Trump does not have COVID-19...DEFLECTION TIME!!

Trump's friend, Vladimir Putin, sent his regards and best wishes.

The question was asked. Would it be appropriate to notify our allies of Trump's condition.

It was decided, no, it was not necessary to notify Russia, China, and North Korea at this time.
"Oh! What A Tangled Web We Weave When First We Practice To Deceive"

It is America's shame that our President has had so little regard for the truth that the American people learned a long time ago they could not trust anything he says.

How do we know Trump tested positive for the coronavirus? Trump told us in a tweet.

Profile photo, opens profile page on Twitter in a new tab
Donald J. Trump

Tonight, @FLOTUS and I tested positive for COVID-19. We will begin our quarantine and recovery process immediately. We will get through this TOGETHER!
9:54 PM · Oct 1, 2020

That is it. We have not heard from the White House task force on the virus. We have not heard from epidemiology experts from the team as in the case of Drs. Fauci and Birx. We have not heard from any independent medical expert that Trump tested poswitive. We have only Trump's word on that, and his word isn't worth much.

We have only heard from White House stooges, Trump's doctor, who will say whatever Trump wants him to say, MeEnamy, who lies as often as Trump himself, Meadows, Trump's chief of staff, and the idiot, Kudlow.

Why would Trump want to lie about testing positive? One reason might be, he has lied so much, he no longer knows what reality is any more.

That said, I will try to be more specific. Trump can lie all he wants, but he is not stupid, and he can read the headlines. He failed miserably during the Presidential debate. After acting like a complete jerk, there is no way Mary Wonderful, living in Suburbia, USA, would vote for the loudmouth idiot, and she will drag her husband with her. Now they are going to change the rules, insisting on decorum. Trump wants no part of decorum. He wants out of the debates before he injures himself anymore.

Trump was supposed to appear for two political rallies in Wisconsin on Saturday. He was drawing a lot of heat. In fact, Trump got booted out of one Wisconsin town, La Crosse. Perhaps Trump didn't want to embarrass himself anymore.

There is a strong possibility that GOP leaders told Trump Trump to cool it. Trump's speeches, like the one he gave in Duluth, were getting embarrassing. They worked great at solidifying the white supremacists and far right extremists who are part of Trump's base, but they totally turned off everyone else.

GOP leaders may have thought keeping Trump off the campaign trail, shutting him up, could do wonders for the Trump campaign and help their own chances as well. Trump was becoming a disgrace, and that wasn't helping Republicans up for reelection.

Tweeting that he had tested positive for the coronavirus would accomplish all of those goals.

Trump was the host of a reality show. During that stint and during his Presidency, Trump learned to become a master of melodrama. He can't just say he tested positive. He had to make this a big production for the drama effect.

What better way than to arrange to have Marine One fly him to Walter Reed, where he will stay for a few days to convince the doubters this was not all for show.

Doubters like me.

Whatever you're smokin' please don't pass it around. It likely causes cancer in humans and zits in cocksuckers.
Watching Trump get on Marine 1 this afternoon, and I noticed something interesting. Even though his wife has it as well, she opted to remain at the WH while Trump went to Walter Reed.
Watching Trump get on Marine 1 this afternoon, and I noticed something interesting. Even though his wife has it as well, she opted to remain at the WH while Trump went to Walter Reed.

She's in quarantine and shes 50 years younger.

We already know that Trump and his wife don't sleep in the same room. Maybe she's looking at this as a vacation away from Trump.

I mean, it's not like Walter Reed doesn't have enough room for her, as there is a special section of suites in that hospital, specifically reserved for the president.
Fake news alert people.....Donald J. Trump does not, I repeat does not have the virus and here's what I believe is going on.....

Trump and his doctors were never ever honest with the American stupid about his overall health from day one. Remember the assessment, Trump is healthy enough to live to be 200 years old? That he weighed 112 pounds?Same doctor now telling us Trump has Covid-19 and is announcing it without all the bells and whistles???? and then all but guaranteed a speedy recovery??? Trump is fat and old and he's getting a speedy recovery?? We all know Trump knows how to get doctors to lie for him, remember the "bone spurs doc"???? But what should be positive proof the guys lying....HE'S BEING FORTHRIGHT ABOUT IT, WHICH SHOULD BE FURTHER PROOF, ITS ALL A DEFLECTIVE MOVE. No cover up, no threatening people, just a sweet little tweet, blaming uniformed personell for hugging Hope a little too long and he and the first lady are just fine.....really?

