Trump denies Pelosi aircraft for foreign trip in response to call for State of the Union delay

The wall is part of that package. Democrats need to end the shutdown.

Trump was given some pretty good options that he turned down flat. Now that the Dems are playing the same game, you don't like the game. Well, there is another game that can be played and that is Veto Proof Bills just as soon as they get rid of McConnel as Senate Majority Leader and I think that may be in the works.
What options? His proposal is the same that Pelosi and Schumer supported in the past?

He was offered 3 billion if Trump would throw in DACA even knowing that Trump has supported DACA in the past.. Trump turned them down flat. The ARt of the Deal won't deal. He's stuck on one figure and one figure with no room for wiggle. The house also offered 1.6 billion without DACA and he's held steadfast. Now, the House is not bothering to try and negotiate with him. They are working to get a Veto Proof Bill passed though. But only one person stands in the way of that since the Senate Members that have been polled almost all would support that bill. I look for a change in the Senate Majority Leader Position very soon.
Pelosi and Schumer supported the wall...until Trump was elected...who’s being childish?

Let' me try and explain something. I will type slowly and use small words.

Border Security isn't just a wall. Yes, I know read what I typed as Wall isn't just a wall. I won't bother going any further.

You wetback loving sackless bitches all sing the same tune....your idea of “border security” is a fucking joke and all real, legit Americans know it. Something must stand in the way of dirty beaners touching American soil and becoming wrapped up in a two year bullshit battle to eradicate the cockroaches. Pull your head from you ass and think once pussy.
Pres.Trump is da man!! .... :thup:

Trump is a child and should be treated as one.

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Republicans appear to have no clue how the government works.

The house holds the purse strings.

All kinds of Republicans when to Iraq and Afghanistan when Obama was president. It's part of their responsibility. They have to know what to spend money on. Part of that is going overseas and talking to our soldiers.

What Trump is doing is interfering with Congress doing their job.

Puerto Rico is a disaster. It wasn't 16 people who died, it was many hundreds of people. Democrats weren't going there for vacation. IT'S THEIR JOB!

Haha...apparently you don’t know how government you’ve witnessed, the Executive Branch bitchslapped the fuck out of that dirty whore and told her they’ll decide.

And the House is doing a bit of Bitch slapping back. Trump needs to get with Polosi and come up with the art of the deal fast. He''s steadfast on his deal with no wiggle room. Anything less he would think of losing face. he's painted himself in a corner now. he wants to deal, get his butt over to Polosis office and sit down with here. I know a deal is there to be had but both parties must be amiable to it.
Trump should have the Army take her to Afghanistan.
View attachment 240659
How come Republicans are so stupid. How can they exist and not know anything?

Republicans and Democrats went to those places under Bush and Obama. They have to. It's part of their job.

I just don't get the ignorance and stupidity of Republicans. I thought you couldn't get worse than ignorant. Then Republicans go one step further with a determined ignorance. They don't want to know anything.
OMG. This is one of the most hysterical moves I have ever witnessed but a smack down baby.

I am happy happy happy. Unreal. God bless President Trump. Told the bitch to fly commercial.

Trump was given some pretty good options that he turned down flat. Now that the Dems are playing the same game, you don't like the game. Well, there is another game that can be played and that is Veto Proof Bills just as soon as they get rid of McConnel as Senate Majority Leader and I think that may be in the works.
What options? His proposal is the same that Pelosi and Schumer supported in the past?

He was offered 3 billion if Trump would throw in DACA even knowing that Trump has supported DACA in the past.. Trump turned them down flat. The ARt of the Deal won't deal. He's stuck on one figure and one figure with no room for wiggle. The house also offered 1.6 billion without DACA and he's held steadfast. Now, the House is not bothering to try and negotiate with him. They are working to get a Veto Proof Bill passed though. But only one person stands in the way of that since the Senate Members that have been polled almost all would support that bill. I look for a change in the Senate Majority Leader Position very soon.
Pelosi and Schumer supported the wall...until Trump was elected...who’s being childish?

Let' me try and explain something. I will type slowly and use small words.

Border Security isn't just a wall. Yes, I know read what I typed as Wall isn't just a wall. I won't bother going any further.

You wetback loving sackless bitches all sing the same tune....your idea of “border security” is a fucking joke and all real, legit Americans know it. Something must stand in the way of dirty beaners touching American soil and becoming wrapped up in a two year bullshit battle to eradicate the cockroaches. Pull your head from you ass and think once pussy.

I know a way out of this. Report to a demarcation center in Florida. If you want, we can send a bus to pick you up and transport you. Once you are there, you will be flown Conair to Gitmo where you will get about as much security and walls you can handle.
No, he jack knifed our soldiers overseas. Keeping Congress from funding them and getting them what they need.

Are all Republicans this dumb?

Not a single one is defending our soldiers.
Republicans appear to have no clue how the government works.

The house holds the purse strings.

All kinds of Republicans when to Iraq and Afghanistan when Obama was president. It's part of their responsibility. They have to know what to spend money on. Part of that is going overseas and talking to our soldiers.

