Trump Doesn't Go Far Enough


Active Member
Nov 6, 2015
On the News the other day, they showed Trump saying that Muslims shouldn't be allowed to come here anymore. But things need to go farther than that. ALL muslims here, regardless of their citizenship status, need to be deported. The filthy scum are ENEMIES!!!! If any muslim tells you any differently, they are LYING!!!! To a muslim, lying to an infidel is a VIRTUE!!!! Mohammed himself said that lying to the infadels is acceptable. In fact, the koran basically says that allah is the greatest deceiver there is. That being the case, there are those out there who would say that if muslims aren't deported, they should all be IMPALED!!! Just like Vlad the Impaler did.

Islam is both a religion and a political movement. Seeing how their religion is against our political system, they shouldn't be here. I have seen things on the news about muslim emigrants who were "vetted" to be allowed to come here. Some were known to have murdered their daughters for acting "Western." Anybody that much against our society just shouldn't be here. Some would say that only muslim corpses should be allowed here.

A muslim would also likely tell you that Islam is a "religion" of peace. But Mohammed himself is said to have personally, with his own two hands, cut off between 600 and 900 peoples heads with a knife. With that and other things being the case, trying to find a muslim who is truly against violence is like trying to find a Christian who is against Jesus. Deal with it. Vote for Trump!
On the News the other day, they showed Trump saying that Muslims shouldn't be allowed to come here anymore. But things need to go farther than that. ALL muslims here, regardless of their citizenship status, need to be deported. The filthy scum are ENEMIES!!!! If any muslim tells you any differently, they are LYING!!!! To a muslim, lying to an infidel is a VIRTUE!!!! Mohammed himself said that lying to the infadels is acceptable. In fact, the koran basically says that allah is the greatest deceiver there is. That being the case, there are those out there who would say that if muslims aren't deported, they should all be IMPALED!!! Just like Vlad the Impaler did.

Islam is both a religion and a political movement. Seeing how their religion is against our political system, they shouldn't be here. I have seen things on the news about muslim emigrants who were "vetted" to be allowed to come here. Some were known to have murdered their daughters for acting "Western." Anybody that much against our society just shouldn't be here. Some would say that only muslim corpses should be allowed here.

A muslim would also likely tell you that Islam is a "religion" of peace. But Mohammed himself is said to have personally, with his own two hands, cut off between 600 and 900 peoples heads with a knife. With that and other things being the case, trying to find a muslim who is truly against violence is like trying to find a Christian who is against Jesus. Deal with it. Vote for Trump!

You are somewhere to the Right of Genghis Khan, aren't you?
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The guy should come out and say that he wants to repeal the 1965 immigration act.

I don't know what the 1965 immigration act is. But it sounds like something Trump should repeal. The law that makes it possible for mexicans or whoever to come here and drop an anchor baby should also be repealed.
The guy should come out and say that he wants to repeal the 1965 immigration act.

I don't know what the 1965 immigration act is. But it sounds like something Trump should repeal. The law that makes it possible for mexicans or whoever to come here and drop an anchor baby should also be repealed.
That would be the 14th amendment.
On the News the other day, they showed Trump saying that Muslims shouldn't be allowed to come here anymore. But things need to go farther than that. ALL muslims here, regardless of their citizenship status, need to be deported. The filthy scum are ENEMIES!!!! If any muslim tells you any differently, they are LYING!!!! To a muslim, lying to an infidel is a VIRTUE!!!! Mohammed himself said that lying to the infadels is acceptable. In fact, the koran basically says that allah is the greatest deceiver there is. That being the case, there are those out there who would say that if muslims aren't deported, they should all be IMPALED!!! Just like Vlad the Impaler did.

Islam is both a religion and a political movement. Seeing how their religion is against our political system, they shouldn't be here. I have seen things on the news about muslim emigrants who were "vetted" to be allowed to come here. Some were known to have murdered their daughters for acting "Western." Anybody that much against our society just shouldn't be here. Some would say that only muslim corpses should be allowed here.

A muslim would also likely tell you that Islam is a "religion" of peace. But Mohammed himself is said to have personally, with his own two hands, cut off between 600 and 900 peoples heads with a knife. With that and other things being the case, trying to find a muslim who is truly against violence is like trying to find a Christian who is against Jesus. Deal with it. Vote for Trump!
You are neither free nor have a mind.
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The guy should come out and say that he wants to repeal the 1965 immigration act.

