Trump Directs The EPA to Begin Dismantling the Clean Water Rule

Regardless, Obama’s legacy is what it is

Absolutely. A weak, failed president with failed policies.
Some of which are now, thankfully, being reverse.

So you don't think we should aim for cleaner water as a national goal? That's not a noble goal worth pursuing? Does your hatred of all things Democrat really make you that fucking stupid?

The EPA doesn't need absolute power over drainage ditches and rain puddles to give us clean water.

Yeah, how do you know? Are you an expert on these matters? We should let environmental rapists like Scott Pruit make those decisions instead? You probably don't know one fucking thing about that guy's history and how he despises the environment. Read about what that imbecile did in Oklahoma, fucktard. Now this dickhead is in charge of the EPA.

What a sick joke Pruitt is. What a sick joke you are for not taking this seriously. Instead, you just whine about Democrats all the time who care 100,000 times more about the environment than any Repug in Congress ever will. This is reason enough for me to vote Democrat for the rest of my life. And I proudly will. Fuck Repugs like Bush, Trump, and Pruitt who are purposely destroying the EPA.

Democrats care so much about the environment, they are willing to bankrupt the country to make the air 0.00001% cleaner.

I'll take Scott Pruitt any day.

Haha. I wonder if you'd still feel that way if your town was like Flint, MI.
What political party has controlled Flint for the last few decades?
They were offered help but refused it b/c the help was offered by REPS.
Sounds like PR.
Yeah maybe we can finally replace water with Brawndo. It's what plants crave. Might as well accept that the idiocracy has begun.

The left is living proof of that.
You’ve been out in that Arizona sun way too long.

And you've had your head up your ass even longer.
Coming from someone who applauds a president that’s going to make our drinking water more unhealthy, that’s a hoot.
Ya b/c President Trump WANTS everyone to die from polluted water.
Dear GOD you are a fucking idiot!
So you don't think we should aim for cleaner water as a national goal? That's not a noble goal worth pursuing? Does your hatred of all things Democrat really make you that fucking stupid?

The EPA doesn't need absolute power over drainage ditches and rain puddles to give us clean water.

Yeah, how do you know? Are you an expert on these matters? We should let environmental rapists like Scott Pruit make those decisions instead? You probably don't know one fucking thing about that guy's history and how he despises the environment. Read about what that imbecile did in Oklahoma, fucktard. Now this dickhead is in charge of the EPA.

What a sick joke Pruitt is. What a sick joke you are for not taking this seriously. Instead, you just whine about Democrats all the time who care 100,000 times more about the environment than any Repug in Congress ever will. This is reason enough for me to vote Democrat for the rest of my life. And I proudly will. Fuck Repugs like Bush, Trump, and Pruitt who are purposely destroying the EPA.

Democrats care so much about the environment, they are willing to bankrupt the country to make the air 0.00001% cleaner.

I'll take Scott Pruitt any day.

Haha. I wonder if you'd still feel that way if your town was like Flint, MI.

He probably thinks this is still the dark ages and he can just drink out of the river. That isn't so anymore and regulations are needed to stop businesses from fucking destroying our enviornment and to demand high standards to enjoy a cold glass of fucking water.

Mr.Wild west above is a fool.

Quick, if you regulate the drainage ditch on my property, the water will be clean.

Regardless, Obama’s legacy is what it is

Absolutely. A weak, failed president with failed policies.
Some of which are now, thankfully, being reverse.

So you don't think we should aim for cleaner water as a national goal? That's not a noble goal worth pursuing? Does your hatred of all things Democrat really make you that fucking stupid?

The EPA doesn't need absolute power over drainage ditches and rain puddles to give us clean water.

Yeah, how do you know? Are you an expert on these matters? We should let environmental rapists like Scott Pruit make those decisions instead? You probably don't know one fucking thing about that guy's history and how he despises the environment. Read about what that imbecile did in Oklahoma, fucktard. Now this dickhead is in charge of the EPA.

What a sick joke Pruitt is. What a sick joke you are for not taking this seriously. Instead, you just whine about Democrats all the time who care 100,000 times more about the environment than any Repug in Congress ever will. This is reason enough for me to vote Democrat for the rest of my life. And I proudly will. Fuck Repugs like Bush, Trump, and Pruitt who are purposely destroying the EPA.

Yeah, how do you know?

Because allowing the EPA to act as though a drainage ditch is a navigable waterway is moronic
and has no impact on clean water.

We should let environmental rapists like Scott Pruit make those decisions instead?

Elections have consequences.

Instead, you just whine about Democrats all the time

I'm not whining, I'm pointing and laughing.