What Trump is doing is interfering with Congress doing their job.

Puerto Rico is a disaster. It wasn't 16 people who died, it was many hundreds of people. Democrats weren't going there for vacation. IT'S THEIR JOB!

Haha...apparently you don’t know how government you’ve witnessed, the Executive Branch bitchslapped the fuck out of that dirty whore and told her they’ll decide.

And the House is doing a bit of Bitch slapping back. Trump needs to get with Polosi and come up with the art of the deal fast. He''s steadfast on his deal with no wiggle room. Anything less he would think of losing face. he's painted himself in a corner now. he wants to deal, get his butt over to Polosis office and sit down with here. I know a deal is there to be had but both parties must be amiable to it.

Give him 5.7 billion, everybody goes back to work.
I think there are still reports of breaking glass coming from her office as we speak.....
Actually, I see it as Pelosi painted herself into a corner.
Republicans appear to have no clue how the government works.

The house holds the purse strings.

All kinds of Republicans when to Iraq and Afghanistan when Obama was president. It's part of their responsibility. They have to know what to spend money on. Part of that is going overseas and talking to our soldiers.

What Trump is doing is interfering with Congress doing their job.

Puerto Rico is a disaster. It wasn't 16 people who died, it was many hundreds of people. Democrats weren't going there for vacation. IT'S THEIR JOB!

Haha...apparently you don’t know how government you’ve witnessed, the Executive Branch bitchslapped the fuck out of that dirty whore and told her they’ll decide.

And the House is doing a bit of Bitch slapping back. Trump needs to get with Polosi and come up with the art of the deal fast. He''s steadfast on his deal with no wiggle room. Anything less he would think of losing face. he's painted himself in a corner now. he wants to deal, get his butt over to Polosis office and sit down with here. I know a deal is there to be had but both parties must be amiable to it.
Trump should have the Army take her to Afghanistan.
View attachment 240659
How come Republicans are so stupid. How can they exist and not know anything?

Republicans and Democrats went to those places under Bush and Obama. They have to. It's part of their job.

I just don't get the ignorance and stupidity of Republicans. I thought you couldn't get worse than ignorant. Then Republicans go one step further with a determined ignorance. They don't want to know anything.
In case you haven’t heard, theres a manmade environmental crisis about to wipe out all life on earth.

Now is not the time for private flights for vacations.
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In chess we call this moving the rook to the opponents second rank.

Trump denies Pelosi aircraft for foreign trip in response to call for State of the Union delay

President Trump on Thursday appeared to deny military aircraft to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for an upcoming foreign trip, in response to her call to delay the State of the Union address amid the government shutdown.

In a stinging and curt letter, Trump said her trip has been “postponed.”

He wrote: “Due to the Shutdown, I am sorry to inform you that your trip to Brussels, Egypt, and Afghanistan has been postponed. We will reschedule this seven-day excursion when the Shutdown is over. In light of the 800,000 great American workers not receiving pay, I am sure you would agree that postponing this public relations event is totally appropriate. I also feel that, during this period, it would be better if you were in Washington negotiating with me and joining the Strong Border Security movement to end the Shutdown. Obviously, if you would like to make your journey by flying commercial, that would certainly be your prerogative.”

I'm sure she cancelled it due to the shutdown if it was even scheduled. Trump lies.

Prove it or shut up.

Trump postpones Pelosi’s official trip to Afghanistan — unless she wants to "fly commercial"

The details of Pelosi’s trip had not previously been made public, reportedly due to security concerns. According to Hammill, the delegation of lawmakers was planning on stopping in Brussels, Belgium where there was a scheduled meeting with North Atlantic Treaty Organization allies, as well as military leaders. Contrary to Trump’s letter, the delegation was not planning on going to Egypt.


Trump is talking about dropping out of NATO. We know that. Our allies are wondering what is going on.


“The purpose of the trip was to express appreciation and thanks to our men and women in uniform for their service and dedication, and to obtain critical national security and intelligence briefings from those on the front lines,” Pelosi’s spokesperson Drew Hammill said. Hammill added that both Trump and a delegation of congressional Republicans also travelled abroad visit the troops during the government shutdown.


It's the job of the house to fund what the government does. It's also part of their constitutionally mandated oversight, which is also part of their job.

Trump is interferring with Congress doing it's job.

But most Republicans are such t@@ds that they don't even know what our government actually does.
They've spewed that "it doesn't work" and "they don't do anything" for so long, they actually believe their own ridiculous nonsense.


The reason Republicans constantly say government doesn't work is because they aren't smart enough to make it work. And when it works, their leaders can't loot the country.

Republicans are so dumb that when their leaders tell them tax cuts for billionaires is good for the country, they believe it.

Says the freak who mainlines the DNC Kool-Aid.
OMG. This is one of the most hysterical moves I have ever witnessed but a smack down baby.

I am happy happy happy. Unreal. God bless President Trump. Told the bitch to fly commercial.

Huge violation of security proceedure.

These trips are never ever announced before that take place and most of the time we don't mind it about them until they are over and the VIPs are safely in the air on the way home.

National security is not tRump's forte.

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