I don't know what the 1965 immigration act is. But it sounds like something Trump should repeal. The law that makes it possible for mexicans or whoever to come here and drop an anchor baby should also be repealed.
That would be the 14th amendment.

Thanks for the info. It was meant to help freed slaves have citizenship. Not help every foreign women who can come here and spit out a baby give that baby citizenship.
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On the News the other day, they showed Trump saying that Muslims shouldn't be allowed to come here anymore. But things need to go farther than that. ALL muslims here, regardless of their citizenship status, need to be deported. The filthy scum are ENEMIES!!!! If any muslim tells you any differently, they are LYING!!!! To a muslim, lying to an infidel is a VIRTUE!!!! Mohammed himself said that lying to the infadels is acceptable. In fact, the koran basically says that allah is the greatest deceiver there is. That being the case, there are those out there who would say that if muslims aren't deported, they should all be IMPALED!!! Just like Vlad the Impaler did.

Islam is both a religion and a political movement. Seeing how their religion is against our political system, they shouldn't be here. I have seen things on the news about muslim emigrants who were "vetted" to be allowed to come here. Some were known to have murdered their daughters for acting "Western." Anybody that much against our society just shouldn't be here. Some would say that only muslim corpses should be allowed here.

A muslim would also likely tell you that Islam is a "religion" of peace. But Mohammed himself is said to have personally, with his own two hands, cut off between 600 and 900 peoples heads with a knife. With that and other things being the case, trying to find a muslim who is truly against violence is like trying to find a Christian who is against Jesus. Deal with it. Vote for Trump!
You are neither free nor have a mind.

It looks like another brainwashed, delusional cultist is speaking. Is there anything I said that you would like to refute? Or did you just want to spout a braindead opinion.
On the News the other day, they showed Trump saying that Muslims shouldn't be allowed to come here anymore. But things need to go farther than that. ALL muslims here, regardless of their citizenship status, need to be deported. The filthy scum are ENEMIES!!!! If any muslim tells you any differently, they are LYING!!!! To a muslim, lying to an infidel is a VIRTUE!!!! Mohammed himself said that lying to the infadels is acceptable. In fact, the koran basically says that allah is the greatest deceiver there is. That being the case, there are those out there who would say that if muslims aren't deported, they should all be IMPALED!!! Just like Vlad the Impaler did.

Islam is both a religion and a political movement. Seeing how their religion is against our political system, they shouldn't be here. I have seen things on the news about muslim emigrants who were "vetted" to be allowed to come here. Some were known to have murdered their daughters for acting "Western." Anybody that much against our society just shouldn't be here. Some would say that only muslim corpses should be allowed here.

A muslim would also likely tell you that Islam is a "religion" of peace. But Mohammed himself is said to have personally, with his own two hands, cut off between 600 and 900 peoples heads with a knife. With that and other things being the case, trying to find a muslim who is truly against violence is like trying to find a Christian who is against Jesus. Deal with it. Vote for Trump!
You are neither free nor have a mind.

It looks like another brainwashed, delusional cultist is speaking. Is there anything I said that you would like to refute? Or did you just want to spout a braindead opinion.

That's what your O/P is.
USA has had "pauses" in immigration in past. If they don't like stopping killers then stop all mmigration for 10 years until some sort of reform is put in place. These people have no right to come here. We have the right to say who and when they allowed to come visit or stay.....(how about probation period?)
On the News the other day, they showed Trump saying that Muslims shouldn't be allowed to come here anymore. But things need to go farther than that. ALL muslims here, regardless of their citizenship status, need to be deported. The filthy scum are ENEMIES!!!! If any muslim tells you any differently, they are LYING!!!! To a muslim, lying to an infidel is a VIRTUE!!!! Mohammed himself said that lying to the infadels is acceptable. In fact, the koran basically says that allah is the greatest deceiver there is. That being the case, there are those out there who would say that if muslims aren't deported, they should all be IMPALED!!! Just like Vlad the Impaler did.

Islam is both a religion and a political movement. Seeing how their religion is against our political system, they shouldn't be here. I have seen things on the news about muslim emigrants who were "vetted" to be allowed to come here. Some were known to have murdered their daughters for acting "Western." Anybody that much against our society just shouldn't be here. Some would say that only muslim corpses should be allowed here.

