Trump Directs The EPA to Begin Dismantling the Clean Water Rule

I've often found it amusing that certain people consider my land is their environment.

You want to save the environment? Do it on your own land.
Very short sighted Fnc,I have a Block of Land next to your,(example only) and I am putting a Nuclear Power Station on it,but that's OK by you,THANKS,I don't expect you will be able to drink the water once I get started,but you could always Bus In Bottled water I suppose....I thought you were clever,but the last couple of days I
If someone destroys your property, you can sue them. There's no need for the EPA to get involved.
Another piece of the Obama legacy flushed down the shitter......:clap2:
Obama’s legacy is set in stone. His actions have been made and history is recorded. Trump can undo whatever he wants, that becomes Trumps legacy but it has no effect on Obama’s. Sorry to disappoint
If Obama was for a clean environment, Trump has to be against it.
Yes he is that vindictive and crazy.

Trump directs EPA to begin dismantling clean water rule
Vindictive, crazy, reckless, and irresponsible.
That is exactly how rational people describe Obama's so-called "clean water rule," which was really an asault on our property rights.
Rational people understand clean water is worth protecting.
Trumpidiots like yourself always prostate yourselves to the fossil fuel companies.
That bill nothing to protect clean water. It simply gave the EPA the power to abuse our property rights. Our water is already almost entirely clean, and where it isn't existing law is sufficient to deal with the problem. There's no justificaiton for giving the EPA the authority to regulate
If Obama was for a clean environment, Trump has to be against it.
Yes he is that vindictive and crazy.

Trump directs EPA to begin dismantling clean water rule

The order directing the Environmental Protection Agency to set about dismantling the Waters of the United States rule takes aim at one of President Obama’s signature environmental legacies, a far-reaching anti-pollution effort that expanded the authority of regulators over the nation’s waterways and wetlands.

Excellent! It was a massive over reach.
So permitting polluters to soil the most precious commodity on earth is sound policy to you.
You trumpsters are freaking crazy.

Yes, dismantling Obama's regulatory over reach is an excellent policy.
Your ignorant mfer. If we don’t have strong regulations keeping our waterways safe and clean big business will exploit that and harm us all.
I hardly think regulating puddles in my back yard is going to stop big industry from polluting anything. It's already against the law for them to pollute rivers, lakes and streams. Obama's bill did nothing to improve the situation. It was just a big EPA power grab.
If Obama was for a clean environment, Trump has to be against it.
Yes he is that vindictive and crazy.

Trump directs EPA to begin dismantling clean water rule

The order directing the Environmental Protection Agency to set about dismantling the Waters of the United States rule takes aim at one of President Obama’s signature environmental legacies, a far-reaching anti-pollution effort that expanded the authority of regulators over the nation’s waterways and wetlands.

Excellent! It was a massive over reach.
No Todd,having clean water and sewerage can Never be an over reach....and to dismantle such programmes ....Why ? st
Yes it can, numskull. Almost everything the EPA does lately is an overreach. The agency has outlived it's usefulness.
If Obama was for a clean environment, Trump has to be against it.
Yes he is that vindictive and crazy.

Trump directs EPA to begin dismantling clean water rule
Vindictive, crazy, reckless, and irresponsible.
That is exactly how rational people describe Obama's so-called "clean water rule," which was really an asault on our property rights.
Rational people understand clean water is worth protecting.
Trumpidiots like yourself always prostate yourselves to the fossil fuel companies.
It's already protected, numskull.
If Obama was for a clean environment, Trump has to be against it.
Yes he is that vindictive and crazy.

Trump directs EPA to begin dismantling clean water rule

The order directing the Environmental Protection Agency to set about dismantling the Waters of the United States rule takes aim at one of President Obama’s signature environmental legacies, a far-reaching anti-pollution effort that expanded the authority of regulators over the nation’s waterways and wetlands.

Excellent! It was a massive over reach.
Of course you’re not honest enough to include the next statement.
Obama's EPA argued that such claims were exaggerated and misrepresented the realities of the enforcement process of a rule that promised to create substantially cleaner waterways, and with them healthier habitats for threatened species of wildlife.
The EPA always argues that. then they fine a rancher hundreds of thousands of dollars for creating a retention pond on his land after he got permission from the state government to build it. You can never believe the EPA when it's denying the that it will abuse the powers it is seeking. If they weren't going to abuse those powers, there would be no need for it to have them.
You're the king of the red herring.

If Obama was for a clean environment, Trump has to be against it.
Yes he is that vindictive and crazy.

Trump directs EPA to begin dismantling clean water rule
Vindictive, crazy, reckless, and irresponsible.
That is exactly how rational people describe Obama's so-called "clean water rule," which was really an asault on our property rights.
Rational people understand clean water is worth protecting.
Trumpidiots like yourself always prostate yourselves to the fossil fuel companies.
It's already protected, numskull.
which your POS president is STOPPING from being protected by gutting the enforcement part of the EPA.
God damn... stop sucking trump's tiny penis long enough to think for once in your life.
If Obama was for a clean environment, Trump has to be against it.
Yes he is that vindictive and crazy.

Trump directs EPA to begin dismantling clean water rule

The order directing the Environmental Protection Agency to set about dismantling the Waters of the United States rule takes aim at one of President Obama’s signature environmental legacies, a far-reaching anti-pollution effort that expanded the authority of regulators over the nation’s waterways and wetlands.

