Trump doubles down on the Voter Fraud lie: Attacks drop boxes.

President Donald Trump, the nation’s most outspoken foe of mail voting, has returned his mail ballot for Tuesday’s Florida primary to the Palm Beach County elections office.....

......Trump continued his assault on the way mail voting operates. In a tweet, he criticized the use of drop boxes for mail ballots. That practice was expanded in Florida under changes signed into law by Gov. Ron DeSantis.

Just two weeks ago, Trump praised Florida’s system of early voting, and DeSantis’ leadership.


Trump condemns mail in voting them votes by mail.
Trump praises De Santis now condemns.
Trump says the postal service will not have the ballots in on time then attacks drop box meant To avoid the post office,

All this proves is that Trump is a liar.

He knows he will lose the election an is seeking to undermine the election results before a single vote is counted regardless of the cost to our electoral system.

There is nothing wrong with mail-in voting.

There is nothing wring With drop boxes.

Trump’s real problem: Voting.
I'm actually getting a little nervous here. We could see a real mess in a few months.

On the hopeful side, if he refused to leave, there might be a sufficient number of people in the administration who would finally say "enough is enough, I won't be a part of this".

Absolute bullshit. The democrats are the ones who wanted mail-in voting, even though health experts such as Faucci has stated having a secure election is safe. Now, obviously there is no reason to accept election before it is made sure that there is no fraud. This is just common sense.

Your Trump derangement has gone beyond laughable.

What truly makes this ironic is the fact that democrats have not yet even accepted the 2016 election, and tried to remove president Trump on made up charges. It is far more likely that democrats are not going to accept the election and claim there was fraud because of mail in voting when president Trump wins.
Your guy, this divisive, unpresidential buffoon in the White House, is saying this, and YOU give him a FULL pass because you have been conned into following everything he says:

President Donald Trump, the nation’s most outspoken foe of mail voting, has returned his mail ballot for Tuesday’s Florida primary to the Palm Beach County elections office.....

......Trump continued his assault on the way mail voting operates. In a tweet, he criticized the use of drop boxes for mail ballots. That practice was expanded in Florida under changes signed into law by Gov. Ron DeSantis.

Just two weeks ago, Trump praised Florida’s system of early voting, and DeSantis’ leadership.


Trump condemns mail in voting them votes by mail.
Trump praises De Santis now condemns.
Trump says the postal service will not have the ballots in on time then attacks drop box meant To avoid the post office,

All this proves is that Trump is a liar.

He knows he will lose the election an is seeking to undermine the election results before a single vote is counted regardless of the cost to our electoral system.

There is nothing wrong with mail-in voting.

There is nothing wring With drop boxes.

Trump’s real problem: Voting.
I'm actually getting a little nervous here. We could see a real mess in a few months.

On the hopeful side, if he refused to leave, there might be a sufficient number of people in the administration who would finally say "enough is enough, I won't be a part of this".

Absolute bullshit. The democrats are the ones who wanted mail-in voting, even though health experts such as Faucci has stated having a secure election is safe. Now, obviously there is no reason to accept election before it is made sure that there is no fraud. This is just common sense.

Your Trump derangement has gone beyond laughable.

What truly makes this ironic is the fact that democrats have not yet even accepted the 2016 election, and tried to remove president Trump on made up charges. It is far more likely that democrats are not going to accept the election and claim there was fraud because of mail in voting when president Trump wins.
Your guy, this divisive, unpresidential buffoon in the White House, is saying this, and YOU give him a FULL pass because you have been conned into following everything he says:

I see nothing wrong with that statement. It's like Joe Biden's "If you don't vote for me you aren't black", without the racial overtones.

If you don't vote for president Trump, you are not an American.
President Donald Trump, the nation’s most outspoken foe of mail voting, has returned his mail ballot for Tuesday’s Florida primary to the Palm Beach County elections office.....

