Trump does not have COVID-19...DEFLECTION TIME!!

This doesn't look good for you guys. Independents are what both parties are going to grab for like every other election. Who wants to be in the same voting block with these people who burn down cities, attack police officers, wish death on a fellow American over politics, use a horrible illness to advance their political agenda?

Watching Laura last night, she was playing clips of what some of the losers were saying on CNN and like. Compare that to how Fox hosts gave nothing but respect and honor to the late Ruth Ginsburg immediately after her passing.

You mean when they could barely contain their glee? Her body wasn't even cold yet when they were pushing Serena Joy for the job.

Pushing for her replacement is not the same as the left wishing death on a US President, or making up BS conspiracy theories. Even in her past illnesses the people on Fox were doing nothing but wishing her the best and praying for a speedy recovery.
Indeed, that is the key element missing from all low brow conspiracy theories... what you have to ignore in order for whatever it is to be true. Like the 9/11 conspiracies. In order for them to be true, it would literally take the cooperation of 100's of everyday people and teams of military personnel to have made happen.
Same with this nonsense. The entire White House staff, doctors... nurses at both the White House and Walter Reed... would all have to be in on it. I may not put Trump past it, but not all of the other people that would have to be co-conspirators.

You'd need very few people to pull THIS off. Do you think that they are letting average workers at Walter Reed anywhere near the Orange Blob? Heck, no, one of them might smother him with a pillow and solve all our problems.

OOooohhhhhh, he's "orange" and a "blob." So now you're compounding your mental illness with being an adolescent. You're just really good at this, Joe
This doesn't look good for you guys. Independents are what both parties are going to grab for like every other election. Who wants to be in the same voting block with these people who burn down cities, attack police officers, wish death on a fellow American over politics, use a horrible illness to advance their political agenda?

Watching Laura last night, she was playing clips of what some of the losers were saying on CNN and like. Compare that to how Fox hosts gave nothing but respect and honor to the late Ruth Ginsburg immediately after her passing.

You mean when they could barely contain their glee? Her body wasn't even cold yet when they were pushing Serena Joy for the job.

You stupid uneducated Moon Bat.

Serena Joy Waterford is a fictitious character. You can read about her in a book found in the Science Fiction section of a book store.

You Libtards have a hard time understanding reality, don't you?
Only a stupid hate filled Moon Bat suffering form the mental illness known as Trump Derangement Syndrome would suggest something like that.

Because Trump always tells the truth, except for all the times he lies...

Let's see how he spins this one.

Just grow the fuck up Moon Bat. We get tried of hearing your idiotic TDS shit every day. It just makes you look like a fool when you post your hate.
Wow. What are you guys getting "tried" for now?
I wasn't a fan of RBG obviously. But I wasn't criticizing her after her death either. Democrats are just consumed with hate

Uh, check out some of the right wing sites, they were saying all sorts of nasty things about RBG

So you're saying CNN is the equivalent of opinion pieces on right wing blogs?

I mean I agree with you, but I can't believe you admitted that
Indeed, that is the key element missing from all low brow conspiracy theories... what you have to ignore in order for whatever it is to be true. Like the 9/11 conspiracies. In order for them to be true, it would literally take the cooperation of 100's of everyday people and teams of military personnel to have made happen.
Same with this nonsense. The entire White House staff, doctors... nurses at both the White House and Walter Reed... would all have to be in on it. I may not put Trump past it, but not all of the other people that would have to be co-conspirators.

You'd need very few people to pull THIS off. Do you think that they are letting average workers at Walter Reed anywhere near the Orange Blob? Heck, no, one of them might smother him with a pillow and solve all our problems.

Great thinking Joe. Members of his staff who got this are also in on it, the doctors, the nurses, the lab technicians, and he's taking all these drugs to put on a good show.
Pushing for her replacement is not the same as the left wishing death on a US President, or making up BS conspiracy theories. Even in her past illnesses the people on Fox were doing nothing but wishing her the best and praying for a speedy recovery.

Really, every time she sneezed, the Faux News types were salivating over who they were going to replace her with.

207,000 people have died because of Trump's mishandling of Covid. He didn't protect the country from what he now claims to be suffering from.

And unlike the tens of millions who've lost health coverage due to his recession and his gutting of the ACA, he's getting the best in care. If he's actually sick.
I usually try to avoid conspiracy theories, but let's look at it.

And frankly, I'm wondering if this isn't some kind of cheap reality TV stunt.

Think about it.

In the previous week, he was exposed as a massive Tax Cheat
He lost a debate badly with Biden
The polls have him down 8-13%, even Rassmussen is breaking bad on him.
His son's Girlfriend and his key spokesperson was revealed to have been fired from Faux News for Sexual Harassment
His Slovenian Trophy Wife was caught on tape saying, "Who gives a f--k about Christmas". (will we get to have Christmas this year?)