Excellent! It was a massive over reach.
Of course you’re not honest enough to include the next statement.
Obama's EPA argued that such claims were exaggerated and misrepresented the realities of the enforcement process of a rule that promised to create substantially cleaner waterways, and with them healthier habitats for threatened species of wildlife.
The EPA always argues that. then they fine a rancher hundreds of thousands of dollars for creating a retention pond on his land after he got permission from the state government to build it. You can never believe the EPA when it's denying the that it will abuse the powers it is seeking. If they weren't going to abuse those powers, there would be no need for it to have them.
You're the king of the red herring.

If Obama was for a clean environment, Trump has to be against it.
Yes he is that vindictive and crazy.

Trump directs EPA to begin dismantling clean water rule
Vindictive, crazy, reckless, and irresponsible.
That is exactly how rational people describe Obama's so-called "clean water rule," which was really an asault on our property rights.
Rational people understand clean water is worth protecting.
Trumpidiots like yourself always prostate yourselves to the fossil fuel companies.
It's already protected, numskull.
which your POS president is STOPPING from being protected by gutting the enforcement part of the EPA.
God damn... stop sucking trump's tiny penis long enough to think for once in your life.
Trump is only stopping new onerous rules from being implemented. The old rules are still in place. Was the environment a disaster when Clinton left office? I don't recall any of you turds complaining about it.
This "rule" was never even fully implemented, so nothing will change. It's just an "clarification" of an already existing set of regulations.
From my link:
Trump vowed Tuesday that he would continue to undermine the Obama-era environmental protections wherever he sees the opportunity, arguing they have cost jobs. "So many jobs we have delayed for so many years," Trump said. "It is unfair to everybody."

Many industries take issue with that interpretation. Tuesday's order, for example, was met with a swift rebuke from sport fishing and hunting groups. They said the clean water rule has been a boon to the economy, sustaining hundreds of thousands of jobs in their industry.

So great to see Americans standing up against the toxic policies of this antienvironmental president.
From my link:
Trump vowed Tuesday that he would continue to undermine the Obama-era environmental protections wherever he sees the opportunity, arguing they have cost jobs. "So many jobs we have delayed for so many years," Trump said. "It is unfair to everybody."

Many industries take issue with that interpretation. Tuesday's order, for example, was met with a swift rebuke from sport fishing and hunting groups. They said the clean water rule has been a boon to the economy, sustaining hundreds of thousands of jobs in their industry.

So great to see Americans standing up against the toxic policies of this antienvironmental president.
How could Obama's clean water rule be a boon to the economy when it hasn't even been implemented yet?
If Obama was for a clean environment, Trump has to be against it.
Yes he is that vindictive and crazy.

Trump directs EPA to begin dismantling clean water rule

The order directing the Environmental Protection Agency to set about dismantling the Waters of the United States rule takes aim at one of President Obama’s signature environmental legacies, a far-reaching anti-pollution effort that expanded the authority of regulators over the nation’s waterways and wetlands.

Excellent! It was a massive over reach.
No Todd,having clean water and sewerage can Never be an over reach....and to dismantle such programmes ....Why ? st

I am beginning to believe that Blue States other than NY don’t have a Department of Health that oversees the quality of drinking water.
Or are Liberals that stupid?
If Obama was for a clean environment, Trump has to be against it.
Yes he is that vindictive and crazy.

Trump directs EPA to begin dismantling clean water rule
Vindictive, crazy, reckless, and irresponsible.
That is exactly how rational people describe Obama's so-called "clean water rule," which was really an asault on our property rights.
Rational people understand clean water is worth protecting.
Trumpidiots like yourself always prostate yourselves to the fossil fuel companies.
That bill nothing to protect clean water. It simply gave the EPA the power to abuse our property rights. Our water is already almost entirely clean, and where it isn't existing law is sufficient to deal with the problem. There's no justificaiton for giving the EPA the authority to regulate
If Obama was for a clean environment, Trump has to be against it.
Yes he is that vindictive and crazy.

Trump directs EPA to begin dismantling clean water rule

The order directing the Environmental Protection Agency to set about dismantling the Waters of the United States rule takes aim at one of President Obama’s signature environmental legacies, a far-reaching anti-pollution effort that expanded the authority of regulators over the nation’s waterways and wetlands.

Excellent! It was a massive over reach.
So permitting polluters to soil the most precious commodity on earth is sound policy to you.
You trumpsters are freaking crazy.

Yes, dismantling Obama's regulatory over reach is an excellent policy.
Your ignorant mfer. If we don’t have strong regulations keeping our waterways safe and clean big business will exploit that and harm us all.
I hardly think regulating puddles in my back yard is going to stop big industry from polluting anything. It's already against the law for them to pollute rivers, lakes and streams. Obama's bill did nothing to improve the situation. It was just a big EPA power grab.
Ok, that’s an interesting argument that could be significant if true. Can you elaborate more and explain why you’re saying that the law was only a power grab and had no effect on making our water better? Sounds like you are breaching the door to making an actual substantive argument. Roll with it.
the next POTUS will be a dem and erase shit legislation from Trump with EO's.
Another piece of the Obama legacy flushed down the shitter......:clap2:
Obama’s legacy is set in stone. His actions have been made and history is recorded. Trump can undo whatever he wants, that becomes Trumps legacy but it has no effect on Obama’s. Sorry to disappoint

Obama’s legacy is set in stone.

Just not in the way you think.................
In exactly the way I think. Obama’s has done what he has done nothing Trump does can undo that. Many will see Obama’s actions as great and others won’t. I don’t think this dismantling has the effect that you think it is having. You talk about it like it’s a big fuck you to Obama, while you and other Trumpsters may see it that way, others just see it as Trump being irresponsible and wreckless. Regardless, Obama’s legacy is what it is
Government makes mistakes, with out drinkable water we die. rather some over kill on keeping our water drinkable than allowing to much pollution by industry, just so they can make more profit.

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