He doesn't take shit from anyone and won't hesitate to tweet how he feels at that moment. You attack him he will fight back. He doesn't pretend to be someone he isn't. Who I voted for in 2016 is EXACTLY who I got.

And its for those reasons I'll be using the little pencil eraser to touch the button next to his name again in 2020.
the loons will now call Trump a racist again being he just insulted all 986 million bulls that live and poop here in the USA
Silly right wingers still think the country will accept Barr's little note as if it were Mueller's report.

Dumb Ass Tards like yourself think cnn and msnbctard tell the truth...

Get a clue dumb ass....
Simply release the Mueller report, minus classified methods of how the information was gathered, and none of us would be arguing to the extent that we are right now...over things we do not have the facts or evidence in hand... only speculation and guesses.

There is great public interest in the full report...

Transparency is needed... not keeping things hidden, that only makes it worse.

The president initially said he wanted the Mueller Report released.

Donny Junior said he wanted the full report released.

Were they both just joshing us?

It should have been ready to release at the same time as AG Barr gave his own opinionated summary, or within a day or two.... tomorrow is a week since Mueller turned in his report...

It's almost as if the Administration is gaming us, and wants the division and is fueling it, purposely imo.
Very refreshing; as a Trump voter and supporter, overall he's done a more interesting, productive job as President than any others in my own 46 years of life. I always liked the way President Trump is full of surprises. You have to admit, he's a bit less predictable than previous presidents, that's what makes him interesting.

Trump is the most unprofessional, most orange, most unpredictable and most offensive president our country has ever elected. He is the least politically correct president in modern history. He doesn't take shit from anyone and won't hesitate to tweet how he feels at that moment. You attack him he will fight back. He doesn't pretend to be someone he isn't. Who I voted for in 2016 is EXACTLY who I got.

And its for those reasons I'll be using the little pencil eraser to touch the button next to his name again in 2020.

Orange is the new Black
look, my friends, the Mueller report needs to be made public, Congress can subpoena it or whatever, it doesnt matter how they do it, but the Mueller report needs to be made public. period. end of story!

They can subpoena but they won't get it like that. They can not enforce a subpoena only the DOJ can.

They'd have to get a court order and with classified info in it, no judge will allow that. Only Barr can get a judge to order the
release of grand jury testimony. And if they Subpoena Mueller, Barr can block that if he desires. Even if Barr doesn't
block a subpoena of Mueller, Mueller cannot disclose any details except items that Barr has already released. As a Special
Counsel Mueller can only give info to the AG.
Silly right wingers still think the country will accept Barr's little note as if it were Mueller's report.
You're doing way too much thinking.
Nobody gives a shit.... Period.

The Mueller report is dead and so is Bob Mueller.



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