Then miraculously, he's found to have Covid. Just like they would in a Reality TV Show when the audience is starting to tune out.

OOOH, the Drama of him being flown to Walter Reed in a helicopter!!! Will he make it? Stay tuned.

More likely it's a CCP/DNC bioterrorist attack
You stupid uneducated Moon Bat.

Serena Joy Waterford is a fictitious character. You can read about her in a book found in the Science Fiction section of a book store.

You Libtards have a hard time understanding reality, don't you?

actually, when I read the book, I thought it was a bit far fetched.

Not so much anymore.
You have become nothing more a caricature of humanity. You have become what you accuse EVERYONE who disagrees with you of, a hate filled, bitter man with no character or joy.

A "ruse"? Tell us, why should anyone accept your "version" of what's happening?
Pushing for her replacement is not the same as the left wishing death on a US President, or making up BS conspiracy theories. Even in her past illnesses the people on Fox were doing nothing but wishing her the best and praying for a speedy recovery.

Really, every time she sneezed, the Faux News types were salivating over who they were going to replace her with.

207,000 people have died because of Trump's mishandling of Covid. He didn't protect the country from what he now claims to be suffering from.

And unlike the tens of millions who've lost health coverage due to his recession and his gutting of the ACA, he's getting the best in care. If he's actually sick.

Well millions of people like me who worked for small companies lost our healthcare so that Kenyan lawn jockey could get support from french fry makers. Did DumBama or anybody on the left care? Hell no. You people on the left even use the 200,000 Americans who died from this for political purposes, when people with common sense understand a US President cannot control a virus.
Watching Laura last night, she was playing clips of what some of the losers were saying on CNN and like. Compare that to how Fox hosts gave nothing but respect and honor to the late Ruth Ginsburg immediately after her passing.

I wasn't a fan of RBG obviously. But I wasn't criticizing her after her death either. Democrats are just consumed with hate

RBG didn't kill 210,000 Americans by denying the virus was a problem. RBG didn't torment and abuse refugee children on the border. RBG hasn't gone around the country, holding maskless rallies, and leaving behind a trail of disease and death.

RBG was a decent human being who has lived her life doing good throughout the world and ensuring rights for everyone. She wasn't some rich asshole out to destroy the country for fun and profit, like Dumb Donald, who brought the virus on himself, and who still doesn't care how many peole are getting sick and dying. They're mostly old, black/brown, and sick. They're not people who matter, like Trump.

I don't wish death on Trump. But I do wish suffering on him, after all of the death and suffering he has inflicted on the American people. Maybe he'll have a "scrooge moment" and repent his past abuse and go forth and do good, but I seriously doubt that will happen. That only happens in the movies.
Pushing for her replacement is not the same as the left wishing death on a US President, or making up BS conspiracy theories. Even in her past illnesses the people on Fox were doing nothing but wishing her the best and praying for a speedy recovery.

Really, every time she sneezed, the Faux News types were salivating over who they were going to replace her with.

207,000 people have died because of Trump's mishandling of Covid. He didn't protect the country from what he now claims to be suffering from.

And unlike the tens of millions who've lost health coverage due to his recession and his gutting of the ACA, he's getting the best in care. If he's actually sick.

Thanks, Obama!
Indeed, that is the key element missing from all low brow conspiracy theories... what you have to ignore in order for whatever it is to be true. Like the 9/11 conspiracies. In order for them to be true, it would literally take the cooperation of 100's of everyday people and teams of military personnel to have made happen.
Same with this nonsense. The entire White House staff, doctors... nurses at both the White House and Walter Reed... would all have to be in on it. I may not put Trump past it, but not all of the other people that would have to be co-conspirators.

You'd need very few people to pull THIS off. Do you think that they are letting average workers at Walter Reed anywhere near the Orange Blob? Heck, no, one of them might smother him with a pillow and solve all our problems.
Again, it would take the cooperation of dozens of people. The person who did the test, the person who read the test.. staff doctor and nurse at the White House. Secret Service. Then his doctor and nurses at the hospital. The person who enters his medical report... it's not 100s.. but definitely a dozen or more at the very least.
And that is just stupid to think this.
Again, low brow thinking.
You have become nothing more a caricature of humanity. You have become what you accuse EVERYONE who disagrees with you of, a hate filled, bitter man with no character or joy.

A "ruse"? Tell us, why should anyone accept your "version" of what's happening?

You are free to believe what you want..

But this way, Trump gets out of the next two debates... remember, the debates that were supposed to turn this thing around for him.

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