......Trump continued his assault on the way mail voting operates. In a tweet, he criticized the use of drop boxes for mail ballots. That practice was expanded in Florida under changes signed into law by Gov. Ron DeSantis.

Just two weeks ago, Trump praised Florida’s system of early voting, and DeSantis’ leadership.


Trump condemns mail in voting them votes by mail.
Trump praises De Santis now condemns.
Trump says the postal service will not have the ballots in on time then attacks drop box meant To avoid the post office,

All this proves is that Trump is a liar.

He knows he will lose the election an is seeking to undermine the election results before a single vote is counted regardless of the cost to our electoral system.

There is nothing wrong with mail-in voting.

There is nothing wring With drop boxes.

Trump’s real problem: Voting.
I'm actually getting a little nervous here. We could see a real mess in a few months.

On the hopeful side, if he refused to leave, there might be a sufficient number of people in the administration who would finally say "enough is enough, I won't be a part of this".

Absolute bullshit. The democrats are the ones who wanted mail-in voting, even though health experts such as Faucci has stated having a secure election is safe. Now, obviously there is no reason to accept election before it is made sure that there is no fraud. This is just common sense.

Your Trump derangement has gone beyond laughable.

What truly makes this ironic is the fact that democrats have not yet even accepted the 2016 election, and tried to remove president Trump on made up charges. It is far more likely that democrats are not going to accept the election and claim there was fraud because of mail in voting when president Trump wins.
Your guy, this divisive, unpresidential buffoon in the White House, is saying this, and YOU give him a FULL pass because you have been conned into following everything he says:

I see nothing wrong with that statement. It's like Joe Biden's "If you don't vote for me you aren't black", without the racial overtones.

If you don't vote for president Trump, you are not an American.
President Donald Trump, the nation’s most outspoken foe of mail voting, has returned his mail ballot for Tuesday’s Florida primary to the Palm Beach County elections office.....

......Trump continued his assault on the way mail voting operates. In a tweet, he criticized the use of drop boxes for mail ballots. That practice was expanded in Florida under changes signed into law by Gov. Ron DeSantis.

Just two weeks ago, Trump praised Florida’s system of early voting, and DeSantis’ leadership.


Trump condemns mail in voting them votes by mail.
Trump praises De Santis now condemns.
Trump says the postal service will not have the ballots in on time then attacks drop box meant To avoid the post office,

All this proves is that Trump is a liar.

He knows he will lose the election an is seeking to undermine the election results before a single vote is counted regardless of the cost to our electoral system.

There is nothing wrong with mail-in voting.

There is nothing wring With drop boxes.

Trump’s real problem: Voting.
I'm actually getting a little nervous here. We could see a real mess in a few months.

On the hopeful side, if he refused to leave, there might be a sufficient number of people in the administration who would finally say "enough is enough, I won't be a part of this".

Absolute bullshit. The democrats are the ones who wanted mail-in voting, even though health experts such as Faucci has stated having a secure election is safe. Now, obviously there is no reason to accept election before it is made sure that there is no fraud. This is just common sense.

Your Trump derangement has gone beyond laughable.

What truly makes this ironic is the fact that democrats have not yet even accepted the 2016 election, and tried to remove president Trump on made up charges. It is far more likely that democrats are not going to accept the election and claim there was fraud because of mail in voting when president Trump wins.
Your guy, this divisive, unpresidential buffoon in the White House, is saying this, and YOU give him a FULL pass because you have been conned into following everything he says:

I see nothing wrong with that statement. It's like Joe Biden's "If you don't vote for me you aren't black", without the racial overtones.

If you don't vote for president Trump, you are not an American.

When Mac's arguments are dealt with, he always resorts to stupidity.

That is not what president Trump has ever stated. By "buffoon" these people mean an alpha male who is very sure of himself. Such people make excellent leaders, as our intuition instinctively tells us. At least to those who are not bitter betas with houlier than thou attitude.

This is not a buffoon, it is an alpha male. He handles the enemies of America with ease.