A muslim would also likely tell you that Islam is a "religion" of peace. But Mohammed himself is said to have personally, with his own two hands, cut off between 600 and 900 peoples heads with a knife. With that and other things being the case, trying to find a muslim who is truly against violence is like trying to find a Christian who is against Jesus. Deal with it. Vote for Trump!

You're an idiot.

Idiots are a drag on our country.

You and all the other idiots should be deported so us smart people don't have to be dragged down by the likes of you.
some Muslims cherry pick what they worship. I do however get your point. Violence is plain as day in the Quran, Hadith and other forms of Islamic "enlightenment".
When Muslims say " you don't understand islam" or something similar they are full of shit. Shit, I would be ashamed too..
On the News the other day, they showed Trump saying that Muslims shouldn't be allowed to come here anymore. But things need to go farther than that. ALL muslims here, regardless of their citizenship status, need to be deported. The filthy scum are ENEMIES!!!! If any muslim tells you any differently, they are LYING!!!! To a muslim, lying to an infidel is a VIRTUE!!!! Mohammed himself said that lying to the infadels is acceptable. In fact, the koran basically says that allah is the greatest deceiver there is. That being the case, there are those out there who would say that if muslims aren't deported, they should all be IMPALED!!! Just like Vlad the Impaler did.

Islam is both a religion and a political movement. Seeing how their religion is against our political system, they shouldn't be here. I have seen things on the news about muslim emigrants who were "vetted" to be allowed to come here. Some were known to have murdered their daughters for acting "Western." Anybody that much against our society just shouldn't be here. Some would say that only muslim corpses should be allowed here.

A muslim would also likely tell you that Islam is a "religion" of peace. But Mohammed himself is said to have personally, with his own two hands, cut off between 600 and 900 peoples heads with a knife. With that and other things being the case, trying to find a muslim who is truly against violence is like trying to find a Christian who is against Jesus. Deal with it. Vote for Trump!

You're an idiot.

Idiots are a drag on our country.

You and all the other idiots should be deported so us smart people don't have to be dragged down by the likes of you.

Sorry to inform you of this. But if you can't refute anything I've said and just dismiss it, then YOU are the idiot. It is YOU who is the grag on our country. Deal with it. And as far as you being smart goes, I haven't seen any evidence of it.
some Muslims cherry pick what they worship. I do however get your point. Violence is plain as day in the Quran, Hadith and other forms of Islamic "enlightenment".
When Muslims say " you don't understand islam" or something similar they are full of shit. Shit, I would be ashamed too..

Mohammed is supposedly so "holy" to muslims, that it offends them if anybody tries to draw any kind of picture of him. But mohammed was a bloodthirsty murderer. Some say that he was even a pedophile. And they are probably right. There isn't much to cherry pick there. If somebody considers a scumbag to be "holy," then that makes them scumbags too.
Do you have a passport? If so please point out where it specifies your religion

It doesn't need to when it comes to sand negros. If you look like a sand negro, and you have a sand negro name, you are a sand negro. And likely muslim. In which case, "Polish up the impalement spile!"
Oh Trump definitely went plenty far enough, in fact he's likely doomed himself now.

Here's what he should have said, and had he done so all of America, except fucking liberals, would have been behind him.

He should have called for a moratorium on Muslims entering the U.S. from Syria, Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, and possibly a few more.
He could have then said at some time in the future when ISIS is destroyed, we will look at reinstating the banned countries.

Unfortunately he has now finally jumped the shark with his stupid foot in mouth comments. Even if he somehow got the nomination, there's not a chance in hell he would beat Hillary in the general, especially after these comments.

Now if up to me, I would permanently ban all Muslim immigration into western countries, but there is not the will anywhere around the world to do so.
Oh Trump definitely went plenty far enough, in fact he's likely doomed himself now.

Here's what he should have said, and had he done so all of America, except fucking liberals, would have been behind him.

He should have called for a moratorium on Muslims entering the U.S. from Syria, Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, and possibly a few more.
He could have then said at some time in the future when ISIS is destroyed, we will look at reinstating the banned countries.

Unfortunately he has now finally jumped the shark with his stupid foot in mouth comments. Even if he somehow got the nomination, there's not a chance in hell he would beat Hillary in the general, especially after these comments.

Now if up to me, I would permanently ban all Muslim immigration into western countries, but there is not the will anywhere around the world to do so.

Well Trump didn't doom himself to me. Also, according to that show "Adam ruins everything," elections are determined well in advance of an election. Which is basically a show for the populace. I couldn't say he was wrong. If not, I wonder who our next president is.

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