Great comeback, dumb fuck. Your shit is weak. You're just a shallow, stupid little Repug.

Look, Scott is sticking his dick in the environment. LOL!
Regardless, Obama’s legacy is what it is

Absolutely. A weak, failed president with failed policies.
Some of which are now, thankfully, being reverse.

So you don't think we should aim for cleaner water as a national goal? That's not a noble goal worth pursuing? Does your hatred of all things Democrat really make you that fucking stupid?

The goal should be water that is clean enough. "Cleaner water" means there is no limit on what the EPA can do to achieve its goal. The EPA could keep making the water cleaner until it costs $1000/drop. That's what it has been trying to do in recent years, and it needs to stop.

Yeah, goober that's really going to happen. You don't care about Bush wasting $1 trillion in Iraq, but you're going to whine about spending more money on cleaner water. Got it, you shameless hypocrite fucktard.
It would happen if we let morons like you run the country. Those were exactly the kind of people running the EPA under Obama. Getting them outta there is precisely why we elected Trump.

You elected Trump because you're an unsophisticated Repug lump of shit who doesn't read and doesn't know anything. That's why you elected Trump, fucktard.

If Obama was for a clean environment, Trump has to be against it.
Yes he is that vindictive and crazy.

Trump directs EPA to begin dismantling clean water rule

The order directing the Environmental Protection Agency to set about dismantling the Waters of the United States rule takes aim at one of President Obama’s signature environmental legacies, a far-reaching anti-pollution effort that expanded the authority of regulators over the nation’s waterways and wetlands.

Excellent! It was a massive over reach.
So permitting polluters to soil the most precious commodity on earth is sound policy to you.
You trumpsters are freaking crazy.

Yes, dismantling Obama's regulatory over reach is an excellent policy.
Your ignorant mfer. If we don’t have strong regulations keeping our waterways safe and clean big business will exploit that and harm us all.

You're a fucking dumbass. Obama's rule gave the EPA power over farmer's ponds and the EPA abused it. Next!
So as usual you lie about Obama to make excuses for Trump anti environment policies.
Flint doesn't have an environmental problem. It has a lead pipe problem.

Flint has dirty water. Which, apparently, you wouldn't mind drinking on a regular basis. Hmm ...
Flint has a problem with its pipes. It's not a pollution problem. Furthermore, Flint is only one city in the entire country. Every other city has clean drinkable water. Cancelling Obama's expensive job-killing regulations isn't going to cause an environmental catastrophe.

I repeat, can you drink the water where you live?
Wow, you actually doubled down on that kind of stupid huh? Haha. Hate to break it to you but using hazardous materials and unsafe systems to provide a drinking source to a town that ends in mass contamination IS a type of pollution. It’s also what agencies like the EPA should be working to protect us from

Yeah, this guy is a total fucking moron. He doesn't know a damn thing about what happened in Flint.
Wrong, asshole. You are the one who doesn't know anything.
Great comeback you Trump c* cksucker.
Clean Water Rule - Wikipedia

Obama was regulating creeks on people's land. Fuck him!

Do you piss and shit in water which flows off of your land? That was done in centuries passed, are you ignorant of water born illnesses?

Educate yourself, Obama was spot on in his efforts to protect all Americans.
Thank you. Obama had to undo all of Bush’s assaults on the environment and now we have this corporate mfer going 10 times further than what Bush did.
Having clean air and water used to be a nonpartisan issue until the Republican Party was hijacked by the corporate polluters.
So of course the Trump whores feel the need to fellate them too.
View attachment 180786
Trump should abolish the EPA all together. It would be a significant step in making America great again.

Your conception of making America great again.

That's a picture of Obama's EPA, hard at work polluting the Animus river.

Obama's version of "The clean water rule" was government overreach,
dictating to farmers what they can and can't do with ponds they dug on their own land.

The EPA's New Clean Water Rule and Why Agribusiness Wants to Overturn It - Modern Farmer
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Obama's EPA. They sure made that river colorful.

AP January 13, 2017, 5:23 PM
EPA says it won't repay claims for spill that caused yellow rivers

People kayak in the Animas River near Durango, Colo., Thursday, Aug. 6, 2015, in water colored from a mine waste spill.

Press Association via AP Images
DENVER -- The Environmental Protection Agency said Friday it will not repay claims totaling more than $1.2 billion for economic damages from a mine waste spill the agency accidentally triggered in Colorado, saying the law prohibits it.

The EPA said the claims could be refiled in federal court, or Congress could authorize payments.

EPA says it won't repay claims for spill that caused yellow rivers

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