Folks, Bob Woodard has been silenced and he has proof and tapes of Trump's lies upon lies, but Trump taxes took over the narrative. And then came the debates and all we've been talking about is Trump the racist and now this...DO YOU NOT SEE A PATTERN HERE????
There is only two ways to believe, he drinks bleach on camera to prove he's getting better or the man dies from it...THEN I WILL BELIEVE IT, UNTIL THEN, ITS DEFLECTION TIME AND ITS THE FUCKIN WEEKEND....
In Trump's age group---95% recovery hun. Trump is in good shape, has the best doctors, and a stock pile of medications including new ones. Hate to break the bad news to you----but skinny old people old seem to do the worse when I worked in the hospital. Those with a LITTLE bit of meat on their bones seemed to do better. Think Trump and his wife will be fine with everyone watching--------if he does and there is little to his sickness--------------watch out because the america public will likely be cramming the lock downs and masks down politicians throats for pushing this scam.

Perhaps this why Pelosi is so anxious to make a deal to get her hand on trillion $$$$$ for spending.
You just hit the nail on the coffin, true, he does have the best of everything at hand. Guess what the people paying for it, does not. So his wanting to ignore this virus, use the American stupid as ginny pigs so he can have bragging rights, is a bit fucked up. Listen, all you non mask wearing deniers will soon understand, UNLESS WE GET A HOLD OF THIS VIRUS....NOTHING IN THIS COUNTRY IS GONNA BE BACK ON TRACK. You nuts do not, I repeat do not hold the key to the US economy....ITS ALL OF US OR NOTHING. And people are afraid, they're ill informed and will not partake in the madness you right wing nuts keep wanting to happen.
He did not ignore the virus------he lived in spite of it instead of letting the democrat fascists lock him down and take away his rights as they seek to use the crisis to gain power and money.

I don't wear my mask either most of the time-------------and like Trump I was one of the first to realize that we were in danger and hoped he would do a travel ban as I loaded up on toilet paper, soap, shampoo, bleach, and medicine.

Most of us will not be able to avoid the virus for is here to stay. I CHOSE to take my chances over the summer theorizing that the SUN weakens the virus meaning that if exposed that one is exposed to fewer weaker virus's and that the body likely will be better able to fight off the infection and build up immunity. Don't think the spike in cases and deaths is coming as the cooler weather is coincidence. I am so fricking thankful for living in Florida right now. Think the yankees are going to have a harsh harsh viral winter.
I happen to agree with the idiot...that he doesn't have the virus

Don't hate the player, hate the game
Well, if he actually had Covid 19, he'd be on a ventilator at the very least
Covid 19 is viral pneumonia that is in both lungs
Testing positive for Sars 2 doesn't mean you have Covid 19

It takes 2-3 weeks for viral load to be detected in antibody tests

That being the case, it is already a given you will not get Covid 19
since all clinical studies have shown that from the onset of symptoms
abnormal masses are already visible in both lungs in CT scans
and within 8 days are on a ventilator or need invasive ventilation

Difficulty breathing is a symptom of pneumonia
Fever, chills, aches, loss of energy are symptoms of your immune system at work

What has been perpetrated is fucking criminal
I happen to agree with the idiot...that he doesn't have the virus

Don't hate the player, hate the game
Well, if he actually had Covid 19, he'd be on a ventilator at the very least
Covid 19 is viral pneumonia that is in both lungs
Testing positive for Sars 2 doesn't mean you have Covid 19

It takes 2-3 weeks for viral load to be detected in antibody tests

That being the case, it is already a given you will not get Covid 19
since all clinical studies have shown that from the onset of symptoms
abnormal masses are already visible in both lungs in CT scans
and within 8 days are on a ventilator or need invasive ventilation

Difficulty breathing is a symptom of pneumonia
Fever, chills, aches, loss of energy are symptoms of your immune system at work

What has been perpetrated is fucking criminal
No no no...Ventilator BAAAAD ...very bad. Virus weakens the lung tissues (thanks to the damage done to blood vessel lining by the virus) and when air is forced in via ventilation, it does more harm than good. Many if not most placed on ventilators die and/or suffer more long term damage. They have new medicines out-------that do a good job fighting the disease-------with Trumps malaria disease shown to reduce the symptoms of the virus drastically.
It is America's shame that our President has had so little regard for the truth that the American people learned a long time ago they could not trust anything he says.