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It just gets worse.

Yes, you are getting worse all the time.

No one is going to accept an election riddled with fraud. I have a other thread regarding the subject and so far none of the democrats of the forum have conceded they accept the results of their mail-in election if Trump wins.

I can almost guarantee you will have no trouble with the leftists rioting on the election night calling the election for Biden or whatever their plan is. Always so much problem with words, but never with actions.
Democrats will for absolute certainty not accept the results of the election and call the election to be held again when they lose.

It is 2016 all over again. They stated president Trump will not accept the results - yet they were the ones who did not accept the results. Same shit, just bigger and bolder.
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President Donald Trump, the nation’s most outspoken foe of mail voting, has returned his mail ballot for Tuesday’s Florida primary to the Palm Beach County elections office.....

......Trump continued his assault on the way mail voting operates. In a tweet, he criticized the use of drop boxes for mail ballots. That practice was expanded in Florida under changes signed into law by Gov. Ron DeSantis.

Just two weeks ago, Trump praised Florida’s system of early voting, and DeSantis’ leadership.


Trump condemns mail in voting then votes by mail.
Trump praises De Santis then condemns him.
Trump says the postal service will not have the ballots in on time then attacks drop boxes meant to avoid the post office.

All this proves is that Trump is a liar.

He knows he will lose the election and is seeking to undermine the election results before a single vote is cast regardless of how is rhetoric will damage our electoral system.

There is nothing wrong with mail-in voting.

There is nothing wrong with drop boxes.

Trump’s real problem: Voting.
Why not simply request an absentee ballot now? Only lazy worthless people wouldn't.
Making a distinction between drop boxes and mail boxes truly boggles the mind. Apparently Trump is saying that there is something wrong with putting you absentee vote in a drop box. What kind of inanity is that.
Dude. I want these blind ballots to come in by the 10s of millions. You don't realize what that really is. It will take to the 2022 midterms to figure it out......................LOL..........................Liberals always screw up what they demand. This election is going to be so F up I can't wait.
The system will work itself out. If millions more vote than hooray for the system. I for one would never wish for our system of elections to crash and burn. But that's me.
LOLOL.............. I'm not wishing for that...................LOL

I'm telling you to expect it.

Don't know where you were in 2000. But it took about 2 months to recount Browars Coward county ballots.That's one F county in the US...................Laughable

Look at Broward Coward in 2020 midterms.LOL.............................Truckloads of ballots apperared.................LOLOLOLOL
Wait. So you’re saying they have to take turns counting votes? One can start until all the others are finished?
I can see your concern

No. I said there will be a layer from each side looking together. We shall see. But for the record, I want to see tens and tens and tens of millions of these blind ballots. I'm for mail in voting way more than you Lesh.

FOLKS: We are in the company of greatness, The Legendary Lesh.
Trump’s appointed leader of the Post Office just announced that none of his new initiatives like closing post offices, removing post boxes, or limiting overtime, will go into effect until AFTER the election. About time. This is an important and reasonable concession.

Donald Trump, if he really had any suspicions about cheating during the elections, should long ago have called into existence a bipartisan committee of experts to make suggestions and help states finance manipulation-proof elections. He did not do that. He just fanned the flames, as he always does.
Trump’s appointed leader of the Post Office just announced that none of his new initiatives like closing post offices, removing post boxes, or limiting overtime, will go into effect until AFTER the election. About time. This is an important and reasonable concession.

Donald Trump, if he really had any suspicions about cheating during the elections, should long ago have called into existence a bipartisan committee of experts to make suggestions and help states finance manipulation-proof elections. He did not do that. He just fanned the flames, as he always does.
Obama closed 14,000
Widespread voter fraud is a lie.
Ya know... had I written that, I'd be embarrassed to come back on the board and post anything, because what you said has to be one the BIGGEST, most BLATANT, ASININE, MORONIC, BRAIN DEAD, SUCKED RIGHT OUT OF A HORSES ASS LIES I've ever read on here, and I've been here a LONG TIME.