How do we know Trump tested positive for the coronavirus? Trump told us in a tweet.

Hey, I could be wrong. I remember being wrong once, about 21 years ago. It is certainly possible that, for once in his role as President, Trump actually told the truth, and he has the virus. Stranger things have happened.

If so, it would be poetic justice. During the months of January, February, and March, Trump lied to the American people. He admitted to lying to us, thinking we would panic. He told us his fantasies about the impending threat, fought the science from epidemiology experts, lied about vaccines, discouraged FDA and CDC guidelines, and attacked the leadership of the FDA and CDC. Americans don't know who to trust, but they know it isn't Trump.

As a consequence of that, Trump is complicit in the deaths of over 213,500 Americans, and leads a nation that has 20% of the world's virus cases and 20% of the world's deaths caused by the virus.

As a consequence of that, Trump is complicit in the collapse of our once great economy that was built by the American people. We are still bleeding jobs and 30 million Americans are unemployed. There is no light at the end of the tunnel.

Trump was in regular contact this week with senior counselor Hope Hicks, who tested positive on Thursday afternoon. Multiple people who attended last Saturday’s event at the White House, when Trump nominated Judge Amy Coney Barrett to fill the vacancy on the Supreme Court, have also tested positive. Senator Mike Lee was in attendance as was University of Notre Dame President John Jenkins. Both tested positive for Covid-19 on Friday. Barrett had the virus during the summer. She has since tested negative.

A number of others in the White House have tested positive because Trump didn't like the image of staffers wearing masks.

The entire White House should go into quarantine, but it won't. A quarantine doesn't fit the image desired by Trump.

In the meantime, Vice-president Pence is staying away from the White House.

One last thing, Trump's friend, Vladimir Putin, sent his regards and best wishes.

Taking into account what he has done, do I have any sympathy for Trump?

Sure. I don't want him to die. Nothing to worry about there. He is too damn meant to die. Besides, it is probably just another photo op.
Hey troll got news for you,there has NEVER been a president who most the time they opened their mouth,told the truth, comedy gold.
"Oh! What A Tangled Web We Weave When First We Practice To Deceive"

It is America's shame that our President has had so little regard for the truth that the American people learned a long time ago they could not trust anything he says.

How do we know Trump tested positive for the coronavirus? Trump told us in a tweet.

Profile photo, opens profile page on Twitter in a new tab
Donald J. Trump

Tonight, @FLOTUS and I tested positive for COVID-19. We will begin our quarantine and recovery process immediately. We will get through this TOGETHER!
9:54 PM · Oct 1, 2020

That is it. We have not heard from the White House task force on the virus. We have not heard from epidemiology experts from the team as in the case of Drs. Fauci and Birx. We have not heard from any independent medical expert that Trump tested poswitive. We have only Trump's word on that, and his word isn't worth much.

We have only heard from White House stooges, Trump's doctor, who will say whatever Trump wants him to say, MeEnamy, who lies as often as Trump himself, Meadows, Trump's chief of staff, and the idiot, Kudlow.

Why would Trump want to lie about testing positive? One reason might be, he has lied so much, he no longer knows what reality is any more.

That said, I will try to be more specific. Trump can lie all he wants, but he is not stupid, and he can read the headlines. He failed miserably during the Presidential debate. After acting like a complete jerk, there is no way Mary Wonderful, living in Suburbia, USA, would vote for the loudmouth idiot, and she will drag her husband with her. Now they are going to change the rules, insisting on decorum. Trump wants no part of decorum. He wants out of the debates before he injures himself anymore.

Trump was supposed to appear for two political rallies in Wisconsin on Saturday. He was drawing a lot of heat. In fact, Trump got booted out of one Wisconsin town, La Crosse. Perhaps Trump didn't want to embarrass himself anymore.

There is a strong possibility that GOP leaders told Trump Trump to cool it. Trump's speeches, like the one he gave in Duluth, were getting embarrassing. They worked great at solidifying the white supremacists and far right extremists who are part of Trump's base, but they totally turned off everyone else.

GOP leaders may have thought keeping Trump off the campaign trail, shutting him up, could do wonders for the Trump campaign and help their own chances as well. Trump was becoming a disgrace, and that wasn't helping Republicans up for reelection.

Tweeting that he had tested positive for the coronavirus would accomplish all of those goals.

Trump was the host of a reality show. During that stint and during his Presidency, Trump learned to become a master of melodrama. He can't just say he tested positive. He had to make this a big production for the drama effect.

What better way than to arrange to have Marine One fly him to Walter Reed, where he will stay for a few days to convince the doubters this was not all for show.

Doubters like me.

Whatever you're smokin' please don't pass it around. It likely causes cancer in humans and zits in cocksuckers.
Indeed,this thread is sure attracting all the trolls to this troll op.
I'm starting to doubt the whole thing. Political theatre? To give credibility to covid1984 and push the whole covid agenda, including the coming vaccine? Nothing surprises me anymore.

To all the mainstream normies here that may sound crazy, but in the last few decades we've been lied to about SO many things, and I take everything from the government and their mouthpiece the controlled msm with a big grain of salt. Also, as I've brought up before, the US can legally propagandize its citizens, since 2013. If you don't know what I'm talking about you can learn more about that here or here.

Always ask who benefits? Cui bono? And no, I don't believe it's a D vs R thing. But I know that's how 90% of this site thinks, unfortunately.
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I usually try to avoid conspiracy theories, but let's look at it.

And frankly, I'm wondering if this isn't some kind of cheap reality TV stunt.

Think about it.

In the previous week, he was exposed as a massive Tax Cheat
He lost a debate badly with Biden
The polls have him down 8-13%, even Rassmussen is breaking bad on him.
His son's Girlfriend and his key spokesperson was revealed to have been fired from Faux News for Sexual Harassment
His Slovenian Trophy Wife was caught on tape saying, "Who gives a f--k about Christmas". (will we get to have Christmas this year?)

Then miraculously, he's found to have Covid. Just like they would in a Reality TV Show when the audience is starting to tune out.

OOOH, the Drama of him being flown to Walter Reed in a helicopter!!! Will he make it? Stay tuned.
I usually try to avoid conspiracy theories, but let's look at it.

And frankly, I'm wondering if this isn't some kind of cheap reality TV stunt.

Think about it.

In the previous week, he was exposed as a massive Tax Cheat
He lost a debate badly with Biden
The polls have him down 8-13%, even Rassmussen is breaking bad on him.
His son's Girlfriend and his key spokesperson was revealed to have been fired from Faux News for Sexual Harassment
His Slovenian Trophy Wife was caught on tape saying, "Who gives a f--k about Christmas". (will we get to have Christmas this year?)

Then miraculously, he's found to have Covid. Just like they would in a Reality TV Show when the audience is starting to tune out.

OOOH, the Drama of him being flown to Walter Reed in a helicopter!!! Will he make it? Stay tuned.

Yes, Walter Reed National Military Center is clearly a hub for propagating conspiracies, great post Joe.

Since your stupid, that great post part was sarcasm ...
No it is not...

As much as I like to talk trash about Trump the fact is this is not some sort of Jerry Springer nonsense and should be treated as if it were Obama, Clinton or Biden came down with this virus.

No matter how arrogant Trump has been I still find that I must just hope he get well and wish him and his family fast recovery...

If by chance he does not survive this then this will be one of the most darkest moments in American History because he would have died just weeks before the final day of voting...
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Yes, Walter Reed National Military Center is clearly a hub for propagating conspiracies, great post Joe.

Since your stupid, that great post part was sarcasm ...

Only thing I remember about Walter Reed was that they were shutting it down...

This was after they had our war wounded living in rat shit in the Bush Administration.

Now, maybe if there was justice in the world, they'd put Trump in the same rat and roach infested ward they put our wounded warriors in. But I'm sure he's in the special Bone Spurs wing.
Yes, Walter Reed National Military Center is clearly a hub for propagating conspiracies, great post Joe.

Since your stupid, that great post part was sarcasm ...

Only thing I remember about Walter Reed was that they were shutting it down...

This was after they had our war wounded living in rat shit in the Bush Administration.

Now, maybe if there was justice in the world, they'd put Trump in the same rat and roach infested ward they put our wounded warriors in. But I'm sure he's in the special Bone Spurs wing.

Didn't read your own link, did ya Speed Racer. They didn't "shut down" Walter Reed.

From your own article

Although the historic redbrick, pillared building six miles from the White House will stay, Walter Reed's operations will move to a new location in Bethesda, Md., that will consolidate three military hospitals.​
The move, which has been planned since 2005 to cut costs, will take place throughout August.​

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