In order to be embarrassed, one must have a sense of shame. John, as a leftist, doesn't even comprehend that concept.
President Donald Trump, the nation’s most outspoken foe of mail voting, has returned his mail ballot for Tuesday’s Florida primary to the Palm Beach County elections office.....

......Trump continued his assault on the way mail voting operates. In a tweet, he criticized the use of drop boxes for mail ballots. That practice was expanded in Florida under changes signed into law by Gov. Ron DeSantis.

Just two weeks ago, Trump praised Florida’s system of early voting, and DeSantis’ leadership.


Trump condemns mail in voting them votes by mail.
Trump praises De Santis now condemns.
Trump says the postal service will not have the ballots in on time then attacks drop box meant To avoid the post office,

All this proves is that Trump is a liar.

He knows he will lose the election an is seeking to undermine the election results before a single vote is counted regardless of the cost to our electoral system.

There is nothing wrong with mail-in voting.

There is nothing wring With drop boxes.

Trump’s real problem: Voting.
I'm actually getting a little nervous here. We could see a real mess in a few months.

On the hopeful side, if he refused to leave, there might be a sufficient number of people in the administration who would finally say "enough is enough, I won't be a part of this".
Trump is like beezlebub. He thrives on chaos. He wants riots and wants to take the system down with him when he loses. That is why he doing everything in the power to lie about rigged elections.
This is what his fans wanted when they voted for him. During the election, Trumpsters in here kept talking about how he'd be the "bull in the china shop" and how he would be the "grenade" in DC.

Well, they got what they wanted.

The question now is if they regret it, down deep. They've sold their soul for this, so they'll never admit it, but they own it.
That is right. They voted for someone who bring down the system. They are getting there wish. The peaceful transition of power is in jeopardy and these folks don’t care. Why should we be surprised why these people don’t care? They constantly write they would vote for Putin over a Democrat. Where their loyalties lie is no mystery.

I understand that you are far too fucking stupid to comprehend, but others will -

That peaceful transistion of power stopped when we tried to move on from the Half Black guy.
It literally has been 4 years of coup Attempt, Impeachment attempt, coup attempt - close the country, burn the country down.

How someone of your fucking ilk could even have the god damn ignorance to write "the peaceful transistion of power" without lightning striking your fucking ass is remarkable.
LOL...First, You obviously haven’t a clue what a coup is and second Trump’s own conduct is what led to his impeachment.

Trump's own conduct = daring to run for President and win when I didn't want him to!!!
Trump’s appointed leader of the Post Office just announced that none of his new initiatives like closing post offices, removing post boxes, or limiting overtime, will go into effect until AFTER the election. About time. This is an important and reasonable concession.

Donald Trump, if he really had any suspicions about cheating during the elections, should long ago have called into existence a bipartisan committee of experts to make suggestions and help states finance manipulation-proof elections. He did not do that. He just fanned the flames, as he always does.
Obama closed 14,000
You are referring to a FOX report that over the eight years of the Obama administration the P.O. removed “over 12,000” mailboxes across the U.S. in an economy move unrelated to elections. Indeed, the huge drop off of paper mailing in recent years has rightly led to economies in the P.O. and in particular to removal of underused mailboxes.
Trump’s appointed leader of the Post Office just announced that none of his new initiatives like closing post offices, removing post boxes, or limiting overtime, will go into effect until AFTER the election. About time. This is an important and reasonable concession.

Donald Trump, if he really had any suspicions about cheating during the elections, should long ago have called into existence a bipartisan committee of experts to make suggestions and help states finance manipulation-proof elections. He did not do that. He just fanned the flames, as he always does.

He was against the idea of mail in ballots from the start, obviously there is going to be mountains of fraud.

The democrats chose to ram it through. They are going out of their way to incite a civil war.

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